blob: 137cebb516af9085a82804e6db2e030e27b45869 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.InetAddressValidator;
import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.RegexValidator;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.googlecode.ipv6.IPv6Address;
import com.googlecode.ipv6.IPv6AddressRange;
import com.googlecode.ipv6.IPv6Network;
public class NetUtils {
protected final static Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(NetUtils.class);
private static final int MAX_CIDR = 32;
private static final int RFC_3021_31_BIT_CIDR = 31;
public final static int HTTP_PORT = 80;
public final static int HTTPS_PORT = 443;
public final static int VPN_PORT = 500;
public final static int VPN_NATT_PORT = 4500;
public final static int VPN_L2TP_PORT = 1701;
public final static int HAPROXY_STATS_PORT = 8081;
public final static String UDP_PROTO = "udp";
public final static String TCP_PROTO = "tcp";
public final static String ANY_PROTO = "any";
public final static String ICMP_PROTO = "icmp";
public static final String ICMP6_PROTO = "icmp6";
public final static String ALL_PROTO = "all";
public final static String HTTP_PROTO = "http";
public final static String SSL_PROTO = "ssl";
public final static String ALL_IP4_CIDRS = "";
public final static String ALL_IP6_CIDRS = "::/0";
public final static int PORT_RANGE_MIN = 0;
public final static int PORT_RANGE_MAX = 65535;
public final static int DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_EXPUNGE_VM_GRACE_PERIOD = 2 * 60; // Grace period before Vm is expunged
public final static int DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_POLICY_INTERVAL_TIME = 30;
public final static int DEFAULT_AUTOSCALE_POLICY_QUIET_TIME = 5 * 60;
private final static Random s_rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
private final static long prefix = 0x1e;
// RFC4291 IPv6 EUI-64
public final static int IPV6_EUI64_11TH_BYTE = -1;
public final static int IPV6_EUI64_12TH_BYTE = -2;
public enum InternetProtocol {
IPv4, IPv6, DualStack;
public static InternetProtocol fromValue(String protocol) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(protocol)) {
return null;
} else if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("IPv4")) {
return IPv4;
} else if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("IPv6")) {
return IPv6;
} else if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("DualStack")) {
return DualStack;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected Internet Protocol : " + protocol);
public static boolean isIpv6EnabledProtocol(InternetProtocol protocol) {
return IPv6.equals(protocol) || DualStack.equals(protocol);
public static long createSequenceBasedMacAddress(final long macAddress, long globalConfig) {
Logic for generating MAC address:
Mac = B1:B2:B3:B4:B5:B6 (Bx is a byte).
B1 -> Presently controlled by prefix variable. The value should be such that the MAC is local and unicast.
B2 -> This will be configurable for each deployment/installation. Controlled by the global config MACIdentifier
B3 -> A randomly generated number between 0 - 255
B4,5,6 -> These bytes are based on the unique DB identifier associated with the IP address for which MAC is generated (refer to mac_address field in user_ip_address table).
return macAddress | prefix<<40 | globalConfig << 32 & 0x00ff00000000l | (long)s_rand.nextInt(255) << 24;
public static String getHostName() {
try {
final InetAddress localAddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
if (localAddr != null) {
return localAddr.getHostName();
} catch (final UnknownHostException e) {
s_logger.warn("UnknownHostException when trying to get host name. ", e);
return "localhost";
public static String getCanonicalHostName() {
try {
InetAddress localAddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
if (localAddr != null) {
return localAddr.getCanonicalHostName();
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
s_logger.warn("UnknownHostException when trying to get canonical host name. ", e);
return "localhost";
public static InetAddress getLocalInetAddress() {
try {
return InetAddress.getLocalHost();
} catch (final UnknownHostException e) {
s_logger.warn("UnknownHostException in getLocalInetAddress().", e);
return null;
public static String resolveToIp(final String host) {
try {
final InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(host);
return addr.getHostAddress();
} catch (final UnknownHostException e) {
s_logger.warn("Unable to resolve " + host + " to IP due to UnknownHostException");
return null;
public static InetAddress[] getAllLocalInetAddresses() {
final List<InetAddress> addrList = new ArrayList<InetAddress>();
try {
for (final NetworkInterface ifc : IteratorUtil.enumerationAsIterable(NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces())) {
if (ifc.isUp() && !ifc.isVirtual()) {
for (final InetAddress addr : IteratorUtil.enumerationAsIterable(ifc.getInetAddresses())) {
} catch (final SocketException e) {
s_logger.warn("SocketException in getAllLocalInetAddresses().", e);
final InetAddress[] addrs = new InetAddress[addrList.size()];
if (addrList.size() > 0) {
System.arraycopy(addrList.toArray(), 0, addrs, 0, addrList.size());
return addrs;
public static String[] getLocalCidrs() {
final String defaultHostIp = getDefaultHostIp();
final List<String> cidrList = new ArrayList<String>();
try {
for (final NetworkInterface ifc : IteratorUtil.enumerationAsIterable(NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces())) {
if (ifc.isUp() && !ifc.isVirtual() && !ifc.isLoopback()) {
for (final InterfaceAddress address : ifc.getInterfaceAddresses()) {
final InetAddress addr = address.getAddress();
final int prefixLength = address.getNetworkPrefixLength();
if (prefixLength < MAX_CIDR && prefixLength > 0) {
final String ip = addr.getHostAddress();
if (ip.equalsIgnoreCase(defaultHostIp)) {
cidrList.add(ipAndNetMaskToCidr(ip, getCidrNetmask(prefixLength)));
} catch (final SocketException e) {
s_logger.warn("UnknownHostException in getLocalCidrs().", e);
return cidrList.toArray(new String[0]);
public static String getDefaultHostIp() {
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\s*\\s*\\s*(\\S*)\\s*(\\S*)\\s*");
try {
final Process result = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("route print -4");
final BufferedReader output = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(result.getInputStream()));
String line = output.readLine();
while (line != null) {
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line);
if (matcher.find()) {
line = output.readLine();
} catch (final IOException e) {
s_logger.debug("Caught IOException", e);
return null;
} else {
NetworkInterface nic = null;
final String pubNic = getDefaultEthDevice();
if (pubNic == null) {
return null;
try {
nic = NetworkInterface.getByName(pubNic);
} catch (final SocketException e) {
return null;
String[] info = null;
try {
info = NetUtils.getNetworkParams(nic);
} catch (final NullPointerException ignored) {
s_logger.debug("Caught NullPointerException when trying to getDefaultHostIp");
if (info != null) {
return info[0];
return null;
public static List<String> getAllDefaultNicIps() {
final List<String> addrs = new ArrayList<>();
final String pubNic = getDefaultEthDevice();
if (pubNic == null) {
return addrs;
NetworkInterface nic = null;
try {
nic = NetworkInterface.getByName(pubNic);
} catch (final SocketException e) {
return addrs;
for (InterfaceAddress address : nic.getInterfaceAddresses()) {
return addrs;
public static String getDefaultEthDevice() {
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC) {
final String defDev = Script.runSimpleBashScript("/sbin/route -n get default 2> /dev/null | grep interface | awk '{print $2}'");
return defDev;
return Script.runSimpleBashScript("ip route show default | head -1 | awk '{print $5}'");
public static String getLocalIPString() {
final InetAddress addr = getLocalInetAddress();
if (addr != null) {
return addr.getHostAddress();
return "";
public static boolean isLocalAddress(final InetAddress addr) {
final InetAddress[] addrs = getAllLocalInetAddresses();
if (addrs != null) {
for (final InetAddress self : addrs) {
if (self.equals(addr)) {
return true;
return false;
public static boolean isLocalAddress(final String strAddress) {
try {
InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(strAddress);
return isLocalAddress(addr);
} catch (final UnknownHostException e) {
return false;
public static String getMacAddress(final InetAddress address) {
final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
final Formatter formatter = new Formatter(sb);
try {
final NetworkInterface ni = NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(address);
final byte[] mac = ni.getHardwareAddress();
for (int i = 0; i < mac.length; i++) {
formatter.format("%02X%s", mac[i], i < mac.length - 1 ? ":" : "");
} catch (final SocketException e) {
s_logger.error("SocketException when trying to retrieve MAC address", e);
} finally {
return sb.toString();
* This method will fail in case we have a 31 Bit prefix network
* See RFC 3021.
