blob: f7a5c351c857d593745e81915dad2a4a010565eb [file] [log] [blame]
// This uses the Google Calendar v3 API to fetch details of the
// events held in the shared Apache events calendar
// That calendar is available to any Apache member who asks, the ID
// of it is :
var CALENDAR_ID = "";
// Google Calendar API key, valid for * and localhost
var API_KEY = "AIzaSyDJkXq1faq2G5NkFkFTh9Sikdpc2YXTVXs";
// We only need read-only access for our needs
var SCOPES = [''];
// Where to put things
var events = $('#events');
if (!events) {
events = $('body').append("<ul id='events'/>");
// Options
var now = (new Date()).toISOString();
var opts = "?key=" + API_KEY
+ "&timeMin=" + now
+ "&singleEvents=true"
+ "&orderBy=startTime"
+ "&timezone=America/New_York"
+ "&maxResults=20";
// Fetch
type: 'GET',
url: encodeURI('' + CALENDAR_ID + '/events' + opts),
dataType: 'json',
success: function (response) {
var el = response['items'];
let reg = /T.*$/;
let official = /(ApacheCon|Roadshow)/;
if (el.length > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < el.length; i++) {
var ev = el[i];
var when = ev.start.dateTime;
if (!when) {
when =;
when = when.replace(reg,"");
if (ev.end) {
var end = ev.end.dateTime;
if (!end) {
end =;
end = end.replace(reg,"");
if (end != when) {
when = when + " to " + end;
var link = null;
if (ev.description) {
var line1 = ev.description.split("\n")[0];
if (line1.slice(0,7) === "http://" ||
line1.slice(0,8) === "https://"
) {
link = line1.trim();
var html = "<li>";
if (link) { html += "<a href='" + link + "'>"; }
if (ev.summary.match(official)) {
html += "<b>" + ev.summary + "</b>";
} else {
html += ev.summary;
if (link) { html += "</a>"; }
html += " - <i>" + when + "</i>";
if (ev.location) {
html += "<br/>"+ev.location;
} else {
events.append("<li><i>No events found, sorry</i></li>");
error: function (response) {
events.append("<li><i>Error loading events</i></li>");