blob: 03f69ddefc905ec45a209fff1b4df1d0c9cdb452 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
public class Upgrade303to304 extends Upgrade30xBase implements DbUpgrade {
final static Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(Upgrade303to304.class);
public String[] getUpgradableVersionRange() {
return new String[] {"3.0.3", "3.0.4"};
public String getUpgradedVersion() {
return "3.0.4";
public boolean supportsRollingUpgrade() {
return true;
public InputStream[] getPrepareScripts() {
return null;
public void performDataMigration(Connection conn) {
private void correctVRProviders(Connection conn) {
try (PreparedStatement pstmtVR = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT id, nsp_id FROM `cloud`.`virtual_router_providers` where type = 'VirtualRouter' AND removed IS NULL");
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT physical_network_id, provider_name FROM `cloud`.`physical_network_service_providers` where id = ?");
PreparedStatement pstmt1 =
conn.prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM `cloud`.`physical_network_service_providers` where physical_network_id = ? AND provider_name = ? AND removed IS NULL");
PreparedStatement pstmtUpdate = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE `cloud`.`virtual_router_providers` SET nsp_id = ? WHERE id = ?");
ResultSet rsVR = pstmtVR.executeQuery();
) {
while ( {
long vrId = rsVR.getLong(1);
long nspId = rsVR.getLong(2);
//check that this nspId points to a VR provider.
pstmt.setLong(1, nspId);
try (ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();) {
if ( {
long physicalNetworkId = rs.getLong(1);
String providerName = rs.getString(2);
if (!providerName.equalsIgnoreCase("VirtualRouter")) {
//mismatch, correct the nsp_id in VR
pstmt1.setLong(1, physicalNetworkId);
pstmt1.setString(2, "VirtualRouter");
try (ResultSet rs1 = pstmt1.executeQuery();) {
if ( {
long correctNSPId = rs1.getLong(1);
//update VR entry
pstmtUpdate.setLong(1, correctNSPId);
pstmtUpdate.setLong(2, vrId);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Exception while correcting Virtual Router Entries", e);
private void correctMultiplePhysicaNetworkSetups(Connection conn) {
try (
PreparedStatement pstmtZone = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT id, domain_id, networktype, name, uuid FROM `cloud`.`data_center`");
ResultSet rsZone = pstmtZone.executeQuery();
PreparedStatement pstmt_count_networks = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT count( FROM networks n WHERE n.physical_network_id IS NULL AND n.traffic_type = 'Guest' and n.data_center_id = ? and n.removed is null");
PreparedStatement pstmtUpdate = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE `cloud`.`data_center` SET uuid = ? WHERE id = ?");
PreparedStatement pstmt_count_traffic_types_and_labels =
conn.prepareStatement("SELECT count(*) FROM `cloud`.`physical_network_traffic_types` pntt JOIN `cloud`.`physical_network` pn ON pntt.physical_network_id = WHERE pntt.traffic_type ='Guest' AND pn.data_center_id = ? AND pntt.xen_network_label = ?");
PreparedStatement pstmt_network_id =
conn.prepareStatement("SELECT FROM networks n WHERE n.physical_network_id IS NULL AND n.traffic_type = 'Guest' and n.data_center_id = ? and n.removed is null");
PreparedStatement pstmt_count_traffic_types =
conn.prepareStatement("SELECT count(*) FROM `cloud`.`physical_network_traffic_types` pntt JOIN `cloud`.`physical_network` pn ON pntt.physical_network_id = WHERE pntt.traffic_type ='Guest' and pn.data_center_id = ?");
PreparedStatement pstmt_select_vnets_on_different_physical_net =
conn.prepareStatement("SELECT, v.vnet, v.reservation_id, v.physical_network_id as vpid,, n.physical_network_id as npid FROM `cloud`.`op_dc_vnet_alloc` v JOIN `cloud`.`networks` n ON CONCAT('vlan://' , v.vnet) = n.broadcast_uri WHERE v.taken IS NOT NULL AND v.data_center_id = ? AND n.removed IS NULL AND v.physical_network_id != n.physical_network_id");
PreparedStatement pstmt_select_vnets =
conn.prepareStatement("SELECT, v.vnet, v.reservation_id FROM `cloud`.`op_dc_vnet_alloc` v LEFT JOIN networks n ON CONCAT('vlan://' , v.vnet) = n.broadcast_uri WHERE v.taken IS NOT NULL AND v.data_center_id = ? AND n.broadcast_uri IS NULL AND n.removed IS NULL");
PreparedStatement pstmt_select_nic_ids = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT id, instance_id FROM `cloud`.`nics` where broadcast_uri = ? and removed IS NULL");
