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Title: ComDevBoardReports
This page contains records of the Apache Community Development Project
board reports. The official record of these reports is the minutes of the
appropriate board meeting, they are provided here for convenience.
<a name="ComDevBoardReports-Draftreportfornextmeeting"></a>
# Draft report for next meeting
The following report is *incomplete* and *draft* only. It is being prepared
for the next submission to the board. Submitted reports can be found
further down the page.
<div class="panel" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;border-style: solid;border-width: 1px;">
<div class="panelHeader" style="border-bottom-width: 1px;border-bottom-style: solid;background-color: #F7D6C1;"><B>DRAFT November 2012</B></div><div class="panelContent" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;"><pre>
Status report for the Apache Community Development Project
The Commmunity Development PMC is responsible for helping people become
involved with Apache projects
Project Status
No issues require board attention at this time.
Started collating stats on our [GSoC involvement][1].
* Evaluate reasons for reduced interest from mentors this year
* provide feedback to Google relating to complications cause by last minute process changes
Events and Speakers
* Agree scope of ConCom and ComDev collaboration on event support
* two members of ComDev are co-chairing an ACEU track
* three members of ComDev are seeking to assist with ACEU
* Raise awareness of Speaker and Event support materials
* some small progress made, needs concerted effort as part of ACEU and ACNA
* Integrate speaker app with Lanyrd (hosts all ApacheCon NA12 slidedecks)
* No progress
Some discussion about making our website "friendlier" but not work as yet.
Some minor improvements to small areas of the site.
* Work with the IPMC to clarify any future role for ComDev in the incubation
* No progress
<a name="ComDevBoardReports-SubmittedReports"></a>
# Submitted Reports
<div class="panel" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;border-style: solid;border-width: 1px;">
<div class="panelHeader" style="border-bottom-width: 1px;border-bottom-style: solid;background-color: #F7D6C1;"><B>August 2012</B></div><div class="panelContent" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;"><pre>
Status report for the Apache Community Development Project
The Commmunity Development PMC is responsible for helping people become
involved with Apache projects
Project Status
No issues require board attention at this time.
40 GSoC students passed mid-term, one failed to submit a midterm evaluation:
in future, we should include a request to remind their students in the
reminders we send out to mentors about evaluations.
Feedback from admins regarding the applications process this years was that
there was confusion and chaos around the selection process. Many
orgs had the same issues as the Melange webapp has changed
significantly this year. This has been the case each year so far, yet we
continue to be hopeful that next year will go more smoothly as a result!
We haven't heard any complaints about the projects that did (or didn't)
get selected in the end, and in fact, we ended up giving back a couple
of slots because we didn't have the proposals to fill them out. This is
the first time this has happened, normally we take extra slots rather than
give them back.
It is also notable that a few projects have a larger than normal number
of students. We need to explore whether this is a change of attitude towards
GSoC within the ASF or a lack of outreach work on the part of the ComDev PMC.
It is my opinion (Ross) that the annual chaos of the selection process puts
mentors off - it's simply too much work tracking the moving goalposts.
* Evaluate reasons for reduced interest from mentors this year
* provide feedback to Google relating to complications cause by last minute process changes
Events and Speakers
* Agree scope of ConCom and ComDev collaboration on event support
* two members of ComDev are co-chairing an ACEU track
* three members of ComDev are seeking to assist with ACEU
* Raise awareness of Speaker and Event support materials
* some small progress made, needs concerted effort as part of ACEU and ACNA
* Integrate speaker app with Lanyrd (hosts all ApacheCon NA12 slidedecks)
* No progress
Some discussion about making our website "friendlier" but not work as yet.
Some minor improvements to small areas of the site.
* Work with the IPMC to clarify any future role for ComDev in the incubation
* No progress
<div class="panel" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;border-style: solid;border-width: 1px;">
<div class="panelHeader" style="border-bottom-width: 1px;border-bottom-style: solid;background-color: #F7D6C1;"><B>May 2012</B></div><div class="panelContent" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;"><pre>
Status report for the Apache Community Development Project
The Commmunity Development PMC is responsible for helping people become
involved with Apache projects
Project Status
No issues require board attention at this time.
