blob: 63c48b4fc20c40f899a0d2c54274a82535823173 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# the following variables are used by the target "waf dist"
# if you change APPNAME here, you need to change 'Name' also
# in cloud.spec, add a %changelog entry there, and add an
# entry in debian/changelog. SHORTVERSION is used in package
# naming for deb/rpm, VERSION is used for tarball and bin
VERSION = '4.0.2'
APPNAME = 'cloud'
import shutil,os
import email,time
import optparse
import Utils,Node,Options,Logs,Scripting,Environment,Build,Configure
from subprocess import Popen as _Popen,PIPE
import os
import sys
from os import unlink as _unlink, makedirs as _makedirs, getcwd as _getcwd, chdir as _chdir
from os.path import abspath as _abspath, basename as _basename, dirname as _dirname, exists as _exists, isdir as _isdir, split as _split, join as _join, sep, pathsep, pardir, curdir
from glob import glob as _glob
import zipfile,tarfile
from os import chmod as _chmod,chown as _chown
import pwd,stat,grp
except ImportError:
_chmod,_chown,pwd,stat,grp = (None,None,None,None,None)
import xml.dom.minidom
import re
# these variables are mandatory ('/' are converted automatically)
srcdir = '.'
blddir = 'artifacts'
Configure.autoconfig = True
# things not to include in the source tarball
# exclude by file name or by _glob (wildcard matching)
for _globber in [
["dist", # does not belong in the source tarball
"system", # for windows
"override", # not needed
"eclipse", # only there to please eclipse
"repomanagement", # internal management stuff
"client-api", # obsolete
"cloud-bridge", # not compiled and packaged yet
"target", # eclipse workdir
"junit" ],
for f in _globber: Scripting.excludes.append(_basename(f)) # _basename() only the filename
# things never to consider when building or installing
for pattern in ["**/.project","**/.classpath","**/.pydevproject"]: Node.exclude_regs += "\n%s"%pattern
# Support functions
def distclean(ctx):
"""Clear the build artifacts"""
for root, folder, files in os.walk(blddir):
for f in files:
path = os.path.join(root, f)
print "Removing artifact %s"%path
def inspectobj(x):
"""Look inside an object"""
for m in dir(x): print m,": ",getattr(x,m)
Utils.inspectobj = inspectobj
def _trm(x,y):
if len(x) > y: return x[:y] + "..."
return x
def getrpmdeps():
def rpmdeps(fileset):
for f in fileset:
lines = file(f).readlines()
lines = [ x[len("BuildRequires: "):] for x in lines if x.startswith("BuildRequires") ]
for l in lines:
deps = [ x.strip() for x in l.split(",") ]
for d in deps:
if "%s-"%APPNAME in d: continue
yield d
yield "rpm-build"
deps = set(rpmdeps(_glob("./*.spec")))
return deps
# CENTOS does not have this -- we have to put this here
from subprocess import check_call as _check_call
from subprocess import CalledProcessError
except ImportError:
def _check_call(*popenargs, **kwargs):
import subprocess
retcode =*popenargs, **kwargs)
cmd = kwargs.get("args")
if cmd is None: cmd = popenargs[0]
if retcode: raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
return retcode
class CalledProcessError(Exception):
def __init__(self, returncode, cmd):
self.returncode = returncode ; self.cmd = cmd
def __str__(self): return "Command '%s' returned non-zero exit status %d" % (self.cmd, self.returncode)
def throws_command_errors(f):
def g(*args,**kwargs):
try: return f(*args,**kwargs)
except CalledProcessError,e:
raise Utils.WafError("system command %s failed with error value %s"%(e.cmd[0],e.returncode))
except IOError,e:
if e.errno is 32:
raise Utils.WafError("system command %s terminated abruptly, closing communications with parent's pipe"%e.cmd[0])
return g
def c(cmdlist,cwd=None):
# Run a command with _check_call, pretty-printing the cmd list
Utils.pprint("BLUE"," ".join(cmdlist))
return _check_call(cmdlist,cwd=cwd)
def svninfo(*args):
try: p = _Popen(['svn','info']+list(args),stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE)
except OSError,e:
if e.errno == 2: return '' # svn command is not installed
stdout,stderr = p.communicate('')
retcode = p.wait()
