blob: 6f31cf70552ddb991d2f1e2c6e3b10862d2c7bac [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.codec.digest;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Assume;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.MurmurHash3.IncrementalHash32;
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.MurmurHash3.IncrementalHash32x86;
import org.junit.Test;
* Test for {@link MurmurHash3}.
public class MurmurHash3Test {
/** Test data for the hash64 method. */
private static final String TEST_HASH64 = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?";
* 256 integers in the range [0,255] arranged in random order.
* This ensure all bytes are covered in a full hash of the bytes.
* <p>To create test data using the python library mmh3 (which invokes the c++ code):</p>
* <pre>
* import mmh3
* import numpy as np
* # Put random bytes in here:
* bytes = np.uint8([46,246,249,184,247,84,99,144,62,77,195,220,92,20,150,159,38,40,124,252,185,28,63,13,213,172,85,198,118,74,109,157,132,216,76,177,173,23,140,86,146,95,54,176,114,179,234,174,183,141,122,12,60,116,200,142,6,167,59,240,33,29,165,111,243,30,219,110,255,53,32,35,64,225,96,152,70,41,133,80,244,127,57,199,5,164,151,49,26,180,203,83,108,39,126,208,42,206,178,19,69,223,71,231,250,125,211,232,189,55,44,82,48,221,43,192,241,103,155,27,51,163,21,169,91,94,217,191,78,72,93,102,104,105,8,113,100,143,89,245,227,120,160,251,153,145,45,218,168,233,229,253,67,22,182,98,137,128,135,11,214,66,73,171,188,170,131,207,79,106,24,75,237,194,7,129,215,81,248,242,16,25,136,147,156,97,52,10,181,17,205,58,101,68,230,1,37,0,222,88,130,148,224,47,50,197,34,212,196,209,14,36,139,228,154,31,175,202,236,161,3,162,190,254,134,119,4,61,65,117,186,107,204,9,187,201,90,149,226,56,239,238,235,112,87,18,121,115,138,123,210,2,193,166,158,15])
* # Seed as appropriate. The default seed in mmh3 is zero.
* seed = 789
* # Output data. Adjust as appropriate.
* for x in range(0, 256):
* # 32-bit hash
* mmh3.hash(bytes[:x])
* mmh3.hash(bytes[:x], seed)
* # 128-bit hash as two 64 bit signed ints
* mmh3.hash64(bytes[:x])
* mmh3.hash64(bytes[:x], seed)
* # Sub-arrays: lower inclusive, upper exclusive:
* mmh3.hash(bytes[13:15])
* </pre>
private static final int[] RANDOM_INTS = {
* 256 bytes in the range [0,255] arranged in random order.
* This ensure all bytes are covered in a full hash of the bytes.
private static final byte[] RANDOM_BYTES;
static {
RANDOM_BYTES = new byte[RANDOM_INTS.length];
for (int i=0; i<RANDOM_BYTES.length; i++) {
// Tests match the declared order of the class:
// hash32
// hash64
// hash128
// IncrementalHash32
// There is no reference for the hash64 method. It is not in the original murmurhash3 code.
// Thus hash64 is not extensively tested and the reference results are assumed to be from the
// Apache Hive project which was the source of the method.
* Test the convenience method {@link MurmurHash3#hash32(long, long)} works as documented.
public void testHash32LongLong() {
// As described in the javadoc
final int offset = 0;
final int seed = 104729;
final int length = MurmurHash3.LONG_BYTES * 2;
final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(length);
final byte[] bytes = buffer.array();
final long[] data = createLongTestData();
for (final long i : data) {
for (final long j : data) {
buffer.putLong(0, i);
buffer.putLong(MurmurHash3.LONG_BYTES, j);
Assert.assertEquals(MurmurHash3.hash32x86(bytes, offset, length, seed), MurmurHash3.hash32(i, j));
* Test the convenience method {@link MurmurHash3#hash32(long, long, int)} works as documented.
public void testHash32LongLongSeed() {
// As described in the javadoc
final int offset = 0;
final int seed = 104729;
final int length = MurmurHash3.LONG_BYTES * 2;
final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(length);
final byte[] bytes = buffer.array();
final long[] data = createLongTestData();
for (final long i : data) {
for (final long j : data) {
buffer.putLong(0, i);
buffer.putLong(MurmurHash3.LONG_BYTES, j);
Assert.assertEquals(MurmurHash3.hash32x86(bytes, offset, length, seed), MurmurHash3.hash32(i, j, seed));
* Test the convenience method {@link MurmurHash3#hash32(long)} works as documented.
public void testHash32Long() {
// As described in the javadoc
final int offset = 0;
final int seed = 104729;
final int length = MurmurHash3.LONG_BYTES;
final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(length);
final byte[] bytes = buffer.array();
final long[] data = createLongTestData();
for (final long i : data) {
buffer.putLong(0, i);
Assert.assertEquals(MurmurHash3.hash32x86(bytes, offset, length, seed), MurmurHash3.hash32(i));
* Test the convenience method {@link MurmurHash3#hash32(long, int)} works as documented.
public void testHash32LongSeed() {
// As described in the javadoc
final int offset = 0;
final int seed = 104729;
final int length = MurmurHash3.LONG_BYTES;
final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(length);
final byte[] bytes = buffer.array();
final long[] data = createLongTestData();
for (final long i : data) {
buffer.putLong(0, i);
Assert.assertEquals(MurmurHash3.hash32x86(bytes, offset, length, seed), MurmurHash3.hash32(i, seed));
* Creates a set of long values to test the hash utility methods.