GSoC is underway with two experienced admins and a newcomer learning the ropes.
Googles insistence on changing the process on the fly without consulting orgs continues to
frustrate admins who have to adapt quickly and communicate this to our 150+ projects. Our thanks go to
this years Admins.
We have 41 projects spread across 26 projects (17 TLPs and 9 Podlings).
Participating TLPS are:
Xerces, Pig, OODT, Hive, James, Tapestry, Ofbiz, Gora, Synapse, Derby, Axis, POI, Whirr, Lucene,
Velocity, Libcloud, Xalan
Participating Podlings are:
ODF Toolkit, Airavata, Stanbol, Photark, Wookie, OpenMeetings, Nuvem, Hama, VXQuery
* Publish updates to the GSoC Admin guidelines
* Verify that new mentor selection process is documented for GSoC
* Verify infra is OK with temporary accounts for GSoC
* Submit ASF to GSoC
* Work with projects to identify suitable GSoC tasks
Events and Speakers
Very little progress here as ConCom has been busy dealing with the RFP for US and the proposal for EU.
A number of ComDev members are helping out in ConCom activities.
* Agree scope of ConCom and ComDev collaboration on event support
* Raise awareness of Speaker and Event support materials
* Integrate speaker app with Lanyrd (hosts all ApacheCon NA12 slidedecks)
During the IPMC reboot discussions it was suggested that ComDev should take ownership of some aspects
of Incubation. This was rejected as ComDev felt that moving the problem was not solve it, however, it was
agreed in principle that overlaps existed. Now that Jukka seems to be be settling in nicely at the IPMC it
is time to restart these discussions.
* Work with the IPMC to clarify any future role for ComDev in the incubation
<div class="panel" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;border-style: solid;border-width: 1px;">
<div class="panelHeader" style="border-bottom-width: 1px;border-bottom-style: solid;background-color: #F7D6C1;"><B>February 2012</B></div><div class="panelContent" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;"><pre>
Status report for the Apache Community Development Project
The Commmunity Development PMC is responsible for helping people become
involved with Apache projects
Project Status
No issues require board attention at this time.
GSoC 2012 was announced at FOSDEM on 4th February. ComDev has commenced
our organisation. We've already had two experienced admins step forwards,
with a further two newcomers expressing interest. This is very encouraging.
* Publish the GSoC Admin guidelines
* Verify that new mentor selection process is documented for GSoC
* Verify infra is OK with temporary accounts for GSoC
New Tasks:
* Submit ASF to GSoC
* Work with projects to identify suitable GSoC tasks
Events and Speakers
Ross (ComDev chair) met face to face with Nick Burch (ConCom chair) to discuss
a stronger relationship between ConCom and ComDev. As a result Nick has done
a little work on the speakers application. The intention is to make a number
of web widgets (via the Wookie podling) available for hosting via the CMS that can be embedded in project
and foundation pages. Work is ongoing.
Nick and Ross also discussed the potential relationship relating to events.
Nick has shelved this work in preference to working on the RFP for producers.
* Agree scope of ConCom and ComDev collaboration on event support
* Raise awareness of Speaker and Event support materials
* Integrate speaker app with Lanyrd (hosts all ApacheCon NA12 slidedecks)
There was considerable discussion about the use of org.apache package names on
apache-extras. This has now been clarified in the FAQ and Guidelines.
In the last few days before this report there has been a great deal of
discussion on general@incubator.a.o It seems that reform is in the air and
many people are suggesting that some of the key functions move to ComDev.
However, there is no consensus in the IPMC about what the future should look
like and thus no clarity around what ComDev is expected to pick up.
Some members of ComDev are involved with the discussion, but until there is
more clarity in the IPMC there seems little point in taking the discussion to
ComDev lists.
New Tasks:
* Work with the IPMC to clarify any future role for ComDev in the incubation
<div class="panel" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;border-style: solid;border-width: 1px;">
<div class="panelHeader" style="border-bottom-width: 1px;border-bottom-style: solid;background-color: #F7D6C1;"><B>November 2011</B></div><div class="panelContent" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;"><pre>
Status report for the Apache Community Development Project
The Commmunity Development PMC is responsible for helping people become
involved with Apache projects
Project Status
No issues require board attention at this time.
