blob: 15faa8faa340e67897fda5497b814586f9071a70 [file] [log] [blame]
"error.password.not.match": "I campi password non corrispondono",
"icmp.code.desc": "Please specify -1 if you want to allow all ICMP codes",
"icmp.type.desc": "Please specify -1 if you want to allow all ICMP types.",
"inline": "Inline",
"label.about": "About",
"": "About CloudStack",
"label.accept.project.invitation": "Accettare un invito ad un progetto",
"label.accesskey": "Access Key",
"label.account": "Account",
"": "Account, Security group",
"": "ID dell'Account",
"": "Nome Account",
"label.account.specific": "Specifico dell'Account",
"label.accounts": "Utenti",
"label.accounttype": "Account Type",
"label.acl.export": "Export ACLs",
"": "ACL ID",
"label.acl.list.rules": "ACL List Rules",
"label.acl.reason.description": "Enter the reason behind an ACL rule.",
"label.aclid": "ACL",
"label.aclname": "ACL Name",
"": "Acquisizione nuovo indirizzo IP",
"": "Acquisizione nuovo IP secondario",
"label.action": "Action",
"label.action.attach.disk": "Collegamento di un Disco",
"label.action.attach.iso": "Collegamento di una immagine ISO",
"label.action.cancel.maintenance.mode": "Annullamento dello stato di Maintenance Mode",
"label.action.change.password": "Modifica della Password",
"label.action.configure.stickiness": "Stickiness",
"label.action.copy.iso": "Copia della immagine ISO",
"label.action.copy.template": "Copia di un Template",
"label.action.create.template.from.volume": "Creazione Template da un Volume",
"label.action.create.volume": "Creazione Volume",
"label.action.delete.account": "Cancellazione account",
"label.action.delete.cluster": "Cancellazione Cluster",
"label.action.delete.disk.offering": "Cancellazione Offerta Disco",
"label.action.delete.domain": "Cancellazione Dominio",
"label.action.delete.firewall": "Cancellazione regola firewall",
"label.action.delete.ip.range": "Cancellazione intervallo indirizzi IP",
"label.action.delete.iso": "Cancellazione immagine ISO",
"label.action.delete.load.balancer": "Cancellazione regola load balancer",
"": "Cancellazione Rete",
"": "Cancellazione di una rete fisica",
"label.action.delete.pod": "Cancellazione Pod",
"": "Cancellazione Storage Primario",
"": "Cancellazione Storage Secondario",
"": "Cancellazione Security Group",
"label.action.delete.service.offering": "Cancellazione Offerta di Servizio",
"label.action.delete.snapshot": "Cancellazione Snapshot",
"label.action.delete.system.service.offering": "Cancellare Offerta di Servizio di Sistema",
"label.action.delete.template": "Cancellazione Template",
"label.action.delete.user": "Cancellazione Utente",
"label.action.delete.volume": "Cancellazione Volume",
"": "Cancellazione Zona",
"label.action.destroy.instance": "Rimozione instanza",
"label.action.destroy.systemvm": "Rimozione VM di sistema",
"label.action.destroy.volume": "Destroy Volume",
"label.action.detach.disk": "Scollegamento di un Disco",
"label.action.detach.iso": "Scollegamento immagine ISO",
"label.action.disable.account": "Disabilitazione account",
"label.action.disable.cluster": "Disabilitazione Cluster",
"": "Disabilitare la rete fisica",
"label.action.disable.pod": "Disabilitazione Pod",
"label.action.disable.static.nat": "Disabilitazione NAT Statico",
"label.action.disable.user": "Disabilitazione Utente",
"": "Disabilitazione Zona",
"": "Download immagine ISO",
"": "Download Template",
"": "Download Volume",
"label.action.edit.account": "Modifica account",
"label.action.edit.domain": "Modifica Dominio",
"label.action.edit.instance": "Modifica Instanza",
