blob: 436a187f4a5919197e4f1fc5aa797b3ddc3c4db0 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
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contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<!DOCTYPE status [
<!ELEMENT status (developers, todo, changes)>
<!ELEMENT developers (person+)>
<!ATTLIST person
<!ELEMENT todo (actions+)>
<!ELEMENT actions (action+)>
<!ATTLIST actions
priority (high | medium | low) #REQUIRED
<!ELEMENT changes (release+)>
<!ELEMENT release (action+)>
<!ATTLIST release
<!ELEMENT action (#PCDATA | link | br | code | ul | strong)*>
<!ATTLIST action
context (build | code | docs) #IMPLIED
assigned-to CDATA #IMPLIED
type (add | fix | remove | update) #IMPLIED
fixes-bug CDATA #IMPLIED
due-to-email CDATA #IMPLIED
<!ELEMENT strong (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST link
<!ELEMENT ul (li)+>
<!ELEMENT li (#PCDATA | link | br | code | ul)*>
<!ENTITY eacute "&#x000E9;">
<!ENTITY ouml "&#x000F6;">
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<!-- @version $Id$ -->
<!-- in strict alphabetical order -->
<person name="Donald Ball" email="" id="DB"/>
<person name="Nicola Ken Barozzi" email="" id="NKB"/>
<person name="Ross Burton" email="" id="RB"/>
<person name="Mark Butler" email="" id="MB"/>
<person name="Ugo Cei" email="" id="UC"/>
<person name="Tony Collen" email="" id="ATC"/>
<person name="Marcus Crafter" email="" id="MC"/>
<person name="David Crossley" email="" id="DC"/>
<person name="Torsten Curdt" email="" id="TC"/>
<person name="Bertrand Delacr&#233;taz" email="" id="BD"/>
<person name="Bruno Dumon" email="" id="BRD"/>
<person name="Daniel Fagerstrom" email="" id="DF"/>
<person name="Gerhard Froehlich" email="" id="GF"/>
<person name="Pierpaolo Fumagalli" email="" id="PF"/>
<person name="Antonio Gallardo" email="" id="AG"/>
<person name="Leszek Gawron" email="" id="LG"/>
<person name="Simone Gianni" email="" id="SG"/>
<person name="Ralph Goers" email="" id="RG"/>
<person name="Vadim Gritsenko" email="" id="VG"/>
<person name="Christian Haul" email="" id="CH"/>
<person name="J&#246;rg Heinicke" email="" id="JH"/>
<person name="Jorg Heymans" email="" id="JHS"/>
<person name="Unico Hommes" email="" id="UH"/>
<person name="Geoff Howard" email="" id="GH"/>
<person name="Bernhard Huber" email="" id="BH"/>
<person name="Ivelin Atanasoff Ivanov" email="" id="IAI"/>
<person name="Matthew Langham" email="" id="BL"/>
<person name="Berin Loritsch" email="" id="BL"/>
<person name="Stefano Mazzocchi" email="" id="SM"/>
<person name="Michael Melhem" email="" id="MM"/>
<person name="Stephan Michels" email="" id="SMS"/>
<person name="John Morrison" email="" id="JM"/>
<person name="Alfred Nathaniel" email="" id="AN"/>
<person name="Steven Noels" email="" id="SN"/>
<person name="Christopher Oliver" email="" id="CO"/>
<person name="Giacomo Pati" email="" id="GP"/>
<person name="Konstantin Piroumian" email="" id="KP"/>
<person name="Marc Portier" email="" id="MPO"/>
<person name="Ovidiu Predescu" email="" id="OP"/>
<person name="Jean-Baptiste Quenot" email="" id="JBQ"/>
<person name="Jeremy Quinn" email="" id="JQ"/>
<person name="Reinhard P&#246;tz" email="" id="RP"/>
<person name="Gianugo Rabellino" email="" id="GR"/>
<person name="Ricardo Rocha" email="" id="RR"/>
<person name="Peter Royal" email="" id="PAR"/>
<person name="Paul Russell" email="" id="PR"/>
<person name="Andrew Savory" email="" id="AS"/>
<person name="Diana Shannon" email="" id="DS"/>
<person name="Davanum Srinivas" email="" id="DM"/>
<person name="Jeff Turner" email="" id="JT"/>
<person name="Upayavira" email="" id="UV"/>
<person name="Sylvain Wallez" email="" id="SW"/>
<person name="Carsten Ziegeler" email="" id="CZ"/>
<person name="Volunteer needed" email="" id="open"/>
<actions priority="high">
<action context="code" assigned-to="all">
Test, test, test :-)
<action context="build" assigned-to="open">
Complete (means put all allowed constructs and combinations)
the lint/sitemap.xmap file. Enhance the RELAX NG grammar for sitemap.