PreparedStatement pstmt_physical_network_tags =
conn.prepareStatement("SELECT as pid , ptag.tag as tag FROM `cloud`.`physical_network` pn LEFT JOIN `cloud`.`physical_network_tags` ptag ON = ptag.physical_network_id where pn.data_center_id = ?");
PreparedStatement pstmt_insert_physical_networkTags = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `cloud`.`physical_network_tags`(tag, physical_network_id) VALUES( ?, ? )");
PreparedStatement pstmt_select_distict_netoffers =
conn.prepareStatement("SELECT distinct network_offering_id FROM `cloud`.`networks` where traffic_type= 'Guest' and physical_network_id = ? and removed is null");
PreparedStatement pstmt_update_vnet_alloc = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE `cloud`.`op_dc_vnet_alloc` SET account_id = NULL, taken = NULL, reservation_id = NULL WHERE id = ?");
) {
//check if multiple physical networks with 'Guest' Traffic types are present
//1) check if there are guest networks without tags, if yes then add a new physical network with default tag for them
//2) Check if there are physical network tags present
//No: Add unique tag to each physical network
//3) Get all guest networks unique network offering id's
//Clone each for each physical network and add the tag.
//add ntwk service map entries
//update all guest networks of 1 physical network having this offering id to this new offering id
while ( {
long zoneId = rsZone.getLong(1);
Long domainId = rsZone.getLong(2);
String networkType = rsZone.getString(3);
String zoneName = rsZone.getString(4);
String uuid = rsZone.getString(5);
if (uuid == null) {
uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
pstmtUpdate.setString(1, uuid);
pstmtUpdate.setLong(2, zoneId);
//check if any networks were untagged and remaining to be mapped to a physical network
pstmt_count_networks.setLong(1, zoneId);
try (ResultSet rsNetworks = pstmt_count_networks.executeQuery();) {
if ( {
Long count = rsNetworks.getLong(1);
if (count > 0) {
// find the default tag to use from global config or use 'cloud-private'
String xenGuestLabel = getNetworkLabelFromConfig(conn, "");
//Decrypt this value.
xenGuestLabel = DBEncryptionUtil.decrypt(xenGuestLabel);
//make sure that no physical network with this traffic label already exists. if yes, error out.
if (xenGuestLabel != null) {
pstmt_count_traffic_types_and_labels.setLong(1, zoneId);
pstmt_count_traffic_types_and_labels.setString(2, xenGuestLabel);
try (ResultSet rsSameLabel = pstmt_count_traffic_types_and_labels.executeQuery();) {
if ( {
Long sameLabelcount = rsSameLabel.getLong(1);
if (sameLabelcount > 0) {
s_logger.error("There are untagged networks for which we need to add a physical network with Xen traffic label = '' config value, which is: " +
s_logger.error("However already there are " + sameLabelcount + " physical networks setup with same traffic label, cannot upgrade");
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Cannot upgrade this setup since a physical network with same traffic label: " + xenGuestLabel +
" already exists, Please check logs and contact Support.");
//Create a physical network with guest traffic type and this tag
long physicalNetworkId = addPhysicalNetworkToZone(conn, zoneId, zoneName, networkType, null, domainId);
addTrafficType(conn, physicalNetworkId, "Guest", xenGuestLabel, null, null);
addDefaultVRProvider(conn, physicalNetworkId, zoneId);
addDefaultSGProvider(conn, physicalNetworkId, zoneId, networkType, true);
pstmt_network_id.setLong(1, zoneId);
try (ResultSet rsNet = pstmt_network_id.executeQuery();) {
s_logger.debug("Adding PhysicalNetwork to VLAN");
s_logger.debug("Adding PhysicalNetwork to user_ip_address");
s_logger.debug("Adding PhysicalNetwork to networks");
while ( {
Long networkId = rsNet.getLong(1);
addPhysicalNtwk_To_Ntwk_IP_Vlan(conn, physicalNetworkId, networkId);
boolean multiplePhysicalNetworks = false;
pstmt_count_traffic_types.setLong(1, zoneId);
try (ResultSet rs = pstmt_count_traffic_types.executeQuery();) {
if ( {
Long count = rs.getLong(1);
if (count > 1) {
s_logger.debug("There are " + count + " physical networks setup");
multiplePhysicalNetworks = true;
if (multiplePhysicalNetworks) {
//check if guest vnet is wrongly configured by earlier upgrade. If yes error out
//check if any vnet is allocated and guest networks are using vnet But the physical network id does not match on the vnet and guest network.
