blob: e53a3b90c7151f7b0593459665cbc812c38e95a9 [file] [log] [blame]
This is a list of action items to be finished in the [codec] project.
This TODO list reflects the current direction of development, and
should be updated by all committers when a known issues or task
is identified.
When a task in the TODO list is done, change the changes.xml document in xdocs
** TODO List
* Add a ship encode and decode to binary package
* Add a btoa encode and decode to binary package
* Add a uu encode and decode to binary package
* Add a Rot13 implementation to text package
* figure out a better way to supply test data and expected input/output
to the JUNIT test cases
* develop multiple distributions for projects that only wish to use
a specific class, and are worried about footprint (memory and diskspace).