<action context="code" assigned-to="SW">
For 2.2: Views must start not from the first encountered label, but from the last one
<action context="code" assigned-to="open">
Finish the design and contracts of flow. Add more tests and samples and
<action context="code" assigned-to="open">
Finish the
<link href="plan/samples.html">refactoring of samples</link>
<action context="code" assigned-to="open">
Finish moving the scratchpad stuff in main trunk.
<actions priority="medium">
<action context="code">
Ensure that recyclable components always release their references, even when
they are not pooled. The easiest way is to make them disposable and clean up
in dispose.
<action context="code">
Lucene is writing info to stdout when searching.
<action context="code">
Redesign FragmentExtractorGenerator/Transformer so that it works on a clustered
server: store fragments in the session rather than in a local store. <br/>
This couldn't work, because if you working with caching pipelines, you cannot be sure
that the entries are in the session(Stephan).
<action context="code" assigned-to="MPO">
Remove ContainerWidget concept from cforms.
<!-- These are the changes from the last 2.1.x version. -->
<release version="@version@" date="@date@">
<action dev="JBQ" type="update" fixes-bug="COCOON-1706" due-to="Philippe Gassmann" due-to-email="">
Allow TeeTransformer to run a system command for debugging purposes
<action dev="JBQ" type="update">
Ported various caching pipeline fixes and improvements from branch 2.1:
<li>locking feature, see</li>
<li>COCOON-1279: caching point pipelines and smart caching, see</li>
<li>COCOON-1799: Threads waste when reading a not found resource, see</li>
<action dev="VG" type="update">
Move BackgroundEnvironment from Cron block into the core.
<action dev="CZ" type="remove">
Remove deprecated WildcardHelper. Use WildcardMatcherHelper instead.
<action dev="CZ" type="fix">
Property files are read in alphabetical order to provide a reliable read order.
<action dev="CZ" type="add">
Add setting "org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.internalonly.disable" to disable all internal pipelines for
development purposes.
<action dev="CZ" type="remove">
Remove the SitemapConfigurable interface completly. The new include and property mechanism provides
a cleaner way of per sitemap configurations. (Compatibility for global sitemap variables is provided but
will be removed in later versions.)
<action dev="CZ" type="add">
Properties can now be defined on a per sitemap base. This includes different set of
properties for different running modes.
<action dev="CZ" type="add">
Add support for different running modes. This allows to have different configurations
for several environments like production, testing or development. On startup of Cocoon
one can select the running mode by using a system property.
<action dev="CZ" type="add">
Rewrote the whole core container by using Spring as the component container. It is now
possible to use Avalon based configuration files next to Spring style configuration files
and they are all "merged" and managed by one single container instance. Each sitemap
gets its own container with possibly own configuration.
<action dev="CZ" type="update">
Removed obsolete support for JCS.
<action dev="CZ" type="update">
XMLSerializer and XMLDeserializer are no longer managed components. Use the XMLByteStreamCompiler
and XMLByteStreamInterpreter classes directly.
<action dev="CZ" type="add">
Add hierarchical property configuration for reloading. The various components checking
for changes in files like sitemaps, xconfs or flow scripts can now be turned on or off
by a single property.
<action dev="GP" type="add">
Added JMX support to the core ECM++
<action dev="JH" type="fix" fixes-bug="COCOON-1700">
I18n: XMLResourceBundle checks now for both the new and the old namespace.
<action dev="CZ" type="update">
AbstractSAXTransformer supports removal of own namespace prefixes.
<action dev="CZ" type="update">
CInclude transformer now removes its namespace prefixes.
<action dev="AN" type="add" fixes-bug="COCOON-1616">
Source that declares namespace fails JXPath/Linkrewriter/Input Modules.
<action dev="CZ" type="update">
Each block has now it's own status file.
<action dev="LG" type="update">
Improved blocks build exclusion/inclusion. See for more info.
<action dev="BD" type="update">
Samples pages reorganized: the first page shows only the most important samples, selected
in src/webapp/samples/blocks/samples-pages.xml, and another page shows all samples.
<action dev="BD" type="update">
Core samples moved to new blocks: core-samples-main and core-samples-additional.
