blob: b331249243ffdd90666c86793b9028e804e5496c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.apache.cloudstack.framework.async.AsyncCompletionCallback;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import static;
public class DateraPrimaryDataStoreDriver implements PrimaryDataStoreDriver {
private static final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(DateraPrimaryDataStoreDriver.class);
private static final int s_lockTimeInSeconds = 300;
private static final int s_lowestHypervisorSnapshotReserve = 10;
private ClusterDao _clusterDao;
private ClusterDetailsDao _clusterDetailsDao;
private HostDao _hostDao;
private SnapshotDao _snapshotDao;
private SnapshotDetailsDao _snapshotDetailsDao;
private PrimaryDataStoreDao _storagePoolDao;
private StoragePoolDetailsDao _storagePoolDetailsDao;
private VolumeDao _volumeDao;
private VMTemplatePoolDao tmpltPoolDao;
private PrimaryDataStoreDao storagePoolDao;
private VolumeDetailsDao volumeDetailsDao;
private SnapshotDetailsDao snapshotDetailsDao;
private VolumeDataFactory volumeDataFactory;
* Returns a map which lists the capabilities that this storage device can
* offer. Currently supported STORAGE_SYSTEM_SNAPSHOT: Has the ability to create
* native snapshots CAN_CREATE_VOLUME_FROM_SNAPSHOT: Can create new volumes from
* native snapshots. CAN_CREATE_VOLUME_FROM_VOLUME: Device can clone volumes.
* This is used for template caching.
* @return a Map<String,String> which determines the capabilities of the driver
public Map<String, String> getCapabilities() {
Map<String, String> mapCapabilities = new HashMap<>();
mapCapabilities.put(DataStoreCapabilities.STORAGE_SYSTEM_SNAPSHOT.toString(), Boolean.TRUE.toString());
mapCapabilities.put(DataStoreCapabilities.CAN_CREATE_VOLUME_FROM_SNAPSHOT.toString(), Boolean.TRUE.toString());
mapCapabilities.put(DataStoreCapabilities.CAN_CREATE_VOLUME_FROM_VOLUME.toString(), Boolean.TRUE.toString());
mapCapabilities.put(DataStoreCapabilities.CAN_REVERT_VOLUME_TO_SNAPSHOT.toString(), Boolean.TRUE.toString());
return mapCapabilities;
public DataTO getTO(DataObject data) {
return null;
public DataStoreTO getStoreTO(DataStore store) {
return null;
public ChapInfo getChapInfo(DataObject dataObject) {
// We don't support auth yet
return null;
* Fetches an App Instance from Datera, throws exception if it doesn't find it
* @param conn Datera Connection
* @param appInstanceName Name of the Aplication Instance
* @return application instance
public DateraObject.AppInstance getDateraAppInstance(DateraObject.DateraConnection conn, String appInstanceName) {
DateraObject.AppInstance appInstance = null;
try {
appInstance = DateraUtil.getAppInstance(conn, appInstanceName);
} catch (DateraObject.DateraError dateraError) {
s_logger.warn("Error getting appInstance " + appInstanceName, dateraError);
throw new CloudRuntimeException(dateraError.getMessage());
if (appInstance == null) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("App instance not found " + appInstanceName);
return appInstance;
* Given a {@code dataObject} this function makes sure that the {@code host} has
* access to it. All hosts which are in the same cluster are added to an
* initiator group and that group is assigned to the appInstance. If an
* initiator group does not exist, it is created. If the host does not have an
* initiator registered on dataera, that is created and added to the initiator
* group
* @param dataObject The volume that needs to be accessed
* @param host The host which needs to access the volume
* @param dataStore Identifies which primary storage the volume resides in
* @return True if access is granted. False otherwise
public boolean grantAccess(DataObject dataObject, Host host, DataStore dataStore) {
s_logger.debug("grantAccess() called");
Preconditions.checkArgument(dataObject != null, "'dataObject' should not be 'null'");
Preconditions.checkArgument(host != null, "'host' should not be 'null'");
Preconditions.checkArgument(dataStore != null, "'dataStore' should not be 'null'");
long storagePoolId = dataStore.getId();
DateraObject.DateraConnection conn = DateraUtil.getDateraConnection(storagePoolId, _storagePoolDetailsDao);
String appInstanceName = getAppInstanceName(dataObject);
DateraObject.AppInstance appInstance = getDateraAppInstance(conn, appInstanceName);
Preconditions.checkArgument(appInstance != null);
long clusterId = host.getClusterId();
ClusterVO cluster = _clusterDao.findById(clusterId);
GlobalLock lock = GlobalLock.getInternLock(cluster.getUuid());
if (!lock.lock(s_lockTimeInSeconds)) {
s_logger.debug("Couldn't lock the DB (in grantAccess) on the following string: " + cluster.getUuid());
try {
DateraObject.InitiatorGroup initiatorGroup = null;
String initiatorGroupKey = DateraUtil.getInitiatorGroupKey(storagePoolId);
List<HostVO> hosts = _hostDao.findByClusterId(clusterId);
if (!DateraUtil.hostsSupport_iScsi(hosts)) {
s_logger.debug("hostsSupport_iScsi() :Host does NOT support iscsci");
return false;
// We don't have the initiator group, create one
String initiatorGroupName = DateraUtil.INITIATOR_GROUP_PREFIX + "-" + cluster.getUuid();
s_logger.debug("Will use initiator group " + String.valueOf(initiatorGroupName));
initiatorGroup = DateraUtil.getInitiatorGroup(conn, initiatorGroupName);
if (initiatorGroup == null) {
s_logger.debug("create initiator group " + String.valueOf(initiatorGroupName));
initiatorGroup = DateraUtil.createInitiatorGroup(conn, initiatorGroupName);
// Save it to the DB
ClusterDetailsVO clusterDetail = new ClusterDetailsVO(clusterId, initiatorGroupKey, initiatorGroupName);
} else {
initiatorGroup = DateraUtil.getInitiatorGroup(conn, initiatorGroupName);
Preconditions.checkNotNull(initiatorGroup, "initiatorGroup should not be Null");
// We create an initiator for every host in this cluster and add it to the
// initiator group
addClusterHostsToInitiatorGroup(conn, clusterId, initiatorGroupName);
// assign the initiatorgroup to appInstance
if (!isInitiatorGroupAssignedToAppInstance(conn, initiatorGroup, appInstance)) {
DateraUtil.assignGroupToAppInstance(conn, initiatorGroupName, appInstanceName);
int retries = DateraUtil.DEFAULT_RETRIES;
while (!isInitiatorGroupAssignedToAppInstance(conn, initiatorGroup, appInstance) && retries > 0) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(isInitiatorGroupAssignedToAppInstance(conn, initiatorGroup, appInstance),
"Initgroup is not assigned to appinstance");
// FIXME: Sleep anyways
s_logger.debug("sleep " + String.valueOf(DateraUtil.POLL_TIMEOUT_MS) + " msec for ACL to be applied");
Thread.sleep(DateraUtil.POLL_TIMEOUT_MS); // ms
"Initiator group " + String.valueOf(initiatorGroupName) + " is assigned to " + appInstanceName);
return true;
} catch (DateraObject.DateraError | UnsupportedEncodingException | InterruptedException dateraError) {
s_logger.warn(dateraError.getMessage(), dateraError);
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to grant access to volume " + dateraError.getMessage());
} finally {
private void addClusterHostsToInitiatorGroup(DateraObject.DateraConnection conn, long clusterId,
String initiatorGroupName) throws DateraObject.DateraError, UnsupportedEncodingException {
List<HostVO> clusterHosts = _hostDao.findByClusterId(clusterId);
DateraObject.InitiatorGroup initiatorGroup = DateraUtil.getInitiatorGroup(conn, initiatorGroupName);
for (HostVO host : clusterHosts) {
// check if we have an initiator for the host
String iqn = host.getStorageUrl();
DateraObject.Initiator initiator = DateraUtil.getInitiator(conn, iqn);
String initiatorName = "";
// initiator can not be found, create it
if (initiator == null) {
initiatorName = DateraUtil.INITIATOR_PREFIX + "-" + host.getUuid();