* @return the data
private static long[] createLongTestData() {
final long[] data = new long[100];
// Edge cases:
data[0] = 0;
data[1] = Long.MIN_VALUE;
data[2] = Long.MAX_VALUE;
data[3] = -1L;
for (int i = 4; i < data.length; i++) {
data[i] = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong();
return data;
* Test the {@link MurmurHash3#hash32(byte[])} algorithm.
* <p>Reference data is taken from the Python library {@code mmh3}.</p>
* @see <a href="">mmh3</a>
public void testHash32() {
// mmh3.hash(bytes, 104729)
Assert.assertEquals(1905657630, MurmurHash3.hash32(RANDOM_BYTES));
// Test with all sizes up to 31 bytes. This ensures a full round of 16-bytes plus up to
// 15 bytes remaining.
// for x in range(0, 32):
// print(mmh3.hash(bytes[:x], 104729), ',')
final int[] answers = {-965378730, 418246248, 1175981702, -616767012, -12304673, 1697005142, -1212417875,
-420043393, -826068069, -1721451528, -544986914, 892942691, 27535194, 974863697, 1835661694, -894915836,
1826914566, -677571679, 1218764493, -375719050, -1320048170, -503583763, 1321750696, -175065786, -496878386,
-12065683, 512351473, 716560510, -1944803590, 10253199, 1105638211, 525704533,};
for (int i = 0; i < answers.length; i++) {
final byte[] bytes = Arrays.copyOf(RANDOM_BYTES, i);
// Known bug: Incorrect result for non modulus of 4 byte arrays if there are
// negative bytes
if (i % 4 == 0 || !negativeBytes(bytes, (i / 4) * 4, i % 4)) {
Assert.assertEquals(answers[i], MurmurHash3.hash32(bytes));
} else {
Assert.assertNotEquals(answers[i], MurmurHash3.hash32(bytes));
* Test the {@link MurmurHash3#hash32(byte[], int)} algorithm.
* <p>Reference data is taken from the Python library {@code mmh3}.</p>
* @see <a href="">mmh3</a>
public void testHash32WithLength() {
// mmh3.hash(bytes, 104729)
Assert.assertEquals(1905657630, MurmurHash3.hash32(RANDOM_BYTES, RANDOM_BYTES.length));
// Test with all sizes up to 31 bytes. This ensures a full round of 16-bytes plus up to
// 15 bytes remaining.
// for x in range(0, 32):
// print(mmh3.hash(bytes[:x], 104729), ',')
final int[] answers = {-965378730, 418246248, 1175981702, -616767012, -12304673, 1697005142, -1212417875,
-420043393, -826068069, -1721451528, -544986914, 892942691, 27535194, 974863697, 1835661694, -894915836,
1826914566, -677571679, 1218764493, -375719050, -1320048170, -503583763, 1321750696, -175065786, -496878386,
-12065683, 512351473, 716560510, -1944803590, 10253199, 1105638211, 525704533,};
for (int i = 0; i < answers.length; i++) {
// Known bug: Incorrect result for non modulus of 4 byte arrays if there are
// negative bytes
if (i % 4 == 0 || !negativeBytes(RANDOM_BYTES, (i / 4) * 4, i % 4)) {
Assert.assertEquals(answers[i], MurmurHash3.hash32(RANDOM_BYTES, i));
} else {
Assert.assertNotEquals(answers[i], MurmurHash3.hash32(RANDOM_BYTES, i));
* Test the {@link MurmurHash3#hash32(byte[], int, int)} algorithm.
* <p>Reference data is taken from the Python library {@code mmh3}.</p>
* @see <a href="">mmh3</a>
public void testHash32WithLengthAndSeed() {
final int seed = -42;
// mmh3.hash(bytes, -42)
Assert.assertEquals(1693958011, MurmurHash3.hash32(RANDOM_BYTES, RANDOM_BYTES.length, seed));
// Test with all sizes up to 31 bytes. This ensures a full round of 16-bytes plus up to
// 15 bytes remaining.
// for x in range(0, 32):
// print(mmh3.hash(bytes[:x], -42), ',')
final int[] answers = {192929823, 7537536, -99368911, -1261039957, -1719251056, -399594848, 372285930,
-80756529, 1770924588, -1071759082, 1832217706, 1921413466, 1701676113, 675584253, 1620634486, 427719405,
-973727623, 533209078, 136016960, 1947798330, 428635832, -1125743884, 793211715, -2068889169, -136818786,
-720841364, -891446378, 1990860976, -710528065, -1602505694, -1493714677, 1911121524,};
for (int i = 0; i < answers.length; i++) {
// Known bug: Incorrect result for non modulus of 4 byte arrays if there are
// negative bytes
if (i % 4 == 0 || !negativeBytes(RANDOM_BYTES, (i / 4) * 4, i % 4)) {
Assert.assertEquals(answers[i], MurmurHash3.hash32(RANDOM_BYTES, i, seed));
} else {
Assert.assertNotEquals(answers[i], MurmurHash3.hash32(RANDOM_BYTES, i, seed));
* Test the {@link MurmurHash3#hash32(byte[], int, int, int)} algorithm.
