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<title>Generating Download Page</title>
<author email="">Commons Documentation Team</author>
<section name="commons:download-page" href="download-page">
<subsection name="Overview">
The <code>commons:download-page</code> goal generates a custom Download page for the latest release of a component.
Execute the goal using the following command: <source>mvn commons:download-page</source>
The above command generates an <i>xdoc</i> page named download_<i>componentid</i><b>.xml</b> in either the <code>xdocs</code>
or <code>src/site/xdoc</code> directory (depending on which exists), which should be checked into subversion.
This will cause a download_<i>componentid</i><b>.html</b> page to be generated when the <code>mvn site</code> is run.
Remember to add a <i>Download</i> link to download_<i>componentid</i><b>.cgi</b> to the maven <code>site.xml</code>.
<strong>Note:</strong> The Download page should only need to be re-generated after a new release of the component
or if the download page template changes.
This goal uses the following:
<li>The goal is mapped to the ant script/target using the <code>download-page</code> mojo defintion in the
<a href="">generate-xdocs.mojos.xml</a> mapping document</li>
<li>Executes the <code>download-page</code> target in
<a href=""></a>
ant script</li>
<li>Uses either the
<a href="">download-page-body.xml</a> or
<a href="">no-download-page-template.xml</a>
template, depending on whether the <code>commons.release.version</code> property is set or not.
<li>Uses the <a href="download-page-mojo.html">goal's (i.e. mojo's) parameters</a> to filter values in the template</li>
<subsection name="Configuration">
To generate a Download page, the following <a href="download-page-mojo.html">properties</a> are configured in the component's <code>pom.xml</code>
<li><b>commons.componentid</b> - Commons component id</li>
<li><b>commons.release.version</b> - The version number of the latest release of the component</li>
<li><b>commons.release.desc</b> - (<i>optional</i>) The download links are shown in a section with the component name and release version - if this paratmeter is specified then this text is appended</li>
<li><b>commons.binary.suffix</b> - (<i>optional - defaults to <code>-bin</code></i>) The suffix for the binary release
(some components use "-bin", others have no suffix)</li>
Example configuration for Commons Chain:
Sometimes there is a requirement to list two versions on the download page. This can be achieved using the following properties:
<li><b>commons.release.2.version</b> - The version number of the alternative release of the component</li>
<li><b>commons.release.2.desc</b> - (<i>optional</i>) Additional text to append to the section name of the alternative release</li>
<li><b>commons.release.2.binary.suffix</b> - (<i>optional - defaults to <code>-bin</code></i>) The suffix for the alternative
binary release (some components use "-bin", others have no suffix)</li>
Example configuration for Commons DBCP with two releases:
<commons.release.desc>for JDBC 4 (JDK 1.6)</commons.release.desc>
<commons.release.2.desc> for JDBC 3 (JDK 1.4-1.5)</commons.release.2.desc>
The above configuration generates a download page for two releases shown below:
<img src="download-page-2release.jpg" alt="Download Page with two release versions"/>