blob: 12a50c9e88f7e3a5b593374af2ae5f76368104a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.user.kubernetes.cluster;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.apache.cloudstack.acl.RoleType;
import org.apache.cloudstack.acl.SecurityChecker.AccessType;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.ACL;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.APICommand;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.ApiCommandResourceType;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.ApiConstants;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.ApiErrorCode;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.BaseAsyncCreateCmd;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.Parameter;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.ResponseObject.ResponseView;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.ServerApiException;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.DomainResponse;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.KubernetesClusterResponse;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.KubernetesSupportedVersionResponse;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.NetworkResponse;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.ProjectResponse;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.ServiceOfferingResponse;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.ZoneResponse;
import org.apache.cloudstack.context.CallContext;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
@APICommand(name = "createKubernetesCluster",
description = "Creates a Kubernetes cluster",
responseObject = KubernetesClusterResponse.class,
responseView = ResponseView.Restricted,
entityType = {KubernetesCluster.class},
requestHasSensitiveInfo = false,
responseHasSensitiveInfo = true,
authorized = {RoleType.Admin, RoleType.ResourceAdmin, RoleType.DomainAdmin, RoleType.User})
public class CreateKubernetesClusterCmd extends BaseAsyncCreateCmd {
public static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CreateKubernetesClusterCmd.class.getName());
private static final Long DEFAULT_NODE_ROOT_DISK_SIZE = 8L;
public KubernetesClusterService kubernetesClusterService;
//////////////// API parameters /////////////////////
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.NAME, type = CommandType.STRING, required = true, description = "name for the Kubernetes cluster")
private String name;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.DESCRIPTION, type = CommandType.STRING, description = "description for the Kubernetes cluster")
private String description;
@ACL(accessType = AccessType.UseEntry)
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.ZONE_ID, type = CommandType.UUID, entityType = ZoneResponse.class, required = true,
description = "availability zone in which Kubernetes cluster to be launched")
private Long zoneId;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.KUBERNETES_VERSION_ID, type = CommandType.UUID, entityType = KubernetesSupportedVersionResponse.class,
description = "Kubernetes version with which cluster to be launched")
private Long kubernetesVersionId;
@ACL(accessType = AccessType.UseEntry)
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.SERVICE_OFFERING_ID, type = CommandType.UUID, entityType = ServiceOfferingResponse.class,
description = "the ID of the service offering for the virtual machines in the cluster.")
private Long serviceOfferingId;
@ACL(accessType = AccessType.UseEntry)
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.ACCOUNT, type = CommandType.STRING, description = "an optional account for the" +
" virtual machine. Must be used with domainId.")
private String accountName;
@ACL(accessType = AccessType.UseEntry)
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.DOMAIN_ID, type = CommandType.UUID, entityType = DomainResponse.class,
description = "an optional domainId for the virtual machine. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used.")
private Long domainId;
@ACL(accessType = AccessType.UseEntry)
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.PROJECT_ID, type = CommandType.UUID, entityType = ProjectResponse.class,
description = "Deploy cluster for the project")
private Long projectId;
@ACL(accessType = AccessType.UseEntry)
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.NETWORK_ID, type = CommandType.UUID, entityType = NetworkResponse.class,
description = "Network in which Kubernetes cluster is to be launched")
private Long networkId;
@ACL(accessType = AccessType.UseEntry)
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.SSH_KEYPAIR, type = CommandType.STRING,
description = "name of the ssh key pair used to login to the virtual machines")
private String sshKeyPairName;
@Parameter(name=ApiConstants.MASTER_NODES, type = CommandType.LONG,
description = "number of Kubernetes cluster master nodes, default is 1. This option is deprecated, please use 'controlnodes' parameter.")
