blob: c9ab468e5b35fb9159db084e5f7d811ccb8dec6c [file] [log] [blame]
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-- distributed with this work for additional information
-- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-- specific language governing permissions and limitations
-- under the License.
-- Add a default ROOT domain
use cloud;
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`domain` (id, uuid, name, parent, path, owner) VALUES
(1, UUID(), 'ROOT', NULL, '/', 2);
-- Add system and admin accounts
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`account` (id, uuid, account_name, type, domain_id, state) VALUES
(1, UUID(), 'system', 1, 1, 'enabled');
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`account` (id, uuid, account_name, type, domain_id, state) VALUES
(2, UUID(), 'admin', 1, 1, 'enabled');
-- Add system user
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`user` (id, uuid, username, password, account_id, firstname,
lastname, email, state, created) VALUES (1, UUID(), 'system', RAND(),
'1', 'system', 'cloud', NULL, 'enabled', NOW());
-- Add system user with encrypted password=password
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`user` (id, uuid, username, password, account_id, firstname,
lastname, email, state, created) VALUES (2, UUID(), 'admin', '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
'2', 'Admin', 'User', '', 'disabled', NOW());
-- Add configurations
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value)
VALUES ('Hidden', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server', 'init', 'false');
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value)
VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server',
'integration.api.port', '8096');
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value)
VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server',
'secstorage.allowed.internal.sites', '');
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value)
VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server',
'account.cleanup.interval', '20');
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value)
VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server',
'expunge.delay', '20');
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value)
VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server',
'expunge.interval', '20');
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value)
VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server',
'expunge.workers', '3');
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value)
VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server',
'cluster.cpu.allocated.capacity.disablethreshold', '0.95');
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value)
VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server',
'cluster.memory.allocated.capacity.disablethreshold', '0.95');
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value)
VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server',
'', '0.95');
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value)
VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server',
'', '0.95');
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value)
VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server',
'network.gc.wait', '20');
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value)
VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server',
'network.gc.interval', '20');
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value)
VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server',
'storage.cleanup.interval', '40');
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value)
VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server',
'vm.op.wait.interval', '5');
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value)
VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server',
'workers', '10');
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value)
VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server',
'direct.agent.load.size', '1000');
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value)
VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server',
'ping.interval', '10');
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value)
VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server',
'ping.timeout', '2.0');
-- Enable dynamic RBAC by default for fresh deployments
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value)
VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'RoleService',
'dynamic.apichecker.enabled', 'true');
-- Enable RootCA auth strictness for fresh deployments
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value)
VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'RootCAProvider',
'ca.plugin.root.auth.strictness', 'true');
-- Add developer configuration entry; allows management server to be run as a user other than "cloud"
INSERT INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, component, name, value)
VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server',
'developer', 'true');