blob: fa7511b972e7bca1cb5626ce6b88b2ab90ecaa23 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <string.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include "JNIUtils.h"
* NOTE: Whereever I think an exception may occur, I need to check
* whether it did and recover appropriately .. otherwise the behavior
* of JNI is undefined!
/* throw a BSFException with the given code and message. */
void bsf_exception (JNIEnv *jenv, int code, char *msg) {
jclass bsfexceptclass =
(*jenv)->FindClass (jenv, "org/apache/bsf/BSFException");
(*jenv)->ThrowNew (jenv, bsfexceptclass, msg);
/* cvt a pointer to a Long object whose value is the pointer value */
jobject bsf_pointer2longobj (JNIEnv *jenv, void *ptr) {
return bsf_makeLong (jenv, (long) ptr);
/* cvt a Long object whose value is the pointer value to the pointer */
void *bsf_longobj2pointer (JNIEnv *jenv, jobject lobj) {
jclass longclass = (*jenv)->FindClass (jenv, "java/lang/Long");
jmethodID mi = (*jenv)->GetMethodID (jenv, longclass, "longValue", "()J");
void *ptr = (void *) (*jenv)->CallLongMethod (jenv, lobj, mi);
return ptr;
/* convert an object to a string obj */
jstring bsf_obj2jstring (JNIEnv *jenv, jobject obj) {
jclass objclass = (*jenv)->GetObjectClass (jenv, obj);
jmethodID tostr = (*jenv)->GetMethodID (jenv, objclass, "toString",
jstring strobj = (jstring) (*jenv)->CallObjectMethod (jenv, obj, tostr);
return strobj;
/* cvt an object to a c-string .. wastes memory, but useful for debug */
const char *bsf_obj2cstring (JNIEnv *jenv, jobject obj) {
return (*jenv)->GetStringUTFChars (jenv,
bsf_obj2jstring (jenv, obj),
/* call the named method with the given args on the given bean */
jobject bsf_createbean (JNIEnv *jenv, char *classname, jobjectArray args) {
jclass cl;
jmethodID mid;
jobject result;
/* find the BSFUtils.createBean method ID if needed */
cl = (*jenv)->FindClass (jenv, "org/apache/bsf/util/EngineUtils");
mid = (*jenv)->GetStaticMethodID (jenv, cl, "createBean",
if ((*jenv)->ExceptionOccurred (jenv)) {
(*jenv)->ExceptionDescribe (jenv);
(*jenv)->ExceptionClear (jenv);
return 0;
result = (*jenv)->CallStaticObjectMethod (jenv, cl, mid,
(*jenv)->NewStringUTF (jenv,
if ((*jenv)->ExceptionOccurred (jenv)) {
(*jenv)->ExceptionDescribe (jenv);
(*jenv)->ExceptionClear (jenv);
/* I should really throw a BSF exception here and the caller should
check whether an exception was thrown and in that case return.
later. */
return 0;
} else {
return result;
/* call the named method with the given args on the given bean */
jobject bsf_callmethod (JNIEnv *jenv, jobject target,
char *methodname, jobjectArray args) {
jclass cl;
jmethodID mid;
jobject result;
/* find the BSFUtils.callBeanMethod method ID if needed */
cl = (*jenv)->FindClass (jenv, "org/apache/bsf/util/EngineUtils");
mid = (*jenv)->GetStaticMethodID (jenv, cl, "callBeanMethod",
if ((*jenv)->ExceptionOccurred (jenv)) {
(*jenv)->ExceptionDescribe (jenv);
(*jenv)->ExceptionClear (jenv);
return 0;
result = (*jenv)->CallStaticObjectMethod (jenv, cl, mid, target,
(*jenv)->NewStringUTF (jenv,
if ((*jenv)->ExceptionOccurred (jenv)) {
(*jenv)->ExceptionDescribe (jenv);
(*jenv)->ExceptionClear (jenv);
/* I should really throw a BSF exception here and the caller should
check whether an exception was thrown and in that case return.