initiator = DateraUtil.createInitiator(conn, initiatorName, iqn);
s_logger.debug("Initiator " + initiatorName + " with " + iqn + "added ");
if (!DateraUtil.isInitiatorPresentInGroup(initiator, initiatorGroup)) {
s_logger.debug("Add " + initiatorName + " to " + initiatorGroupName);
DateraUtil.addInitiatorToGroup(conn, initiator.getPath(), initiatorGroupName);
* Checks if an initiator group is assigned to an appInstance
* @param conn Datera connection
* @param initiatorGroup Initiator group to check
* @param appInstance App Instance
* @return True if initiator group is assigned to app instnace, false otherwise
* @throws DateraObject.DateraError
private boolean isInitiatorGroupAssignedToAppInstance(DateraObject.DateraConnection conn,
DateraObject.InitiatorGroup initiatorGroup, DateraObject.AppInstance appInstance)
throws DateraObject.DateraError {
Map<String, DateraObject.InitiatorGroup> assignedInitiatorGroups = DateraUtil
.getAppInstanceInitiatorGroups(conn, appInstance.getName());
for (DateraObject.InitiatorGroup ig : assignedInitiatorGroups.values()) {
if (initiatorGroup.getName().equals(ig.getName())) {
return true;
return false;
* Removes access of the initiator group to which {@code host} belongs from the
* appInstance given by {@code dataObject}
* @param dataObject Datera volume
* @param host the host which is currently having access to the volume
* @param dataStore The primary store to which volume belongs
public void revokeAccess(DataObject dataObject, Host host, DataStore dataStore) {
s_logger.debug("revokeAccess() called");
Preconditions.checkArgument(dataObject != null, "'dataObject' should not be 'null'");
Preconditions.checkArgument(host != null, "'host' should not be 'null'");
Preconditions.checkArgument(dataStore != null, "'dataStore' should not be 'null'");
String appInstanceName = getAppInstanceName(dataObject);
long clusterId = host.getClusterId();
long storagePoolId = dataStore.getId();
ClusterVO cluster = _clusterDao.findById(clusterId);
GlobalLock lock = GlobalLock.getInternLock(cluster.getUuid());
if (!lock.lock(s_lockTimeInSeconds)) {
s_logger.debug("Couldn't lock the DB (in revokeAccess) on the following string: " + cluster.getUuid());
try {
String initiatorGroupName = DateraUtil.INITIATOR_GROUP_PREFIX + "-" + cluster.getUuid();
DateraObject.DateraConnection conn = DateraUtil.getDateraConnection(storagePoolId, _storagePoolDetailsDao);
DateraObject.AppInstance appInstance = DateraUtil.getAppInstance(conn, appInstanceName);
DateraObject.InitiatorGroup initiatorGroup = DateraUtil.getInitiatorGroup(conn, initiatorGroupName);
if (initiatorGroup != null && appInstance != null) {
DateraUtil.removeGroupFromAppInstance(conn, initiatorGroupName, appInstanceName);
int retries = DateraUtil.DEFAULT_RETRIES;
while (isInitiatorGroupAssignedToAppInstance(conn, initiatorGroup, appInstance) && retries > 0) {
} catch (DateraObject.DateraError | UnsupportedEncodingException | InterruptedException dateraError) {
String errMesg = "Error revoking access for Volume : " + dataObject.getId();
s_logger.warn(errMesg, dateraError);
throw new CloudRuntimeException(errMesg);
} finally {
* Returns the size of template on this primary storage. If we already have a
* template on this storage, we return 0
* @param templateInfo Information about the template
* @param storagePool The pool where we want to store the template
* @return Size in bytes
public long getBytesRequiredForTemplate(TemplateInfo templateInfo, StoragePool storagePool) {
List<VMTemplateStoragePoolVO> lstTemplatePoolRefs = tmpltPoolDao.listByPoolId(storagePool.getId());
if (lstTemplatePoolRefs != null) {
for (VMTemplateStoragePoolVO templatePoolRef : lstTemplatePoolRefs) {
if (templatePoolRef.getTemplateId() == templateInfo.getId()) {
// This indicates that we already have this template stored on this primary
// storage, so
// we do not require additional space.
return 0;
// This indicates that we do not have a copy of this template on this primary
// storage, so
// we need to take it into consideration from a space standpoint (ex. when a new
// VM is spun
// up and wants to use this particular template for its root disk).
return getDataObjectSizeIncludingHypervisorSnapshotReserve(templateInfo, storagePool);
* Returns Datera appInstanceName
* @param dataObject volume or template
* @return Derived Datera appInstanceName based on dataObject, Eg.
* CS-V-ROOT-123-6db58e3f-14c4-45ac-95e9-60e3a00ce7d0
private String getAppInstanceName(DataObject dataObject) {
ArrayList<String> name = new ArrayList<>();
name.add(DateraUtil.APPINSTANCE_PREFIX); // CS
String dataObjectTypeString = dataObject.getType().name(); // TEMPLATE, VOLUME, SNAPSHOT
String dataObjectTypeBrief;
dataObjectTypeBrief = StringUtils.substring(dataObjectTypeString, 0, 1);
name.add(dataObjectTypeBrief); // T, V
switch (dataObject.getType()) {
TemplateInfo templateInfo = (TemplateInfo) dataObject;
name.add(dataObject.getUuid()); // 6db58e3f-14c4-45ac-95e9-60e3a00ce7d0
// For cached templates, we will also add the storage pool ID
case VOLUME:
VolumeInfo volumeInfo = (VolumeInfo) dataObject;
String volumeName = volumeInfo.getName();
name.add(dataObject.getUuid()); // 6db58e3f-14c4-45ac-95e9-60e3a00ce7d0
VolumeVO volumeVo = _volumeDao.findById(dataObject.getId());
s_logger.debug("volumeName : " + volumeName);
name.add(dataObject.getUuid()); // 6db58e3f-14c4-45ac-95e9-60e3a00ce7d0
String appInstanceName = StringUtils.join("-", name.toArray());
return StringUtils.substring(appInstanceName, 0, DateraUtil.APPINSTANCE_MAX_LENTH);
// Not being used right now as Datera doesn't support min IOPS
private long getDefaultMinIops(long storagePoolId) {
StoragePoolDetailVO storagePoolDetail = _storagePoolDetailsDao.findDetail(storagePoolId,
String clusterDefaultMinIops = storagePoolDetail.getValue();
return Long.parseLong(clusterDefaultMinIops);
* If user doesn't specify the IOPS, use this IOPS
* @param storagePoolId the primary storage
* @return default max IOPS for this storage configured when the storage is
* added
private long getDefaultMaxIops(long storagePoolId) {
StoragePoolDetailVO storagePoolDetail = _storagePoolDetailsDao.findDetail(storagePoolId,
String clusterDefaultMaxIops = storagePoolDetail.getValue();
return Long.parseLong(clusterDefaultMaxIops);
* Return the default number of replicas to use (configured at storage addition
* time)
* @param storagePoolId the primary storage
* @return the number of replicas to use
private int getNumReplicas(long storagePoolId) {
StoragePoolDetailVO storagePoolDetail = _storagePoolDetailsDao.findDetail(storagePoolId,
String clusterDefaultReplicas = storagePoolDetail.getValue();
return Integer.parseInt(clusterDefaultReplicas);
* Return the default volume placement to use (configured at storage addition
* time)
* @param storagePoolId the primary storage
* @return volume placement string
private String getVolPlacement(long storagePoolId) {
StoragePoolDetailVO storagePoolDetail = _storagePoolDetailsDao.findDetail(storagePoolId,
String clusterDefaultVolPlacement = storagePoolDetail.getValue();
return clusterDefaultVolPlacement;
* Return the default IP pool name to use (configured at storage addition time)
* @param storagePoolId the primary storage
* @return IP pool name
private String getIpPool(long storagePoolId) {
String ipPool = DateraUtil.DEFAULT_IP_POOL;
StoragePoolDetailVO storagePoolDetail = _storagePoolDetailsDao.findDetail(storagePoolId, DateraUtil.IP_POOL);
if (storagePoolDetail != null) {
ipPool = storagePoolDetail.getValue();
s_logger.debug("ipPool: " + ipPool);
return ipPool;
public long getUsedBytes(StoragePool storagePool) {
return getUsedBytes(storagePool, Long.MIN_VALUE);
* Get the total space used by all the entities on the storage.