Uli, our outgoing GSoC for this year has put together an admin
guide which should be very useful for future admins. This will include
press relations activities, something we have not done well on in the past.
* Verify that new mentor selection process is documented for GSoC
* Verify infra is OK with temporary accounts for GSoC
Events and Speakers
We made plans at ApacheCon to progress the speakers and local mentors app
forwards. We hope to see some work integrating this, and the speaker
slidedecks we currently link to, with Lanyrd soon.
Nick Burch and Ross Gardler VP ConCom and ComDev met to discuss further
collaboration on ASF event support. Proposals will be presented to each
PMC for discussion during the next reporting period.
* Raise awareness of Speaker and Event support materials
No major changes this month, just a few minor tweaks to the Speakers section.
Objectives for next period
* propose opportunities for further collaboration between ConCom and ComDev
with respect to events.
<div class="panel" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;border-style: solid;border-width: 1px;">
<div class="panelHeader" style="border-bottom-width: 1px;border-bottom-style: solid;background-color: #F7D6C1;"><B>October 2011</B></div><div class="panelContent" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;"><pre>
Status report for the Apache Community Development Project
Project Status
No issues require board attention at this time.
GSoC went well overall, although there was one serious issue
regarding a mentor who was approved but is not a committer. This
situation was resolved in consultation with Google. We have proposed
modifications to the process to prevent this happening again.
In the future, mentors have to notify their respective PMC that they intend
to mentor a GSoC project. The PMC has to acknowledge and a waiting period
of 72 hours starts during which objections can be voiced. A notification
template will be made available to prospective mentors.
In addition, we will ask infrastructure to create a special group which
holders of temporary accounts, i.e. GSoC students, have to be a member
of. This group will be modifiable by pmc-chairs and comdev-pmc, and
will allow such temporary accounts to be reviewed and if needed closed
in due time.
Some stats:
* Students accepted: 40
* Students who passed midterm: 38
* Students who passed final: 36
Unfortunately we, once again, failed to do any press around our GSoC activities.
This needs to be made an explicit responsibility of the GSoC admin
(at present it is not in the Admin support materials)
Events and Speakers
ComCom are using the ComDev web space to host an ASF events
calendar [1], this has yet to gain significant traction. Similarly the
"speaker" application is not being used by either ConCom or press@.
ComDev to work with both to figure out how best to promote use of
these resources. Nick Burch and Ross Gardler (along with anyone else
who cares) will be meeting to come up with a plan for these resources at
There are still many requests for standard slide decks about the ASF.
We have collected a few slide-decks for reuse and linked to them on our
website [2]. These collections need to be extended and, possibly, linked
to the speaker application.
ComDev website is slowly growing to include very high level
information about how ASF communities work. Rather than duplicating
content held elsewhere on the a.o site we are seeking to provide a
minimum fuss entry point leading towards the appropriate detail heavy
The arrival of OpenOffice prompted the production of a fair amount of
appropriate materials to help combat some of the initial confusion over
what an ASF project looks like.
Mentoring activity (other than GSoC) is almost non-existent, at least as
coordinated through ComDev. The EU project which was supposed to be
sending people our way is currently evaluating why students did not come
to us (report due before next board report).
Objectives for next period
Raise awareness of Speaker and Event support materials
<div class="panel" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;border-style: solid;border-width: 1px;">
<div class="panelHeader" style="border-bottom-width: 1px;border-bottom-style: solid;background-color: #F7D6C1;"><B>May 2011</B></div><div class="panelContent" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;"><pre>
Status report for the Apache Community Development Project
Project Status
No issues require board attention at this time.
Google Summer of Code is underway and once again we have plenty of eager
students and mentors. Even more refreshing is that we have a completely
new team of admins to spread the load around.
We are still not doing a good job of foundation level PR around our
mentoring opportunities.
Other mentoring activities are slow, with 5 interested parties approaching
us over the last quarter. The third pilot of the OpenSE project which keeps
promising to bring waves of students to us is now underway, but no signs
of significant activity yet.