* <p>Reference data is taken from the Python library {@code mmh3}.</p>
* @see <a href="">mmh3</a>
public void testHash32WithOffsetLengthAndSeed() {
final int seed = -42;
final int offset = 13;
// Test with all sizes up to 31 bytes. This ensures a full round of 16-bytes plus up to
// 15 bytes remaining.
// for x in range(0, 32):
// print(mmh3.hash(bytes[13:x+13], -42), ',')
final int[] answers = {192929823, -27171978, -1282326280, -816314453, -1176217753, -1904531247, 1962794233,
-1302316624, -1151850323, -1464386748, -369299427, 972232488, 1747314487, 2137398916, 690986564,
-1985866226, -678669121, -2123325690, -253319081, 46181235, 656058278, 1401175653, 1750113912, -1567219725,
2032742772, -2024269989, -305340794, 1161737942, -661265418, 172838872, -650122718, -1934812417,};
for (int i = 0; i < answers.length; i++) {
// Known bug: Incorrect result for non modulus of 4 byte arrays if there are
// negative bytes
if (i % 4 == 0 || !negativeBytes(RANDOM_BYTES, offset + (i / 4) * 4, i % 4)) {
Assert.assertEquals(answers[i], MurmurHash3.hash32(RANDOM_BYTES, offset, i, seed));
} else {
Assert.assertNotEquals(answers[i], MurmurHash3.hash32(RANDOM_BYTES, offset, i, seed));
* Check if the bytes are negative in the given range.
* @param bytes the bytes
* @param start the start
* @param length the length
* @return true, if negative bytes exist
private static boolean negativeBytes(final byte[] bytes, final int start, final int length) {
for (int i = start; i < start + length; i++) {
if (bytes[i] < 0) {
return true;
return false;
* Test the {@link MurmurHash3#hash32(String)} algorithm. This only tests it can return
* the same value as {@link MurmurHash3#hash32(byte[], int, int, int)} if the string
* is converted to bytes using the method {@link String#getBytes()}.
* <p>The test uses random strings created with random unicode code points.</p>
public void testHash32String() {
final int seed = 104729;
// Range is end exclusive so this is random strings of length 1-10
final int minSize = 1;
final int maxSize = 11;
// The Unicode Standard, Version 7.0, contains 112,956 characters
final int codePoints = 112956;
final char[] chars = new char[(maxSize - minSize) * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
int pos = 0;
final int size = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(minSize, maxSize);
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
final int codePoint = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(codePoints);
pos += Character.toChars(codePoint, chars, pos);
final String text = String.copyValueOf(chars, 0, pos);
final byte[] bytes = StringUtils.getBytesUtf8(text);
final int h1 = MurmurHash3.hash32(bytes, 0, bytes.length, seed);
final int h2 = MurmurHash3.hash32(text);
Assert.assertEquals(h1, h2);
* Test to demonstrate the errors in {@link MurmurHash3#hash32(byte[], int, int, int)}
* if the final 1, 2, or 3 bytes are negative.
public void testHash32WithTrailingNegativeSignedBytesIsInvalid() {
// import mmh3
// import numpy as np
// mmh3.hash(np.uint8([-1]))
// mmh3.hash(np.uint8([0, -1]))
// mmh3.hash(np.uint8([0, 0, -1]))
// mmh3.hash(np.uint8([-1, 0]))
// mmh3.hash(np.uint8([-1, 0, 0]))
// mmh3.hash(np.uint8([0, -1, 0]))
Assert.assertNotEquals(-43192051, MurmurHash3.hash32(new byte[] {-1}, 0, 1, 0));
Assert.assertNotEquals(-582037868, MurmurHash3.hash32(new byte[] {0, -1}, 0, 2, 0));
Assert.assertNotEquals(922088087, MurmurHash3.hash32(new byte[] {0, 0, -1}, 0, 3, 0));
Assert.assertNotEquals(-1309567588, MurmurHash3.hash32(new byte[] {-1, 0}, 0, 2, 0));
Assert.assertNotEquals(-363779670, MurmurHash3.hash32(new byte[] {-1, 0, 0}, 0, 3, 0));
Assert.assertNotEquals(-225068062, MurmurHash3.hash32(new byte[] {0, -1, 0}, 0, 3, 0));
* Test the {@link MurmurHash3#hash32x86(byte[])} algorithm.
* <p>Reference data is taken from the Python library {@code mmh3}.</p>
* @see <a href="">mmh3</a>
public void testhash32x86() {
// Note: Default seed is zero.
// mmh3.hash(bytes, 0)
Assert.assertEquals(1546271276, MurmurHash3.hash32x86(RANDOM_BYTES));
// Test with all sizes up to 31 bytes. This ensures a full round of 16-bytes plus up to
// 15 bytes remaining.
// for x in range(0, 32):
// print(mmh3.hash(bytes[:x], 0), ',')
final int[] answers = {0, -1353253853, 915381745, -734983419, 1271125654, -1042265893, -1204521619, 735845843,
138310876, -1918938664, 1399647898, -1126342309, 2067593280, 1220975287, 1941281084, -1289513180, 942412060,
-618173583, -269546647, -1645631262, 1162379906, -1960125577, -1856773195, 1980513522, 1174612855,
905810751, 1044578220, -1758486689, -491393913, 839836946, -435014415, 2044851178,};
for (int i = 0; i < answers.length; i++) {
final byte[] bytes = Arrays.copyOf(RANDOM_BYTES, i);
Assert.assertEquals(answers[i], MurmurHash3.hash32x86(bytes));
* Test the {@link MurmurHash3#hash32x86(byte[], int, int, int)} algorithm.