* Total space = volume space + snapshot space + template space
* @param storagePool Primary storage
* @param volumeIdToIgnore Ignore this volume (used when we delete a volume and
* want to update the space)
* @return size in bytes
private long getUsedBytes(StoragePool storagePool, long volumeIdToIgnore) {
long usedSpaceBytes = 0;
List<VolumeVO> lstVolumes = _volumeDao.findByPoolId(storagePool.getId(), null);
if (lstVolumes != null) {
for (VolumeVO volume : lstVolumes) {
if (volume.getId() == volumeIdToIgnore) {
VolumeDetailVO volumeDetail = volumeDetailsDao.findDetail(volume.getId(), DateraUtil.VOLUME_SIZE);
if (volumeDetail != null && volumeDetail.getValue() != null) {
long volumeSizeGib = Long.parseLong(volumeDetail.getValue());
long volumeSizeBytes = DateraUtil.gibToBytes((int) (volumeSizeGib));
usedSpaceBytes += volumeSizeBytes;
} else {
DateraObject.DateraConnection conn = DateraUtil.getDateraConnection(storagePool.getId(),
try {
String appInstanceName = getAppInstanceName(volumeDataFactory.getVolume(volume.getId()));
DateraObject.AppInstance appInstance = DateraUtil.getAppInstance(conn, appInstanceName);
if (appInstance != null) {
usedSpaceBytes += DateraUtil.gibToBytes(appInstance.getSize());
} catch (DateraObject.DateraError dateraError) {
String errMesg = "Error getting used bytes for storage pool : " + storagePool.getId();
s_logger.warn(errMesg, dateraError);
throw new CloudRuntimeException(errMesg);
List<SnapshotVO> lstSnapshots = _snapshotDao.listAll();
if (lstSnapshots != null) {
for (SnapshotVO snapshot : lstSnapshots) {
SnapshotDetailsVO snapshotDetails = _snapshotDetailsDao.findDetail(snapshot.getId(),
// if this snapshot belongs to the storagePool that was passed in
if (snapshotDetails != null && snapshotDetails.getValue() != null
&& Long.parseLong(snapshotDetails.getValue()) == storagePool.getId()) {
snapshotDetails = _snapshotDetailsDao.findDetail(snapshot.getId(), DateraUtil.VOLUME_SIZE);
if (snapshotDetails != null && snapshotDetails.getValue() != null) {
long snapshotSize = Long.parseLong(snapshotDetails.getValue());
usedSpaceBytes += snapshotSize;
List<VMTemplateStoragePoolVO> lstTemplatePoolRefs = tmpltPoolDao.listByPoolId(storagePool.getId());
if (lstTemplatePoolRefs != null) {
for (VMTemplateStoragePoolVO templatePoolRef : lstTemplatePoolRefs) {
usedSpaceBytes += templatePoolRef.getTemplateSize();
s_logger.debug("usedSpaceBytes: " + toHumanReadableSize(usedSpaceBytes));
return usedSpaceBytes;
* Get total IOPS used by the storage array. Since Datera doesn't support min
* IOPS, return zero for now
* @param storagePool primary storage
* @return total IOPS used
public long getUsedIops(StoragePool storagePool) {
long usedIops = 0;
return usedIops;
* Rreturns the size of the volume including the hypervisor snapshot reserve
* (HSR).
* @param dataObject Volume or a Template
* @param pool primary storage where it resides
* @return size in bytes
public long getDataObjectSizeIncludingHypervisorSnapshotReserve(DataObject dataObject, StoragePool pool) {
long volumeSize = 0;
switch (dataObject.getType()) {
case VOLUME:
VolumeInfo volume = (VolumeInfo) dataObject;
volumeSize = volume.getSize();
Integer hypervisorSnapshotReserve = volume.getHypervisorSnapshotReserve();
if (hypervisorSnapshotReserve != null) {
hypervisorSnapshotReserve = Math.max(hypervisorSnapshotReserve, s_lowestHypervisorSnapshotReserve);
volumeSize += volumeSize * (hypervisorSnapshotReserve / 100f);
s_logger.debug("Volume size: " + toHumanReadableSize(volumeSize));
TemplateInfo templateInfo = (TemplateInfo) dataObject;
long templateSize = templateInfo.getSize() != null ? templateInfo.getSize() : 0;
if (templateInfo.getHypervisorType() == Hypervisor.HypervisorType.KVM) {
volumeSize = templateSize;
} else {
volumeSize = (long) (templateSize + templateSize * (s_lowestHypervisorSnapshotReserve / 100f));
s_logger.debug("Template volume size:" + toHumanReadableSize(volumeSize));
return volumeSize;
* Deletes a volume from Datera. If we are using native snapshots, we first
* check if the volume is holding a native snapshot, if it does, then we don't
* delete it from Datera but instead mark it so that when the snapshot is
* deleted, we delete the volume
* @param volumeInfo The volume which needs to be deleted
* @param storagePoolId Primary storage where volume resides
private void deleteVolume(VolumeInfo volumeInfo, long storagePoolId) {
DateraObject.DateraConnection conn = DateraUtil.getDateraConnection(storagePoolId, _storagePoolDetailsDao);
Long volumeStoragePoolId = volumeInfo.getPoolId();
long volumeId = volumeInfo.getId();
if (volumeStoragePoolId == null) {
return; // this volume was never assigned to a storage pool, so no SAN volume should
// exist for it
try {
// If there are native snapshots on this appInstance, we want to keep it on
// Datera
// but remove it from cloudstack
if (shouldDeleteVolume(volumeId, null)) {
DateraUtil.deleteAppInstance(conn, getAppInstanceName(volumeInfo));
StoragePoolVO storagePool = storagePoolDao.findById(storagePoolId);
long usedBytes = getUsedBytes(storagePool, volumeId);
storagePool.setUsedBytes(usedBytes < 0 ? 0 : usedBytes);
storagePoolDao.update(storagePoolId, storagePool);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException | DateraObject.DateraError e) {
String errMesg = "Error deleting app instance for Volume : " + volumeInfo.getId();
s_logger.warn(errMesg, e);
throw new CloudRuntimeException(errMesg);
* given a {@code volumeInfo} and {@code storagePoolId}, creates an App instance
* on Datera. Updates the usedBytes count in the DB for this storage pool. A
* volume could be created in 3 ways
* 1) A fresh volume with no data: New volume created from Cloudstack
* 2) A volume created from a native snapshot. This is used when creating volume
* from snapshot and native snapshots are supported
* 3) A volume created by cloning from another volume: This is used when
* creating volume from template or volume from snapshot stored as another
* volume when native snapshots are not supported by the hypervisor
* @param volumeInfo Info about the volume like size,QoS
* @param storagePoolId The pool to create the vo
* @return returns the IQN path which will be used by storage substem
private String createVolume(VolumeInfo volumeInfo, long storagePoolId) {
s_logger.debug("createVolume() called");
Preconditions.checkArgument(volumeInfo != null, "volumeInfo cannot be null");
Preconditions.checkArgument(storagePoolId > 0, "storagePoolId should be > 0");
verifySufficientBytesForStoragePool(volumeInfo, storagePoolId);
DateraObject.AppInstance appInstance;
DateraObject.DateraConnection conn = DateraUtil.getDateraConnection(storagePoolId, _storagePoolDetailsDao);
long csSnapshotId = getCsIdForCloning(volumeInfo.getId(), "cloneOfSnapshot");
long csTemplateId = getCsIdForCloning(volumeInfo.getId(), "cloneOfTemplate");
s_logger.debug("csTemplateId is " + String.valueOf(csTemplateId));
try {
if (csSnapshotId > 0) {
// creating volume from snapshot. The snapshot could either be a native snapshot
// or another volume.