private Long masterNodes;
@Parameter(name=ApiConstants.CONTROL_NODES, type = CommandType.LONG,
description = "number of Kubernetes cluster control nodes, default is 1")
private Long controlNodes;
@Parameter(name=ApiConstants.EXTERNAL_LOAD_BALANCER_IP_ADDRESS, type = CommandType.STRING,
description = "external load balancer IP address while using shared network with Kubernetes HA cluster")
private String externalLoadBalancerIpAddress;
@Parameter(name=ApiConstants.SIZE, type = CommandType.LONG,
description = "number of Kubernetes cluster worker nodes")
private Long clusterSize;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.DOCKER_REGISTRY_USER_NAME, type = CommandType.STRING,
description = "user name for the docker image private registry")
private String dockerRegistryUserName;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD, type = CommandType.STRING,
description = "password for the docker image private registry")
private String dockerRegistryPassword;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL, type = CommandType.STRING,
description = "URL for the docker image private registry")
private String dockerRegistryUrl;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.NODE_ROOT_DISK_SIZE, type = CommandType.LONG,
description = "root disk size in GB for each node")
private Long nodeRootDiskSize;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.CLUSTER_TYPE, type = CommandType.STRING, description = "type of the cluster: CloudManaged, ExternalManaged. The default value is CloudManaged.", since="4.19.0")
private String clusterType;
/////////////////// Accessors ///////////////////////
public String getAccountName() {
if (accountName == null) {
return CallContext.current().getCallingAccount().getAccountName();
return accountName;
public String getDisplayName() {
return StringUtils.firstNonEmpty(description, name);
public Long getDomainId() {
if (domainId == null) {
return CallContext.current().getCallingAccount().getDomainId();
return domainId;
public Long getServiceOfferingId() {
return serviceOfferingId;
public Long getZoneId() {
return zoneId;
public Long getKubernetesVersionId() {
return kubernetesVersionId;
public Long getNetworkId() { return networkId;}
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getSSHKeyPairName() {
return sshKeyPairName;
public Long getMasterNodes() {
if (masterNodes == null) {
return 1L;
return masterNodes;
public Long getControlNodes() {
if (controlNodes == null) {
return 1L;
return controlNodes;
public String getExternalLoadBalancerIpAddress() {
return externalLoadBalancerIpAddress;
public Long getClusterSize() {
return clusterSize;
public String getDockerRegistryUserName() {
return dockerRegistryUserName;
public String getDockerRegistryPassword() {
return dockerRegistryPassword;
public String getDockerRegistryUrl() {
return dockerRegistryUrl;
public Long getNodeRootDiskSize() {
if (nodeRootDiskSize != null) {
if (nodeRootDiskSize < DEFAULT_NODE_ROOT_DISK_SIZE) {
throw new InvalidParameterException("Provided node root disk size is lesser than default size of " + DEFAULT_NODE_ROOT_DISK_SIZE +"GB");
return nodeRootDiskSize;
} else {
public String getClusterType() {
if (clusterType == null) {
return KubernetesCluster.ClusterType.CloudManaged.toString();
return clusterType;
/////////////// API Implementation///////////////////
public static String getResultObjectName() {
return "kubernetescluster";
public long getEntityOwnerId() {
Long accountId = _accountService.finalyzeAccountId(accountName, domainId, projectId, true);
if (accountId == null) {
return CallContext.current().getCallingAccount().getId();
return accountId;
public String getEventType() {
return KubernetesClusterEventTypes.EVENT_KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_CREATE;
public String getCreateEventType() {
return KubernetesClusterEventTypes.EVENT_KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_CREATE;
public String getCreateEventDescription() {
return "creating Kubernetes cluster";
public String getEventDescription() {
return "Creating Kubernetes cluster. Cluster Id: " + getEntityId();
public ApiCommandResourceType getApiResourceType() {
return ApiCommandResourceType.VirtualMachine;
public void execute() {
try {
if (KubernetesCluster.ClusterType.valueOf(getClusterType()) == KubernetesCluster.ClusterType.CloudManaged
&& !kubernetesClusterService.startKubernetesCluster(getEntityId(), true)) {
throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to start Kubernetes cluster");
KubernetesClusterResponse response = kubernetesClusterService.createKubernetesClusterResponse(getEntityId());
} catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, e.getMessage());
public void create() throws CloudRuntimeException {
KubernetesCluster cluster;
KubernetesCluster.ClusterType type;
try {
type = KubernetesCluster.ClusterType.valueOf(getClusterType());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to resolve cluster type " + getClusterType() + " to a supported value (CloudManaged, ExternalManaged)");
try {
if (type == KubernetesCluster.ClusterType.CloudManaged) {
cluster = kubernetesClusterService.createManagedKubernetesCluster(this);
} else {
cluster = kubernetesClusterService.createUnmanagedKubernetesCluster(this);
if (cluster == null) {
throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to create Kubernetes cluster");
} catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, e.getMessage());