blob: e123434614aa257cb499c5b62c2e7fe4b41276c3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Created on Aug 2, 2010
import sys
import os
import inspect
from optparse import OptionParser, OptParseError, BadOptionError, OptionError, OptionConflictError, OptionValueError
import cloudapis as apis
def describe(name,desc):
def inner(decoratee):
if not hasattr(decoratee,"descriptions"): decoratee.descriptions = {}
decoratee.descriptions[name] = desc
return decoratee
return inner
def error(msg):
class MyOptionParser(OptionParser):
def error(self, msg):
error("%s: %s\n" % (self.get_prog_name(),msg))
def parse_args(self,*args,**kwargs):
options,arguments = OptionParser.parse_args(self,*args,**kwargs)
def prune_options(options,alist):
"""Given 'options' -- a list of arguments to OptionParser.add_option,
and a set of optparse Values, return a dictionary of only those values
that apply exclusively to 'options'"""
return dict( [ (k,getattr(options,k)) for k in dir(options) if k in alist ] )
api_options = prune_options(options,self.api_dests)
cmd_options = prune_options(options,self.cmd_dests)
return options,arguments,api_options,cmd_options
def get_parser(api_callable=None,cmd_callable=None): # this should probably be the __init__ method of myoptionparser
def getdefaulttag(default):
if default is not None: return " [Default: %default]"
return ''
def get_arguments_and_options(callable):
"""Infers and returns arguments and options based on a callable's signature.
Cooperates with decorator @describe"""
funcargs = inspect.getargspec(callable).args
defaults = inspect.getargspec(callable).defaults
funcargs = inspect.getargspec(callable)[0]
defaults = inspect.getargspec(callable)[3]
if not defaults: defaults = []
args = funcargs[1:len(funcargs)-len(defaults)] # this assumes self, so assumes methods
opts = funcargs[len(funcargs)-len(defaults):]
try: descriptions = callable.descriptions
except AttributeError: descriptions = {}
arguments = [ (argname, descriptions.get(argname,'') ) for argname in args ]
options = [ [
"help":descriptions.get(argname,'') + getdefaulttag(default),
] for argname,default in zip(opts,defaults) ]
return arguments,options
basic_usage = "usage: %prog [options...] "
api_name = "<api>"
cmd_name = "<command>"
description = "%prog is a command-line tool to access several cloud APIs."
arguments = ''
argexp = ""
if api_callable:
api_name = api_callable.__module__.split(".")[-1].replace("_","-")
api_arguments,api_options = get_arguments_and_options(api_callable)
assert len(api_arguments) is 0 # no mandatory arguments for class initializers
if cmd_callable:
cmd_name = cmd_callable.func_name.replace("_","-")
cmd_arguments,cmd_options = get_arguments_and_options(cmd_callable)
if cmd_arguments:
arguments = " " + " ".join( [ s[0].upper() for s in cmd_arguments ] )
argexp = "\n\nArguments:\n" + "\n".join ( " %s\n %s"%(s.upper(),u) for s,u in cmd_arguments )
description = cmd_callable.__doc__
api_command = "%s %s"%(api_name,cmd_name)
if description: description = "\n\n" + description
else: description = ''
usage = basic_usage + api_command + arguments + description + argexp
parser = MyOptionParser(usage=usage, add_help_option=False)
parser.add_option('--help', action="help")
group = parser.add_option_group("General options")
group.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest="verbose", help="Print extra output")
parser.api_dests = []
if api_callable and api_options:
group = parser.add_option_group("Options for the %s API"%api_name)
for a in api_options:
parser.cmd_dests = []
if cmd_callable and cmd_options:
group = parser.add_option_group("Options for the %s command"%cmd_name)
for a in cmd_options:
return parser
def lookup_command_in_api(api,command_name):
command = getattr(api,command_name.replace("-","_"),None)
return command
def get_api_list(api):
apilist = []
for cmd_name in dir(api):
cmd = getattr(api,cmd_name)
if callable(cmd) and not cmd_name.startswith("_"):
return apilist
def get_command_list(api):
cmds = []
for cmd_name in dir(api):
cmd = getattr(api,cmd_name)
if callable(cmd) and not cmd_name.startswith("_"):
if cmd.__doc__:docstring = cmd.__doc__
else:docstring = ''
cmds.append( " %s" % (cmd_name.replace('_','-')) )
return cmds