blob: 53781a3b362b25c23994f378f2c365389ec8c061 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.cli;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
* Abstract test case testing common parser features.
* @author Emmanuel Bourg
* @version $Revision$, $Date$
public abstract class ParserTestCase extends TestCase
protected Parser parser;
protected Options options;
public void setUp()
options = new Options()
.addOption("a", "enable-a", false, "turn [a] on or off")
.addOption("b", "bfile", true, "set the value of [b]")
.addOption("c", "copt", false, "turn [c] on or off");
public void testSimpleShort() throws Exception
String[] args = new String[] { "-a",
"-b", "toast",
"foo", "bar" };
CommandLine cl = parser.parse(options, args);
assertTrue("Confirm -a is set", cl.hasOption("a"));
assertTrue("Confirm -b is set", cl.hasOption("b"));
assertTrue("Confirm arg of -b", cl.getOptionValue("b").equals("toast"));
assertTrue("Confirm size of extra args", cl.getArgList().size() == 2);
public void testSimpleLong() throws Exception
String[] args = new String[] { "--enable-a",
"--bfile", "toast",
"foo", "bar" };
CommandLine cl = parser.parse(options, args);
assertTrue( "Confirm -a is set", cl.hasOption("a") );
assertTrue( "Confirm -b is set", cl.hasOption("b") );
assertTrue( "Confirm arg of -b", cl.getOptionValue("b").equals("toast") );
assertTrue( "Confirm arg of --bfile", cl.getOptionValue( "bfile" ).equals( "toast" ) );
assertTrue( "Confirm size of extra args", cl.getArgList().size() == 2);
public void testMultiple() throws Exception
String[] args = new String[] { "-c",
"-b", "toast" };
CommandLine cl = parser.parse(options, args, true);
assertTrue("Confirm -c is set", cl.hasOption("c"));
assertTrue("Confirm 3 extra args: " + cl.getArgList().size(), cl.getArgList().size() == 3);
cl = parser.parse(options, cl.getArgs());
assertTrue("Confirm -c is not set", !cl.hasOption("c"));
assertTrue("Confirm -b is set", cl.hasOption("b"));
assertTrue("Confirm arg of -b", cl.getOptionValue("b").equals("toast"));
assertTrue("Confirm 1 extra arg: " + cl.getArgList().size(), cl.getArgList().size() == 1);
assertTrue("Confirm value of extra arg: " + cl.getArgList().get(0), cl.getArgList().get(0).equals("foobar"));
public void testMultipleWithLong() throws Exception
String[] args = new String[] { "--copt",
"--bfile", "toast" };
CommandLine cl = parser.parse(options, args, true);
assertTrue("Confirm -c is set", cl.hasOption("c"));
assertTrue("Confirm 3 extra args: " + cl.getArgList().size(), cl.getArgList().size() == 3);
cl = parser.parse(options, cl.getArgs());
assertTrue("Confirm -c is not set", !cl.hasOption("c"));
assertTrue("Confirm -b is set", cl.hasOption("b"));
assertTrue("Confirm arg of -b", cl.getOptionValue("b").equals("toast"));
assertTrue("Confirm 1 extra arg: " + cl.getArgList().size(), cl.getArgList().size() == 1);
assertTrue("Confirm value of extra arg: " + cl.getArgList().get(0), cl.getArgList().get(0).equals("foobar"));
public void testUnrecognizedOption() throws Exception
String[] args = new String[] { "-a", "-d", "-b", "toast", "foo", "bar" };
parser.parse(options, args);
fail("UnrecognizedOptionException wasn't thrown");
catch (UnrecognizedOptionException e)
assertEquals("-d", e.getOption());
public void testMissingArg() throws Exception
String[] args = new String[] { "-b" };
boolean caught = false;
parser.parse(options, args);
catch (MissingArgumentException e)
caught = true;
assertEquals("option missing an argument", "b", e.getOption().getOpt());
assertTrue( "Confirm MissingArgumentException caught", caught );
public void testDoubleDash() throws Exception
String[] args = new String[] { "--copt",
"-b", "toast" };
CommandLine cl = parser.parse(options, args);
assertTrue("Confirm -c is set", cl.hasOption("c"));
assertTrue("Confirm -b is not set", !cl.hasOption("b"));