# If the guess fails, just return nothing.
if retcode: return
# SVN available
rev = [ x for x in stdout.splitlines() if x.startswith('Revision') ]
if not rev: rev = ''
else: rev = "SVN " + rev[0].strip()
url = [ x for x in stdout.splitlines() if x.startswith('URL') ]
if not url: url = ''
else: url = "SVN " + url[0].strip()
return rev + "\n" + url
def gitinfo(dir=None):
if dir and not _isdir(dir): return ''
try: p = _Popen(['git','remote','show','-n','origin'],stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE,cwd=dir)
except OSError,e:
if e.errno == 2: return '' # svn command is not installed
stdout,stderr = p.communicate('')
retcode = p.wait()
# If the guess fails, just return nothing.
if retcode: return
stdout = [ s.strip() for s in stdout.splitlines() ]
try: url = [ s[11:] for s in stdout if s.startswith("Fetch URL") ][0]
except IndexError: url = [ s[5:] for s in stdout if s.startswith("URL") ][0]
assert url
p = _Popen(['git','log','-1'],stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE,cwd=dir)
stdout,stderr = p.communicate('')
retcode = p.wait()
if retcode: return
# If the guess fails, just return nothing.
stdout = [ s.strip() for s in stdout.splitlines() ]
commitid = [ s.split()[1] for s in stdout if s.startswith("commit") ][0]
assert commitid
return "Git Revision: %s"%commitid + "\n" + "Git URL: %s"%url
def allgitinfo():
t = gitinfo()
if not t: return t
u = gitinfo(_join(pardir,"cloudstack-proprietary"))
if not u: return t
return t + "\n\ncloustack-proprietary:\n" + u
def _getbuildnumber(): # FIXME implement for git
n = Options.options.BUILDNUMBER
if n:
# luntbuild prepends "build-" to the build number. we work around this here:
if n.startswith("build-"): n = n[6:]
# SVN identifiers prepend "$Revision:" to the build number. we work around this here:
if n.startswith("$Revision:"): n = n[11:-2].strip()
return n
# Try to guess the SVN revision number by calling SVN info.
stdout = svninfo()
if not stdout: return ''
# Filter lines.
rev = [ x for x in stdout.splitlines() if x.startswith('SVN Revision') ]
if not rev: return ''
# Parse revision number.
rev = rev[0][14:].strip()
return rev
Utils.getbuildnumber = _getbuildnumber
def mkdir_p(directory):
if not _isdir(directory):
Utils.pprint("GREEN","Creating directory %s and necessary parents"%directory)
def relpath(path, start="."):
if not path: raise ValueError("no path specified")
start_list = os.path.abspath(start).split(sep)
path_list = os.path.abspath(path).split(sep)
# Work out how much of the filepath is shared by start and path.
i = len(os.path.commonprefix([start_list, path_list]))
rel_list = [pardir] * (len(start_list)-i) + path_list[i:]
if not rel_list:
return curdir
return os.path.join(*rel_list)
Utils.relpath = relpath
def dev_override(pathname):
p,e = _split(pathname)
overridden = _join(p,"override",e)
if _exists(overridden): return overridden
return pathname
def discover_ant_targets_and_properties(files):
doms = [ xml.dom.minidom.parseString(file(f).read(-1)) for f in files if f.endswith(".xml") ]
targets = dict( [ (target.getAttribute("name"),target) for dom in doms for target in dom.getElementsByTagName("target") if target.getElementsByTagName("compile-java") ] )
propsinxml = [ (prop.getAttribute("name"),prop.getAttribute("value") or prop.getAttribute("location")) for dom in doms for prop in dom.getElementsByTagName("property") ]
propsinpropfiles = [ l.strip().split("=",1) for f in files if f.endswith(".properties") for l in file(f).readlines() if "=" in l and not l.startswith("#") ]
props = dict( propsinxml + propsinpropfiles )
props["base.dir"] = '.'
props["p.base.dir"] = '.'