* <p>Reference data is taken from the Python library {@code mmh3}.</p>
* @see <a href="">mmh3</a>
public void testHash32x86WithOffsetLengthAndSeed() {
// Data as above for testing MurmurHash3.hash32(byte[], int, int, int).
final int seed = -42;
final int offset = 13;
final int[] answers = {192929823, -27171978, -1282326280, -816314453, -1176217753, -1904531247, 1962794233,
-1302316624, -1151850323, -1464386748, -369299427, 972232488, 1747314487, 2137398916, 690986564,
-1985866226, -678669121, -2123325690, -253319081, 46181235, 656058278, 1401175653, 1750113912, -1567219725,
2032742772, -2024269989, -305340794, 1161737942, -661265418, 172838872, -650122718, -1934812417,};
for (int i = 0; i < answers.length; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals(answers[i], MurmurHash3.hash32x86(RANDOM_BYTES, offset, i, seed));
* Test to demonstrate {@link MurmurHash3#hash32x86(byte[], int, int, int)} is OK
* if the final 1, 2, or 3 bytes are negative.
public void testHash32x86WithTrailingNegativeSignedBytes() {
// Data as above for testing MurmurHash3.hash32(byte[], int, int, int).
// This test uses assertEquals().
Assert.assertEquals(-43192051, MurmurHash3.hash32x86(new byte[] {-1}, 0, 1, 0));
Assert.assertEquals(-582037868, MurmurHash3.hash32x86(new byte[] {0, -1}, 0, 2, 0));
Assert.assertEquals(922088087, MurmurHash3.hash32x86(new byte[] {0, 0, -1}, 0, 3, 0));
Assert.assertEquals(-1309567588, MurmurHash3.hash32x86(new byte[] {-1, 0}, 0, 2, 0));
Assert.assertEquals(-363779670, MurmurHash3.hash32x86(new byte[] {-1, 0, 0}, 0, 3, 0));
Assert.assertEquals(-225068062, MurmurHash3.hash32x86(new byte[] {0, -1, 0}, 0, 3, 0));
* Test the {@link MurmurHash3#hash64(byte[])} algorithm.
* Unknown origin of test data. It may be from the Apache Hive project.
public void testHash64() {
final byte[] origin = StringUtils.getBytesUtf8(TEST_HASH64);
final long hash = MurmurHash3.hash64(origin);
Assert.assertEquals(5785358552565094607L, hash);
* Test the {@link MurmurHash3#hash64(byte[], int, int)} algorithm.
* Unknown origin of test data. It may be from the Apache Hive project.
public void testHash64WithOffsetAndLength() {
final byte[] origin = StringUtils.getBytesUtf8(TEST_HASH64);
final byte[] originOffset = new byte[origin.length + 150];
Arrays.fill(originOffset, (byte) 123);
System.arraycopy(origin, 0, originOffset, 150, origin.length);
final long hash = MurmurHash3.hash64(originOffset, 150, origin.length);
Assert.assertEquals(5785358552565094607L, hash);
* Test the hash64() helper methods that work directly on primitives work as documented.
* This test the methods return the same value as {@link MurmurHash3#hash64(byte[])}
* with the byte[] created from the same primitive data via a {@link ByteBuffer}.
public void testHash64WithPrimitives() {
// As described in the javadoc
final int offset = 0;
final int seed = 104729;
final int iters = 1000;
final ByteBuffer shortBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(MurmurHash3.SHORT_BYTES);
final ByteBuffer intBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(MurmurHash3.INTEGER_BYTES);
final ByteBuffer longBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(MurmurHash3.LONG_BYTES);
final byte[] shortBytes = shortBuffer.array();
final byte[] intBytes = intBuffer.array();
final byte[] longBytes = longBuffer.array();
for (int i = 0; i < iters; ++i) {
final long ln = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong();
// Shift bits to bet different bytes
final int in = (int) (ln >>> 3);
final short sn = (short) (ln >>> 5);
shortBuffer.putShort(0, sn);
Assert.assertEquals(MurmurHash3.hash64(shortBytes, offset, shortBytes.length, seed), MurmurHash3.hash64(sn));
intBuffer.putInt(0, in);
Assert.assertEquals(MurmurHash3.hash64(intBytes, offset, intBytes.length, seed), MurmurHash3.hash64(in));
longBuffer.putLong(0, ln);
Assert.assertEquals(MurmurHash3.hash64(longBytes, offset, longBytes.length, seed), MurmurHash3.hash64(ln));
* Test the {@link MurmurHash3#hash64(byte[])} method is Murmur3-like but does not match
* the bits returned from {@link MurmurHash3#hash128(byte[])}.
* <p>The hash64 method is not in the MurmurHash3 reference code and has been inherited
* from the port from Apache Hive.<p>
public void testHash64InNotEqualToHash128() {
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
final byte[] bytes = Arrays.copyOf(RANDOM_BYTES, i);
final long h1 = MurmurHash3.hash64(bytes);
final long[] hash = MurmurHash3.hash128(bytes);
Assert.assertNotEquals("Did not expect hash64 to match upper bits of hash128", hash[0], h1);
Assert.assertNotEquals("Did not expect hash64 to match lower bits of hash128", hash[1], h1);
* Test the {@link MurmurHash3#hash128(byte[])} algorithm.