* In order to avoid calling this method, please check the <code>NetUtils.is31PrefixCidr(cidr)</code> first.
public static boolean ipRangesOverlap(final String startIp1, final String endIp1, final String startIp2, final String endIp2) {
final long startIp1Long = ip2Long(startIp1);
long endIp1Long = startIp1Long;
if (endIp1 != null) {
endIp1Long = ip2Long(endIp1);
final long startIp2Long = ip2Long(startIp2);
long endIp2Long = startIp2Long;
if (endIp2 != null) {
endIp2Long = ip2Long(endIp2);
if (startIp1Long == startIp2Long || startIp1Long == endIp2Long || endIp1Long == startIp2Long || endIp1Long == endIp2Long) {
return true;
} else if (startIp1Long > startIp2Long && startIp1Long < endIp2Long) {
return true;
} else if (endIp1Long > startIp2Long && endIp1Long < endIp2Long) {
return true;
} else if (startIp2Long > startIp1Long && startIp2Long < endIp1Long) {
return true;
} else if (endIp2Long > startIp1Long && endIp2Long < endIp1Long) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public static long ip2Long(final String ip) {
final String[] tokens = ip.split("[.]");
assert tokens.length == 4;
long result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
try {
result = result << 8 | Integer.parseInt(tokens[i]);
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect number", e);
return result;
public static String long2Ip(final long ip) {
final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(15);
result.append(ip >> 24 & 0xff).append(".");
result.append(ip >> 16 & 0xff).append(".");
result.append(ip >> 8 & 0xff).append(".");
result.append(ip & 0xff);
return result.toString();
public static long mac2Long(final String macAddress) {
final String[] tokens = macAddress.split(":");
assert tokens.length == 6;
long result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
result = result << 8;
result |= Integer.parseInt(tokens[i], 16);
return result;
public static String[] getNicParams(final String nicName) {
try {
final NetworkInterface nic = NetworkInterface.getByName(nicName);
return getNetworkParams(nic);
} catch (final SocketException e) {
return null;
public static String[] getNetworkParams(NetworkInterface nic) {
s_logger.debug(String.format("Retrieving network params of NIC [%s].", nic));
s_logger.trace(String.format("Retrieving all NIC [%s] addresses.", nic));
List<InterfaceAddress> addrs = nic.getInterfaceAddresses();
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(addrs)) {
s_logger.debug(String.format("NIC [%s] has no addresses, returning null.", nic));
return null;
String addrsToString = Arrays.toString(addrs.toArray());
s_logger.trace(String.format("Found [%s] as NIC [%s] addresses. Reversing the list order because it has reverse order in \"ip addr show\".",
addrsToString, nic));
InterfaceAddress addr = null;
s_logger.trace(String.format("Iterating through the NIC [%s] addresses [%s] to find a valid address.", nic, addrsToString));
for (InterfaceAddress iaddr : addrs) {
InetAddress inet = iaddr.getAddress();
s_logger.trace(String.format("Validating address [%s].", inet));
if (!inet.isLinkLocalAddress() && !inet.isLoopbackAddress() && !inet.isMulticastAddress() && inet.getAddress().length == 4) {
addr = iaddr;
s_logger.trace(String.format("Address [%s] is link local [%s], loopback [%s], multicast [%s], or does not have 4 octets [%s]; therefore we will not retrieve its" +
" interface params.", inet, inet.isLinkLocalAddress(), inet.isLoopbackAddress(), inet.isMulticastAddress(), inet.getAddress().length));
if (addr == null) {
s_logger.debug(String.format("Could not find a valid address in NIC [%s], returning null.", nic));
return null;
s_logger.debug(String.format("Retrieving params of address [%s] of NIC [%s].", addr, nic));
String[] result = new String[3];
result[0] = addr.getAddress().getHostAddress();
try {
final byte[] mac = nic.getHardwareAddress();
result[1] = byte2Mac(mac);
} catch (final SocketException e) {
s_logger.warn(String.format("Unable to get NIC's [%s] MAC address due to [%s].", nic, e.getMessage()), e);
result[2] = prefix2Netmask(addr.getNetworkPrefixLength());
return result;
public static String prefix2Netmask(final short prefix) {
long addr = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < prefix; i++) {
addr = addr | 1 << 31 - i;
return long2Ip(addr);
public static String byte2Mac(final byte[] m) {
final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(17);
final Formatter formatter = new Formatter(result);
formatter.format("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5]);
return result.toString();
public static String long2Mac(final long macAddress) {
final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(17);
try (Formatter formatter = new Formatter(result)) {
macAddress >> 40 & 0xff, macAddress >> 32 & 0xff,
