blob: d7ba2ed20da3a8770cda4cd29b5bb01814a4f865 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
public class Upgrade420to421 implements DbUpgrade {
final static Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(Upgrade420to421.class);
public String[] getUpgradableVersionRange() {
return new String[] {"4.2.0", "4.2.1"};
public String getUpgradedVersion() {
return "4.2.1";
public boolean supportsRollingUpgrade() {
return false;
public InputStream[] getPrepareScripts() {
final String scriptFile = "META-INF/db/schema-420to421.sql";
final InputStream script = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(scriptFile);
if (script == null) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to find " + scriptFile);
return new InputStream[] {script};
public InputStream[] getCleanupScripts() {
return null;
public void performDataMigration(Connection conn) {
private void updateOverprovisioningPerVm(Connection conn) {
// Get cpu overprovisioning factor from global setting and update user vm details table for all the vms if factor > 1
try (PreparedStatement selectConfiguration = conn.prepareStatement("select value from `cloud`.`configuration` where name=?");) {
String cpuoverprov = "1";
selectConfiguration.setString(1, "cpu.overprovisioning.factor");
try (ResultSet configData = selectConfiguration.executeQuery()) {
if ( {
cpuoverprov = configData.getString(1);
String memoverprov = "1";
selectConfiguration.setString(1, "mem.overprovisioning.factor");
try (ResultSet configData = selectConfiguration.executeQuery()) {
if ( {
memoverprov = configData.getString(1);
// Need to populate only when overprovisioning factor doesn't pre exist.
s_logger.debug("Starting updating user_vm_details with cpu/memory overprovisioning factors");
try (
PreparedStatement pstmt2 = conn
.prepareStatement("select id, hypervisor_type from `cloud`.`vm_instance` where removed is null and id not in (select vm_id from `cloud`.`user_vm_details` where name='cpuOvercommitRatio')");
PreparedStatement pstmt3 = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT IGNORE INTO cloud.user_vm_details (vm_id, name, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
ResultSet result2 = pstmt2.executeQuery();) {
while ( {
String hypervisor_type = result2.getString(2);
if (hypervisor_type.equalsIgnoreCase( {
//For cpu
pstmt3.setLong(1, result2.getLong(1));
pstmt3.setString(2, "cpuOvercommitRatio");
pstmt3.setString(3, cpuoverprov);
// For memory
pstmt3.setLong(1, result2.getLong(1));
pstmt3.setString(2, "memoryOvercommitRatio");
pstmt3.setString(3, memoverprov); // memory overprovisioning was used to reserve memory in case of VMware.
} else {
//For cpu
pstmt3.setLong(1, result2.getLong(1));
pstmt3.setString(2, "cpuOvercommitRatio");
pstmt3.setString(3, cpuoverprov);
// For memory
pstmt3.setLong(1, result2.getLong(1));
pstmt3.setString(2, "memoryOvercommitRatio");
pstmt3.setString(3, "1"); // memory overprovisioning didn't exist earlier.
s_logger.debug("Done updating user_vm_details with cpu/memory overprovisioning factors");
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to update cpu/memory overprovisioning factors", e);
private void upgradeResourceCount(Connection conn) {
s_logger.debug("upgradeResourceCount start");
String sqlSelectAccountIds = "select id, domain_id FROM `cloud`.`account` where removed is NULL ";
String sqlSelectOfferingTotals = "SELECT SUM(service_offering.cpu), SUM(service_offering.ram_size)"
+ " FROM `cloud`.`vm_instance`, `cloud`.`service_offering`"
+ " WHERE vm_instance.service_offering_id = AND vm_instance.account_id = ?"
+ " AND vm_instance.removed is NULL"
+ " AND vm_instance.vm_type='User' AND state not in ('Destroyed', 'Error', 'Expunging')";
String sqlSelectTotalVolumeSize =
"SELECT sum(size) FROM `cloud`.`volumes` WHERE account_id= ?"
+ " AND (path is not NULL OR state in ('Allocated')) AND removed is NULL"
+ " AND instance_id IN (SELECT id FROM `cloud`.`vm_instance` WHERE vm_type='User')";
String sqlSelectTotalPathlessVolumeSize =
"SELECT sum(size) FROM `cloud`.`volumes` WHERE account_id= ?"
+ " AND path is NULL AND state not in ('Allocated') AND removed is NULL";
String sqlSelectTotalSnapshotSize = "SELECT sum(size) FROM `cloud`.`snapshots` WHERE account_id= ? AND removed is NULL";
String sqlSelectTotalTemplateStoreSize = "SELECT sum(template_store_ref.size) FROM `cloud`.`template_store_ref`,`cloud`.`vm_template` WHERE account_id = ?"
