blob: a56c2a5cfd194ee739290e5296c36116202250b2 [file] [log] [blame]
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.*;
import org.apache.bcel.Constants;
* Patch all Utf8 constants in the given class file <em>file</em>.class
* and save the result in _<em>file</em>.class.
* Usage: patch <oldstring> <newstring> files
* @version $Id$
* @author <A HREF="">M. Dahm</A>
public class patchclass {
public static void main(String[] argv) {
String[] file_name = new String[argv.length];
int files = 0;
ClassParser parser = null;
JavaClass java_class;
if(argv.length < 3) {
System.err.println("Usage: patch <oldstring> <newstring> file1.class ...");
try {
for(int i=2; i < argv.length; i++)
file_name[files++] = argv[i];
for(int i=0; i < files; i++) {
parser = new ClassParser(file_name[i]);
java_class = parser.parse();
patchIt(argv[0], argv[1],
// Dump the changed class to a new file
java_class.dump("_" + file_name[i]);
System.out.println("Results saved in: _" + file_name[i]);
} catch(Exception e) {
* Replace all occurences of string "<em>old</em>" with
* "<em>replacement</em>" in all Utf8 constants
private static void patchIt(String old, String replacement,
Constant[] constant_pool)
ConstantUtf8 c;
String str;
int index, old_index;
StringBuffer buf;
/* Loop through constant pool
for(short i=0; i < constant_pool.length; i++) {
if(constant_pool[i] instanceof ConstantUtf8) { // Utf8 string found
try {
c = (ConstantUtf8)constant_pool[i]; // Get the string
str = c.getBytes();
if((index = str.indexOf(old)) != -1) { // `old' found in str
buf = new StringBuffer(); // target buffer
old_index = 0; // String start offset
// While we have something to replace
while((index = str.indexOf(old, old_index)) != -1) {
buf.append(str.substring(old_index, index)); // append prefix
buf.append(replacement); // append `replacement'
old_index = index + old.length(); // Skip `old'.length chars
buf.append(str.substring(old_index)); // append rest of string
str = buf.toString();
// Finally push the new string back to the constant pool
c = new ConstantUtf8(str);
constant_pool[i] = c;
} catch(StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Should not occur