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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel;
import org.apache.cocoon.core.container.ContainerTestCase;
import org.apache.cocoon.environment.mock.MockRequest;
import org.apache.cocoon.forms.FormContext;
import org.apache.cocoon.forms.event.ValueChangedEvent;
import org.apache.cocoon.forms.event.ValueChangedListener;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
* Test case for CForm's Field widget
* @version $Id$
public class FieldTestCase extends ContainerTestCase {
public static final String VALUE_PATH = "fi:fragment/fi:field/fi:value";
public static final String VALIDATION_PATH = "fi:fragment/fi:field/fi:validation-message";
* Nominal test where the request data is syntactically correct and validates
public void testValueDoesParseAndValidate() throws Exception {
Form form = WidgetTestHelper.loadForm(getManager(), this, "FieldTestCase.model.xml");
Field field = (Field)form.getChild("intfield");
Action button = (Action)form.getChild("action");
MockRequest request;
request = new MockRequest();
request.addParameter("intfield", "11");
request.addParameter("action", "pressed");
form.process(new FormContext(request));
// No parsing nor validation where performed
Document doc = WidgetTestHelper.getWidgetFragment(field, null);
WidgetTestHelper.assertXPathEquals("Displayed value", "11", VALUE_PATH, doc);
WidgetTestHelper.assertXPathNotExists("Validation error", VALIDATION_PATH, doc);
// Now do some parsing.
assertEquals("Field value", new Integer(11), field.getValue());
// And still no validation error (do not call getValidationError() as it does validate)
doc = WidgetTestHelper.getWidgetFragment(field, null);
WidgetTestHelper.assertXPathNotExists("Validation error", VALIDATION_PATH, doc);
// Now validate
assertTrue("Field does validate", field.validate());
assertNull("getValidationError() null after validation", field.getValidationError());
doc = WidgetTestHelper.getWidgetFragment(field, null);
WidgetTestHelper.assertXPathNotExists("Validation error", VALIDATION_PATH, doc);
* Request data is not syntactically correct
public void testValueDoesNotParse() throws Exception {
Form form = WidgetTestHelper.loadForm(getManager(), this, "FieldTestCase.model.xml");
Field field = (Field)form.getChild("intfield");
Action button = (Action)form.getChild("action");
MockRequest request;
request = new MockRequest();
request.addParameter("intfield", "foo");
request.addParameter("action", "pressed");
form.process(new FormContext(request));
// No parsing nor validation where performed
Document doc = WidgetTestHelper.getWidgetFragment(field, null);
WidgetTestHelper.assertXPathEquals("Displayed velue", "foo", VALUE_PATH, doc);
WidgetTestHelper.assertXPathNotExists("Validation error before parse", VALIDATION_PATH, doc);
// Now do some parsing. Will return null as it's not parseable
assertNull("Field value", field.getValue());
// But still no validation error
doc = WidgetTestHelper.getWidgetFragment(field, null);
WidgetTestHelper.assertXPathEquals("Displayed value", "foo", VALUE_PATH, doc);
WidgetTestHelper.assertXPathNotExists("Validation error after parse", VALIDATION_PATH, doc);
// Now validate
assertFalse("Field validation", field.validate());
doc = WidgetTestHelper.getWidgetFragment(field, null);
WidgetTestHelper.assertXPathEquals("Displayed velue", "foo", VALUE_PATH, doc);
WidgetTestHelper.assertXPathExists("Validation not null after parse", VALIDATION_PATH, doc);
assertNotNull("getValidationError() not null after validation", field.getValidationError());
* Request data is syntactically correct but doesn't validate
public void testValueDoesNotValidate() throws Exception {
Form form = WidgetTestHelper.loadForm(getManager(), this, "FieldTestCase.model.xml");
Field field = (Field)form.getChild("intfield");
Action button = (Action)form.getChild("action");
MockRequest request;
request = new MockRequest();
request.addParameter("intfield", "1");
request.addParameter("action", "pressed");
form.process(new FormContext(request));