macAddress >> 24 & 0xff, macAddress >> 16 & 0xff,
macAddress >> 8 & 0xff, macAddress & 0xff);
return result.toString();
public static boolean isSiteLocalAddress(final String ipAddress) {
try {
final InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getByName(ipAddress);
if (ip != null) {
return ip.isSiteLocalAddress();
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {}
return false;
public static boolean validIpRange(final String startIP, final String endIP) {
if (endIP == null || endIP.isEmpty()) {
return true;
final long startIPLong = NetUtils.ip2Long(startIP);
final long endIPLong = NetUtils.ip2Long(endIP);
return startIPLong <= endIPLong;
public static boolean isValidIp4(final String ip) {
if (ip == null)
return false;
final InetAddressValidator validator = InetAddressValidator.getInstance();
return validator.isValidInet4Address(ip);
* Returns true if the given IPv4 address is in the specific Ipv4 range
public static boolean isIpInRange(final String ipInRange, final String startIP, final String endIP) {
if (ipInRange == null || !validIpRange(startIP, endIP))
return false;
final long ipInRangeLong = NetUtils.ip2Long(ipInRange);
final long startIPLong = NetUtils.ip2Long(startIP);
final long endIPLong = NetUtils.ip2Long(endIP);
return startIPLong <= ipInRangeLong && ipInRangeLong <= endIPLong;
public static boolean is31PrefixCidr(final String cidr) {
final boolean isValidCird = isValidIp4Cidr(cidr);
if (isValidCird) {
final String[] cidrPair = cidr.split("\\/");
final String cidrSize = cidrPair[1];
final int cidrSizeNum = Integer.parseInt(cidrSize);
if (cidrSizeNum == RFC_3021_31_BIT_CIDR) {
return true;
return false;
public static boolean isValidIp4Cidr(final String cidr) {
if (cidr == null || cidr.isEmpty()) {
return false;
final String[] cidrPair = cidr.split("\\/");
if (cidrPair.length != 2) {
return false;
final String cidrAddress = cidrPair[0];
final String cidrSize = cidrPair[1];
if (!isValidIp4(cidrAddress)) {
return false;
int cidrSizeNum = -1;
try {
cidrSizeNum = Integer.parseInt(cidrSize);
} catch (final Exception e) {
return false;
if (cidrSizeNum < 0 || cidrSizeNum > MAX_CIDR) {
return false;
return true;
public static boolean isValidIp4Netmask(final String netmask) {
if (!isValidIp4(netmask)) {
return false;
final long ip = ip2Long(netmask);
int count = 0;
boolean finished = false;
for (int i = 31; i >= 0; i--) {
if ((ip >> i & 0x1) == 0) {
finished = true;
} else {
if (finished) {
return false;
count += 1;
if (count == 0) {
return false;
return true;
public static String getCidrFromGatewayAndNetmask(final String gatewayStr, final String netmaskStr) {
final long netmask = ip2Long(netmaskStr);
final long gateway = ip2Long(gatewayStr);
final long firstPart = gateway & netmask;
final long size = getCidrSize(netmaskStr);
return long2Ip(firstPart) + "/" + size;
public static String[] getIpRangeFromCidr(final String cidr, final long size) {
assert size < MAX_CIDR : "You do know this is not for ipv6 right? Keep it smaller than 32 but you have " + size;
final String[] result = new String[2];
final long ip = ip2Long(cidr);
final long startNetMask = ip2Long(getCidrNetmask(size));
final long start = (ip & startNetMask) + 1;
long end = start;
end = end >> MAX_CIDR - size;
end = (end << MAX_CIDR - size) - 2;
result[0] = long2Ip(start);
result[1] = long2Ip(end);
return result;
public static Set<Long> getAllIpsFromCidr(final String cidr, final long size, final Set<Long> usedIps, int maxIps) {
assert size < MAX_CIDR : "You do know this is not for ipv6 right? Keep it smaller than 32 but you have " + size;
final Set<Long> result = new TreeSet<Long>();
final long ip = ip2Long(cidr);
final long startNetMask = ip2Long(getCidrNetmask(size));
long start = (ip & startNetMask) + 1;
long end = start;
end = end >> MAX_CIDR - size;
end = (end << MAX_CIDR - size) - 2;
while (start <= end && (maxIps == -1 || result.size() < maxIps)) {
if (!usedIps.contains(start)) {
return result;
* Given a cidr, this method returns an ip address within the range but
* is not in the avoid list.
* @param startIp ip that the cidr starts with
* @param size size of the cidr
* @param avoid set of ips to avoid
* @return ip that is within the cidr range but not in the avoid set. -1 if unable to find one.
public static long getRandomIpFromCidr(final String startIp, final int size, final SortedSet<Long> avoid) {
return getRandomIpFromCidr(ip2Long(startIp), size, avoid);
* Given a cidr, this method returns an ip address within the range but
* is not in the avoid list.
* Note: the gateway address has to be specified in the avoid list
* @param cidr ip that the cidr starts with
* @param size size of the cidr
* @param avoid set of ips to avoid
* @return ip that is within the cidr range but not in the avoid set. -1 if unable to find one.