result = []
for name,target in targets.items():
sourcedir = target.getElementsByTagName("compile-java")[0].getAttribute("top.dir") + "/src"
classdir = "${classes.dir}/" + target.getElementsByTagName("compile-java")[0].getAttribute("")
jarpath = "${jar.dir}/" + target.getElementsByTagName("compile-java")[0].getAttribute("")
def lookup(matchobject): return props[]
while "$" in sourcedir: sourcedir = re.sub("\${(.+?)}",lookup,sourcedir)
while "$" in classdir: classdir = re.sub("\${(.+?)}",lookup,classdir)
while "$" in jarpath: jarpath= re.sub("\${(.+?)}",lookup,jarpath)
dependencies = [ dep.strip() for dep in target.getAttribute("depends").split(",") if dep.strip() in targets ]
result.append([str(name),str(relpath(sourcedir)),str(relpath(classdir)),str(relpath(jarpath)),[str(s) for s in dependencies]])
# hardcoded here because the discovery process does not get it
result.append( ["build-console-viewer","console-viewer/src", "target/classes/console-viewer", "target/jar/VMOpsConsoleApplet.jar", ["compile-utils","compile-console-common"] ] )
return result,props
Utils.discover_ant_targets_and_properties = discover_ant_targets_and_properties
# this snippet of code runs a list of ant targets
# then it expects a certain set of JAR files to be output in the artifacts/default/ant/jar directory
# this set of jar files is defined here in the variable jartgts, and must match the definitions at the bottom of
# build/package.xml and build/premium/package-premium.xml
# this is NOT a task for a task generator -- it is a plain function.
# If you want to use it as a task function in a task generator, use a lambda x: runant("targetname")
def runant(tsk):
environ = dict(os.environ)
environ["CATALINA_HOME"] = tsk.env.TOMCATHOME
if tsk.generator.env.DISTRO == "Windows":
stanzas = [
stanzas = [
stanzas += tsk.generator.antargs
ret = Utils.exec_command(" ".join(stanzas),cwd=tsk.generator.bld.srcnode.abspath(),env=environ,log=True)
if ret != 0: raise Utils.WafError("Ant command %s failed with error value %s"%(stanzas,ret))
return ret
Utils.runant = runant
def run_java(classname,classpath,options=None,arguments=None):
if not options: options = []
if not arguments: arguments = []
if type(classpath) in [list,tuple]: classpath = pathsep.join(classpath)
Utils.pprint("BLUE","Run-time CLASSPATH:")
for v in classpath.split(pathsep): Utils.pprint("BLUE"," %s"%v)
cmd = ["java","-classpath",classpath] + options + [classname] + arguments
Utils.pprint("BLUE"," ".join([ _trm(x,32) for x in cmd ]))
# this will enforce the after= ordering constraints in the javac task generators
from TaskGen import after, feature
@after('apply_core', 'apply_java', 'apply_subst')
def process_after(self):
lst = self.to_list(getattr(self, 'after', []))
for x in lst:
obj = self.bld.name_to_obj(x,self.bld.env)
if not obj: break
for a in obj.tasks:
for b in self.tasks:
Build.BuildContext.process_after = staticmethod(process_after)
def _getbuildcontext():
ctx = Build.BuildContext()
return ctx
def _install_files_filtered(self,destdir,listoffiles,**kwargs):
if "cwd" in kwargs: cwd = kwargs["cwd"]
else: cwd = self.path
if isinstance(listoffiles,str) and '**' in listoffiles:
listoffiles = cwd.ant_glob(listoffiles,flat=True)
elif isinstance(listoffiles,str) and '*' in listoffiles:
listoffiles = [ n for x in listoffiles.split() for n in _glob(cwd.abspath() + os.sep + x.replace("/",os.sep)) ]
listoffiles = Utils.to_list(listoffiles)[:]
listoffiles = [ x for x in listoffiles if not ( x.endswith("~") or x == "override" or "%soverride"%os.sep in x ) ]
for n,f in enumerate(listoffiles):
f = os.path.abspath(f)
f = dev_override(f)
if _isdir(f): continue
if f.endswith(".in"):
source = f ; target = f[:-3]
tgen = self(features='subst', source=source[len(self.path.abspath())+1:], target=target[len(self.path.abspath())+1:], name="filtered_%s"%source)
tgen.dict = self.env.get_merged_dict()
source = f ; target = f
listoffiles[n] = target[len(cwd.abspath())+1:]
if "postpone" not in kwargs: kwargs["postpone"] = True
ret = self.install_files(destdir,listoffiles,**kwargs)
return ret
Build.BuildContext.install_files_filtered = _install_files_filtered
def _substitute(self,listoffiles,install_to=None,cwd=None,dict=None,name=None,**kwargs):
if cwd is None: cwd = self.path
tgenkwargs = {}
if name is not None: tgenkwargs["name"] = name
if isinstance(listoffiles,str) and '**' in listoffiles:
listoffiles = cwd.ant_glob(listoffiles,flat=True)
elif isinstance(listoffiles,str) and '*' in listoffiles:
listoffiles = [ n for x in listoffiles.split() for n in _glob(cwd.abspath() + os.sep + x.replace("/",os.sep)) ]
for src in Utils.to_list(listoffiles):
tgt = src + ".subst"
inst = src # Utils.relpath(src,relative_to) <- disabled
# Use cwd path when creating task and shift back later
tmp = self.path
self.path = cwd
tgen = self(features='subst', source=src, target=tgt, **tgenkwargs)
self.path = tmp