+ " AND template_store_ref.template_id = AND download_state = 'DOWNLOADED' AND destroyed = false AND removed is NULL";
String sqlSelectDomainIds = "select id FROM `cloud`.`domain`";
String sqlSelectAccountCount = "select account.domain_id,sum(resource_count.count) from `cloud`.`account` left join `cloud`.`resource_count` on "
+ "where resource_count.type=? group by account.domain_id;";
try (
PreparedStatement pstmtSelectAccountIds = conn.prepareStatement(sqlSelectAccountIds);
PreparedStatement pstmtSelectOfferingTotals = conn.prepareStatement(sqlSelectOfferingTotals);
PreparedStatement pstmtSelectTotalVolumeSize = conn.prepareStatement(sqlSelectTotalVolumeSize);
PreparedStatement pstmtSelectTotalPathlessVolumeSize = conn.prepareStatement(sqlSelectTotalPathlessVolumeSize);
PreparedStatement pstmtSelectTotalSnapshotSize = conn.prepareStatement(sqlSelectTotalSnapshotSize);
PreparedStatement pstmtSelectTotalTemplateStoreSize = conn.prepareStatement(sqlSelectTotalTemplateStoreSize);
PreparedStatement pstmtSelectDomainIds = conn.prepareStatement(sqlSelectDomainIds);
PreparedStatement pstmtSelectAccountCount = conn.prepareStatement(sqlSelectAccountCount);
ResultSet rsAccount = pstmtSelectAccountIds.executeQuery();
) {
while ( {
long account_id = rsAccount.getLong(1);
long domain_id = rsAccount.getLong(2);
// 1. update cpu,memory for all accounts
pstmtSelectOfferingTotals.setLong(1, account_id);
try (ResultSet rsOfferingTotals = pstmtSelectOfferingTotals.executeQuery();) {
if ( {
upgradeResourceCountforAccount(conn, account_id, domain_id, "cpu", rsOfferingTotals.getLong(1));
upgradeResourceCountforAccount(conn, account_id, domain_id, "memory", rsOfferingTotals.getLong(2));
} else {
upgradeResourceCountforAccount(conn, account_id, domain_id, "cpu", 0L);
upgradeResourceCountforAccount(conn, account_id, domain_id, "memory", 0L);
// 2. update primary_storage for all accounts
pstmtSelectTotalVolumeSize.setLong(1, account_id);
try (ResultSet rsTotalVolumeSize = pstmtSelectTotalVolumeSize.executeQuery();) {
if ( {
upgradeResourceCountforAccount(conn, account_id, domain_id, "primary_storage", rsTotalVolumeSize.getLong(1));
} else {
upgradeResourceCountforAccount(conn, account_id, domain_id, "primary_storage", 0L);
// 3. update secondary_storage for all accounts
long totalVolumesSize = 0;
long totalSnapshotsSize = 0;
long totalTemplatesSize = 0;
pstmtSelectTotalPathlessVolumeSize.setLong(1, account_id);
try (ResultSet rsTotalPathlessVolumeSize = pstmtSelectTotalPathlessVolumeSize.executeQuery();) {
if ( {
totalVolumesSize = rsTotalPathlessVolumeSize.getLong(1);
pstmtSelectTotalSnapshotSize.setLong(1, account_id);
try (ResultSet rsTotalSnapshotSize = pstmtSelectTotalSnapshotSize.executeQuery();) {
if ( {
totalSnapshotsSize = rsTotalSnapshotSize.getLong(1);
pstmtSelectTotalTemplateStoreSize.setLong(1, account_id);
try (ResultSet rsTotalTemplateStoreSize = pstmtSelectTotalTemplateStoreSize.executeQuery();) {
if ( {
totalTemplatesSize = rsTotalTemplateStoreSize.getLong(1);
upgradeResourceCountforAccount(conn, account_id, domain_id, "secondary_storage", totalVolumesSize + totalSnapshotsSize + totalTemplatesSize);
// 4. upgrade cpu,memory,primary_storage,secondary_storage for domains
String resource_types[] = {"cpu", "memory", "primary_storage", "secondary_storage"};
try (ResultSet rsDomainIds = pstmtSelectDomainIds.executeQuery();) {
while ( {
long domain_id = rsDomainIds.getLong(1);
for (int count = 0; count < resource_types.length; count++) {
String resource_type = resource_types[count];
upgradeResourceCountforDomain(conn, domain_id, resource_type, 0L); // reset value to 0 before statistics
for (int count = 0; count < resource_types.length; count++) {
String resource_type = resource_types[count];
pstmtSelectAccountCount.setString(1, resource_type);
try (ResultSet rsAccountCount = pstmtSelectAccountCount.executeQuery();) {
while ( {
long domain_id = rsAccountCount.getLong(1);
long resource_count = rsAccountCount.getLong(2);
upgradeResourceCountforDomain(conn, domain_id, resource_type, resource_count);
s_logger.debug("upgradeResourceCount finish");
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to upgrade resource count (cpu,memory,primary_storage,secondary_storage) ", e);
private static void upgradeResourceCountforAccount(Connection conn, Long accountId, Long domainId, String type, Long resourceCount) throws SQLException {
//update or insert into resource_count table.
String sqlInsertResourceCount = "INSERT INTO `cloud`.`resource_count` (account_id, type, count) VALUES (?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id), count=?";
try (PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlInsertResourceCount);) {
pstmt.setLong(1, accountId);
pstmt.setString(2, type);
pstmt.setLong(3, resourceCount);
pstmt.setLong(4, resourceCount);
private static void upgradeResourceCountforDomain(Connection conn, Long domainId, String type, Long resourceCount) throws SQLException {
//update or insert into resource_count table.
String sqlInsertResourceCount = "INSERT INTO `cloud`.`resource_count` (domain_id, type, count) VALUES (?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id), count=?";
try (PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sqlInsertResourceCount);) {
pstmt.setLong(1, domainId);
pstmt.setString(2, type);
pstmt.setLong(3, resourceCount);
pstmt.setLong(4, resourceCount);