* <p>Reference data is taken from the Python library {@code mmh3}.</p>
* @see <a href="">mmh3</a>
public void testHash128() {
// mmh3.hash64(bytes, 104729)
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new long[] {-5614308156300707300L, -4165733009867452172L},
// Test with all sizes up to 31 bytes. This ensures a full round of 16-bytes plus up to
// 15 bytes remaining.
// for x in range(0, 32):
// print(mmh3.hash64(bytes[:x], 104729), ',')
final long[][] answers = {
{-7122613646888064702L, -8341524471658347240L}, {5659994275039884826L, -962335545730945195L},
{-7641758224504050283L, 4083131074855072837L}, {-9123564721037921804L, -3321998102976419641L},
{-7999620158275145567L, -7769992740725283391L}, {2419143614837736468L, -5474637306496300103L},
{7781591175729494939L, -9023178611551692650L}, {-3431043156265556247L, -6589990064676612981L},
{6315693694262400182L, -6219942557302821890L}, {-8249934145502892979L, -5646083202776239948L},
{7500109050276796947L, 5350477981718987260L}, {-6102338673930022315L, 3413065069102535261L},
{-6440683413407781313L, -2374360388921904146L}, {-3071236194203069122L, 7531604855739305895L},
{-7629408037856591130L, -4070301959951145257L}, {860008171111471563L, -9026008285726889896L},
{8059667613600971894L, 3236009436748930210L}, {1833746055900036985L, 1418052485321768916L},
{8161230977297923537L, -2668130155009407119L}, {3653111839268905630L, 5525563908135615453L},
{-9163026480602019754L, 6819447647029564735L}, {1102346610654592779L, -6881918401879761029L},
{-3109499571828331931L, -3782255367340446228L}, {-7467915444290531104L, 4704551260862209500L},
{1237530251176898868L, 6144786892208594932L}, {2347717913548230384L, -7461066668225718223L},
{-7963311463560798404L, 8435801462986138227L}, {-7493166089060196513L, 8163503673197886404L},
{6807249306539951962L, -1438886581269648819L}, {6752656991043418179L, 6334147827922066123L},
{-4534351735605790331L, -4530801663887858236L}, {-7886946241830957955L, -6261339648449285315L},};
for (int i = 0; i < answers.length; i++) {
final byte[] bytes = Arrays.copyOf(RANDOM_BYTES, i);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(answers[i], MurmurHash3.hash128(bytes));
* Test the {@link MurmurHash3#hash128(byte[], int, int, int)} algorithm.
* <p>Reference data is taken from the Python library {@code mmh3}.</p>
* @see <a href="">mmh3</a>
public void testHash128WithOffsetLengthAndSeed() {
// Seed must be positive
final int seed = 42;
final int offset = 13;
// Test with all sizes up to 31 bytes. This ensures a full round of 16-bytes plus up to
// 15 bytes remaining.
// for x in range(0, 32):
// print(mmh3.hash64(bytes[13:x+13], 42), ',')
final long[][] answers = {{-1140915396076141277L, -3386313222241793095L},
{2745805417334040752L, -3045882272665292331L}, {6807939080212835946L, -1975749467247671127L},
{-7924884987449335214L, -4468571497642087939L}, {3005389733967167773L, -5809440073240597398L},
{8032745196600164727L, 4545709434702374224L}, {2095398623732573832L, 1778447136435513908L},
{4492723708121417255L, -7411125500882394867L}, {8467397417110552178L, -1503802302645548949L},
{4189760269121918355L, -8004336343217265057L}, {4939298084211301953L, -8419135013628844658L},
{5497136916151148085L, -394028342910298191L}, {3405983294878231737L, -3216533807498089078L},
{5833223403351466775L, -1792451370239813325L}, {7730583391236194819L, 5356157313842354092L},
{3111977482488580945L, -3119414725698132191L}, {3314524606404365027L, -1923219843083192742L},
{7299569240140613949L, 4176392429810027494L}, {6398084683727166117L, 7703960505857395788L},
{-8594572031068184774L, 4394224719145783692L}, {-7589785442804461713L, 4110439243215224554L},
{-5343610105946840628L, -4423992782020122809L}, {-522490326525787270L, 289136460641968781L},
{-5320637070354802556L, -7845553044730489027L}, {1344456408744313334L, 3803048032054968586L},
{1131205296221907191L, -6256656049039287019L}, {8583339267101027117L, 8934225022848628726L},
{-6379552869905441749L, 8973517768420051734L}, {5076646564516328801L, 8561479196844000567L},
{-4610341636137642517L, -6694266039505142069L}, {-758896383254029789L, 4050360662271552727L},
{-6123628195475753507L, 4283875822581966645L},};
for (int i = 0; i < answers.length; i++) {
Assert.assertArrayEquals("Length: " + i, answers[i], MurmurHash3.hash128(RANDOM_BYTES, offset, i, seed));
* Test the {@link MurmurHash3#hash128(byte[], int, int, int)} algorithm.