if dict is not None: tgen.dict = dict
else: tgen.dict = self.env.get_merged_dict()
if install_to is not None: self.install_as("%s/%s"%(install_to,inst), tgt, cwd=cwd, **kwargs)
Build.BuildContext.substitute = _substitute
def set_options(opt):
"""Register command line options"""
if Options.platform not in ['darwin','win32']: opt.tool_options('usermgmt',tooldir='tools/waf')
if Options.platform not in ['darwin','win32']: opt.tool_options('javadir',tooldir='tools/waf')
if Options.platform not in ['darwin',"win32"]: opt.tool_options('compiler_cc')
inst_dir = opt.get_option_group('--srcdir')
help = 'Database host to use for waf deploydb [Default:]',
default = '',
dest = 'DBHOST')
help = 'Database user to use for waf deploydb [Default: root]',
default = 'root',
dest = 'DBUSER')
help = 'Database password to use for waf deploydb [Default: ""]',
default = '',
dest = 'DBPW')
help = 'UNIX user that the management server initscript will switch to [Default: <autodetected>]',
default = '',
dest = 'MSUSER')
help = 'Skip dependency check and assume JARs already exist',
default = False,
dest = 'NODEPCHECK')
help = 'does ---no-dep-check',
default = False,
dest = 'NODEPCHECK')
inst_dir = opt.get_option_group('--force')
help = 'do not install configuration files',
default = False,
debugopts = optparse.OptionGroup(opt.parser,'run/debug options')
help = 'Port on which the debugger will listen when running waf debug [Default: 8787]',
default = '8787',
dest = 'DEBUGPORT')
help = 'Suspend the process upon startup so that a debugger can attach and set breakpoints',
default = False,
help = 'Run Tomcat in verbose mode (java option -verbose)',
default = False,
dest = 'RUNVERBOSE')
rpmopts = optparse.OptionGroup(opt.parser,'RPM/DEB build options')
help = 'Build number [Default: SVN revision number for builds from checkouts, or empty for builds from source releases]',
default = '',
help = 'package version',
default = '',
dest = 'VERNUM')
help = 'release version',
default = '',
dest = 'RELEASENUM')
help = 'Branch name to append to the release number (if specified, alter release number to be a prerelease); this option requires --build-number=X [Default: nothing]',
default = '',
dest = 'PRERELEASE')
help = 'Normally, dist() is called during package build. This makes the package build assume that a distribution tarball has already been made, and use that. This option is also valid during distcheck and dist.',
default = False,
dest = 'DONTDIST')
distopts = optparse.OptionGroup(opt.parser,'dist options')
help = 'Only include open source components',
action = 'store_true',
default = False,
dest = 'OSS')
def showconfig(conf):
"""prints out the current configure environment configuration"""
conf = _getbuildcontext()
Utils.pprint("WHITE","Build environment:")
for key,val in sorted(conf.env.get_merged_dict().items()):
if "CLASSPATH" in key:
Utils.pprint("BLUE"," %s:"%key)
for v in val.split(pathsep):
Utils.pprint("BLUE"," %s"%v)
Utils.pprint("BLUE"," %s: %s"%(key,val))
def _getconfig(self):
lines = []
for key,val in sorted(self.env.get_merged_dict().items()):
if "CLASSPATH" in key:
lines.append(" %s:"%key)
for v in val.split(pathsep):
lines.append(" %s"%v)
lines.append(" %s: %s"%(key,val))
return "\n".join(lines)
Build.BuildContext.getconfig = _getconfig
def list_targets(ctx):
"""return the list of buildable and installable targets"""
bld = Build.BuildContext()
proj = Environment.Environment(Options.lockfile)
bld.load_dirs(proj['srcdir'], proj['blddir'])
names = set([])
for x in bld.all_task_gen:
names.add( or
except AttributeError:
lst = list(names)
for name in lst:
def decorate_dist(f):
def dist(appname='',version=''):
'''makes a tarball for redistributing the sources -- if --skip-dist is specified, does nothing'''
if Options.options.DONTDIST:
if not appname: appname=Utils.g_module.APPNAME
if not version: version=Utils.g_module.VERSION
if Scripting.g_gz in['gz','bz2']:
arch_name=tmp_folder+'.'+'zip''New archive skipped: %s'%(arch_name))
return arch_name
return f(appname,version)
return dist
Scripting.dist = decorate_dist(Scripting.dist)
def dist_hook():
# Clean the GARBAGE that clogs our repo to the tune of 300 MB
# so downloaders won't have to cry every time they download a "source"
# package over 90 MB in size
[ shutil.rmtree(f) for f in _glob(_join("*","bin")) if _isdir(f) ]
[ shutil.rmtree(f) for f in _glob(_join("cloudstack-proprietary","thirdparty","*")) if _isdir(f) ]
[ shutil.rmtree(f) for f in [ _join("cloudstack-proprietary","tools") ] if _isdir(f) ]
if Options.options.OSS:
[ shutil.rmtree(f) for f in "cloudstack-proprietary".split() if _exists(f) ]
stdout = svninfo("..") or allgitinfo()
if stdout:
f = file("sccs-info","w")
# No SVN available
if _exists("sccs-info"):
# If the file already existed, we preserve it
f = file("sccs-info","w")
f.write("No revision control information could be detected when the source distribution was built.")