"label.action.edit.iso": "Modifica immagine ISO",
"": "Modifica Zona",
"label.action.enable.account": "Abilitazione account",
"label.action.enable.cluster": "Abilitazione Cluster",
"label.action.enable.maintenance.mode": "Abilitazione dello stato Maintenance Mode",
"": "Abilitare la rete fisica",
"label.action.enable.pod": "Abilitazione Pod",
"label.action.enable.static.nat": "Abilitazione NAT Statico",
"label.action.enable.user": "Abilitazione Utente",
"": "Abilitazione Zona",
"label.action.expunge.instance": "Cancellare l'Istanza",
"label.action.force.reconnect": "Forza la Riconnessione",
"label.action.generate.keys": "Generazione Chiavi",
"label.action.lock.account": "Blocco di un account",
"label.action.manage.cluster": "Gestione Cluster",
"label.action.migrate.router": "Migrazione Router",
"label.action.migrate.systemvm": "Migrazione VM di Systema",
"label.action.project.add.account": "Aggiungere account al progetto",
"label.action.reboot.instance": "Riavvio Instanza",
"label.action.reboot.router": "Riavvio Router",
"label.action.reboot.systemvm": "Riavvio VM di Sistema",
"label.action.recover.volume": "Recover Volume",
"label.action.recurring.snapshot": "Snapshot Ricorrenti",
"label.action.register.iso": "Registrare una ISO",
"label.action.register.template": "Registra un Template da URL",
"label.action.release.ip": "Rilascio indirizzo IP",
"": "Rimozione Host",
"label.action.remove.nic": "Rimuovi NIC",
"label.action.reset.password": "Reset Password",
"label.action.resize.volume": "Ridimensionamento Volume",
"label.action.revert.snapshot": "Ripristinare lo Snapshot",
"label.action.start.instance": "Avvio Instanza",
"label.action.start.router": "Avvio Router",
"label.action.start.systemvm": "Avvio VM di Sistema",
"label.action.stop.instance": "Arresto Instanza",
"label.action.stop.router": "Arresto Router",
"label.action.stop.systemvm": "Arresto VM di Sistema",
"label.action.take.snapshot": "Cattura uno Snapshot",
"label.action.unmanage.cluster": "Unmanage Cluster",
"label.action.update.resource.count": "Aggiornare il conteggio delle Risorse",
"label.action.vmsnapshot.create": "Cattura uno Snapshot della VM",
"label.action.vmsnapshot.delete": "Cancella lo Snapshot della VM",
"label.action.vmsnapshot.revert": "Ripristinare lo snapshot della VM",
"label.actions": "Azioni",
"label.activate.project": "Attivare il Progetto",
"label.activeviewersessions": "Sessioni Attive",
"label.add": "Add",
"label.add.account": "Aggiungi un Account",
"label.add.acl": "Aggiungere ACL",
"label.add.acl.list": "Add ACL List",
"": "Aggiungere un nuovo gruppo di affinit\u00e0",
"label.add.baremetal.dhcp.device": "Add Baremetal DHCP Device",
"label.add.bigswitchbcf.device": "Aggiungere Controller BigSwitch BCF",
"label.add.brocadevcs.device": "Aggiungere Switch Brocade Vcs",
"": "Add by",
"label.add.ciscoasa1000v": "Add CiscoASA1000v Resource",
"label.add.cluster": "Aggiunta Cluster",
"label.add.compute.offering": "Aggiungere una offerta computazionale",
"label.add.disk.offering": "Aggiungere Offerta Disco",
"label.add.domain": "Aggiunta Dominio",
"label.add.egress.rule": "Aggiungere una regola d'uscita",
"label.add.f5.device": "Aggiungere device F5",
"label.add.firewall": "Aggiunta regola firewall",
"": "Aggiungere una rete guest",
"": "Aggiunta Host",
"label.add.ingress.rule": "Add Ingress Rule",
"label.add.intermediate.certificate": "Aggiungere un certificato intermedio",
"": "Add Internal LB",
"label.add.ip.range": "Aggiungere un IP Range",
"": "Add Isolated Network",
"label.add.ldap.account": "Aggiungi un account LDAP",