public static long getRandomIpFromCidr(final long cidr, final int size, final SortedSet<Long> avoid) {
assert size < MAX_CIDR : "You do know this is not for ipv6 right? Keep it smaller than 32 but you have " + size;
final long startNetMask = ip2Long(getCidrNetmask(size));
final long startIp = (cidr & startNetMask) + 1; //exclude the first ip since it isnt valid, e.g.,
int range = 1 << MAX_CIDR - size; //e.g., /24 = 2^8 = 256
range = range - 1; //exclude end of the range since that is the broadcast address, e.g.,
if (avoid.size() >= range) {
return -1;
//Reduce the range by the size of the avoid set
//e.g., cidr =, size = /24, avoid =,,
// range = 2^8 - 1 - 3 = 252
range = range - avoid.size();
final int next = s_rand.nextInt(range); //note: nextInt excludes last value
long ip = startIp + next;
for (final Long avoidable : avoid) {
if (ip >= avoidable) {
} else {
return ip;
public static String getIpRangeStartIpFromCidr(final String cidr, final long size) {
final long ip = ip2Long(cidr);
final long startNetMask = ip2Long(getCidrNetmask(size));
final long start = (ip & startNetMask) + 1;
return long2Ip(start);
public static String getIpRangeEndIpFromCidr(final String cidr, final long size) {
final long ip = ip2Long(cidr);
final long startNetMask = ip2Long(getCidrNetmask(size));
final long start = (ip & startNetMask) + 1;
long end = start;
end = end >> MAX_CIDR - size;
end = (end << MAX_CIDR - size) - 2;
return long2Ip(end);
public static boolean sameSubnet(final String ip1, final String ip2, final String netmask) {
if (ip1 == null || ip1.isEmpty() || ip2 == null || ip2.isEmpty()) {
return true;
final String subnet1 = NetUtils.getSubNet(ip1, netmask);
final String subnet2 = NetUtils.getSubNet(ip2, netmask);
return subnet1.equals(subnet2);
public static boolean sameSubnetCIDR(final String ip1, final String ip2, final long cidrSize) {
if (ip1 == null || ip1.isEmpty() || ip2 == null || ip2.isEmpty()) {
return true;
final String subnet1 = NetUtils.getCidrSubNet(ip1, cidrSize);
final String subnet2 = NetUtils.getCidrSubNet(ip2, cidrSize);
return subnet1.equals(subnet2);
public static String getSubNet(final String ip, final String netmask) {
final long ipAddr = ip2Long(ip);
final long subnet = ip2Long(netmask);
final long result = ipAddr & subnet;
return long2Ip(result);
public static String getCidrSubNet(final String ip, final long cidrSize) {
final long numericNetmask = netMaskFromCidr(cidrSize);
final String netmask = NetUtils.long2Ip(numericNetmask);
return getSubNet(ip, netmask);
* @param cidrSize
* @return
static long netMaskFromCidr(final long cidrSize) {
return ((long)0xffffffff) >> MAX_CIDR - cidrSize << MAX_CIDR - cidrSize;
public static String ipAndNetMaskToCidr(final String ip, final String netmask) {
if (!isValidIp4(ip)) {
return null;
if (!isValidIp4Netmask(netmask)) {
return null;
final long ipAddr = ip2Long(ip);
final long subnet = ip2Long(netmask);
final long result = ipAddr & subnet;
int bits = subnet == 0 ? 0 : 1;
long subnet2 = subnet;
while ((subnet2 = subnet2 >> 1 & subnet) != 0) {
return long2Ip(result) + "/" + Integer.toString(bits);
public static String[] ipAndNetMaskToRange(final String ip, final String netmask) {
final long ipAddr = ip2Long(ip);
long subnet = ip2Long(netmask);
final long start = (ipAddr & subnet) + 1;
long end = start;
int bits = subnet == 0 ? 0 : 1;
while ((subnet = subnet >> 1 & subnet) != 0) {
end = end >> MAX_CIDR - bits;
end = (end << MAX_CIDR - bits) - 2;
return new String[] {long2Ip(start), long2Ip(end)};
public static Pair<String, Integer> getCidr(final String cidr) {
final String[] tokens = cidr.split("/");
return new Pair<String, Integer>(tokens[0], Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]));
public static enum SupersetOrSubset {
isSuperset, isSubset, neitherSubetNorSuperset, sameSubnet, errorInCidrFormat
public static SupersetOrSubset isNetowrkASubsetOrSupersetOfNetworkB(final String cidrA, final String cidrB) {
if (!areCidrsNotEmpty(cidrA, cidrB)) {
return SupersetOrSubset.errorInCidrFormat;
final Long[] cidrALong = cidrToLong(cidrA);
final Long[] cidrBLong = cidrToLong(cidrB);
long shift = 0;
if (cidrALong[1] >= cidrBLong[1]) {
shift = MAX_CIDR - cidrBLong[1];
} else {
shift = MAX_CIDR - cidrALong[1];
final long result = (cidrALong[0] >> shift) - (cidrBLong[0] >> shift);
if (result == 0) {
if (cidrALong[1] < cidrBLong[1]) {
//this implies cidrA is super set of cidrB
return SupersetOrSubset.isSuperset;
} else if (cidrALong[1].equals(cidrBLong[1])) {
//this implies both the cidrs are equal
return SupersetOrSubset.sameSubnet;
// implies cidrA is subset of cidrB
return SupersetOrSubset.isSubset;
//this implies no overlap.
return SupersetOrSubset.neitherSubetNorSuperset;
public static boolean isNetworkAWithinNetworkB(final String cidrA, final String cidrB) {
if (!areCidrsNotEmpty(cidrA, cidrB)) {
return false;
Long[] cidrALong = cidrToLong(cidrA);
Long[] cidrBLong = cidrToLong(cidrB);
long shift = MAX_CIDR - cidrBLong[1];
return (cidrALong[0] >> shift == cidrBLong[0] >> shift) && (cidrALong[1] >= cidrBLong[1]);
static boolean areCidrsNotEmpty(String cidrA, String cidrB) {
return StringUtils.isNoneEmpty(cidrA, cidrB);
public static Long[] cidrToLong(final String cidr) {
if (cidr == null || cidr.isEmpty()) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("empty cidr can not be converted to longs");
final String[] cidrPair = cidr.split("\\/");
if (cidrPair.length != 2) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("cidr is not formatted correctly: "+ cidr);
final String cidrAddress = cidrPair[0];
final String cidrSize = cidrPair[1];
if (!isValidIp4(cidrAddress)) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("cidr is not valid in ip space" + cidr);
long cidrSizeNum = getCidrSizeFromString(cidrSize);
final long numericNetmask = netMaskFromCidr(cidrSizeNum);
final long ipAddr = ip2Long(cidrAddress);
final Long[] cidrlong = {ipAddr & numericNetmask, cidrSizeNum};
return cidrlong;
* @param cidrSize
* @return
* @throws CloudRuntimeException
static long getCidrSizeFromString(final String cidrSize) throws CloudRuntimeException {
long cidrSizeNum = -1;
try {
cidrSizeNum = Integer.parseInt(cidrSize);
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("cidrsize is not a valid int: " + cidrSize, e);
if(cidrSizeNum > 32 || cidrSizeNum < 0) {// assuming IPv4
throw new CloudRuntimeException("cidr size out of range: " + cidrSizeNum);
return cidrSizeNum;
public static String getCidrSubNet(final String cidr) {
if (cidr == null || cidr.isEmpty()) {
return null;
final String[] cidrPair = cidr.split("\\/");
if (cidrPair.length != 2) {
return null;
final String cidrAddress = cidrPair[0];
final String cidrSize = cidrPair[1];
if (!isValidIp4(cidrAddress)) {
return null;
long cidrSizeNum = getCidrSizeFromString(cidrSize);