Use of is increasing (100 projects at time of writing).
We are noticing a number of projects suggesting it as a home for
extension projects that cannot use the Apache licence as a result of
There is some work underway to formally document Apaches expectations
that projects will be run independently of company affiliation.
Objectives for next period
Complete GSoC and make an appropriate press release upon completion.
Improve documentation about independence of Apache projects
<div class="panel" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;border-style: solid;border-width: 1px;"><div class="panelHeader" style="border-bottom-width: 1px;border-bottom-style: solid;background-color: #F7D6C1;"><B>February 2011</B></div><div class="panelContent" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;"><pre>
Status report for the Apache Community Development Project
Project Status
The Community Development is progressing well, although a little more
slowly than some whould have hoped.
No issues require board attention at this time.
Google Summer of Code 2011 is in preparation stages. For the first time we
have more admin volunteers than we need - which is great.
The EU project (OpenSE) that planned to bring students to our mentoring programme is
about to commence its second pilot run. In the first run we had a number of
interested enquiries but nobody actually started work as a mentee. On the one
hand this is a dissapointment, on the othe it is good to know that our ASF
volunteers are not wasting time on the initial phases of engaging mentees that,
ultimately, bring nothing to the project.
The OpenSE team believes the main barrier is the high expectations we have of
students - we make it clear that they must be self-motivated and results
oriented. This coupled with the reputaton of the ASF appears to be intimidating
potential mentees. In the next pilot the learning assitants are focussing on the
career advantages experience with ASF projects can bring and are introducing a
"community game" which will introduce students to the idea of engaging in public. was launched. As agreed the committee is hands off on the
management of this site. There are currently 89 projects listed.
Objectives for next period
- Coordinate Google Summer of Code
- Analyse use of
<div class="panel" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;border-style: solid;border-width: 1px;"><div class="panelHeader" style="border-bottom-width: 1px;border-bottom-style: solid;background-color: #F7D6C1;"><B>November 2010</B></div><div class="panelContent" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;"><pre>
Status report for the Apache Community Development Project
Project Status
The Community Development is progressing well, although a little more
slowly than some whould have hoped.
The planned mentoring project has still not been formally launched. Largely
due to the loss of the labels module in JIRA which was previously used by
projects to indicate issues appropriate for mentoring. An alernative will
be put into place very soon.
Work on a project to provide hosting for Apache related software projects
is progressing. Legal documents have all been signed, draft usage
guidelines and a FAQ are available and PMCs have been ocntacted to reserve
projects names.
We have taken ownership of party@ mailing list (no changes in usage are
Google Summer of Code completed - thanks to all involved. It is noticable
that once again we have failed to generate any press (we never produced a
press release for press@)
We applied for the Google Code-In (Google's contest to introduce
pre-university students to the many kinds of contributions that make open
source software development possible) but were, unfortunately,
Ross Gardler has spoken at a reasonably large number of events around
Europe addressing two key themes - The Apache Way and Innovation at the
No issues require board attention at this time.
An increasing number of volunteers are becoming engaged with Community
Development PMC and contact from external participants is increasing
(although still low).
Objectives for next period
- Gain support from at least 5 PMCs for the mentoring programme
- Formally launch mentoring programme
- Launch hosting facilities for apache related projects
<div class="panel" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;border-style: solid;border-width: 1px;"><div class="panelHeader" style="border-bottom-width: 1px;border-bottom-style: solid;background-color: #F7D6C1;"><B>August 2010</B></div><div class="panelContent" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;"><pre>
Status report for the Apache Community Development Project
Project Status
The Community Development Project is starting to ramp up again after the
Google Summer of Code efforts. We have merged the
women@a.o list into the dev@community.a.o and are commencing work on
rolling out the mentoring program.
No issues require board attention at this time.
The women@a.o mailing list has been closed and an autoresponder inviting
people to post to dev@community.a.o has been set up. The vote to merge the
women@a.o list was passed unaminously. One, previously unknown, community
member voted -1 (non-binding). However, the owners of the women@.a.o list
reassured the ComDev PMC that the list had been largely unsuccesful in
meeting the defined objectives and welcomed the opportunity to work with
the ComDev PMC in ensuring that the successes of women in the ASF are duly
The local mentors program and local speakers program both continue to grow.