"": "ACL List Name",
"label.add.more": "Add More",
"label.add.netscaler.device": "Aggiungere device Netscaler",
"": "Aggiungere una Rete",
"": "Aggiungere le ACL di rete",
"": "Add Network ACL List",
"": "Aggiungere offerta di rete",
"": "Aggiungere un nuovo gateway",
"": "Aggiungere un nuovo livello",
"label.add.niciranvp.device": "Aggiungere Controller Nvp",
"label.add.opendaylight.device": "Add OpenDaylight Controller",
"": "Aggiungere un device Palo Alto",
"": "Aggiungere rete fisica",
"label.add.pod": "Aggiungere un Pod",
"": "Aggiungere uno Storage Primario",
"label.add.private.gateway": "Add Private Gateway",
"label.add.resources": "Aggiungere Risorse",
"label.add.role": "Add Role",
"label.add.route": "Aggiungere una rotta",
"label.add.rule": "Aggiungere regola",
"": "Aggiungere uno Storage Secondario",
"": "Aggiungere un Gruppo di Sicurezza",
"label.add.srx.device": "Aggiungere device SRX",
"label.add.static.route": "Aggiungere una rotta statica",
"label.add.system.service.offering": "Aggiungere Offerte di Servizio di Sistema",
"label.add.user": "Aggiungere un Utente",
"label.add.vm": "Aggiungere VM",
"label.add.vms": "Aggiunvere VM",
"label.add.vmware.datacenter": "Add VMware datacenter",
"label.add.vnmc.device": "Add VNMC device",
"label.add.vpc": "Aggiungere VPC",
"label.add.vpc.offering": "Add VPC Offering",
"label.add.vpn.customer.gateway": "Aggiungere Gateway VPN del Cliente",
"label.add.vpn.gateway": "Aggiungere un Gateway VPN",
"label.add.vpn.user": "Aggiungere utente VPN",
"": "Aggiungere una Zona",
"label.adding": "Aggiunta",
"label.adding.user": "Aggiunta dell'Utente",
"label.address": "Address",
"label.admin": "Amministratore",
"label.advanced": "Avanzato",
"label.advanced.mode": "Modalit\u00e0 Avanzata",
"label.affinity": "Affinit\u00e0",
"label.affinity.groups": "Gruppi di Affinit\u00e0",
"label.affinitygroup": "Gruppo di Affinit\u00e0",
"label.agent.password": "Password per l'Agent",
"label.agent.username": "Username per l'Agent",
"label.agentport": "Agent Port",
"label.agentstate": "Agent State",
"label.agree": "Agree",
"label.alert": "Allarme",
"label.alert.details": "Alert details",
"label.alerts": "Alerts",
"label.algorithm": "Algoritmo",
"label.all": "All",
"label.allocated": "Allocato",
"label.allocationstate": "Allocation State",
"label.allow": "Allow",
"label.anti.affinity": "Anti-affinit\u00e0",
"": "Anti-affinity Group",
"label.api.version": "Versione API",
"label.apikey": "Chiave API",
"": "CloudStack",
"label.apply": "Applicare",
"label.archive": "Archive",
"label.archive.alerts": "Archivia allarmi",
"": "Archivia eventi",
"label.assign": "Assign",
"label.assign.instance.another": "Assign Instance to Another Account",
"label.assign.vms": "Assign VMs",
"label.associatednetwork": "Rete Associata",
"label.associatednetworkid": "Associated Network ID",
"label.associatednetworkname": "Network Name",
"": "Author e-mail",
"": "Author name",
"label.availability": "Availability",
"label.available": "Disponibile",
"label.back": "Indietro",
"label.balance": "Balance",
"label.bandwidth": "Capacit\u00e0 della banda (Bandwidth)",
"label.baremetal.dhcp.devices": "Baremetal DHCP Devices",
"label.baremetal.pxe.device": "Add Baremetal PXE Device",
"label.baremetal.pxe.devices": "Baremetal PXE Devices",
"label.baremetalcpu": "CPU (in MHz)",
"label.baremetalcpucores": "# of CPU Cores",
"label.baremetalmac": "MAC del sistema host",
"label.baremetalmemory": "Memoria (in MB)",
"label.basic": "Basic",
"label.bcfdeviceid": "ID",