final long numericNetmask = netMaskFromCidr(cidrSizeNum);
final String netmask = NetUtils.long2Ip(numericNetmask);
return getSubNet(cidrAddress, netmask);
public static String getCidrNetmask(final long cidrSize) {
final long numericNetmask = netMaskFromCidr(cidrSize);
return long2Ip(numericNetmask);
public static String getCidrNetmask(final String cidr) {
final String[] cidrPair = cidr.split("\\/");
final long guestCidrSize = Long.parseLong(cidrPair[1]);
return getCidrNetmask(guestCidrSize);
public static String cidr2Netmask(final String cidr) {
final String[] tokens = cidr.split("\\/");
return getCidrNetmask(Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]));
public static long getCidrSize(final String netmask) {
final long ip = ip2Long(netmask);
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CIDR; i++) {
if ((ip >> i & 0x1) == 0) {
} else {
return MAX_CIDR - count;
public static boolean isValidPort(final int p) {
return !(p > PORT_RANGE_MAX || p < PORT_RANGE_MIN);
public static boolean isValidPort(final String p) {
try {
return isValidPort(Integer.parseInt(p));
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
return false;
public static boolean isValidProto(final String p) {
final String proto = p.toLowerCase();
return proto.equals(TCP_PROTO) || proto.equals(UDP_PROTO) || proto.equals(ICMP_PROTO);
public static boolean isValidSecurityGroupProto(final String p) {
final String proto = p.toLowerCase();
return proto.equals(TCP_PROTO) || proto.equals(UDP_PROTO) || proto.equals(ICMP_PROTO) || proto.equals(ALL_PROTO);
public static boolean isValidAlgorithm(final String p) {
final String algo = p.toLowerCase();
return algo.equals("roundrobin") || algo.equals("leastconn") || algo.equals("source");
public static boolean isValidAutoScaleAction(final String p) {
final String action = p.toLowerCase();
return action.equals("scaleup") || action.equals("scaledown");
public static String getLinkLocalNetMask() {
return "";
public static String getLinkLocalGateway(String cidr) {
return getLinkLocalFirstAddressFromCIDR(cidr);
public static String getLinkLocalGateway() {
return getLinkLocalGateway(getLinkLocalCIDR());
public static String getLinkLocalCIDR() {
return "";
public static String getLinkLocalFirstAddressFromCIDR(final String cidr) {
SubnetUtils subnetUtils = new SubnetUtils(cidr);
return subnetUtils.getInfo().getLowAddress();
public static String getLinkLocalAddressFromCIDR(final String cidr) {
return getLinkLocalFirstAddressFromCIDR(cidr) + "/" + cidr2Netmask(cidr);
public static String[] getLinkLocalIPRange(final String cidr) {
final SubnetUtils subnetUtils = new SubnetUtils(cidr);
final String[] addresses = subnetUtils.getInfo().getAllAddresses();
final String[] range = new String[2];
range[0] = addresses[1];
range[1] = subnetUtils.getInfo().getHighAddress();
return range;
public static String getLinkLocalIpEnd() {
final String[] cidrPair = getLinkLocalCIDR().split("\\/");
final String cidr = cidrPair[0];
return getIpRangeEndIpFromCidr(cidr, MAX_CIDR - Long.parseLong(cidrPair[1]));
public static String portRangeToString(final int portRange[]) {
return Integer.toString(portRange[0]) + ":" + Integer.toString(portRange[1]);
public static boolean verifyDomainNameLabel(final String hostName, final boolean isHostName) {
// must be between 1 and 63 characters long and may contain only the ASCII letters 'a' through 'z' (in a
// case-insensitive manner),
// the digits '0' through '9', and the hyphen ('-').
// Can not start with a hyphen and digit, and must not end with a hyphen
// If it's a host name, don't allow to start with digit
if (hostName.length() > 63 || hostName.length() < 1) {
s_logger.warn("Domain name label must be between 1 and 63 characters long");
return false;
} else if (!hostName.toLowerCase().matches("[a-z0-9-]*")) {
s_logger.warn("Domain name label may contain only the ASCII letters 'a' through 'z' (in a case-insensitive manner)");
return false;
} else if (hostName.startsWith("-") || hostName.endsWith("-")) {
s_logger.warn("Domain name label can not start with a hyphen and digit, and must not end with a hyphen");
return false;
} else if (isHostName && hostName.matches("^[0-9-].*")) {
s_logger.warn("Host name can't start with digit");
return false;
return true;
public static boolean verifyDomainName(final String domainName) {
// don't allow domain name length to exceed 190 chars (190 + 63 (max host name length) = 253 = max domainName length
if (domainName.length() < 1 || domainName.length() > 190) {
s_logger.trace("Domain name must be between 1 and 190 characters long");
return false;
if (domainName.startsWith(".") || domainName.endsWith(".")) {
s_logger.trace("Domain name can't start or end with .");
return false;
final String[] domainNameLabels = domainName.split("\\.");
for (int i = 0; i < domainNameLabels.length; i++) {
if (!verifyDomainNameLabel(domainNameLabels[i], false)) {
s_logger.warn("Domain name label " + domainNameLabels[i] + " is incorrect");
return false;
return true;
public static String getDhcpRange(final String cidr) {
final String[] splitResult = cidr.split("\\/");
final long size = Long.parseLong(splitResult[1]);
return NetUtils.getIpRangeStartIpFromCidr(splitResult[0], size);
// Check if 2 CIDRs have exactly same IP Range
public static boolean isSameIpRange(final String cidrA, final String cidrB) {
if (!NetUtils.isValidIp4Cidr(cidrA)) {"Invalid value of cidr " + cidrA);
return false;
if (!NetUtils.isValidIp4Cidr(cidrB)) {"Invalid value of cidr " + cidrB);
return false;
final String[] cidrPairFirst = cidrA.split("\\/");
final String[] cidrPairSecond = cidrB.split("\\/");
final Long networkSizeFirst = Long.valueOf(cidrPairFirst[1]);
final Long networkSizeSecond = Long.valueOf(cidrPairSecond[1]);
final String ipRangeFirst[] = NetUtils.getIpRangeFromCidr(cidrPairFirst[0], networkSizeFirst);
final String ipRangeSecond[] = NetUtils.getIpRangeFromCidr(cidrPairFirst[0], networkSizeSecond);
final long startIpFirst = NetUtils.ip2Long(ipRangeFirst[0]);
final long endIpFirst = NetUtils.ip2Long(ipRangeFirst[1]);
final long startIpSecond = NetUtils.ip2Long(ipRangeSecond[0]);
final long endIpSecond = NetUtils.ip2Long(ipRangeSecond[1]);
if (startIpFirst == startIpSecond && endIpFirst == endIpSecond) {
return true;
return false;
public static boolean validateGuestCidr(final String cidr) {
// RFC 1918 - The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) has reserved the
// following three blocks of the IP address space for private internets:
// - (10/8 prefix)
// - (172.16/12 prefix)
// - (192.168/16 prefix)
// RFC 6598 - The IETF detailed shared address space for use in ISP CGN
// deployments and NAT devices that can handle the same addresses occurring both on inbound and outbound interfaces.