s_logger.debug("Creating volume from snapshot ");
appInstance = createDateraClone(conn, csSnapshotId, volumeInfo, storagePoolId, DataObjectType.SNAPSHOT);
} else if (csTemplateId > 0) {
// create volume from template. Invoked when creating new ROOT volume
s_logger.debug("Creating volume from template ");
appInstance = createDateraClone(conn, csTemplateId, volumeInfo, storagePoolId, DataObjectType.TEMPLATE);
String appInstanceName = appInstance.getName();
long volumeSize = getDataObjectSizeIncludingHypervisorSnapshotReserve(volumeInfo,
// expand the template
if (volumeSize > DateraUtil.gibToBytes(appInstance.getSize())) {
// Expand the volume to include HSR depending on the volume's service offering
DateraUtil.updateAppInstanceSize(conn, appInstanceName, DateraUtil.bytesToGib(volumeSize));
// refresh appInstance
appInstance = DateraUtil.getAppInstance(conn, appInstanceName);
// update IOPS
if ((volumeInfo.getMaxIops() != null) && (volumeInfo.getMaxIops() != appInstance.getTotalIops())) {
int newIops = Ints.checkedCast(volumeInfo.getMaxIops());
DateraUtil.updateAppInstanceIops(conn, appInstanceName, newIops);
// refresh appInstance
appInstance = DateraUtil.getAppInstance(conn, appInstanceName);
} else {
// Just create a standard volume
s_logger.debug("Creating a standard volume ");
appInstance = createDateraVolume(conn, volumeInfo, storagePoolId);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException | DateraObject.DateraError e) {
String errMesg = "Unable to create Volume Error: " + e.getMessage();
throw new CloudRuntimeException(errMesg, e);
if (appInstance == null) {
String errMesg = "appInstance returned null";
throw new CloudRuntimeException(errMesg);
String iqn = appInstance.getIqn();
String iqnPath = DateraUtil.generateIqnPath(iqn);
VolumeVO volumeVo = _volumeDao.findById(volumeInfo.getId());
s_logger.debug("volume ID : " + volumeInfo.getId());
s_logger.debug("volume uuid : " + volumeInfo.getUuid());
_volumeDao.update(volumeVo.getId(), volumeVo);
updateVolumeDetails(volumeVo.getId(), appInstance.getSize());
StoragePoolVO storagePool = _storagePoolDao.findById(storagePoolId);
long capacityBytes = storagePool.getCapacityBytes();
long usedBytes = getUsedBytes(storagePool);
storagePool.setUsedBytes(usedBytes > capacityBytes ? capacityBytes : usedBytes);
_storagePoolDao.update(storagePoolId, storagePool);
return appInstance.getIqn();
* Helper function to create a Datera app instance. Throws an exception if
* unsuccessful
* @param conn Datera connection
* @param volumeInfo Volume information
* @param storagePoolId primary storage
* @return The AppInstance which is created
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
* @throws DateraObject.DateraError
private DateraObject.AppInstance createDateraVolume(DateraObject.DateraConnection conn, VolumeInfo volumeInfo,
long storagePoolId) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, DateraObject.DateraError {
s_logger.debug("createDateraVolume() called");
DateraObject.AppInstance appInstance = null;
try {
int minIops = Ints.checkedCast(
volumeInfo.getMinIops() != null ? volumeInfo.getMinIops() : getDefaultMinIops(storagePoolId));
// int minIops = Ints.checkedCast(volumeInfo.getMinIops());
int maxIops = Ints.checkedCast(
volumeInfo.getMaxIops() != null ? volumeInfo.getMaxIops() : getDefaultMaxIops(storagePoolId));
// int maxIops = Ints.checkedCast(volumeInfo.getMaxIops());
if (maxIops <= 0) { // We don't care about min iops for now
maxIops = Ints.checkedCast(getDefaultMaxIops(storagePoolId));
int replicas = getNumReplicas(storagePoolId);
String volumePlacement = getVolPlacement(storagePoolId);
String ipPool = getIpPool(storagePoolId);
long volumeSizeBytes = getDataObjectSizeIncludingHypervisorSnapshotReserve(volumeInfo,
int volumeSizeGib = DateraUtil.bytesToGib(volumeSizeBytes);
if (volumePlacement == null) {
appInstance = DateraUtil.createAppInstance(conn, getAppInstanceName(volumeInfo), volumeSizeGib, maxIops,
} else {
appInstance = DateraUtil.createAppInstance(conn, getAppInstanceName(volumeInfo), volumeSizeGib, maxIops,
replicas, volumePlacement, ipPool);
} catch (Exception ex) {
s_logger.debug("createDateraVolume() failed");
return appInstance;
* This function creates a new AppInstance on datera by cloning. We can clone
* either from a volume snapshot (in case of native snapshots) or clone from
* another app Instance in case of templates or snapshots as volumes
* @param conn Datera Connection
* @param dataObjectId The ID of the clone, used to fetch details on how to
* clone
* @param volumeInfo Information about the clone
* @param storagePoolId Primary store to create the clone on
* @param dataType Type of the source (snapshot or template)
* @return The cloned AppInstance
private DateraObject.AppInstance createDateraClone(DateraObject.DateraConnection conn, long dataObjectId,
VolumeInfo volumeInfo, long storagePoolId, DataObjectType dataType)
throws UnsupportedEncodingException, DateraObject.DateraError {
s_logger.debug("createDateraClone() called");
String clonedAppInstanceName = getAppInstanceName(volumeInfo);
String baseAppInstanceName = null;
DateraObject.AppInstance appInstance = null;
String ipPool = getIpPool(storagePoolId);
if (dataType == DataObjectType.SNAPSHOT) {
SnapshotDetailsVO snapshotDetails = snapshotDetailsDao.findDetail(dataObjectId, DateraUtil.SNAPSHOT_ID);
// Clone volume from a snapshot
if (snapshotDetails != null && snapshotDetails.getValue() != null) {
s_logger.debug("Clone volume from a snapshot");
appInstance = DateraUtil.cloneAppInstanceFromSnapshot(conn, clonedAppInstanceName,
snapshotDetails.getValue(), ipPool);
if (volumeInfo.getMaxIops() != null) {
int totalIops = Math.min(DateraUtil.MAX_IOPS, Ints.checkedCast(volumeInfo.getMaxIops()));
DateraUtil.updateAppInstanceIops(conn, clonedAppInstanceName, totalIops);
appInstance = DateraUtil.getAppInstance(conn, clonedAppInstanceName);
if (appInstance == null) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to create an app instance from snapshot "
+ volumeInfo.getId() + " type " + dataType);
return appInstance;
} else {
// Clone volume from an appInstance
s_logger.debug("Clone volume from an appInstance");
snapshotDetails = snapshotDetailsDao.findDetail(dataObjectId, DateraUtil.VOLUME_ID);
baseAppInstanceName = snapshotDetails.getValue();
} else if (dataType == DataObjectType.TEMPLATE) {
s_logger.debug("Clone volume from a template");
VMTemplateStoragePoolVO templatePoolRef = tmpltPoolDao.findByPoolTemplate(storagePoolId, dataObjectId, null);
if (templatePoolRef != null) {
baseAppInstanceName = templatePoolRef.getLocalDownloadPath();
if (baseAppInstanceName == null) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException(
"Unable to find a base volume to clone " + volumeInfo.getId() + " type " + dataType);
// Clone the app Instance
appInstance = DateraUtil.cloneAppInstanceFromVolume(conn, clonedAppInstanceName, baseAppInstanceName, ipPool);
if (dataType == DataObjectType.TEMPLATE) {
// Only update volume parameters if clone from cached template
// Update maxIops
if (volumeInfo.getMaxIops() != null) {
int totalIops = Math.min(DateraUtil.MAX_IOPS, Ints.checkedCast(volumeInfo.getMaxIops()));
DateraUtil.updateAppInstanceIops(conn, clonedAppInstanceName, totalIops);
appInstance = DateraUtil.getAppInstance(conn, clonedAppInstanceName);
// Update placementMode
String newPlacementMode = getVolPlacement(storagePoolId);
if (newPlacementMode != null) {
DateraUtil.updateAppInstancePlacement(conn, clonedAppInstanceName, newPlacementMode);
appInstance = DateraUtil.getAppInstance(conn, clonedAppInstanceName);
if (appInstance == null) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to create an app instance from snapshot or template "
+ volumeInfo.getId() + " type " + dataType);
s_logger.debug("Datera - Cloned " + baseAppInstanceName + " to " + clonedAppInstanceName);
return appInstance;
* This function gets invoked when you want to do operations on a snapshot. The
* snapshot could be a native snapshot and you want to create a template out of
* it. Since snapshots don't have an IQN, we create a temp volume for this
* snapshot which will be used to carry out further operations. This function
* also handles deletion of temp volumes. A flag in the snapshot details table
* decides which action is performed.
