blob: 2515a8f3606c6474356f93a6d95ecf416e431370 [file] [log] [blame]
# The home directory for the Commons collection classes distribution
commons-collections.home = ../collections/dist
# The pathname of the collections classes JAR file
commons-collections.jar = ${commons-collections.home}/commons-collections.jar
# The home directory for the Commons logging classes distribution
commons-logging.home = ../logging/dist
# The pathname of the Commons Logging JAR file
commons-logging.jar = ${commons-logging.home}/commons-logging.jar
# The directory containing your binary distribution of JUnit,
# version 3.7 or later
junit.home = /usr/local/junit3.7
# The pathname of the "junit.jar" JAR file
junit.jar = ${junit.home}/junit.jar