blob: 42444aa50c224c7e5fa0ec63ab6e9c356e26cc61 [file] [log] [blame]
Commons Build Plugin
Release Notes
Commons Build Plugin is a Maven 2.x Ant Plugin which is used by Apache Commons builds.
VERSION 1.2 - 2010-02-23
Changes since the last release
1. Improve the L&F of the download page
2. Add facility to add a second version to the download page
3. Upgrade to commons-parent version 12
VERSION 1.1 - 2008-07-16
Changes since the last release
1. Upgrade to commons-parent version 10
2. Add assembly descriptors
3. Minor documentation corrections
4. COMMONSSITE-36 - plugin won't build because of missing OSGi manifest file.
5. COOMONSSITE-35 - Upgrade to Ant 1.7.1 (fixes two problems/bugs when generating
Jira/download pages).
VERSION 1.0 - 2008-02-24
Initial Release