"label.bigswitch.controller.address": "Indirizzo Controller BigSwitch BCF",
"label.bladeid": "Blade ID",
"label.blades": "Blades",
"label.bootable": "Avviabile",
"label.broadcastdomainrange": "Broadcast domain range",
"label.broadcastdomaintype": "Broadcast Domain Type",
"label.broadcasturi": "broadcasturi",
"label.brocade.vcs.address": "Vcs Switch Address",
"label.bucket": "Bucket",
"": "By Account",
"": "By Domain",
"": "By Level",
"": "By Pod",
"": "By State",
"": "By Type",
"": "By Zone",
"label.cachemode": "Write-cache Type",
"label.cancel": "Annulla",
"label.capacity": "Capacit\u00e0",
"label.capacitybytes": "Capacit\u00e0 Byte",
"label.capacityiops": "IOPS Totali",
"label.certificate": "Certificato",
"label.change.affinity": "Change Affinity",
"label.change.ipaddress": "Change IP address for NIC",
"label.change.service.offering": "Modificare offerta di servizio",
"label.character": "Carattere",
"label.checksum": "checksum",
"label.cidr": "CIDR",
"label.cidrlist": "Source CIDR",
"": "Nexus 1000v IP Address",
"": "Nexus 1000v Password",
"": "Nexus 1000v Username",
"label.cleanup": "Clean up",
"label.clear.list": "Pulizia dell'elenco",
"label.close": "Chiudi",
"label.cluster": "Cluster",
"": "Nome del Cluster",
"label.clusterid": "Cluster",
"label.clustername": "Cluster",
"label.clusternamelabel": "Nome del Cluster",
"label.clusters": "Cluster",
"label.clustertype": "Tipo di Cluster",
"label.clvm": "CLVM",
"label.code": "Codice",
"": "Community",
"label.compute": "Computazionale",
"label.compute.offerings": "Compute Offerings",
"label.configuration": "Configurazione",
"label.configure": "Configurare",
"label.configure.ldap": "Configura LDAP",
"label.configure.sticky.policy": "Configure Sticky Policy",
"label.confirmation": "Conferma",
"label.confirmdeclineinvitation": "Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler declinare l'invito a questo progetto?",
"label.confirmpassword": "Confermare la password",
"label.connectiontimeout": "Tempo di scadenza connessione",
"label.conservemode": "Conserve mode",
"label.console.proxy": "Proxy di Console",
"label.console.proxy.vm": "Console Proxy VM",
"label.continue": "Continuare",
"label.cpu": "CPU",
"label.cpu.sockets": "CPU Socket",
"label.cpuallocated": "CPU Allocate per VM",
"label.cpuallocatedghz": "Allocato",
"label.cpulimit": "Limiti CPU",
"label.cpumaxdeviation": "Deviation",
"label.cpusockets": "The Number of CPU Sockets",
"label.cpuspeed": "CPU (in MHz)",
"label.cputotal": "CPU Totali",
"label.cputotalghz": "Total",
"label.cpuused": "CPU Utilizzata",
"": "Create NFS Secondary Staging Store",
"label.create.project": "Creare un progetto",
"label.create.ssh.key.pair": "Create a SSH Key Pair",
"label.create.template": "Creare un template",
"label.create.vpn.connection": "Creare una Connessione VPN",
"label.created": "Creato",
"": "Credit",
"label.crosszones": "Cross Zones",
"label.current": "isCurrent",
"label.currentpassword": "Current Password",
"label.custom": "Custom",
"label.customdisksize": "Dimensione Disco Personalizzata",
"label.daily": "Quotidiano",
"label.dashboard": "Dashboard",
"": "Data Disk Offering",
"": "Data",
"": "Day",
"": "Giorno del Mese",
"": "Giorno della Settimana",
"": "DC Name",
"label.decline.invitation": "Declinare un invito",
"label.dedicate": "Dedicate",
"label.dedicate.cluster": "Dedicate Cluster",
"": "Dedicate Host",
"label.dedicate.pod": "Dedicate Pod",
"label.dedicate.vlan.vni.range": "Dedicate VLAN/VNI Range",
"": "Dedicate Zone",
"label.dedicated": "Dedicato",
"label.dedicated.vlan.vni.ranges": "Dedicated VLAN/VNI Ranges",