* <p>Explicit test for a negative seed. The original implementation has a sign extension error
* for negative seeds. This test is here to maintain behavioural compatibility of the
* broken deprecated method.
public void testHash128WithOffsetLengthAndNegativeSeed() {
// Seed can be negative
final int seed = -42;
final int offset = 13;
// Test with all sizes up to 31 bytes. This ensures a full round of 16-bytes plus up to
// 15 bytes remaining.
final long[][] answers = {{5954234972212089025L, 3342108296337967352L},
{8501094764898402923L, 7873951092908129427L}, {-3334322685492296196L, -2842715922956549478L},
{-2177918982459519644L, -1612349961980368636L}, {4172870320608886992L, -4177375712254136503L},
{7546965006884307324L, -5222114032564054641L}, {-2885083166621537267L, -2069868899915344482L},
{-2397098497873118851L, 4990578036999888806L}, {-706479374719025018L, 7531201699171849870L},
{6487943141157228609L, 3576221902299447884L}, {6671331646806999453L, -3428049860825046360L},
{-8700221138601237020L, -2748450904559980545L}, {-9028762509863648063L, 6130259301750313402L},
{729958512305702590L, -36367317333638988L}, {-3803232241584178983L, -4257744207892929651L},
{5734013720237474696L, -760784490666078990L}, {-6097477411153026656L, 625288777006549065L},
{1320365359996757504L, -2251971390373072541L}, {5551441703887653022L, -3516892619809375941L},
{698875391638415033L, 3456972931370496131L}, {5874956830271303805L, -6074126509360777023L},
{-7030758398537734781L, -3174643657101295554L}, {6835789852786226556L, 7245353136839389595L},
{-7755767580598793204L, -6680491060945077989L}, {-3099789923710523185L, -2751080516924952518L},
{-7772046549951435453L, 5263206145535830491L}, {7458715941971015543L, 5470582752171544854L},
{-7753394773760064468L, -2330157750295630617L}, {-5899278942232791979L, 6235686401271389982L},
{4881732293467626532L, 2617335658565007304L}, {-5722863941703478257L, -5424475653939430258L},
{-3703319768293496315L, -2124426428486426443L},};
for (int i = 0; i < answers.length; i++) {
Assert.assertArrayEquals("Length: " + i, answers[i], MurmurHash3.hash128(RANDOM_BYTES, offset, i, seed));
* Test the {@link MurmurHash3#hash128(String)} algorithm. This only tests it can return
* the same value as {@link MurmurHash3#hash128(byte[], int, int, int)} if the string
* is converted to bytes using the method {@link String#getBytes()}.
* <p>The test uses random strings created with random unicode code points.</p>
public void testHash128String() {
final int seed = 104729;
// Range is end exclusive so this is random strings of length 1-10
final int minSize = 1;
final int maxSize = 11;
// The Unicode Standard, Version 7.0, contains 112,956 characters
final int codePoints = 112956;
final char[] chars = new char[(maxSize - minSize) * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
int pos = 0;
final int size = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(minSize, maxSize);
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
final int codePoint = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(codePoints);
pos += Character.toChars(codePoint, chars, pos);
final String text = String.copyValueOf(chars, 0, pos);
final byte[] bytes = StringUtils.getBytesUtf8(text);
final long[] h1 = MurmurHash3.hash128(bytes, 0, bytes.length, seed);
final long[] h2 = MurmurHash3.hash128(text);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(h1, h2);
* Test the {@link MurmurHash3#hash128x64(byte[])} algorithm.
* <p>Reference data is taken from the Python library {@code mmh3}.</p>
* @see <a href="">mmh3</a>
public void testHash128x64() {
// Note: Default seed is zero.
// mmh3.hash64(bytes, 0)
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new long[] {1972113670104592209L, 5171809317673151911L},
// Test with all sizes up to 31 bytes. This ensures a full round of 16-bytes plus up to
// 15 bytes remaining.
// for x in range(0, 32):
// print(mmh3.hash64(bytes[:x], 0), ',')
final long[][] answers = {{0L, 0L}, {-2808653841080383123L, -2531784594030660343L},
{-1284575471001240306L, -8226941173794461820L}, {1645529003294647142L, 4109127559758330427L},
{-4117979116203940765L, -8362902660322042742L}, {2559943399590596158L, 4738005461125350075L},
{-1651760031591552651L, -5386079254924224461L}, {-6208043960690815609L, 7862371518025305074L},
{-5150023478423646337L, 8346305334874564507L}, {7658274117911906792L, -4962914659382404165L},
{1309458104226302269L, 570003296096149119L}, {7440169453173347487L, -3489345781066813740L},
{-5698784298612201352L, 3595618450161835420L}, {-3822574792738072442L, 6878153771369862041L},
{3705084673301918328L, 3202155281274291907L}, {-6797166743928506931L, -4447271093653551597L},
{5240533565589385084L, -5575481185288758327L}, {-8467620131382649428L, -6450630367251114468L},
{3632866961828686471L, -5957695976089313500L}, {-6450283648077271139L, -7908632714374518059L},
{226350826556351719L, 8225586794606475685L}, {-2382996224496980401L, 2188369078123678011L},
{-1337544762358780825L, 7004253486151757299L}, {2889033453638709716L, -4099509333153901374L},
{-8644950936809596954L, -5144522919639618331L}, {-5628571865255520773L, -839021001655132087L},
{-5226774667293212446L, -505255961194269502L}, {1337107025517938142L, 3260952073019398505L},
{9149852874328582511L, 1880188360994521535L}, {-4035957988359881846L, -7709057850766490780L},
{-3842593823306330815L, 3805147088291453755L}, {4030161393619149616L, -2813603781312455238L},};
for (int i = 0; i < answers.length; i++) {
final byte[] bytes = Arrays.copyOf(RANDOM_BYTES, i);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(answers[i], MurmurHash3.hash128x64(bytes));
* Test the {@link MurmurHash3#hash128x64(byte[], int, int, int)} algorithm.
