blob: db6ccd9ce53ca0e4506b4f52410863f72ab2e12e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
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// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.user.autoscale;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.collections.MapUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.cloudstack.acl.RoleType;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.APICommand;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.ApiCommandResourceType;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.ApiConstants;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.ApiErrorCode;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.BaseAsyncCreateCmd;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.Parameter;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.ServerApiException;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.AutoScaleVmProfileResponse;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.DomainResponse;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.ProjectResponse;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.ServiceOfferingResponse;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.TemplateResponse;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.UserDataResponse;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.UserResponse;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.ZoneResponse;
import org.apache.cloudstack.context.CallContext;
@APICommand(name = "createAutoScaleVmProfile",
description = "Creates a profile that contains information about the virtual machine which will be provisioned automatically by autoscale feature.",
responseObject = AutoScaleVmProfileResponse.class, entityType = {AutoScaleVmProfile.class},
requestHasSensitiveInfo = false,
responseHasSensitiveInfo = false)
public class CreateAutoScaleVmProfileCmd extends BaseAsyncCreateCmd {
public static final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(CreateAutoScaleVmProfileCmd.class.getName());
private static final String s_name = "autoscalevmprofileresponse";
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ////////////// API parameters /////////////////////
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.ZONE_ID,
type = CommandType.UUID,
entityType = ZoneResponse.class,
required = true,
description = "availability zone for the auto deployed virtual machine")
private Long zoneId;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.SERVICE_OFFERING_ID,
type = CommandType.UUID,
entityType = ServiceOfferingResponse.class,
required = true,
description = "the service offering of the auto deployed virtual machine")
private Long serviceOfferingId;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.TEMPLATE_ID,
type = CommandType.UUID,
entityType = TemplateResponse.class,
required = true,
description = "the template of the auto deployed virtual machine")
private Long templateId;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.OTHER_DEPLOY_PARAMS,
type = CommandType.MAP,
description = "parameters other than zoneId/serviceOfferringId/templateId of the auto deployed virtual machine.\n"
+ "Example: otherdeployparams[0].name=serviceofferingid&otherdeployparams[0].value=a7fb50f6-01d9-11ed-8bc1-77f8f0228926&otherdeployparams[1].name=rootdisksize&otherdeployparams[1].value=10 .\n"
+ "Possible parameters are \"rootdisksize\", \"diskofferingid\",\"size\", \"securitygroupids\", \"overridediskofferingid\", \"keypairs\", \"affinitygroupids'\" and \"networkids\".")
private Map<String, HashMap<String, String>> otherDeployParams;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.AUTOSCALE_EXPUNGE_VM_GRACE_PERIOD,
type = CommandType.INTEGER,
description = "the time allowed for existing connections to get closed before a vm is expunged")
private Integer expungeVmGracePeriod;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.COUNTERPARAM_LIST,
type = CommandType.MAP,
description = "counterparam list. Example: counterparam[0].name=snmpcommunity&counterparam[0].value=public&counterparam[1].name=snmpport&counterparam[1].value=161")
private Map counterParamList;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.USER_DATA,
type = CommandType.STRING,
description = "an optional binary data that can be sent to the virtual machine upon a successful deployment. " +
"This binary data must be base64 encoded before adding it to the request. " +
"Using HTTP GET (via querystring), you can send up to 4KB of data after base64 encoding. " +
"Using HTTP POST(via POST body), you can send up to 1MB of data after base64 encoding." +
"You also need to change vm.userdata.max.length value",
length = 1048576,
since = "4.18.0")
private String userData;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.USER_DATA_ID, type = CommandType.UUID, entityType = UserDataResponse.class, description = "the ID of the Userdata", since = "4.18.1")
private Long userDataId;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.USER_DATA_DETAILS, type = CommandType.MAP, description = "used to specify the parameters values for the variables in userdata.", since = "4.18.1")
private Map userDataDetails;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.AUTOSCALE_USER_ID,
type = CommandType.UUID,
entityType = UserResponse.class,
description = "the ID of the user used to launch and destroy the VMs")
private Long autoscaleUserId;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.FOR_DISPLAY, type = CommandType.BOOLEAN, description = "an optional field, whether to the display the profile to the end user or not", since = "4.4", authorized = {RoleType.Admin})
private Boolean display;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.ACCOUNT, type = CommandType.STRING, description = "account that will own the autoscale VM profile")
private String accountName;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.PROJECT_ID, type = CommandType.UUID, entityType = ProjectResponse.class, description = "an optional project for the autoscale VM profile")
private Long projectId;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.DOMAIN_ID, type = CommandType.UUID, entityType = DomainResponse.class, description = "domain ID of the account owning a autoscale VM profile")
private Long domainId;
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ///////////////// Accessors ///////////////////////
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
public Long getZoneId() {
return zoneId;
public Long getServiceOfferingId() {
return serviceOfferingId;
public Long getTemplateId() {
return templateId;
public Boolean getDisplay() {
return display;
public boolean isDisplay() {
return display == null || display;
public Map getCounterParamList() {
return counterParamList;
public Map<String, HashMap<String, String>> getOtherDeployParams() {
return otherDeployParams;
public String getUserData() {
return userData;
public Long getUserDataId() {
return userDataId;
public Map<String, String> getUserDataDetails() {
return convertDetailsToMap(userDataDetails);
public Long getAutoscaleUserId() {
return autoscaleUserId;
public Integer getExpungeVmGracePeriod() {
return expungeVmGracePeriod;
public HashMap<String, String> getDeployParamMap() {
HashMap<String, String> deployParams = new HashMap<>(getOtherDeployParamsMap());
deployParams.put("command", "deployVirtualMachine");
deployParams.put("zoneId", zoneId.toString());
deployParams.put("serviceOfferingId", serviceOfferingId.toString());
deployParams.put("templateId", templateId.toString());
return deployParams;
private Map<String, String> getOtherDeployParamsMap() {
Map<String, String> otherDeployParamsMap = new HashMap<>();
if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(otherDeployParams)) {
for (HashMap<String, String> paramKVpair : otherDeployParams.values()) {
String paramName = paramKVpair.get("name");
String paramValue = paramKVpair.get("value");
return otherDeployParamsMap;
public String getAccountName() {
return accountName;
public Long getProjectId() {
return projectId;
public Long getDomainId() {
return domainId;
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ///////////// API Implementation///////////////////
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
public String getCommandName() {
return s_name;
public static String getResultObjectName() {
return "autoscalevmprofile";
public long getEntityOwnerId() {
Long accountId = _accountService.finalyzeAccountId(accountName, domainId, projectId, true);
if (accountId == null) {
return CallContext.current().getCallingAccount().getId();
return accountId;
public String getEventType() {
public String getEventDescription() {
return "creating AutoScale Vm Profile";
public ApiCommandResourceType getApiResourceType() {
return ApiCommandResourceType.AutoScaleVmProfile;
public void execute() {
AutoScaleVmProfile result = _entityMgr.findById(AutoScaleVmProfile.class, getEntityId());
AutoScaleVmProfileResponse response = _responseGenerator.createAutoScaleVmProfileResponse(result);
public void create() throws ResourceAllocationException {
AutoScaleVmProfile result = _autoScaleService.createAutoScaleVmProfile(this);
if (result != null) {
} else {
throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to create Autoscale Vm Profile");