def bindist(ctx):
"""creates a binary distribution that, when unzipped in the root directory of a machine, deploys the entire stack"""
ctx = _getbuildcontext()
if Options.options.VERNUM:
VERSION = Options.options.VERNUM
tarball = "%s-bindist-%s.tar.%s"%(APPNAME,VERSION,Scripting.g_gz)
zf = _join(ctx.bldnode.abspath(),tarball)
Options.options.destdir = _join(ctx.bldnode.abspath(),"bindist-destdir")
if _exists(zf): _unlink(zf)
Utils.pprint("GREEN","Creating %s"%(zf))
z =,"w:bz2")
cwd = _getcwd()
def deb(context):
raise Utils.WafError("Debian packages are no longer build with waf. Use dpkg-buildpackage instead.")
def rpm(context):
buildnumber = Utils.getbuildnumber()
if buildnumber: buildnumber = ["--define","_build_number %s"%buildnumber]
else: buildnumber = []
if Options.options.PRERELEASE:
if not buildnumber:
raise Utils.WafError("Please specify a build number to go along with --prerelease")
prerelease = ["--define","_prerelease %s"%Options.options.PRERELEASE]
else: prerelease = []
if Options.options.RELEASENUM:
release = Options.options.RELEASENUM
else: release = "1"
releasever = ["--define", "_rel %s" % release]
if Options.options.VERNUM:
ver = Options.options.VERNUM
else: ver = SHORTVERSION
packagever = ["--define", "_ver %s" % ver]
# FIXME wrap the source tarball in POSIX locking!
if not Options.options.blddir: outputdir = _join(context.curdir,blddir,"rpmbuild")
else: outputdir = _join(_abspath(Options.options.blddir),"rpmbuild")
Utils.pprint("GREEN","Building RPMs")
tarball = Scripting.dist('', ver)
sourcedir = _join(outputdir,"SOURCES")
if _exists(sourcedir): shutil.rmtree(sourcedir)
for a in ["RPMS/noarch","SRPMS","BUILD","SPECS","SOURCES"]: mkdir_p(_join(outputdir,a))
specfile = "%s.spec"%APPNAME
checkdeps = lambda: c(["rpmbuild","--define","_topdir %s"%outputdir,"--nobuild",specfile]+packagever+releasever)
dorpm = lambda: c(["rpmbuild","--define","_topdir %s"%outputdir,"-bb",specfile]+buildnumber+prerelease+packagever+releasever)
try: checkdeps()
except (CalledProcessError,OSError),e:
Utils.pprint("YELLOW","Dependencies might be missing. Trying to auto-install them...")
def uninstallrpms(context):
"""uninstalls any Cloud Stack RPMs on this system"""
Utils.pprint("GREEN","Uninstalling any installed RPMs")
cmd = "rpm -qa | grep %s- | xargs -r sudo rpm -e"%APPNAME
def viewrpmdeps(context):
"""shows all the necessary dependencies to build the RPM packages of the stack"""
for dep in getrpmdeps(): print dep
def installrpmdeps(context):
"""installs all the necessary dependencies to build the RPM packages of the stack"""
runnable = ["sudo","yum","install","-y"]+list(getrpmdeps())
Utils.pprint("GREEN","Installing RPM build dependencies")
Utils.pprint("BLUE"," ".join(runnable))
def deploydb(ctx,virttech=None):
if not virttech: raise Utils.WafError('use deploydb_xenserver, deploydb_vmware or deploydb_kvm rather than deploydb')
ctx = _getbuildcontext()
setupdatabases = _join(ctx.env.BINDIR,"cloud-setup-databases")
serversetup = _join(ctx.env.SETUPDATADIR,"server-setup.xml")
if not _exists(setupdatabases): # Needs install!