* <p>Reference data is taken from the Python library {@code mmh3}.</p>
* @see <a href="">mmh3</a>
public void testHash128x64WithOffsetLengthAndSeed() {
// Seed can be positive
final int seed = 42;
final int offset = 13;
// Test with all sizes up to 31 bytes. This ensures a full round of 16-bytes plus up to
// 15 bytes remaining.
// for x in range(0, 32):
// print(mmh3.hash64(bytes[13:x+13], 42), ',')
final long[][] answers = {{-1140915396076141277L, -3386313222241793095L},
{2745805417334040752L, -3045882272665292331L}, {6807939080212835946L, -1975749467247671127L},
{-7924884987449335214L, -4468571497642087939L}, {3005389733967167773L, -5809440073240597398L},
{8032745196600164727L, 4545709434702374224L}, {2095398623732573832L, 1778447136435513908L},
{4492723708121417255L, -7411125500882394867L}, {8467397417110552178L, -1503802302645548949L},
{4189760269121918355L, -8004336343217265057L}, {4939298084211301953L, -8419135013628844658L},
{5497136916151148085L, -394028342910298191L}, {3405983294878231737L, -3216533807498089078L},
{5833223403351466775L, -1792451370239813325L}, {7730583391236194819L, 5356157313842354092L},
{3111977482488580945L, -3119414725698132191L}, {3314524606404365027L, -1923219843083192742L},
{7299569240140613949L, 4176392429810027494L}, {6398084683727166117L, 7703960505857395788L},
{-8594572031068184774L, 4394224719145783692L}, {-7589785442804461713L, 4110439243215224554L},
{-5343610105946840628L, -4423992782020122809L}, {-522490326525787270L, 289136460641968781L},
{-5320637070354802556L, -7845553044730489027L}, {1344456408744313334L, 3803048032054968586L},
{1131205296221907191L, -6256656049039287019L}, {8583339267101027117L, 8934225022848628726L},
{-6379552869905441749L, 8973517768420051734L}, {5076646564516328801L, 8561479196844000567L},
{-4610341636137642517L, -6694266039505142069L}, {-758896383254029789L, 4050360662271552727L},
{-6123628195475753507L, 4283875822581966645L},};
for (int i = 0; i < answers.length; i++) {
Assert.assertArrayEquals("Length: " + i, answers[i], MurmurHash3.hash128x64(RANDOM_BYTES, offset, i, seed));
* Test the {@link MurmurHash3#hash128x64(byte[], int, int, int)} algorithm.
* <p>Explicit test for a negative seed. The original implementation has a sign extension error
* for negative seeds.
* <p>Reference data is taken from the Python library {@code mmh3}.</p>
* @see <a href="">mmh3</a>
public void testHash128x64WithOffsetLengthAndNegativeSeed() {
// Seed can be negative
final int seed = -42;
final int offset = 13;
// Test with all sizes up to 31 bytes. This ensures a full round of 16-bytes plus up to
// 15 bytes remaining.
// for x in range(0, 32):
// print(mmh3.hash64(bytes[13:x+13], -42), ',')
final long[][] answers = {{7182599573337898253L, -6490979146667806054L},
{-461284136738605467L, 7073284964362976233L}, {-3090354666589400212L, 2978755180788824810L},
{5052807367580803906L, -4497188744879598335L}, {5003711854877353474L, -6616808651483337088L},
{2043501804923817748L, -760668448196918637L}, {6813003268375229932L, -1818545210475363684L},
{4488070015393027916L, 8520186429078977003L}, {4709278711722456062L, -2262080641289046033L},
{-5944514262756048380L, 5968714500873552518L}, {-2304397529301122510L, 6451500469518446488L},
{-1054078041081348909L, -915114408909600132L}, {1300471646869277217L, -399493387666437046L},
{-2821780479886030222L, -9061571187511294733L}, {8005764841242557505L, 4135287855434326053L},
{318307346637037498L, -5355856739901286522L}, {3380719536119187025L, 1890890833937151467L},
{2691044185935730001L, 7963546423617895734L}, {-5277462388534000227L, 3613853764390780573L},
{8504421722476165699L, 2058020162708103700L}, {-6578421288092422241L, 3311200163790829579L},
{-5915037218487974215L, -7385137075895184179L}, {659642911937398022L, 854071824595671049L},
{-7007237968866727198L, 1372258010932080058L}, {622891376282772539L, -4140783491297489868L},
{8357110718969014985L, -4737117827581590306L}, {2208857857926305405L, -8360240839768465042L},
{858120048221036376L, -5822288789703639119L}, {-1988334009458340679L, 1262479472434068698L},
{-8580307083590783934L, 3634449965473715778L}, {6705664584730187559L, 5192304951463791556L},
{-6426410954037604142L, -1579122709247558101L},};
for (int i = 0; i < answers.length; i++) {
Assert.assertArrayEquals("Length: " + i, answers[i], MurmurHash3.hash128x64(RANDOM_BYTES, offset, i, seed));
* Test {@link IncrementalHash32} returns the same values as
* {@link MurmurHash3#hash32(byte[], int, int, int)}.