pstmt_select_vnets_on_different_physical_net.setLong(1, zoneId);
try (ResultSet rsVNet = pstmt_select_vnets_on_different_physical_net.executeQuery();) {
if ( {
String vnet = rsVNet.getString(2);
String networkId = rsVNet.getString(5);
String vpid = rsVNet.getString(4);
String npid = rsVNet.getString(6);
s_logger.error("Guest Vnet assignment is set wrongly . Cannot upgrade until that is corrected. Example- Vnet: " + vnet +
" has physical network id: " + vpid + " ,but the guest network: " + networkId + " that uses it has physical network id: " + npid);
String message = "Cannot upgrade. Your setup has multiple Physical Networks and is using guest Vnet that is assigned wrongly. "
+ "To upgrade, first correct the setup by doing the following: \n"
+ "1. Please rollback to your 2.2.14 setup\n"
+ "2. Please stop all VMs using isolated(virtual) networks through CloudStack\n"
+ "3. Run following query to find if any networks still have nics allocated:\n\t"
+ "a) check if any virtual guest networks still have allocated nics by running:\n\t"
+ "SELECT DISTINCT from `cloud`.`op_networks` op JOIN `cloud`.`networks` n on WHERE nics_count != 0 AND guest_type = 'Virtual';\n\t"
+ "b) If this returns any networkd ids, then ensure that all VMs are stopped, no new VM is being started, and then shutdown management server\n\t"
+ "c) Clean up the nics count for the 'virtual' network id's returned in step (a) by running this:\n\t"
+ "UPDATE `cloud`.`op_networks` SET nics_count = 0 WHERE id = <enter id of virtual network>\n\t"
+ "d) Restart management server and wait for all networks to shutdown. "
+ "[Networks shutdown will be determined by network.gc.interval and network.gc.wait seconds] \n"
+ "4. Please ensure all networks are shutdown and all guest Vnet's are free.\n"
+ "5. Run upgrade. This will allocate all your guest vnet range to first physical network. \n"
+ "6. Reconfigure the vnet ranges for each physical network as desired by using updatePhysicalNetwork API \n" + "7. Start all your VMs";
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Cannot upgrade this setup since Guest Vnet assignment to the multiple physical networks " +
"is incorrect. Please check the logs for details on how to proceed");
//Clean up any vnets that have no live networks/nics
pstmt_select_vnets.setLong(1, zoneId);
try (ResultSet rsVNet = pstmt_select_vnets.executeQuery();) {
while ( {
Long vnet_id = rsVNet.getLong(1);
String vnetValue = rsVNet.getString(2);
// third result parameter is never used: String reservationId = rsVNet.getString(3);
//does this vnet have any nic associated?