* @param snapshotInfo snapshot on Datera
* @param storagePoolId primary store ID
private void createTempVolume(SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo, long storagePoolId) {
s_logger.debug("createTempVolume() from snapshot called");
String ipPool = getIpPool(storagePoolId);
long csSnapshotId = snapshotInfo.getId();
SnapshotDetailsVO snapshotDetails = snapshotDetailsDao.findDetail(csSnapshotId, DateraUtil.SNAPSHOT_ID);
if (snapshotDetails == null || snapshotDetails.getValue() == null) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("'createTempVolume(SnapshotInfo, long)' should not be invoked unless "
+ DateraUtil.SNAPSHOT_ID + " exists.");
DateraObject.DateraConnection conn = DateraUtil.getDateraConnection(storagePoolId, _storagePoolDetailsDao);
snapshotDetails = snapshotDetailsDao.findDetail(csSnapshotId, "tempVolume");
if (snapshotDetails != null && snapshotDetails.getValue() != null
&& snapshotDetails.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("create")) {
snapshotDetails = snapshotDetailsDao.findDetail(csSnapshotId, DateraUtil.SNAPSHOT_ID);
String snapshotName = snapshotDetails.getValue();
String clonedAppInstanceName = getAppInstanceName(snapshotInfo);
DateraObject.AppInstance clonedAppInstance;
try {
clonedAppInstance = DateraUtil.cloneAppInstanceFromSnapshot(conn, clonedAppInstanceName, snapshotName,
DateraUtil.pollAppInstanceAvailable(conn, clonedAppInstanceName);
} catch (DateraObject.DateraError | UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
String errMesg = "Unable to create temp volume " + csSnapshotId + "Error:" + e.getMessage();
s_logger.error(errMesg, e);
throw new CloudRuntimeException(errMesg, e);
if (clonedAppInstance == null) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to clone volume for snapshot " + snapshotName);
s_logger.debug("Temp app_instance " + clonedAppInstanceName + " created");
addTempVolumeToDb(csSnapshotId, clonedAppInstanceName);
handleSnapshotDetails(csSnapshotId, DiskTO.IQN, DateraUtil.generateIqnPath(clonedAppInstance.getIqn()));
} else if (snapshotDetails != null && snapshotDetails.getValue() != null
&& snapshotDetails.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase("delete")) {
snapshotDetails = snapshotDetailsDao.findDetail(csSnapshotId, DateraUtil.VOLUME_ID);
try {
s_logger.debug("Deleting temp app_instance " + snapshotDetails.getValue());
DateraUtil.deleteAppInstance(conn, snapshotDetails.getValue());
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException | DateraObject.DateraError dateraError) {
String errMesg = "Error deleting temp volume " + dateraError.getMessage();
throw new CloudRuntimeException(errMesg, dateraError);
snapshotDetails = snapshotDetailsDao.findDetail(csSnapshotId, DiskTO.IQN);
} else {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Invalid state in 'createTempVolume(SnapshotInfo, long)'");
* This function gets invoked when we want to create a volume that caches the
* template on the primary storage. This 'template volume' will then be cloned
* to create new ROOT volumes.
* @param templateInfo Information about the template like id, size
* @param storagePoolId the primary store to create this volume on
* @return IQN of the template volume
public String createTemplateVolume(TemplateInfo templateInfo, long storagePoolId) {
s_logger.debug("createTemplateVolume() as cache template called");
verifySufficientBytesForStoragePool(templateInfo, storagePoolId);
DateraObject.DateraConnection conn = DateraUtil.getDateraConnection(storagePoolId, _storagePoolDetailsDao);
String iqn = null;
String appInstanceName = null;
try {
long templateSizeBytes = getDataObjectSizeIncludingHypervisorSnapshotReserve(templateInfo,
s_logger.debug("cached VM template sizeBytes: " + toHumanReadableSize(templateSizeBytes));
int templateSizeGib = DateraUtil.bytesToGib(templateSizeBytes);
int templateIops = DateraUtil.MAX_IOPS;
int replicaCount = getNumReplicas(storagePoolId);
appInstanceName = getAppInstanceName(templateInfo);
String volumePlacement = getVolPlacement(storagePoolId);
String ipPool = getIpPool(storagePoolId);
s_logger.debug("cached VM template app_instance: " + appInstanceName + " ipPool: " + ipPool + " sizeGib: " + String.valueOf(templateSizeGib));
DateraObject.AppInstance appInstance = DateraUtil.createAppInstance(conn, appInstanceName, templateSizeGib,
templateIops, replicaCount, volumePlacement, ipPool);
if (appInstance == null) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to create Template volume " + templateInfo.getId());
iqn = appInstance.getIqn();
VMTemplateStoragePoolVO templatePoolRef = tmpltPoolDao.findByPoolTemplate(storagePoolId,
templateInfo.getId(), null);
tmpltPoolDao.update(templatePoolRef.getId(), templatePoolRef);
StoragePoolVO storagePool = storagePoolDao.findById(storagePoolId);
long capacityBytes = storagePool.getCapacityBytes();
long usedBytes = getUsedBytes(storagePool);
storagePool.setUsedBytes(usedBytes > capacityBytes ? capacityBytes : usedBytes);
storagePoolDao.update(storagePoolId, storagePool);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException | DateraObject.DateraError dateraError) {
if (DateraObject.DateraErrorTypes.ConflictError.equals(dateraError)) {
String errMesg = "template app Instance " + appInstanceName + " exists";
s_logger.debug(errMesg, dateraError);
} else {
String errMesg = "Unable to create template app Instance " + dateraError.getMessage();
s_logger.error(errMesg, dateraError);
throw new CloudRuntimeException(errMesg, dateraError);
return DateraUtil.generateIqnPath(iqn);
* Entry point into the create logic. The storage subsystem call this method to
* create various data objects (volume/snapshot/template)
* @param dataStore
* @param dataObject
* @param callback
public void createAsync(DataStore dataStore, DataObject dataObject,
AsyncCompletionCallback<CreateCmdResult> callback) {
String iqn = null;
String errMsg = null;
try {
if (dataObject.getType() == DataObjectType.VOLUME) {
s_logger.debug("createAsync - creating volume");
iqn = createVolume((VolumeInfo) dataObject, dataStore.getId());
} else if (dataObject.getType() == DataObjectType.SNAPSHOT) {
s_logger.debug("createAsync - creating snapshot");
createTempVolume((SnapshotInfo) dataObject, dataStore.getId());
} else if (dataObject.getType() == DataObjectType.TEMPLATE) {
s_logger.debug("createAsync - creating template");
iqn = createTemplateVolume((TemplateInfo) dataObject, dataStore.getId());
} else {
errMsg = "Invalid DataObjectType (" + dataObject.getType() + ") passed to createAsync";
} catch (Exception ex) {
errMsg = ex.getMessage();
if (callback == null) {
throw ex;
if (callback != null) {
CreateCmdResult result = new CreateCmdResult(iqn, new Answer(null, errMsg == null, errMsg));
* Helper function which updates volume size in the volume_details table
* @param volumeId Volume information
* @param volumeSize Size in GB
private void updateVolumeDetails(long volumeId, long volumeSize) {
VolumeDetailVO volumeDetailVo = volumeDetailsDao.findDetail(volumeId, DateraUtil.VOLUME_SIZE);
if (volumeDetailVo == null || volumeDetailVo.getValue() == null) {
volumeDetailVo = new VolumeDetailVO(volumeId, DateraUtil.VOLUME_SIZE, String.valueOf(volumeSize), false);
* Entrypoint for delete operations.
