blob: 45c55eaf38b3b3f274a4d649bec2998ff8f107f0 [file] [log] [blame]
What this tool is capable to do is
1. Compare all the tables schema between upgraded setup and fresh install setup and find if there is any schema difference between any tables
2. Compare global configuration between upgraded and fresh install setup and find out if there is any difference between the two on following fields
a. Value
b. Scope
c. Description
d. Component
e. Category
3. It will also find out if there is some global configuration present only in fresh setup and missing in upgraded environment and vice versa
4. It will also find out global configuration value difference between before upgraded and after upgrade setup
The usage is as follows
1. First run file to generate data from fresh install setup .
This will be used for comparing between fresh install and upgrade setup.
This is a onetime activity and need to be repeated only when there is some DB changes for that release .
Output of this script will come in a base_data folder
2. Just before upgrade you need to run file to collect required data needed to compare before upgrade and after upgrade setup data
The output of this script will come in folder data_before_upgrade
3. After upgrade run to compare cloud database all tables schema between fresh and upgraded setup.
NOTE: this script requires step 1 output in current working directory
4. After upgrade run to compare cloud usage all tables schema between fresh and upgraded setup
NOTE: this script requires step 1 output in current working directory
5. Run to compare table global configuration values between fresh and upgraded setup
NOTE: this script requires step 1 output in current working directory
6. Run to compare table global configuration values between before upgraded and after upgraded setup
NOTE: this script requires step 2 output in current working directory
7. In order to run any *.sh file you need to provide 3 command line argument
Database host ip/localhost
Database user
Database user password
8. Result will be shown in the form of files .