public void testIncrementalHash32() {
final byte[] bytes = new byte[1023];
// The seed does not matter
for (final int seed : new int[] {-567, 0, 6787990}) {
// Cases are constructed to hit all edge cases of processing:
// Nothing added
assertIncrementalHash32(bytes, seed, 0, 0);
// Add single bytes
assertIncrementalHash32(bytes, seed, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
// Leading unprocessed 1, 2, 3
assertIncrementalHash32(bytes, seed, 1, 4);
assertIncrementalHash32(bytes, seed, 2, 4);
assertIncrementalHash32(bytes, seed, 3, 4);
// Trailing unprocessed 1, 2, 3
assertIncrementalHash32(bytes, seed, 4, 1);
assertIncrementalHash32(bytes, seed, 4, 2);
assertIncrementalHash32(bytes, seed, 4, 3);
// Complete blocks
assertIncrementalHash32(bytes, seed, 4, 16, 64);
// Some random blocks
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
assertIncrementalHash32x86(bytes, seed, createRandomBlocks(bytes.length));
* Assert {@link IncrementalHash32} returns the same values as
* {@link MurmurHash3#hash32(byte[], int, int, int)}.
* <p>The bytes are added to the incremental hash in the given blocks.</p>
* @param bytes the bytes
* @param seed the seed
* @param blocks the blocks
private static void assertIncrementalHash32(final byte[] bytes, final int seed, final int... blocks) {
int offset = 0;
int total = 0;
final IncrementalHash32 inc = new IncrementalHash32();
for (final int block : blocks) {
total += block;
final int h1 = MurmurHash3.hash32(bytes, 0, total, seed);
inc.add(bytes, offset, block);
offset += block;
final int h2 = inc.end();
Assert.assertEquals("Hashes differ", h1, h2);
Assert.assertEquals("Hashes differ after no additional data", h1, inc.end());
* Test {@link IncrementalHash32x86} returns the same values as
* {@link MurmurHash3#hash32x86(byte[], int, int, int)}.
public void testIncrementalHash32x86() {
final byte[] bytes = new byte[1023];
// The seed does not matter
for (final int seed : new int[] {-567, 0, 6787990}) {
// Cases are constructed to hit all edge cases of processing:
// Nothing added
assertIncrementalHash32x86(bytes, seed, 0, 0);
// Add single bytes
assertIncrementalHash32x86(bytes, seed, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
// Leading unprocessed 1, 2, 3
assertIncrementalHash32x86(bytes, seed, 1, 4);
assertIncrementalHash32x86(bytes, seed, 2, 4);
assertIncrementalHash32x86(bytes, seed, 3, 4);
// Trailing unprocessed 1, 2, 3
assertIncrementalHash32x86(bytes, seed, 4, 1);
assertIncrementalHash32x86(bytes, seed, 4, 2);
assertIncrementalHash32x86(bytes, seed, 4, 3);
// Complete blocks
assertIncrementalHash32x86(bytes, seed, 4, 16, 64);
// Some random blocks
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
assertIncrementalHash32x86(bytes, seed, createRandomBlocks(bytes.length));
* Assert {@link IncrementalHash32x86} returns the same values as
* {@link MurmurHash3#hash32x86(byte[], int, int, int)}.
* <p>The bytes are added to the incremental hash in the given blocks.</p>
* @param bytes the bytes
* @param seed the seed
* @param blocks the blocks
private static void assertIncrementalHash32x86(final byte[] bytes, final int seed, final int... blocks) {
int offset = 0;
int total = 0;
final IncrementalHash32x86 inc = new IncrementalHash32x86();
for (final int block : blocks) {
total += block;
final int h1 = MurmurHash3.hash32x86(bytes, 0, total, seed);
inc.add(bytes, offset, block);
offset += block;
final int h2 = inc.end();
Assert.assertEquals("Hashes differ", h1, h2);
Assert.assertEquals("Hashes differ after no additional data", h1, inc.end());
* Creates the random blocks of data to process up to max length.
* @param maxLength the max length
* @return the blocks
private static int[] createRandomBlocks(final int maxLength) {
final int[] blocks = new int[20];
int count = 0;
int length = 0;
while (count < blocks.length && length < maxLength) {
// range of 1 to 8 for up to two 4 byte blocks
final int size = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(1, 9);
blocks[count++] = size;
length += size;
return Arrays.copyOf(blocks, count);
* This test hits an edge case where a very large number of bytes is added to the incremental
* hash. The data is constructed so that an integer counter of unprocessed bytes will
* overflow. If this is not handled correctly then the code throws an exception when it
* copies more data into the unprocessed bytes array.
public void testIncrementalHashWithUnprocessedBytesAndHugeLengthArray() {
// Assert the test precondition that a large array added to unprocessed bytes
// will overflow an integer counter. We use the smallest hugeLength possible
// as some VMs cannot allocate maximum length arrays.
final int unprocessedSize = 3;
final int hugeLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 2;
Assert.assertTrue("This should overflow to negative", unprocessedSize + hugeLength < 4);
// Check the test can be run
byte[] bytes = null;
try {
bytes = new byte[hugeLength];
} catch (OutOfMemoryError ignore) {
// Some VMs cannot allocate an array this large.
// Some test environments may not have enough available memory for this.
Assume.assumeTrue("Cannot allocate array of length " + hugeLength, bytes != null);
final IncrementalHash32x86 inc = new IncrementalHash32x86();
// Add bytes that should be unprocessed
inc.add(bytes, 0, unprocessedSize);
// Add a huge number of bytes to overflow an integer counter of unprocessed bytes.
inc.add(bytes, 0, hugeLength);