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--><document xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><properties><title>Cocoon 2.2 Site - Modularize Cocoon apps (Using blocks)</title><author email="">Apache Cocoon Documentation Team</author></properties><body>
<div id="contentBody"><div id="bodyText"><h1 class="docTitle">Modularize Cocoon apps (Using blocks)</h1><p>In the basic tutorial <a href="1159_1_1.html">"Your first Cocoon application
using Maven 2"</a> you created your first block. Cocoon 2.2 introduced the
concept of blocks because it should help you to split your application into
smaller parts. This increases the maintainability and reusability by orders of
magnitude.</p><p>In this tutorial you will</p><ol type="1">
<li>create a second block</li>
<li>connect one block with another one</li>
<li>use a pipeline fragement available in one block from within another block
</ol><h1>Create a second block</h1>For this purpose move into the <tt>getting-started-app</tt> directory and use
the Maven 2 archetype command again:<pre>mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=
</pre>First choose the archetype:<pre>Choose archetype:
1: remote -&gt; cocoon-22-archetype-block-plain (Creates an empty Cocoon block; useful
 if you want to add another block to a Cocoon application)
2: remote -&gt; cocoon-22-archetype-block (Creates a Cocoon block containing some small
3: remote -&gt; cocoon-22-archetype-webapp (Creates a web application configured to
host Cocoon blocks. Just add the block dependencies)
Choose a number: (1/2/3): <strong>2
</strong></pre>Then respond to the other questions as follows:<pre>Define value for groupId: : <strong>com.mycompany</strong>
Define value for artifactId: : <strong>myBlock2</strong>
Define value for version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT: : <strong>1.0.0</strong>
Define value for package: : <strong>com.mycompany.myBlock2</strong></pre><p>The result is a second Cocoon block called myBlock2.  You should find the
directory structure of your application now looks as follows:</p><pre>getting-started-app
<tt> +-</tt><tt>myBlock1
| +-pom.xml
| +-src
| +-[...]</tt>
<tt> +-</tt><tt>myBlock2
</tt></pre><p>Move into the myBlock2 folder and execute the following command:</p><pre>mvn install eclipse:eclipse</pre><p>This builds and copies the second block into your local Maven repository so
that other dependent blocks and projects can see it and then creates the
necessary files to allow you to import the block as a project in Eclipse.</p><h1>Connect two blocks</h1><p>Let's assume that you want to use a pipeline defined in <tt>myBlock2</tt>
from within <tt>myBlock1</tt>. You have to establish the connection between the
two blocks. Edit
</p><pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
&lt;beans xmlns=""
&lt;bean id="com.mycompany.myBlock1.service" class="org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.SitemapServlet"&gt;
&lt;servlet:context mount-path="/myBlock1" context-path="blockcontext:/myBlock1/"&gt;
<strong> &lt;servlet:connections&gt;
&lt;entry key="myBlock2" value-ref="com.mycompany.myBlock2.service"/&gt;
</pre><p>Additionally, you have to record the fact that myBlock1 has a dependency on
myBlock2 by editing myBlock1's Maven project descriptor
(<tt>getting-started-app/<strong>myBlock1</strong>/pom.xml</tt>):</p><pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
<strong> &lt;dependency&gt;
</pre><p>If you use the RCL goal of the Cocoon Maven plugin, you will also want to add
the location of the new block to the configuration file of block1. This has the
advantage that you can work on block2 and the changes take effect immediately.
Open getting-started-app/myBlock1/ and add</p><pre>com.mycompany.myBlock1.service%classes-dir=./target/classes
</strong></pre><p>Restart the servlet container by invoking</p><pre>mvn jetty:run
</pre><p>Now it's time to test connection. For that purpose add a pipeline to the
sitemap of block1
</p><pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
&lt;map:sitemap xmlns:map=""&gt;
&lt;map:match pattern="callingBlock2"&gt;
&lt;map:generate src="<strong>servlet:myBlock2:/spring-bean</strong>" type="file"/&gt;
&lt;map:serialize type="xml"/&gt;
</pre><p>The file generator of this pipeline uses a special purpose protocol, the
servlet protocol, to access a pipeline defined in the other block. If you enter
<tt>http://localhost:8888/myBlock1/callingBlock2</tt> shows the output of the
spring-bean pipeline of <tt>myBlock2</tt> but routed through <tt>myBlock1</tt>.
Though this is a "<em>hello word</em>" style example you might already imagine
the power of this protocol, e.g. you can move all styling resources and
pipelines to a particular block.</p><h1>Use a pipeline fragment</h1><p>The previous example showed how you can call a pipeline from another block.
But here is even more you can do! A sitemap can also provide pipeline fragements
that can be used by other blocks:</p><pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
&lt;map:sitemap xmlns:map=""&gt;
&lt;map:match pattern="callingTransformationService"&gt;
&lt;map:generate src="demo/welcome.xml"/&gt;
<strong>&lt;map:transform type="servletService"&gt;
&lt;map:parameter name="service"
&lt;map:serialize type="xml"/&gt;
&lt;/map:sitemap&gt;</pre><p>When the requests arrives at <tt>callingTransformationService</tt> pipeline,
the generator produces SAX events of <tt>demo/welcome.xml</tt>. There is nothing
special here. The interesting part comes with the following transformer of type
<tt>servletService</tt>. It calls a transformation service which is provided by
<tt>myBlock2</tt>.</p><p>Add this service to the sitemap of myBlock2
It consists of one XSLT transformation step:</p><pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
&lt;map:sitemap xmlns:map=""&gt;
&lt;map:match pattern="<strong>myXsltTransformation-service</strong>"&gt;
&lt;map:generate src="<strong>service-consumer:</strong>"/&gt;
&lt;map:transform src="myXsltTransformation.xslt"/&gt;
&lt;map:serialize type="xml"/&gt;
&lt;/map:sitemap&gt;</pre><p>The generator uses the service-consumer protocol which initializes the
service. Then the pipeline continues with an XSLT transformation
<tt>myXsltTransformation.xslt</tt>, which has to be put into the same directory
as the <tt>myBlock2</tt> sitemap:</p><pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
&lt;xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""&gt;
  &lt;xsl:template match="/"&gt;
        &lt;title&gt;Output of the XSLT transformation service.&lt;/title&gt;
        Output of the XSLT transformation service.
</pre><p>Point your browser at
<tt>http://localhost:8888/myBlock1/callingTransformationService</tt> and see the
output of the pipeline.</p><div class="note"><div><strong>Note: </strong>Besides transformation services there are also generation and
serialization services.</div></div></div></div>