<action dev="CZ" type="update">
Update Avalon framework to 4.3, Avalon LogKit to 2.1, Excalibur Instrument to 2.1,
Excalibur Logger to 2.1, Excalibur Pool to 2.1, Excalibur SourceResolve to 2.1,
Excalibur Store to 2.1, Excalibur XMLUtils to 2.1 and Excalibur Database to 2.1.
<action dev="CZ" type="add">
Add property mechanism for Cocoon configuration. All settings for Cocoon can now
be configured using properties instead of putting them in web.xml.
<action dev="CZ" type="add">
Allow the use of property replacements in logging, xconf and sitemap configurations.
<action dev="CZ" type="add">
Use includes for logkit configurations and for sitemap components.
<action dev="JH" type="update">
Moved following components into core: TraversableGenerator, XPathTraversableGenerator (both from repository
block), CSVGenerator (from scratchpad block), FragmentExtractorTransformer and FragmentExtractorGenerator
(both from batik block).
<action dev="AN" type="add" fixes-bug="28045" due-to="Jon Evans" due-to-email="">
Added CookieModule as a more convinient way to access cookie values as {cookie:query}
in alternative to {request:cookies[name='query']/value}.
<action dev="AN" type="add" fixes-bug="33388" due-to="Andrew Stevens" due-to-email="">
Added parameter "show-cocoon-version" to web.xml for configuring whether X-Cocoon-Version
response header should be sent. Default is true.
In a security paranoid environment you may want to set it to false in order to hide from
the outside world which Cocoon version you are running.
<action dev="CZ" type="fix">
Fix a huge memory leak in error pipelines that was caused by unreleased components.
<action dev="CZ" type="update">
Remove deprecated emptyAttributes from the AbstractSAXTransformer.
<action dev="CZ" type="add">
Per sitemap classloader factory is configurable using the role name.
<action dev="BD" type="add">
The junit.test.include.* options in can be used to run only
a subset of JUnit tests, to shorten debugging cycles.
<action dev="DF" type="update">
Added reflection friendly utility methods for the Cocoon environment according to vote;r=1&amp;w=2:
Map getAttributes(), Map getParameters(), Map getHeaders() for Request
and Map getAttributes() for Session and Context.
<action dev="LG" type="update">
Removed o.a.c.generation.JXTemplateGenerator from core.
Introduced o.a.c.template.jxtg.JXTemplateGenerator as the official templating language.
New commands available: &lt;jx:call macro="${macroName"}/&gt;
and &lt;jx:attribute name="${attributeName}" value="${attributeValue}"/&gt;
<action dev="VG" type="remove">
Removed EventRecorder (in o.a.c.t.helpers package).
<action dev="AG" type="remove">
Removed deprecated Pizza compiler support in XSP.
<action dev="SW" type="add">
Each sitemap can now have its own classpath using <code>&lt;map:classpath&gt;</code>. This allows
sitemap-specific components to be deployed locally with the sitemap. Reloading the sitemap
recreates the classloader, thus allowing hot reloading of changed classes.
<action dev="LG" type="fix" fixes-bug="33836" due-to="Niklas Therning" due-to-email="">
Fix thread safety problem in JXTemplateGenerator.setup() concerning template script reparsing.
<action dev="LG" type="add">
Polish i18n for CForms.
<action dev="CZ" type="update">
Create proxies for pooled components. Pooled components can now be used in the same
way as thread safe components, the client code does not need to know if they are pooled anymore.
<action dev="TC" type="add">
javaflow: updated to the API change,
lazy method lookups,
cleaner context handling,
for the moment removed the dependency to the form block
<action dev="JH" type="fix" fixes-bug="33097">
Fixed caching of i18n bundles when using multiple locations.
<action dev="SW" type="add">
Add an experimental lazy loading in the service manager that dramatically speeds up Cocoon init time
(approx 4 times faster). To use it, set JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dorg.apache.cocoon.core.LazyMode=true" prior
to starting " servlet".
<action dev="SW" type="add">
Add an include feature to xconf files and xmap files, to allow an easier configuration of the system.
The main cocoon.xconf is now a list of inclusion of the main core components and a
separate xconf file for each block. Additional role files can also be included.
<action dev="VG" type="remove">
Flowscript: Removed support for passing sitemap parameters into flowscript
function as positional arguments. Use cocoon.parameters instead.