"label.default": "Default",
"label.default.use": "Default Use",
"label.default.view": "Vista di default",
"label.delete": "Cancellare",
"label.delete.acl.list": "Delete ACL List",
"": "Cancellare Gruppo di Affinit\u00e0",
"label.delete.alerts": "Cancella allarmi",
"label.delete.bigswitchbcf": "Rimuovere Controller BigSwitch BCF",
"label.delete.brocadevcs": "Remove Brocade Vcs Switch",
"label.delete.ciscoasa1000v": "Delete CiscoASA1000v",
"label.delete.ciscovnmc.resource": "Delete CiscoVNMC resource",
"": "Cancella eventi",
"label.delete.f5": "Rimozione F5",
"label.delete.gateway": "Rimuovere il gateway",
"": "Delete Internal LB",
"label.delete.netscaler": "Rimozione NetScaler",
"label.delete.niciranvp": "Rimuovere Controller Nvp",
"label.delete.opendaylight.device": "Delete OpenDaylight Controller",
"": "Cancellare Palo Alto",
"label.delete.project": "Cancellare progetto",
"label.delete.role": "Delete Role",
"label.delete.srx": "Rimozione SRX",
"label.delete.vpn.connection": "cancellare la connessione VPN",
"label.delete.vpn.customer.gateway": "cancellare il Gateway VPN del Cliente",
"label.delete.vpn.gateway": "cancellare un Gateway VPN",
"label.delete.vpn.user": "Cancellare utente VPN",
"label.deleting.failed": "Cancellazione Fallita",
"label.deny": "Deny",
"label.deploymentplanner": "Deployment planner",
"label.description": "Descrizione",
"label.destinationphysicalnetworkid": "ID della rete fisica di destinazione",
"label.destroy": "Distruggere",
"label.destroy.router": "Distruggere il router",
"label.details": "Dettagli",
"label.deviceid": "ID Dispositivo",
"label.devices": "Device",
"label.dhcp": "DHCP",
"": "Direct Attached Public IP",
"": "Indirizzi IP di Rete condivisi",
"label.directdownload": "Direct Download",
"": "Disable Host",
"": "Disable network offering",
"label.disable.provider": "Disabilitare il provider",
"label.disable.vpc.offering": "Disable VPC offering",
"label.disable.vpn": "Disabilitare VPN",
"label.disabled": "Disabilitato",
"label.disconnected": "Last Disconnected",
"label.disk": "Disk",
"label.disk.offerings": "Disk Offerings",
"label.disk.size": "Disk Size",
"label.diskbytesreadrate": "Disk Read Rate (BPS)",
"label.diskbyteswriterate": "Disk Write Rate (BPS)",
"label.diskiopsmax": "Max IOPS",
"label.diskiopsmin": "Min IOPS",
"label.diskiopsreadrate": "Disk Read Rate (IOPS)",
"label.diskiopswriterate": "Disk Write Rate (IOPS)",
"label.diskioread": "Disk Read (IO)",
"label.diskiowrite": "Disk Write (IO)",
"label.diskkbsread": "Disk Read (KiB)",
"label.diskkbswrite": "Disk Write (KiB)",
"label.diskoffering": "diskoffering",
"label.diskofferingdisplaytext": "Offerta Disco",
"label.diskofferingid": "Offerta Disco",
"label.disksize": "Disk Size (in GB)",
"label.disksizeallocated": "Disk Allocated",
"label.disksizeallocatedgb": "Allocato",
"label.disksizetotal": "Disk Total",
"label.disksizetotalgb": "Total",
"label.disksizeunallocatedgb": "Unallocated",
"label.disksizeusedgb": "Used",
"label.display.text": "Display Text",
"label.displayname": "Display Name",
"label.displaytext": "Descrizione",
"label.distributedvpcrouter": "Distributed VPC Router",
"label.dns": "DNS",
"label.dns1": "DNS 1",
"label.dns2": "DNS 2",
"label.domain": "Dominio",
"": "Dominio",
"": "Nome del Dominio",
"label.domain.router": "Router di Dominio",
"label.domain.suffix": "Suffisso DNS (es.",
"label.domainid": "ID del Dominio",
"label.domainname": "Dominio",
"label.domainpath": "Dominio",
"label.done": "Fatto",
"label.dpd": "Dead Peer Detection",
"label.driver": "Driver",
