blob: 9ef30ee9c29ba3e527236892c91d2a1058ca5397 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
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<xconf xpath="/cocoon" unless="jms-connection-manager">
<!-- +
| Configuration of a set JMS Connections.
| Three types of connections can be configured:
| - general <connection>s: created by a call to ConnectionFactory.createConnection()
| - <topic-connection>s: created by a call to TopicConnectionFactory.createTopicConnection()
| - <queue-connection>s: created by a call to QeueuConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection()
| Each connection must have a unique name. This is the name other components
| use to retrieve it.
| All connection types support the same set of parameters:
| - javax.naming.*: properties used to create the initial JNDI context.
| JNDI parameters must be specified with their literal values here.
| For example, javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY is
| equivalent to "java.naming.factory.initial".
| - connection-factory: the JNDI lookup name of the javax.jms.ConnectionFactory service.
| - username / password: optional connection credentials
| - auto-reconnect: when the JMS connection fails when this parameter is set to true
| a cron job will be scheduled to attempt to re-establish the connection. Default is false.
| - auto-reconnect-delay: the amount of time in ms between reconnection attempts.
| Only applies when auto-reconnect is on. Defaults to 1000ms.
+ -->
<jms-connection-manager logger="core.jms">
<topic-connection name="local-topics">
<parameter name="java.naming.factory.initial" value="org.exolab.jms.jndi.InitialContextFactory"/>
<parameter name="java.naming.provider.url" value="rmi://localhost:1099/"/>
<!-- OpenJMS RMI topic connection factory -->
<parameter name="connection-factory" value="JmsTopicConnectionFactory"/>
<parameter name="username" value="user"/>
<parameter name="password" value="secret"/>
<parameter name="auto-reconnect" value="false"/>
<parameter name="auto-reconnect-delay" value="1000"/>