assertTrue("Confirm 2 extra args: " + cl.getArgList().size(), cl.getArgList().size() == 2);
public void testSingleDash() throws Exception
String[] args = new String[] { "--copt",
"-b", "-",
"-" };
CommandLine cl = parser.parse(options, args);
assertTrue("Confirm -a is set", cl.hasOption("a"));
assertTrue("Confirm -b is set", cl.hasOption("b"));
assertTrue("Confirm arg of -b", cl.getOptionValue("b").equals("-"));
assertTrue("Confirm 1 extra arg: " + cl.getArgList().size(), cl.getArgList().size() == 1);
assertTrue("Confirm value of extra arg: " + cl.getArgList().get(0), cl.getArgList().get(0).equals("-"));
public void testStopAtUnexpectedArg() throws Exception
String[] args = new String[] { "-c",
"toast" };
CommandLine cl = parser.parse(options, args, true);
assertTrue("Confirm -c is set", cl.hasOption("c"));
assertTrue("Confirm 3 extra args: " + cl.getArgList().size(), cl.getArgList().size() == 3);
public void testStopAtExpectedArg() throws Exception
String[] args = new String[]{"-b", "foo"};
CommandLine cl = parser.parse(options, args, true);
assertTrue("Confirm -b is set", cl.hasOption('b'));
assertEquals("Confirm -b is set", "foo", cl.getOptionValue('b'));
assertTrue("Confirm no extra args: " + cl.getArgList().size(), cl.getArgList().size() == 0);
public void testStopAtNonOptionShort() throws Exception
String[] args = new String[]{"-z",
CommandLine cl = parser.parse(options, args, true);
assertFalse("Confirm -a is not set", cl.hasOption("a"));
assertTrue("Confirm 3 extra args: " + cl.getArgList().size(), cl.getArgList().size() == 3);
public void testStopAtNonOptionLong() throws Exception
String[] args = new String[]{"--zop==1",
CommandLine cl = parser.parse(options, args, true);
assertFalse("Confirm -a is not set", cl.hasOption("a"));
assertFalse("Confirm -b is not set", cl.hasOption("b"));
assertTrue("Confirm 3 extra args: " + cl.getArgList().size(), cl.getArgList().size() == 3);
public void testNegativeArgument() throws Exception
String[] args = new String[] { "-b", "-1"} ;
CommandLine cl = parser.parse(options, args);
assertEquals("-1", cl.getOptionValue("b"));
public void testArgumentStartingWithHyphen() throws Exception
String[] args = new String[]{"-b", "-foo"};
CommandLine cl = parser.parse(options, args);
assertEquals("-foo", cl.getOptionValue("b"));
public void testShortWithEqual() throws Exception
String[] args = new String[] { "-f=bar" };
Options options = new Options();
CommandLine cl = parser.parse(options, args);
assertEquals("bar", cl.getOptionValue("foo"));
public void testShortWithoutEqual() throws Exception
String[] args = new String[] { "-fbar" };
Options options = new Options();
CommandLine cl = parser.parse(options, args);
assertEquals("bar", cl.getOptionValue("foo"));
public void testLongWithEqual() throws Exception
String[] args = new String[] { "--foo=bar" };
Options options = new Options();
CommandLine cl = parser.parse(options, args);
assertEquals("bar", cl.getOptionValue("foo"));
public void testLongWithEqualSingleDash() throws Exception
String[] args = new String[] { "-foo=bar" };
Options options = new Options();
CommandLine cl = parser.parse(options, args);
assertEquals("bar", cl.getOptionValue("foo"));
public void testPropertiesOption() throws Exception
String[] args = new String[] { "-Jsource=1.5", "-J", "target", "1.5", "foo" };
Options options = new Options();
CommandLine cl = parser.parse(options, args);
List values = Arrays.asList(cl.getOptionValues("J"));
assertNotNull("null values", values);
assertEquals("number of values", 4, values.size());
assertEquals("value 1", "source", values.get(0));
assertEquals("value 2", "1.5", values.get(1));
assertEquals("value 3", "target", values.get(2));
assertEquals("value 4", "1.5", values.get(3));
List argsleft = cl.getArgList();
assertEquals("Should be 1 arg left",1,argsleft.size());
assertEquals("Expecting foo","foo",argsleft.get(0));