cmd = [
Utils.pprint("BLUE"," ".join(cmd))
retcode = Utils.exec_command(cmd,shell=False,stdout=None,stderr=None,log=True)
if retcode: raise CalledProcessError(retcode,cmd)
def deploydb_xenserver(ctx):
"""re-deploys the database using the MySQL connection information and the XenServer templates.sql"""
return deploydb(ctx,"xenserver")
def deploydb_kvm(ctx):
"""re-deploys the database using the MySQL connection information and the KVM templates.sql"""
return deploydb(ctx,"kvm")
def deploydb_vmware(ctx):
"""re-deploys the database using the MySQL connection information and the KVM templates.sql"""
return deploydb(ctx,"vmware")
def run(args):
"""runs the management server"""
conf = _getbuildcontext()
runverbose = []
if Options.options.RUNVERBOSE: runverbose = ['-verbose']
if args == "debug":
suspend = "n"
if Options.options.DEBUGSUSPEND: suspend = "y"
debugargs = [
Utils.pprint("GREEN","Starting Tomcat in debug mode")
Utils.pprint("GREEN","Starting Tomcat in foreground mode")
debugargs = []
options = runverbose + debugargs + [
"-Dcatalina.base=" + conf.env.MSENVIRON,
"-Dcatalina.home=" + conf.env.MSENVIRON,
""+_join(conf.env.MSENVIRON,"temp"), ]
if not _exists(_join(conf.env.BINDIR,"cloud-setup-databases")): Scripting.install(conf)
cp = [conf.env.MSCONF]
cp += _glob(_join(conf.env.MSENVIRON,'bin',"*.jar"))
cp += _glob(_join(conf.env.MSENVIRON,'lib',"*.jar"))
cp += _glob( _join ( conf.env.PREMIUMJAVADIR , "*" ) )
cp += [conf.env.SYSTEMCLASSPATH]
cp += [conf.env.DEPSCLASSPATH]
cp += [conf.env.MSCLASSPATH]
# FIXME Make selectable at runtime
#plugins = _glob( _join(conf.env.PLUGINJAVADIR,"*") )
#if plugins: cp = plugins + cp
#vendorconfs = _glob( _join(conf.env.MSCONF,"vendor","*") )
#if vendorconfs: cp = plugins + cp
def debug(ctx):
"""runs the management server in debug mode"""
def run_agent(args):
"""runs the agent""" # FIXME: make this use the run/debug options
conf = _getbuildcontext()
if not _exists(_join(conf.env.LIBEXECDIR,"agent-runner")): Scripting.install(conf)
#def run_console_proxy(args):
# """runs the console proxy""" # FIXME: make this use the run/debug options
# conf = _getbuildcontext()
# if not _exists(_join(conf.env.LIBEXECDIR,"console-proxy-runner")): Scripting.install(conf)
# _check_call("sudo",[_join(conf.env.LIBEXECDIR,"console-proxy-runner")])
def simulate_agent(args):
"""runs the agent simulator, compiling and installing files as needed
- Any parameter specified after the simulate_agent is appended to
the java command line. To inhibit waf from interpreting the
command-line options that you specify to the agent, put a --
(double-dash) between the waf simulate_agent and the options, like this:
python waf simulate_agent -- -z KY -p KY
# to get this to work smoothly from the configure onwards, you need to
# create an override directory in java/agent/conf, then add an
# there, with the correct configuration that you desire
# that is it -- you are now ready to simulate_agent
conf = _getbuildcontext()
args = sys.argv[sys.argv.index("simulate_agent")+1:]
if '--' in args: args.remove('--')
cp = [conf.env.AGENTSYSCONFDIR]
cp += _glob( _join ( conf.env.PREMIUMJAVADIR , "*" ) )
cp += [conf.env.SYSTEMCLASSPATH]
cp += [conf.env.DEPSCLASSPATH]
if not _exists(_join(conf.env.LIBEXECDIR,"agent-runner")): Scripting.install(conf)