"label.edit": "Modifica",
"label.edit.acl.list": "Edit ACL List",
"label.edit.acl.rule": "Edit ACL rule",
"label.edit.project.details": "Modificare i dettagli del progetto",
"label.edit.role": "Edit Role",
"label.edit.rule": "Edit rule",
"label.edit.secondary.ips": "Modifica IP Secondari",
"label.edit.tags": "Modifica dei tag",
"label.edit.traffic.type": "Modifica del tipo di traffico",
"label.egress.rule": "Regola d'uscita",
"label.egress.rules": "Regole d'uscita",
"label.egressdefaultpolicy": "Default egress policy",
"label.elastic": "Elastic",
"": "Email",
"": "Enable Host",
"": "Enable network offering",
"label.enable.provider": "Abilitare il provider",
"label.enable.vpc.offering": "Enable VPC offering",
"label.enable.vpn": "Abilitare VPN",
"label.end.ip": "Indirizzo IP finale",
"label.end.reserved.system.ip": "Indirizzo IP finale riservato di sistema",
"label.end.vlan": "End VLAN",
"label.enddate": "Per data (fino a)",
"label.endip": "Indirizzo IP finale",
"label.endipv4": "IPv4 End IP",
"label.endipv6": "IPv6 End IP",
"label.endpoint": "Dispositivo",
"label.endport": "End Port",
"label.enter.token": "Inserire il token",
"label.error": "Errore",
"label.error.code": "Error Code",
"label.error.something.went.wrong.please.correct.the.following": "E' stato rilevato un errore; si prega di correggere quanto indicato di seguito",
"label.error.upper": "ERROR",
"label.espencryption": "Encryption di ESP",
"label.esphash": "Hash di ESP",
"label.esplifetime": "ESP Lifetime (second)",
"label.esppolicy": "Policy di ESP",
"label.event": "Event",
"label.event.archived": "Event Archived",
"label.event.deleted": "Event Deleted",
"": "Events",
"label.every": "Every",
"label.example": "Esempio",
"label.expunge": "Expunge",
"": "Link Esterno",
"label.f5": "F5",
"label.failed": "Errore",
"label.featured": "Featured",
"label.fetch.latest": "Fetch latest",
"label.filterby": "Filter by",
"label.fingerprint": "FingerPrint",
"label.firewall": "Firewall",
"label.firstname": "Nome",
"label.forceencap": "Force UDP Encapsulation of ESP Packets",
"label.format": "Formato",
"label.friday": "Venerd\u00ec",
"label.full": "Completo",
"label.full.path": "Path completo",
"label.fwdeviceid": "ID",
"label.fwdevicestate": "Status",
"label.gateway": "Gateway",
"": "Global Settings",
"": "GloboDNS",
"": "GloboDNS Configuration",
"label.glustervolume": "Volume",
"label.gpu": "GPU",
"": "Group",
"": "Group (Optional)",
"label.gslb": "GSLB",
"label.gslb.service": "GSLB service",
"label.gslb.service.private.ip": "GSLB service Private IP",
"label.gslb.service.public.ip": "GSLB service Public IP",
"label.gslbprovider": "GSLB service",
"label.gslbproviderprivateip": "GSLB service Private IP",
"label.gslbproviderpublicip": "GSLB service Public IP",
"label.guest": "Guest",
"label.guest.cidr": "Guest CIDR",
"label.guest.end.ip": "Indirizzo IP guest finale",
"label.guest.gateway": "Guest Gateway",
"label.guest.ip": "Guest IP Address",
"label.guest.ip.range": "Guest IP Range",
"label.guest.netmask": "Guest Netmask",
"label.guest.networks": "Reti guest",
"label.guest.start.ip": "Indirizzo IP guest iniziale",
"label.guest.traffic": "Traffico della rete Guest",
"label.guestcidraddress": "Guest CIDR",
"label.guestendip": "Indirizzo IP guest finale",
"label.guestgateway": "Guest Gateway",
"label.guestipaddress": "Guest IP Address",
"label.guestiptype": "Tipo di Guest",
"label.guestnetmask": "Guest Netmask",
"label.guestnetworkid": "Network ID",
"label.guestnetworkname": "Network Name",
"label.gueststartip": "Indirizzo IP guest iniziale",