// ARIN returned space to the IANA as needed for this allocation.
// The allocated address block is
final String[] allowedNetBlocks = {"", "", "", ""};
if (!isValidIp4Cidr(cidr)) {
s_logger.warn("Cidr " + cidr + " is not valid");
return false;
for (String block: allowedNetBlocks) {
if (isNetworkAWithinNetworkB(cidr, block)) {
return true;
// not in allowedNetBlocks - return false
s_logger.warn("cidr " + cidr + " is not RFC 1918 or 6598 compliant");
return false;
public static boolean isValidMac(final String macAddr) {
RegexValidator mv = new RegexValidator("^(?:[0-9a-f]{1,2}([-:\\.]))(?:[0-9a-f]{1,2}\\1){4}[0-9a-f]{1,2}$", false);
return mv.isValid(macAddr);
public static boolean isUnicastMac(final String macAddr) {
String std = standardizeMacAddress(macAddr);
if(std == null) {
return false;
long stdl = mac2Long(std);
// libvirt refuses to attach a mac address that is multicast, as defined
// by the least significant bit of the first octet of the mac.
long mask = 0x1l << 40l;
return ((stdl & mask) == mask) ? false : true;
public static boolean verifyInstanceName(final String instanceName) {
//instance name for cloudstack vms shouldn't contain - and spaces
if (instanceName.contains("-") || instanceName.contains(" ") || instanceName.contains("+")) {
s_logger.warn("Instance name can not contain hyphen, spaces and \"+\" char");
return false;
return true;
public static boolean isNetworksOverlap(final String cidrA, final String cidrB) {
try {
Long[] cidrALong = cidrToLong(cidrA);
Long[] cidrBLong = cidrToLong(cidrB);
final long shift = MAX_CIDR - (cidrALong[1] > cidrBLong[1] ? cidrBLong[1] : cidrALong[1]);
return cidrALong[0] >> shift == cidrBLong[0] >> shift;
} catch (CloudRuntimeException e) {
return false;
public static boolean isValidS2SVpnPolicy(final String policyType, final String policys) {
if (policyType == null || policyType.isEmpty()) {
return false;
if (policys == null || policys.isEmpty()) {
return false;
for (final String policy : policys.split(",")) {
if (policy.isEmpty()) {
return false;
final String cipherHash = policy.split(";")[0];
if (cipherHash.isEmpty()) {
return false;
final String[] list = cipherHash.split("-");
if (list.length != 2) {
return false;
final String cipher = list[0];
final String hash = list[1];
if (!cipher.matches("3des|aes128|aes192|aes256")) {
return false;
if (!hash.matches("md5|sha1|sha256|sha384|sha512")) {
return false;
String group = null;
if (!policy.equals(cipherHash)) {
group = policy.split(";")[1];
if (group == null && policyType.toLowerCase().matches("ike")) {
return false; // StrongSwan requires a DH group for the IKE policy
if (group != null && !group.matches("modp1024|modp1536|modp2048|modp3072|modp4096|modp6144|modp8192")) {
return false;
return true;
public static boolean isValidCidrList(final String cidrList) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(cidrList)) {
return false;
for (final String guestCidr : cidrList.split(",")) {
if (!isValidIp4Cidr(guestCidr)) {
return false;
return true;
public static boolean validateGuestCidrList(final String guestCidrList) {
for (final String guestCidr : guestCidrList.split(",")) {
if (!validateGuestCidr(guestCidr)) {
return false;
return true;
public static boolean validateIcmpType(final long icmpType) {
//Source -
if (!(icmpType >= 0 && icmpType <= 255)) {
s_logger.warn("impcType is not within 0-255 range");
return false;
return true;
public static boolean validateIcmpCode(final long icmpCode) {
// Reference:
if (!(icmpCode >= 0 && icmpCode <= 16)) {
s_logger.warn("Icmp code should be within 0-16 range");
return false;
return true;
public static boolean isValidIp6(final String ip) {
if (ip == null)
return false;
final InetAddressValidator validator = InetAddressValidator.getInstance();
return validator.isValidInet6Address(ip);
public static boolean isValidIp6Cidr(final String ip6Cidr) {
try {
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) {
return false;
return true;
public static int getIp6CidrSize(final String ip6Cidr) {
IPv6Network network = null;
try {
network = IPv6Network.fromString(ip6Cidr);
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) {
return 0;
return network.getNetmask().asPrefixLength();
// Can cover 127 bits
public static String getIp6FromRange(final String ip6Range) {
final String[] ips = ip6Range.split("-");
final String startIp = ips[0];
final IPv6Address start = IPv6Address.fromString(startIp);
final BigInteger gap = countIp6InRange(ip6Range);
BigInteger next = new BigInteger(gap.bitLength(), s_rand);
while (next.compareTo(gap) >= 0) {
next = new BigInteger(gap.bitLength(), s_rand);
InetAddress resultAddr = null;
final BigInteger startInt = convertIPv6AddressToBigInteger(start);
if (startInt != null) {
final BigInteger resultInt = startInt.add(next);
try {
resultAddr = InetAddress.getByAddress(resultInt.toByteArray());
} catch (final UnknownHostException e) {
return null;
if( resultAddr != null) {
final IPv6Address ip = IPv6Address.fromInetAddress(resultAddr);
return ip.toString();
return null;
//RFC3315, section 9.4
public static String getDuidLL(final String macAddress) {
final String duid = "00:03:00:01:" + macAddress;
return duid;
private static BigInteger convertIPv6AddressToBigInteger(final IPv6Address addr) {
InetAddress inetAddr;
try {
inetAddr = addr.toInetAddress();
} catch (final UnknownHostException e) {
return null;
return new BigInteger(inetAddr.getAddress());
// Can cover 127 bits
public static BigInteger countIp6InRange(final String ip6Range) {
if (ip6Range == null) {
return null;
final String[] ips = ip6Range.split("-");
final String startIp = ips[0];
String endIp = ips[0];
if (ips.length > 1) {
endIp = ips[1];
try {
final BigInteger startInt = convertIPv6AddressToBigInteger(IPv6Address.fromString(startIp));
final BigInteger endInt = convertIPv6AddressToBigInteger(IPv6Address.fromString(endIp));
if (endInt != null && startInt != null && startInt.compareTo(endInt) <= 0) {
return endInt.subtract(startInt).add(BigInteger.ONE);
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) {
s_logger.error("Failed to convert a string to an IPv6 address", ex);
return null;
public static boolean isIp6InRange(final String ip6, final String ip6Range) {
