blob: 8b97be244d0b341e9f44efe61c30b6661f0a2e35 [file] [log] [blame]
<%@ page language="vbscript" %>
<title>Temperature Table</title>
<h1>Temperature Table <blink>sponsored by Microsoft VBScript</blink></h1>
<p>American tourists visiting Canada can use this handy temperature
table which converts from Fahrenheit to Celsius:
<table BORDER COLS=2 WIDTH="20%" >
<tr BGCOLOR="#FFFF00">
for i = 0 to 100 step 10
out.println "<tr ALIGN=RIGHT BGCOLOR=""#CCCCCC"">"
out.println "<td>" & i & "</td>"
out.println "<td>" & form((i - 32)*5/9) & "</td>"
out.println "</tr>"
function form(n)
form= CDbl(CInt(n*100))/100.0
end function
<p><i> <%= CreateBean("java.util.Date").toString() %> </i></p>