later. */
return 0;
} else {
return result;
/* return the named bean from the given mgr's bean registry */
jobject bsf_lookupbean (JNIEnv *jenv, jobject mgr, char *beanname) {
jmethodID lookupMethod;
jobject result;
jclass bsfmgrclass = (*jenv)->GetObjectClass (jenv, mgr);
lookupMethod =
(*jenv)->GetMethodID (jenv, bsfmgrclass, "lookupBean",
if ((*jenv)->ExceptionOccurred (jenv)) {
(*jenv)->ExceptionDescribe (jenv);
(*jenv)->ExceptionClear (jenv);
return 0;
result = (*jenv)->CallObjectMethod (jenv, mgr, lookupMethod,
(*jenv)->NewStringUTF (jenv, beanname));
if ((*jenv)->ExceptionOccurred (jenv)) {
(*jenv)->ExceptionDescribe (jenv);
(*jenv)->ExceptionClear (jenv);
/* I should really throw a BSF exception here and the caller should
check whether an exception was thrown and in that case return.
later. */
return 0;
} else {
return result;
/* return the type signature string component for the given type:
I for ints, J for long, ... */
char *bsf_getTypeSignatureString (JNIEnv *jenv, jclass objclass) {
jclass cl = 0;
jmethodID mid = 0;
jstring str;
cl = (*jenv)->FindClass (jenv, "org/apache/bsf/util/EngineUtils");
mid = (*jenv)->GetStaticMethodID (jenv, cl, "getTypeSignatureString",
if ((*jenv)->ExceptionOccurred (jenv)) {
(*jenv)->ExceptionDescribe (jenv);
(*jenv)->ExceptionClear (jenv);
return 0;
str = (jstring) (*jenv)->CallStaticObjectMethod (jenv, cl, mid, objclass);
return (char *) bsf_obj2cstring (jenv, str);
/* make objects from primitives */
jobject bsf_makeBoolean (JNIEnv *jenv, int val) {
jclass classobj = (*jenv)->FindClass (jenv, "java/lang/Boolean");
jmethodID constructor =
(*jenv)->GetMethodID (jenv, classobj, "<init>", "(Z)V");
return (*jenv)->NewObject (jenv, classobj, constructor, (jboolean) val);
jobject bsf_makeByte (JNIEnv *jenv, int val) {
jclass classobj = (*jenv)->FindClass (jenv, "java/lang/Byte");
jmethodID constructor =
(*jenv)->GetMethodID (jenv, classobj, "<init>", "(B)V");
return (*jenv)->NewObject (jenv, classobj, constructor, (jbyte) val);
jobject bsf_makeShort (JNIEnv *jenv, int val) {
jclass classobj = (*jenv)->FindClass (jenv, "java/lang/Short");
jmethodID constructor =
(*jenv)->GetMethodID (jenv, classobj, "<init>", "(S)V");
return (*jenv)->NewObject (jenv, classobj, constructor, (jshort) val);
jobject bsf_makeInteger (JNIEnv *jenv, int val) {
jclass classobj = (*jenv)->FindClass (jenv, "java/lang/Integer");
jmethodID constructor =
(*jenv)->GetMethodID (jenv, classobj, "<init>", "(I)V");
return (*jenv)->NewObject (jenv, classobj, constructor, (jint) val);
jobject bsf_makeLong (JNIEnv *jenv, long val) {
jclass classobj = (*jenv)->FindClass (jenv, "java/lang/Long");
jmethodID constructor =
(*jenv)->GetMethodID (jenv, classobj, "<init>", "(J)V");
return (*jenv)->NewObject (jenv, classobj, constructor, (jlong) val);
jobject bsf_makeFloat (JNIEnv *jenv, float val) {
jclass classobj = (*jenv)->FindClass (jenv, "java/lang/Float");
jmethodID constructor =
(*jenv)->GetMethodID (jenv, classobj, "<init>", "(F)V");
return (*jenv)->NewObject (jenv, classobj, constructor, (jfloat) val);
jobject bsf_makeDouble (JNIEnv *jenv, double val) {
jclass classobj = (*jenv)->FindClass (jenv, "java/lang/Double");
jmethodID constructor =
(*jenv)->GetMethodID (jenv, classobj, "<init>", "(D)V");
return (*jenv)->NewObject (jenv, classobj, constructor, (jdouble) val);