* @param dataStore Primary storage
* @param dataObject object to delete
* @param callback used for async, complete the callback after the operation
* is done.
public void deleteAsync(DataStore dataStore, DataObject dataObject,
AsyncCompletionCallback<CommandResult> callback) {
String errMsg = null;
try {
if (dataObject.getType() == DataObjectType.VOLUME) {
s_logger.debug("deleteAsync - deleting volume");
deleteVolume((VolumeInfo) dataObject, dataStore.getId());
} else if (dataObject.getType() == DataObjectType.SNAPSHOT) {
s_logger.debug("deleteAsync - deleting snapshot");
deleteSnapshot((SnapshotInfo) dataObject, dataStore.getId());
} else if (dataObject.getType() == DataObjectType.TEMPLATE) {
s_logger.debug("deleteAsync - deleting template");
deleteTemplate((TemplateInfo) dataObject, dataStore.getId());
} else {
errMsg = "Invalid DataObjectType (" + dataObject.getType() + ") passed to deleteAsync";
} catch (Exception ex) {
errMsg = ex.getMessage();
CommandResult result = new CommandResult();
public void copyAsync(DataObject srcData, DataObject destData,
AsyncCompletionCallback<CopyCommandResult> callback) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void copyAsync(DataObject srcData, DataObject destData,
Host destHost, AsyncCompletionCallback<CopyCommandResult> callback) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean canCopy(DataObject srcData, DataObject destData) {
return false;
* Entry point for taking a snapshot. A native snpashot is taken if the
* hypervisor supports it, otherwise a volume is created and the data is copied
* via the hypervisor and Cloudstack will treat this volume as a snapshot.
* @param snapshotInfo Snapshot information
* @param callback Async context
public void takeSnapshot(SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo, AsyncCompletionCallback<CreateCmdResult> callback) {
s_logger.debug("takeSnapshot() called");
CreateCmdResult result;
try {
VolumeInfo volumeInfo = snapshotInfo.getBaseVolume();
VolumeVO volumeVO = _volumeDao.findById(volumeInfo.getId());
long storagePoolId = volumeVO.getPoolId();
DateraObject.DateraConnection conn = DateraUtil.getDateraConnection(storagePoolId, _storagePoolDetailsDao);
String baseAppInstanceName = getAppInstanceName(volumeInfo);
DateraObject.AppInstance baseAppInstance = DateraUtil.getAppInstance(conn, baseAppInstanceName);
SnapshotObjectTO snapshotObjectTo = (SnapshotObjectTO) snapshotInfo.getTO();
if (shouldTakeSnapshot(snapshotInfo.getId())) {
DateraObject.VolumeSnapshot volumeSnapshot = DateraUtil.takeVolumeSnapshot(conn, baseAppInstanceName);
if (volumeSnapshot == null) {
s_logger.error("Unable to take native snapshot appInstance name:" + baseAppInstanceName
+ " volume ID " + volumeInfo.getId());
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to take native snapshot for volume " + volumeInfo.getId());
String snapshotName = baseAppInstanceName + ":" + volumeSnapshot.getTimestamp();
updateSnapshotDetails(snapshotInfo.getId(), baseAppInstanceName, snapshotName, storagePoolId,
snapshotObjectTo.setPath("DateraSnapshotId=" + snapshotName);" snapshot taken: " + snapshotName);
} else {
StoragePoolVO storagePool = _storagePoolDao.findById(storagePoolId);
long capacityBytes = storagePool.getCapacityBytes();
long usedBytes = getUsedBytes(storagePool);
int volumeSizeGib = baseAppInstance.getSize();
long volumeSizeBytes = DateraUtil.gibToBytes(volumeSizeGib);
String volumePlacement = getVolPlacement(storagePoolId);
String ipPool = getIpPool(storagePoolId);
usedBytes += volumeSizeBytes;
if (usedBytes > capacityBytes) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException(
"Insufficient amount of space remains in this primary storage to create a snapshot volume");
String appInstanceName = getAppInstanceName(snapshotInfo);
DateraObject.AppInstance snapshotAppInstance = DateraUtil.createAppInstance(conn, appInstanceName,
volumeSizeGib, DateraUtil.MAX_IOPS, getNumReplicas(storagePoolId), volumePlacement, ipPool);
String iqnPath = DateraUtil.generateIqnPath(snapshotAppInstance.getIqn());
updateSnapshotDetails(snapshotInfo.getId(), snapshotAppInstance.getName(), storagePoolId,
snapshotAppInstance.getSize(), iqnPath);
snapshotObjectTo.setPath("DateraVolumeId=" + snapshotAppInstance.getName());
// update size in storage pool
_storagePoolDao.update(storagePoolId, storagePool);
CreateObjectAnswer createObjectAnswer = new CreateObjectAnswer(snapshotObjectTo);
result = new CreateCmdResult(null, createObjectAnswer);
} catch (Exception ex) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to take CloudStack snapshot: " + snapshotInfo.getId(), ex);
result = new CreateCmdResult(null, new CreateObjectAnswer(ex.toString()));
* If a native snapshot is used, this function updates the snapshot_detauls
* table with the correct attributes
* @param csSnapshotId Cloudstack snapshot ID
* @param volumeId Base volume ID
* @param newSnapshotId SnapshotID on Datera (appInstanceName:Timestamp)
* @param storagePoolId Primary storage
* @param newVolumeSize VolumeSize in GB
private void updateSnapshotDetails(long csSnapshotId, String volumeId, String newSnapshotId, long storagePoolId,
long newVolumeSize) {
SnapshotDetailsVO snapshotDetail = new SnapshotDetailsVO(csSnapshotId, DateraUtil.VOLUME_ID,
String.valueOf(volumeId), false);
snapshotDetail = new SnapshotDetailsVO(csSnapshotId, DateraUtil.SNAPSHOT_ID, String.valueOf(newSnapshotId),
snapshotDetail = new SnapshotDetailsVO(csSnapshotId, DateraUtil.STORAGE_POOL_ID, String.valueOf(storagePoolId),
snapshotDetail = new SnapshotDetailsVO(csSnapshotId, DateraUtil.VOLUME_SIZE, String.valueOf(newVolumeSize),
* If a snapshot is represented as a volume, this function updates the
* snapshot_details table with the right attributes so that Cloudstack knows
* that this snapshot is a volume on the backend
* @param csSnapshotId Snapshot ID on Cloudstack
* @param snapshotAppInstanceName snapshot name on Datera
* <appInstanceName>:<Timestamp>
* @param storagePoolId primary storage
* @param snapshotSizeGb snapshotSize
* @param snapshotIqn IQN of snapshot
private void updateSnapshotDetails(long csSnapshotId, String snapshotAppInstanceName, long storagePoolId,
long snapshotSizeGb, String snapshotIqn) {
SnapshotDetailsVO snapshotDetail = new SnapshotDetailsVO(csSnapshotId, DateraUtil.VOLUME_ID,
String.valueOf(snapshotAppInstanceName), false);
snapshotDetail = new SnapshotDetailsVO(csSnapshotId, DateraUtil.STORAGE_POOL_ID, String.valueOf(storagePoolId),