// No parsing nor validation where performed
Document doc = WidgetTestHelper.getWidgetFragment(field, null);
WidgetTestHelper.assertXPathEquals("Displayed value", "1", VALUE_PATH, doc);
WidgetTestHelper.assertXPathNotExists("Validation error before parse", VALIDATION_PATH, doc);
// Now do some parsing. Will return null although syntactically correct as it's invalid
assertNull("Field value", field.getValue());
// But still no validation error
doc = WidgetTestHelper.getWidgetFragment(field, null);
WidgetTestHelper.assertXPathNotExists("Validation error after parse", VALIDATION_PATH, doc);
// Now validate
assertFalse("Field validation", field.validate());
doc = WidgetTestHelper.getWidgetFragment(field, null);
WidgetTestHelper.assertXPathExists("Validation error after validation", VALIDATION_PATH, doc);
assertNotNull("getValidationError() not null after validation", field.getValidationError());
* Test that a field's value is properly set by a call to setValue("") with an
* empty string when the field is in unparsed state (there used to be a bug in
* that case)
public void testSetEmptyValueWhenValueChangedOnRequest() throws Exception {
Form form = WidgetTestHelper.loadForm(getManager(), this, "FieldTestCase.model.xml");
Field field = (Field)form.getChild("stringfield");
Action button = (Action)form.getChild("action");
MockRequest request;
// Set a value in stringfield and submit with an action
// (no validation, thus no call to doParse())
request = new MockRequest();
request.addParameter("stringfield", "bar");
request.addParameter("action", "pressed");
form.process(new FormContext(request));
// Verify submit widget, just to be sure that validation did not occur
assertEquals("Form submit widget", button, form.getSubmitWidget());
// Set the value to an empty string. In that case, a faulty test made
// it actually ignore it when state was VALUE_UNPARSED
// Check value by various means
Document doc = WidgetTestHelper.getWidgetFragment(field, null);
WidgetTestHelper.assertXPathEquals("Displayed value", "", VALUE_PATH, doc);
assertEquals("Datatype string conversion", "", field.getDatatype().convertToString(field.value, null));
assertEquals("Field value", "", (String)field.getValue());
* Test that the previous field value is correctly passed to event listeners
* even if it was not already parsed.
public void testOldValuePresentInEventEvenIfNotParsed() throws Exception {
Form form = WidgetTestHelper.loadForm(getManager(), this, "FieldTestCase.model.xml");
Field field = (Field)form.getChild("stringfield");
Action button = (Action)form.getChild("action");
MockRequest request;
// Set a value on "stringfield", and submit using an action so that
// it stays in unparsed state
request = new MockRequest();
request.addParameter("stringfield", "foo");
request.addParameter("action", "pressed");
form.process(new FormContext(request));
// Now add an event listener that will check old an new value
field.addValueChangedListener(new ValueChangedListener (){
public void valueChanged(ValueChangedEvent event) {
assertEquals("Old value", "foo", (String)event.getOldValue());
assertEquals("New value", "bar", (String)event.getNewValue());
// Change value to "bar", still without explicit validation
// That will call the event listener
request = new MockRequest();
request.addParameter("stringfield", "bar");
request.addParameter("button", "pressed");
form.process(new FormContext(request));
* Request parameters are not read when a field is not in active state
public void testParameterNotReadWhenDisabled() throws Exception {
Form form = WidgetTestHelper.loadForm(getManager(), this, "FieldTestCase.model.xml");
Field field = (Field)form.getChild("stringfield");
MockRequest request;
// Disable the form
request = new MockRequest();
request.addParameter("stringfield", "bar");
form.process(new FormContext(request));
// Check that "bar" was not read
assertEquals("foo", field.getValue());
// Switch back to active and resumbit the same request
form.process(new FormContext(request));
// Should have changed now
assertEquals("bar", field.getValue());