<action dev="RP" type="update" due-to="Igor Bukanov" fixes-bug="31649" due-to-email="">
Use official Rhino implementation which supports continuations since 1.6. For the most
flowscripts there shouldn't be any issues, though there are differences that may lead
to compatibility issues:
aren't supported any more. catch(break) can be replaced by passing the function
to cocoon.sendPageAndWait([pipeline], [bizdata], [function], [time-to-live]).
catch(return) and catch(continue) e.g.
var pool = ...;
function someFunction() {
var conn = pool.getConnection();
catch (break) {
conn = null;
catch (continue) {
conn = pool.getConnection();
can be replaced by catching the ContinuationException:
var pool = ...;
function someFunction() {
var conn = null;
try {
if (conn == null) {
conn = pool.getConnection();
} finally {
conn = null;
<action dev="ATC" type="remove">
Removed the PHP block.
<action dev="CZ" type="update">
Remove support for Excalibur instrumentation.
<action dev="CZ" type="update">
Component, Composable, ComponentManager, ComponentSelector and ComponentException
are no longer support: Serviceable, ServiceManager, ServiceSelector and ServiceException
have to be used.
<action dev="CZ" type="add">
Own implementation of Avalon based container.
<action dev="RP" type="add" due-to="Adam Ratclif" fixes-bug="31359">
Apply patch: Add support for calling webservices from within Flowscript.
<action dev="CZ" type="add">
New getSitemapPath() method on the Request object to get the path to the
current sitemap even if you are in a sub sitemap. Added an abstract request
wrapper class as well.
<action dev="CZ" type="add">
Add scoped request attributes (global/request).
<action dev="CZ" type="update">
Update to servlet specification 2.3.
<action dev="AG" type="update">
Deprecate methods implementsInterface(String, String),
implementsInterface(Class, Class), lastModified(Class)
and which(Class) in org.apache.cocoon.util.ClassUtils
These methods will be removed on the next version.
<action dev="SW" type="update">
Move the sitemap engine to Serviceable (in replacement of Composable) and remove
SitemapComponentSelector and OutputComponentSelector that were no more needed.
<action dev="CZ" type="add">
Add profiling/debugging API for the sitemap.
<action dev="CZ" type="add">
Add sitemap versioning support to tree processor and remove unused
support for other tree based languages.
<action dev="CZ" type="fix" fixes-bug="28686">
Correct redirect handling for internal redirects.
<action dev="TC" type="remove">
SWF block: Removed the deprecated block and added a flash sample in the
hello world section.
<action dev="AG" type="update">
Deprecated methods in class org.apache.cocoon.util.IOUtils
to be removed in Cocoon 2.3:
<li>String baseName(String filename)</li>
<li>Object bytesToObject(byte[] bytes)</li>
<li>Object deserializeObject(File file)</li>
<li>String fileComponent(String filename)</li>
<li>byte[] objectToBytes(Object object)</li>
<li>String pathComponent(String filename)</li>
<li>void serializeObject(File file, Object object)</li>
<li>void serializeString(File file, String string)</li>
<li>void serializeString(File file, String string, String encoding)</li>
<action dev="AG" type="update">
Deprecated class org.apache.cocoon.util.JavaArchiveFilter.
To be removed in Cocoon 2.3. Moved to the deprecated dir.
<action dev="CZ" type="update">
Redesign the internal environment handling (request processing) and moved
private classes into own packages.
<action dev="CZ" type="update">
Remove deprecated RequestLifecycleComponent and GlobalRequestLifecycleComponent.
<action dev="CZ" type="update">
Remove deprecated (2.0.x) caching system; only 2.1.x is supported.
<action dev="CZ" type="update">
Remove deprecated sitemap related components and classes.
<action dev="CZ" type="update">
Remove deprecated Store implementations. Excalibur Store/JCS are used instead.
<action dev="CZ" type="update">
Remove deprecated Parser and Entity Resolver. Excalibur XMLUtils is used instead.
<action dev="CZ" type="update">
Remove deprecated XSLT Processor. Excalibur XMLUtils is used instead.
<action dev="CZ" type="update">
Remove deprecated Source handling. Excalibur Sourceresolve is used instead.
<action dev="CZ" type="update">
Remove deprecated getOutputStream() method from Environment.
<action dev="CZ" type="update">
Remove deprecated methods from SimpleCharStream, Notifier,
AbstractComplementaryConfigurableAction, StringUtils. Remove deprecated
parser constant from Constants and remove deprecated class
<action dev="CZ" type="update">
Remove deprecated methods from XMLUtils, DOMUtil, DOMBuilder and SourceUtil.