snapshotDetail = new SnapshotDetailsVO(csSnapshotId, DateraUtil.VOLUME_SIZE, String.valueOf(snapshotSizeGb),
snapshotDetail = new SnapshotDetailsVO(csSnapshotId, DiskTO.IQN, snapshotIqn, false);
* Deletes snapshot on Datera
* @param snapshotInfo snapshot information
* @param storagePoolId primary storage
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
* @throws DateraObject.DateraError
private void deleteSnapshot(SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo, long storagePoolId)
throws UnsupportedEncodingException, DateraObject.DateraError {
long csSnapshotId = snapshotInfo.getId();
try {
DateraObject.DateraConnection conn = DateraUtil.getDateraConnection(storagePoolId, _storagePoolDetailsDao);
SnapshotDetailsVO snapshotDetails = snapshotDetailsDao.findDetail(csSnapshotId, DateraUtil.SNAPSHOT_ID);
if (snapshotDetails != null && snapshotDetails.getValue() != null) {
// Native snapshot being used, delete that
String snapshotName = snapshotDetails.getValue();
DateraUtil.deleteVolumeSnapshot(conn, snapshotName);
// check if the underlying volume needs to be deleted
SnapshotVO snapshot = _snapshotDao.findById(csSnapshotId);
VolumeVO volume = _volumeDao.findById(snapshot.getVolumeId());
if (volume == null) {
// deleted from Cloudstack. Check if other snapshots are using this volume
volume = _volumeDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(snapshot.getVolumeId());
if (shouldDeleteVolume(snapshot.getVolumeId(), snapshot.getId())) {
DateraUtil.deleteAppInstance(conn, volume.getFolder());
} else {
// An App Instance is being used to support the CloudStack volume snapshot.
snapshotDetails = snapshotDetailsDao.findDetail(csSnapshotId, DateraUtil.VOLUME_ID);
String appInstanceName = snapshotDetails.getValue();
DateraUtil.deleteAppInstance(conn, appInstanceName);
StoragePoolVO storagePool = storagePoolDao.findById(storagePoolId);
// getUsedBytes(StoragePool) will not include the snapshot to delete because it
// has already been deleted by this point
long usedBytes = getUsedBytes(storagePool);
storagePool.setUsedBytes(usedBytes < 0 ? 0 : usedBytes);
storagePoolDao.update(storagePoolId, storagePool);
} catch (Exception ex) {
s_logger.debug("Error in 'deleteSnapshot(SnapshotInfo, long)'. CloudStack snapshot ID: " + csSnapshotId,
throw ex;
* Deletes a template from Datera
* @param templateInfo Information about Template
* @param storagePoolId Primary storage
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
* @throws DateraObject.DateraError
private void deleteTemplate(TemplateInfo templateInfo, long storagePoolId)
throws UnsupportedEncodingException, DateraObject.DateraError {
try {
DateraObject.DateraConnection conn = DateraUtil.getDateraConnection(storagePoolId, _storagePoolDetailsDao);
String appInstanceName = getAppInstanceName(templateInfo);
DateraUtil.deleteAppInstance(conn, appInstanceName);
VMTemplateStoragePoolVO templatePoolRef = tmpltPoolDao.findByPoolTemplate(storagePoolId,
templateInfo.getId(), null);
StoragePoolVO storagePool = storagePoolDao.findById(storagePoolId);
// getUsedBytes(StoragePool) will not include the template to delete because the
// "template_spool_ref" table has already been updated by this point
long usedBytes = getUsedBytes(storagePool);
storagePool.setUsedBytes(usedBytes < 0 ? 0 : usedBytes);
storagePoolDao.update(storagePoolId, storagePool);
} catch (Exception ex) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to delete template volume. CloudStack template ID: " + templateInfo.getId(), ex);
throw ex;
* Revert snapshot for a volume
* @param snapshotInfo Information about volume snapshot
* @param snapshotOnPrimaryStore Not used
* @throws CloudRuntimeException
public void revertSnapshot(SnapshotInfo snapshotInfo, SnapshotInfo snapshotOnPrimaryStore,
AsyncCompletionCallback<CommandResult> callback) {
VolumeInfo volumeInfo = snapshotInfo.getBaseVolume();
VolumeVO volumeVO = _volumeDao.findById(volumeInfo.getId());
long storagePoolId = volumeVO.getPoolId();
long csSnapshotId = snapshotInfo.getId();"Datera - restoreVolumeSnapshot from snapshotId " + String.valueOf(csSnapshotId) + " to volume"
+ volumeVO.getName());
DateraObject.AppInstance appInstance;
try {
if (volumeVO == null || volumeVO.getRemoved() != null) {
String errMsg = "The volume that the snapshot belongs to no longer exists.";
CommandResult commandResult = new CommandResult();
DateraObject.DateraConnection conn = DateraUtil.getDateraConnection(storagePoolId, _storagePoolDetailsDao);
SnapshotDetailsVO snapshotDetails = snapshotDetailsDao.findDetail(csSnapshotId, DateraUtil.SNAPSHOT_ID);
if (snapshotDetails != null && snapshotDetails.getValue() != null) {
// Native snapshot being used, restore snapshot from Datera AppInstance
String snapshotName = snapshotDetails.getValue();"Datera - restoreVolumeSnapshot: " + snapshotName);
appInstance = DateraUtil.restoreVolumeSnapshot(conn, snapshotName);
updateVolumeDetails(volumeInfo.getId(), appInstance.getSize());
CommandResult commandResult = new CommandResult();
} catch (Exception ex) {
s_logger.debug("Error in 'revertSnapshot()'. CloudStack snapshot ID: " + csSnapshotId, ex);
throw new CloudRuntimeException(ex.getMessage());
* Resizes a volume on Datera, shrinking is not allowed. Resize also takes into
* account the HSR
* @param dataObject volume to resize
* @param callback async context
public void resize(DataObject dataObject, AsyncCompletionCallback<CreateCmdResult> callback) {
String iqn = null;
String errMsg = null;
if (dataObject.getType() == DataObjectType.VOLUME) {
VolumeInfo volumeInfo = (VolumeInfo) dataObject;
String iqnPath = volumeInfo.get_iScsiName();
iqn = DateraUtil.extractIqn(iqnPath);
long storagePoolId = volumeInfo.getPoolId();
ResizeVolumePayload payload = (ResizeVolumePayload) volumeInfo.getpayload();
String appInstanceName = getAppInstanceName(volumeInfo);
long newSizeBytes = payload.newSize;
Integer hsr = volumeInfo.getHypervisorSnapshotReserve();
if (payload.newSize != null || payload.newHypervisorSnapshotReserve != null) {
if (payload.newHypervisorSnapshotReserve != null) {
if (hsr != null) {
if (payload.newHypervisorSnapshotReserve > hsr) {
hsr = payload.newHypervisorSnapshotReserve;
} else {
hsr = payload.newHypervisorSnapshotReserve;
newSizeBytes = getVolumeSizeIncludingHypervisorSnapshotReserve(payload.newSize, hsr);
int newSize = DateraUtil.bytesToGib(newSizeBytes);
DateraObject.DateraConnection conn = DateraUtil.getDateraConnection(storagePoolId, _storagePoolDetailsDao);
try {