We now have 53 local mentors, and 27 local speakers. If discussions on them
on foundation-wide lists is anything to go by, they continue to be of use!
Interest is growing in the mentoring programme with a number of enquiries
to the development list. Ross Gardler reports that there will be between 10
and 40 students approaching the ASF for mentoring as part of their formal
education in September. The draft process is already [defined](
and will be refined during August in consulation with interested PMCs.
There was one appeal from a GSoC student that failed in the mid-term
evaluation. This was examined by both Google and the ASF admins. It was
felt the mentors decision was fair and that our selection process was not
at fault. A minor tweak relating to the communication of our expectations
to the students has been implemented. Full details can be reviewed at
Objectives for next period
* Gain support from at least 5 PMCs for the mentoring programme
* Launch the mentoring programme in September (no press at this stage)
<div class="panel" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;border-style: solid;border-width: 1px;"><div class="panelHeader" style="border-bottom-width: 1px;border-bottom-style: solid;background-color: #F7D6C1;"><B>June 2010</B></div><div class="panelContent" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;"><pre>
Status report for the Apache Community Development Project
No issues require board attention at this time.
Apologies for not submitting last month.
Documentation about mentoring has been moved from the wiki to the comdev
A beta site for finding local mentors and speakers has been set up at This is reasonably well populated via
members@ and we expect to start pushing it to the wider community@ soon.
Google Summer of Code
44 Students accepted, this will generate income of $22,000
For the first time there were no major complaints about the selection
Student work is underway.
Mentoring Programme
We had planned to roll out the mentoring programme after the GSoC
selection process. However, this has not yet happened. Documentation is in
place and a pilot is being run with a single student. However, we have not
yet rolled it out across the ASF.
A lack of volunteer time is the real block here, this is expected to be
resolved in coming months (a day job project for one of the ComDev team
relating to this activity commences in July)
The Apache Way
Prompted by various discussions on members@ we started a community dev
blog (
This will be used to post useful pointers to existing resources and
We are considering which activities discussed in the members@ threads can
and should be implemented by comdev
<div class="panel" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;border-style: solid;border-width: 1px;"><div class="panelHeader" style="border-bottom-width: 1px;border-bottom-style: solid;background-color: #F7D6C1;"><B>February 2010</B></div><div class="panelContent" style="background-color: #FFFFCE;"><pre>
Status report for the Apache Community Development Project
The community development project aims to help newcomers to The Apache
Software Foundation take their first steps on their way to being a part of
our community.
Issues for board attention
GSoC invoicing process
The ComDev PMC would like the board to evaluate the process for making
claims for GSoC payments from Google. For the board's convenience, the
process is currently:
a) GSoC admin informs Google of total amount owing
b) Google issue a PO
c) GSoC admin liaises with ASF treasurer
d) ASF issues an Invoice
e) Google pays invoice
At present the processes seems to get stuck at c). The GSoC admin is
of the issuing of an invoice for 2009 and we suspect other years may have
been missed as well.
This not only impacts ASF income but increases our costs since travel to
mentor summit is reimbursed through the same invoice.
Main items to report
- addition of Isabel Drost, Nick Birch, Noel J. Bergman and Kathey Marsden
to the Community Development PMC
- documentation of proposed mentoring programme [1](1.html)
- commencement of our first mentored participant [2](2.html)
- two press interviews in response to word of mouth discovery of the
- GSoC has been officially announced and will be run this year with Noirin
Shirley as admin, Ross Gardler and Luciano Resende as co-admins
- creation of a "people near you" webapp populated with people available
presenting or meeting those interested in the ASF - this is not yet
as we are awaiting the creation of a zone on which to host it
Main items for next period
- Move documentation of GSoC from to
- Launch of the "people near you" webapp
- Launch of the ASF GSoC engagement
- Preparation for the official launch of the ASF mentoring programme (which
will occur after GSoC has commenced)