String uri = "vlan://" + vnetValue;
pstmt_select_nic_ids.setString(1, uri);
try (ResultSet rsNic = pstmt_select_nic_ids.executeQuery();) {
Long nic_id = rsNic.getLong(1);
Long instance_id = rsNic.getLong(2);
if ( {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Cannot upgrade. Please cleanup the guest vnet: " + vnetValue + " , it is being used by nic_id: " + nic_id +
" , instance_id: " + instance_id);
//free this vnet
pstmt_update_vnet_alloc.setLong(1, vnet_id);
//add tags to the physical networks if not present and clone offerings
pstmt_physical_network_tags.setLong(1, zoneId);
try (ResultSet rs_network_count = pstmt_physical_network_tags.executeQuery();) {
while ( {
long physicalNetworkId = rs_network_count.getLong("pid");
String tag = rs_network_count.getString("tag");
if (tag == null) {
//need to add unique tag
String newTag = "pNtwk-tag-" + physicalNetworkId;
pstmt_insert_physical_networkTags.setString(1, newTag);
pstmt_insert_physical_networkTags.setLong(2, physicalNetworkId);
//clone offerings and tag them with this new tag, if there are any guest networks for this physical network
pstmt_select_distict_netoffers.setLong(1, physicalNetworkId);
try (ResultSet rs_netoffers = pstmt_select_distict_netoffers.executeQuery();) {
while ( {
//clone each offering, add new tag, clone offering-svc-map, update guest networks with new offering id
long networkOfferingId = rs_netoffers.getLong(1);
cloneOfferingAndAddTag(conn, networkOfferingId, physicalNetworkId, newTag);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Exception while correcting PhysicalNetwork setup", e);
private void cloneOfferingAndAddTag(Connection conn, long networkOfferingId, long physicalNetworkId, String newTag) {
try (PreparedStatement pstmt_count_offerings = conn.prepareStatement("select count(*) from `cloud`.`network_offerings`");
PreparedStatement pstmt_drop_temp_table = conn.prepareStatement("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS `cloud`.`network_offerings2`");
PreparedStatement pstmt_create_temp_table = conn.prepareStatement("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `cloud`.`network_offerings2` ENGINE=MEMORY SELECT * FROM `cloud`.`network_offerings` WHERE id=1");
PreparedStatement pstmt_copy_net_offer = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `cloud`.`network_offerings2` SELECT * FROM `cloud`.`network_offerings` WHERE id=?");
PreparedStatement pstmt_unique_name = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT unique_name FROM `cloud`.`network_offerings` WHERE id=?");
PreparedStatement pstmt_update_temp_offer = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE `cloud`.`network_offerings2` SET id=?, unique_name=?, name=?, tags=?, uuid=? WHERE id=?");
PreparedStatement pstmt_update_offering = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `cloud`.`network_offerings` SELECT * from `cloud`.`network_offerings2` WHERE id= ?");
PreparedStatement pstmt_select_service = conn.prepareStatement("select service, provider from `cloud`.`ntwk_offering_service_map` where network_offering_id=?");
PreparedStatement pstmt_insert_netofferservicemap =
conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `cloud`.`ntwk_offering_service_map` (`network_offering_id`, `service`, `provider`, `created`) values (?,?,?, now())");
PreparedStatement pstmt_update_networks =
conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE `cloud`.`networks` SET network_offering_id=? where physical_network_id=? and traffic_type ='Guest' and network_offering_id= ?");
ResultSet rs_net_offer_count = pstmt_count_offerings.executeQuery();
) {
long ntwkOffCount = 0;
while ( {
ntwkOffCount = rs_net_offer_count.getLong(1);
// clone the record to
pstmt_copy_net_offer.setLong(1, networkOfferingId);
pstmt_unique_name.setLong(1, networkOfferingId);
String uniqueName = null;
try (ResultSet rs_unique_name = pstmt_unique_name.executeQuery();) {
while ( {
uniqueName = rs_unique_name.getString(1) + "-" + physicalNetworkId;
ntwkOffCount = ntwkOffCount + 1;
long newNetworkOfferingId = ntwkOffCount;
pstmt_update_temp_offer.setLong(1, newNetworkOfferingId);
pstmt_update_temp_offer.setString(2, uniqueName);
pstmt_update_temp_offer.setString(3, uniqueName);
pstmt_update_temp_offer.setString(4, newTag);
String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
pstmt_update_temp_offer.setString(5, uuid);
pstmt_update_temp_offer.setLong(6, networkOfferingId);
pstmt_update_offering.setLong(1, newNetworkOfferingId);
//clone service map
pstmt_select_service.setLong(1, networkOfferingId);
try (ResultSet rs_service = pstmt_select_service.executeQuery();) {
while ( {
String service = rs_service.getString(1);
String provider = rs_service.getString(2);
pstmt_insert_netofferservicemap.setLong(1, newNetworkOfferingId);
pstmt_insert_netofferservicemap.setString(2, service);
pstmt_insert_netofferservicemap.setString(3, provider);
pstmt_update_networks.setLong(1, newNetworkOfferingId);
pstmt_update_networks.setLong(2, physicalNetworkId);
pstmt_update_networks.setLong(3, networkOfferingId);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Exception while cloning NetworkOffering", e);
} finally {
try (PreparedStatement pstmt_drop_table = conn.prepareStatement("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE `cloud`.`network_offerings2`");) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
s_logger.debug("drop of temp table 'network_offerings2' failed", e);
public InputStream[] getCleanupScripts() {
return null;