DateraObject.AppInstance appInstance = DateraUtil.getAppInstance(conn, appInstanceName);
if (appInstance.getSize() < newSize) {
DateraUtil.updateAppInstanceSize(conn, appInstanceName, Ints.checkedCast(newSize));
if (payload.newMaxIops != null && appInstance.getTotalIops() != payload.newMaxIops) {
DateraUtil.updateAppInstanceIops(conn, appInstanceName, Ints.checkedCast(payload.newMaxIops));
appInstance = DateraUtil.getAppInstance(conn, appInstanceName);
VolumeVO volume = _volumeDao.findById(volumeInfo.getId());
_volumeDao.update(volume.getId(), volume);
updateVolumeDetails(volume.getId(), appInstance.getSize());
} catch (DateraObject.DateraError | UnsupportedEncodingException dateraError) {
} else {
errMsg = "Invalid DataObjectType (" + dataObject.getType() + ") passed to resize";
CreateCmdResult result = new CreateCmdResult(iqn, new Answer(null, errMsg == null, errMsg));
* Adding temp volume to the snapshot_details table. This is used if we are
* using a native snapshot and we want to create a template out of the snapshot
* @param csSnapshotId Source snasphot
* @param tempVolumeName temp volume app instance on Datera
private void addTempVolumeToDb(long csSnapshotId, String tempVolumeName) {
SnapshotDetailsVO snapshotDetails = snapshotDetailsDao.findDetail(csSnapshotId, DateraUtil.VOLUME_ID);
if (snapshotDetails == null || snapshotDetails.getValue() == null) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException(
"'addTempVolumeId' should not be invoked unless " + DateraUtil.VOLUME_ID + " exists.");
String originalVolumeId = snapshotDetails.getValue();
handleSnapshotDetails(csSnapshotId, DateraUtil.TEMP_VOLUME_ID, originalVolumeId);
handleSnapshotDetails(csSnapshotId, DateraUtil.VOLUME_ID, tempVolumeName);
private void removeTempVolumeFromDb(long csSnapshotId) {
SnapshotDetailsVO snapshotDetails = snapshotDetailsDao.findDetail(csSnapshotId, DateraUtil.TEMP_VOLUME_ID);
if (snapshotDetails == null || snapshotDetails.getValue() == null) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException(
"'removeTempVolumeId' should not be invoked unless " + DateraUtil.TEMP_VOLUME_ID + " exists.");
String originalVolumeId = snapshotDetails.getValue();
handleSnapshotDetails(csSnapshotId, DateraUtil.VOLUME_ID, originalVolumeId);
* Helper function to update snapshot_details table
* @param csSnapshotId Snapshot
* @param name attribute name
* @param value attribute value
private void handleSnapshotDetails(long csSnapshotId, String name, String value) {
snapshotDetailsDao.removeDetail(csSnapshotId, name);
SnapshotDetailsVO snapshotDetails = new SnapshotDetailsVO(csSnapshotId, name, value, false);
private void verifySufficientBytesForStoragePool(DataObject dataObject, long storagePoolId) {
StoragePoolVO storagePool = storagePoolDao.findById(storagePoolId);
long requestedBytes = getDataObjectSizeIncludingHypervisorSnapshotReserve(dataObject, storagePool);
verifySufficientBytesForStoragePool(requestedBytes, storagePoolId);
private void verifySufficientBytesForStoragePool(long requestedBytes, long storagePoolId) {
StoragePoolVO storagePool = storagePoolDao.findById(storagePoolId);
long capacityBytes = storagePool.getCapacityBytes();
long usedBytes = getUsedBytes(storagePool);
usedBytes += requestedBytes;
if (usedBytes > capacityBytes) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Insufficient amount of space remains in this primary storage");
* Returns true if we can take a native snapshot else returns false. Set in
* StorageSystemSnapshotStrategy
* @param snapshotId Snapshot
* @return true if native snapshot, false otherwise
private boolean shouldTakeSnapshot(long snapshotId) {
SnapshotDetailsVO snapshotDetails = snapshotDetailsDao.findDetail(snapshotId, "takeSnapshot");
if (snapshotDetails != null && snapshotDetails.getValue() != null) {
return new Boolean(snapshotDetails.getValue());
return false;
private long getCsIdForCloning(long volumeId, String cloneOf) {
VolumeDetailVO volumeDetail = volumeDetailsDao.findDetail(volumeId, cloneOf);
if (volumeDetail != null && volumeDetail.getValue() != null) {
return new Long(volumeDetail.getValue());
return Long.MIN_VALUE;
* Checks if the volume can be safely deleted. ie it has no native snapshots
* @param csVolumeId Volume
* @param snapshotToIgnoreId Used to check if this is the only snapshot on the
* volume
* @return true if we can delete, false otherwise
private boolean shouldDeleteVolume(Long csVolumeId, Long snapshotToIgnoreId) {
List<SnapshotVO> lstSnapshots = getNonDestroyedSnapshots(csVolumeId);
for (SnapshotVO snapshot : lstSnapshots) {
if (snapshotToIgnoreId != null && snapshot.getId() == snapshotToIgnoreId) {
SnapshotDetailsVO snapshotDetails = snapshotDetailsDao.findDetail(snapshot.getId(), DateraUtil.SNAPSHOT_ID);
if (snapshotDetails != null && snapshotDetails.getValue() != null) {
return false;
return true;
private List<SnapshotVO> getNonDestroyedSnapshots(long csVolumeId) {
List<SnapshotVO> lstSnapshots = _snapshotDao.listByVolumeId(csVolumeId);
if (lstSnapshots == null) {
lstSnapshots = new ArrayList<>();
List<SnapshotVO> lstSnapshots2 = new ArrayList<>();
for (SnapshotVO snapshot : lstSnapshots) {
if (!Snapshot.State.Destroyed.equals(snapshot.getState())) {
return lstSnapshots2;
private long getVolumeSizeIncludingHypervisorSnapshotReserve(long volumeSize, Integer hypervisorSnapshotReserve) {
if (hypervisorSnapshotReserve != null) {
hypervisorSnapshotReserve = Math.max(hypervisorSnapshotReserve, s_lowestHypervisorSnapshotReserve);
volumeSize += volumeSize * (hypervisorSnapshotReserve / 100f);
return volumeSize;
public void handleQualityOfServiceForVolumeMigration(VolumeInfo volumeInfo,
QualityOfServiceState qualityOfServiceState) {
public boolean canProvideStorageStats() {
return false;
public Pair<Long, Long> getStorageStats(StoragePool storagePool) {
return null;
public boolean canProvideVolumeStats() {
return false;
public Pair<Long, Long> getVolumeStats(StoragePool storagePool, String volumeId) {
return null;
public boolean canHostAccessStoragePool(Host host, StoragePool pool) {
return true;
public boolean isVmInfoNeeded() {
return false;
public void provideVmInfo(long vmId, long volumeId) {
public boolean isVmTagsNeeded(String tagKey) {
return false;
public void provideVmTags(long vmId, long volumeId, String tagValue) {
public boolean isStorageSupportHA(StoragePoolType type) {
return false;
public void detachVolumeFromAllStorageNodes(Volume volume) {
public boolean volumesRequireGrantAccessWhenUsed() {
return true;