if (ip6Range == null) {
return false;
final String[] ips = ip6Range.split("-");
final String startIp = ips[0];
String endIp = null;
if (ips.length > 1) {
endIp = ips[1];
final IPv6Address start = IPv6Address.fromString(startIp);
final IPv6Address end = IPv6Address.fromString(endIp);
final IPv6Address ip = IPv6Address.fromString(ip6);
if (start.compareTo(ip) <= 0 && end.compareTo(ip) >= 0) {
return true;
return false;
public static boolean isIp6InNetwork(final IPv6Address ip, final IPv6Network network) {
return network.contains(ip);
public static boolean isIp6InNetwork(final String ip6, final String ip6Cidr) {
try {
return isIp6InNetwork(IPv6Address.fromString(ip6), IPv6Network.fromString(ip6Cidr));
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) {
return false;
public static boolean isIp6RangeOverlap(final String ipRange1, final String ipRange2) {
String[] ips = ipRange1.split("-");
final String startIp1 = ips[0];
String endIp1 = null;
if (ips.length > 1) {
endIp1 = ips[1];
final IPv6Address start1 = IPv6Address.fromString(startIp1);
final IPv6Address end1 = IPv6Address.fromString(endIp1);
final IPv6AddressRange range1 = IPv6AddressRange.fromFirstAndLast(start1, end1);
ips = ipRange2.split("-");
final String startIp2 = ips[0];
String endIp2 = null;
if (ips.length > 1) {
endIp2 = ips[1];
final IPv6Address start2 = IPv6Address.fromString(startIp2);
final IPv6Address end2 = IPv6Address.fromString(endIp2);
final IPv6AddressRange range2 = IPv6AddressRange.fromFirstAndLast(start2, end2);
return range1.overlaps(range2);
public static String getNextIp6InRange(final String currentIp, final String ipRange) {
final String[] ips = ipRange.split("-");
final String startIp = ips[0];
String endIp = null;
if (ips.length > 1) {
endIp = ips[1];
final IPv6Address start = IPv6Address.fromString(startIp);
final IPv6Address end = IPv6Address.fromString(endIp);
final IPv6Address current = IPv6Address.fromString(currentIp);
IPv6Address result = null;
if (current.equals(end)) {
result = start;
} else {
result = current.add(1);
String resultIp = null;
if (result != null) {
resultIp = result.toString();
return resultIp;
public static String standardizeIp6Address(final String ip6Addr) {
try {
return IPv6Address.fromString(ip6Addr).toString();
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid IPv6 address: " + ex.getMessage());
public static String standardizeMacAddress(final String macAddr) {
if (!isValidMac(macAddr)) {
return null;
String norm = macAddr.replace('.', ':');
norm = norm.replace('-', ':');
return long2Mac(mac2Long(norm));
public static String standardizeIp6Cidr(final String ip6Cidr){
try {
return IPv6Network.fromString(ip6Cidr).toString();
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid IPv6 CIDR: " + ex.getMessage());
static final String VLAN_PREFIX = "vlan://";
static final int VLAN_PREFIX_LENGTH = VLAN_PREFIX.length();
public static boolean isValidVlan(String vlan) {
if (null == vlan || "".equals(vlan)) {
return false;
if (vlan.startsWith(VLAN_PREFIX)) {
vlan = vlan.substring(VLAN_PREFIX_LENGTH);
try {
final int vnet = Integer.parseInt(vlan);
if (vnet <= 0 || vnet >= 4095) { // the valid range is 1- 4094
return false;
return true;
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
return false;
static final String VLAN_UNTAGGED = "untagged";
public static boolean isSameIsolationId(String one, String other) {
// check nulls
// check empty strings
if ((one == null || one.isEmpty()) && (other == null || other.isEmpty())) {
return true;
if (one == null || other == null) {
return false;
// check 'untagged'
if (one.contains(VLAN_UNTAGGED) && other.contains(VLAN_UNTAGGED)) {
return true;
// if one is a number check the other as number and as 'vlan://' + number
if (one.startsWith(VLAN_PREFIX)) {
one = one.substring(VLAN_PREFIX_LENGTH);
if (other.startsWith(VLAN_PREFIX)) {
other = other.substring(VLAN_PREFIX_LENGTH);
// check valid uris or numbers
if (one.equalsIgnoreCase(other)) {
return true;
return false;
// Attention maintainers: these pvlan functions should take into account code
// in Networks.BroadcastDomainType, where URI construction is done for other
// types of BroadcastDomainTypes
public static URI generateUriForPvlan(final String primaryVlan, final String isolatedPvlan) {
return URI.create("pvlan://" + primaryVlan + "-i" + isolatedPvlan);
public static URI generateUriForPvlan(final String primaryVlan, final String isolatedPvlan, final String isolatedPvlanType) {
// Defaulting to isolated for backward compatibility
if (isolatedPvlan.length() < 1) {
return generateUriForPvlan(primaryVlan, isolatedPvlan);
char type = isolatedPvlanType.charAt(0);
switch(type) {
case 'c':
case 'C':
return URI.create("pvlan://" + primaryVlan + "-c" + isolatedPvlan);
case 'p':
case 'P':
return URI.create("pvlan://" + primaryVlan + "-p" + primaryVlan);
default :
return generateUriForPvlan(primaryVlan, isolatedPvlan);
public static String getPrimaryPvlanFromUri(final URI uri) {
final String[] vlans = uri.getHost().split("-");
if (vlans.length < 1) {
return null;
return vlans[0];
public static String getIsolatedPvlanFromUri(final URI uri) {
final String[] vlans = uri.getHost().split("-");
if (vlans.length < 2) {
return null;
for (final String vlan : vlans) {
if (vlan.startsWith("i")) {
return vlan.replace("i", " ").trim();
if (vlan.startsWith("p")) {
return vlan.replace("p", " ").trim();
if (vlan.startsWith("c")) {
return vlan.replace("c", " ").trim();
return null;
public static String getPvlanTypeFromUri(final URI uri) {
final String[] vlans = uri.getHost().split("-");
if (vlans.length < 2) {
return null;
for (final String vlan : vlans) {
if (vlan.startsWith("i")) {
return "I";
if (vlan.startsWith("p")) {
return "P";
if (vlan.startsWith("c")) {
return "C";
return null;
public static String generateMacOnIncrease(final String baseMac, final long l) {
long mac = mac2Long(baseMac);
if (l > 0xFFFFl) {
return null;
mac = mac + (l << 24);
mac = mac & 0x06FFFFFFFFFFl;
return long2Mac(mac);
public static boolean isIpWithInCidrRange(final String ipAddress, final String cidr) {
if (!isValidIp4(ipAddress)) {
return false;
if (!isValidIp4Cidr(cidr)) {
return false;
// check if the gatewayip is the part of the ip range being added.
