Add Jira issue ID
diff --git a/src/changes/changes.xml b/src/changes/changes.xml
index 26dc47e..d54f786 100644
--- a/src/changes/changes.xml
+++ b/src/changes/changes.xml
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <action type="fix" issue="COMPRESS-677" dev="ggregory" due-to="Jeffrey Adamson, Gary Gregory">ZipArchiveOutputStream.setEncoding(String) with a null value throws IllegalArgumentException.</action>
       <action type="fix" dev="ggregory" due-to="Gary Gregory">org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.Archive.unpack() should not close streams it does not own (when constructed from Archive(InputStream, JarOutputStream)).</action>
       <action type="fix" dev="ggregory" due-to="takaaki nakama, Gary Gregory">ArArchiveOutputStream doesn't pad correctly when a file name length is odd and greater than 16 (padding missing).</action>
-      <action type="fix" dev="ggregory" due-to="Gary Gregory">ArArchiveOutputStream should check that a file name length greater than 16 fits in a header.</action>
+      <action type="fix" issue="COMPRESS-678" dev="ggregory" due-to="Gary Gregory">ArArchiveOutputStream should check that a file name length greater than 16 fits in a header.</action>
       <!-- UPDATE -->
       <action type="update" dev="ggregory" due-to="Dependabot, Gary Gregory">Bump org.apache.commons:commons-parent from 66 to 69 #495, #508.</action>
       <action type="update" dev="ggregory" due-to="Dependabot, Gary Gregory">Bump org.ow2.asm:asm from 9.6 to 9.7 #504.</action>