blob: cdfa76f4a272af85925b7d142460f9615293e551 [file] [log] [blame]
baseURL = ""
title = "Apache Comdev"
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# Highlighting config. See
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# Enable Git variables like commit, lastmod
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date = ["date", ":filename", "publishDate", "lastmod"]
# Source Code repository section
repositoryUrl = ""
repositorySourceBranch = "main"
# Open Graph section
title = "Apache Community Development"
description = "The Community Development project creates and provides tools, processes, and advice to help open-source software projects improve their own community health."
images = ["images/aceu19_1.jpg", "images/aceu19_2.jpg"] # Open graph images are placed in `static/images`
tags = ["OpenSource", "Community", "Apache Software Foundation"]
twitter = "ApacheCommunity"