// RFC 3021 - 31-Bit Prefixes on IPv4 Point-to-Point Links
// GW Netmask Stat IP End IP
// - - -
// Added by Wilder Rodrigues
final SubnetUtils subnetUtils = new SubnetUtils(cidr);
final boolean isInRange = subnetUtils.getInfo().isInRange(ipAddress);
return isInRange;
public static boolean isIpInCidrList(final InetAddress address, final String[] cidrlist) {
boolean match = false;
for (String cidr: cidrlist) {
try {
if (address instanceof Inet6Address && isValidIp6Cidr(cidr)) {
if (isIp6InNetwork(IPv6Address.fromInetAddress(address), IPv6Network.fromString(cidr))) {
match = true;
} else if (address instanceof Inet4Address && isValidIp4Cidr(cidr)) {
if (NetUtils.isIpWithInCidrRange(address.getHostAddress(), cidr)) {
match = true;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return match;
public static Boolean IsIpEqualToNetworkOrBroadCastIp(final String requestedIp, final String cidr, final long size) {
assert size < MAX_CIDR : "You do know this is not for ipv6 right? Keep it smaller than 32 but you have " + size;
final long ip = ip2Long(cidr);
final long startNetMask = ip2Long(getCidrNetmask(size));
final long start = ip & startNetMask;
long end = start;
end = end >> MAX_CIDR - size;
end = (end << MAX_CIDR - size) - 1;
final long reqIp = ip2Long(requestedIp);
if (reqIp == start || reqIp == end) {
return true;
return false;
public static boolean isNetworkorBroadcastIP(String ip, String netmask){
String cidr = getCidrFromGatewayAndNetmask(ip,netmask);
final SubnetUtils subnetUtils = new SubnetUtils(cidr);
final boolean isInRange = subnetUtils.getInfo().isInRange(ip);
return !isInRange;
public static IPv6Address EUI64Address(final IPv6Network cidr, final String macAddress) {
if (cidr.getNetmask().asPrefixLength() > 64) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("IPv6 subnet " + cidr.toString() + " is not 64 bits or larger in size");
String mac[] = macAddress.toLowerCase().split(":");
return IPv6Address.fromString(cidr.getFirst().toString() +
Integer.toHexString(Integer.parseInt(mac[0], 16) ^ 2) +
mac[1] + ":" + mac[2] + "ff:fe" + mac[3] +":" + mac[4] + mac[5]);
public static IPv6Address EUI64Address(final String cidr, final String macAddress) {
return EUI64Address(IPv6Network.fromString(cidr), macAddress);
public static IPv6Address ipv6LinkLocal(final String macAddress) {
return EUI64Address(IPv6Network.LINK_LOCAL_NETWORK, macAddress);
* When using StateLess Address AutoConfiguration (SLAAC) for IPv6 the addresses
* choosen by hosts in a network are based on the 48-bit MAC address and this is expanded to 64-bits
* with EUI-64
* FFFE is inserted into the address and these can be identified
* By converting the IPv6 Address to a byte array we can check the 11th and 12th byte to see if the
* address is EUI064.
* See RFC4291 for more information
* @param address IPv6Address to be checked
* @return True if Address is EUI-64 IPv6
public static boolean isIPv6EUI64(final IPv6Address address) {
byte[] bytes = address.toByteArray();
return (bytes[11] == IPV6_EUI64_11TH_BYTE && bytes[12] == IPV6_EUI64_12TH_BYTE);
public static boolean isIPv6EUI64(final String address) {
return NetUtils.isIPv6EUI64(IPv6Address.fromString(address));
* Returns true if the given IP address is IPv4 or false if it is an IPv6. If it is an invalid IP address it throws an exception.
public static boolean isIpv4(String ipAddr) {
boolean isIpv4 = true;
if (ipAddr != null) {
if (!NetUtils.isValidIp4(ipAddr)) {
isIpv4 = false;
if (!NetUtils.isValidIp6(ipAddr) && !isIpv4) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid ip address " + ipAddr);
return isIpv4;
public static String getIpv6RangeFromCidr(String ipv6Cidr) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(ipv6Cidr)) {
return null;
IPv6Network network = IPv6Network.fromString(ipv6Cidr);
return String.format("%s-%s", network.getFirst().toString(), network.getLast().toString());
public static boolean ipv6NetworksOverlap(IPv6Network n1, IPv6Network n2) {
IPv6Network higher = n1;
IPv6Network lower = n2;
if (lower.getNetmask().asPrefixLength() < higher.getNetmask().asPrefixLength()) {
lower = n1;
higher = n2;
Iterator<IPv6Network> splits = higher.split(lower.getNetmask());
while (splits.hasNext()) {
IPv6Network i =;
if (i.equals(lower)) {
return true;
return false;
public static NetworkInterface getNetworkInterface(String nicName) {
s_logger.debug(String.format("Retrieving network interface [%s].", nicName));
nicName = StringUtils.trimToNull(nicName);
if (nicName == null) {
return null;
NetworkInterface nic;
try {
nic = NetworkInterface.getByName(nicName);
if (nic == null) {
s_logger.debug(String.format("Unable to get network interface for NIC [%s].", nicName));
return null;
return nic;
} catch (final SocketException e) {
s_logger.warn(String.format("Unable to get network interface for NIC [%s] due to [%s].", nicName, e.getMessage()), e);
return null;