"label.guestvlanrange": "VLAN Range(s)",
"label.haenable": "HA Enabled",
"label.header.volume.snapshot": "You can set up recurring snapshot schedules by selecting from the available options below and applying your policy preference",
"label.header.volume.take.snapshot": "Please confirm that you want to take a snapshot of this volume.",
"": "Health Check",
"": "Help",
"label.home": "Home",
"": "Host",
"": "Hosts in Alert State",
"": "Host Name",
"": "Host Tag",
"label.hostid": "Host",
"label.hostname": "Host",
"label.hostnamelabel": "Host Name",
"label.hosts": "Hosts",
"label.hosttags": "Host Tags",
"label.hourly": "Hourly",
"label.hypervisor": "Hypervisor",
"label.hypervisor.capabilities": "Funzionalit\u00e0 del Hypervisor",
"label.hypervisor.type": "Hypervisor Type",
"label.hypervisors": "Hypervisor",
"label.hypervisorsnapshotreserve": "Hypervisor Snapshot Reserve",
"label.hypervisortype": "Hypervisor",
"label.hypervisorversion": "Versione hypervisor",
"label.hypervnetworklabel": "HyperV Traffic Label",
"label.icmpcode": "Codice ICMP",
"label.icmptype": "Tipo ICMP",
"": "ID",
"label.ikedh": "DH di IKE",
"label.ikeencryption": "Encryption di IKE",
"label.ikehash": "Hash di IKE",
"label.ikelifetime": "IKE lifetime (second)",
"label.ikepolicy": "Policy di IKE",
"": "Info",
"": "INFO",
"label.infrastructure": "Infrastruttura",
"label.ingress.rule": "Ingress Rule",
"label.insideportprofile": "Inside Port Profile",
"label.installwizard.addzoneintro.title": "Let’s aggiungere una zone",
"label.installwizard.subtitle": "Questa guida fornisce supporto nelle attivit\u00e0 di configurazione di una installazione CloudStack&#8482",
"label.installwizard.title": "Ciao e Benvenuti nel mondo di CloudStack&#8482",
"label.instance": "Istanza",
"": "Nome dell'Istanza",
"label.instancename": "Nome Interno",
"label.instanceport": "Instance Port",
"label.instances": "Istanze",
"label.intermediate.certificate": "Intermediate certificate",
"label.internal.dns.1": "DNS 1 Interno",
"label.internal.dns.2": "DNS2 Interno",
"": "Internal LB",
"label.internaldns1": "DNS 1 Interno",
"label.internaldns2": "DNS2 Interno",
"label.internallbvm": "InternalLbVm",
"label.interval": "Polling Interval (in sec)",
"label.intervaltype": "Interval Type",
"": "Introduzione a CloudStack&#8482",
"label.invitations": "Inviti",
"label.invite": "Invito",
"label.ip": "Indirizzo IP",
"label.ip.range": "IP Range",
"label.ip.ranges": "Intervalli di indirizzi IP",
"label.ip4gateway": "IPv4 Gateway",
"label.ip4netmask": "IPv4 Netmask",
"label.ip6address": "IPv6 IP Address",
"label.ip6cidr": "IPv6 CIDR",
"label.ip6dns1": "IPv6 DNS1",
"label.ip6dns2": "IPv6 DNS2",
"label.ip6gateway": "IPv6 Gateway",
"label.ipaddress": "Indirizzo IP",
"label.iplimit": "Public IP Limits",
"label.ips": "Indirizzi IP",
"label.ipsecpsk": "Preshared-Key di IPsec",
"label.iptotal": "Total of IP Addresses",
"label.ipv4.cidr": "IPv4 CIDR",
"label.ipv4.dns1": "IPv4 DNS1",
"label.ipv4.dns2": "IPv4 DNS2",
"label.ipv6.dns1": "IPv6 DNS1",
"label.ipv6.dns2": "IPv6 DNS2",
"label.iqn": "Target IQN",
"": "E' Condiviso",
"label.isadvanced": "Show advanced settings",
"label.iscsi": "iSCSI",
"label.iscustomized": "Dimensione Disco Personalizzata",
"label.iscustomizeddiskiops": "Custom IOPS",
"label.iscustomizediops": "Custom IOPS",
"label.isdedicated": "Dedicato",
"label.isdefault": "E' Default",
"label.isdynamicallyscalable": "Dynamically Scalable",
"label.isextractable": "Estraibile",
"label.isfeatured": "Featured",
"label.isforced": "Forza la Cancellazione",
"label.ismanaged": "Managed",
"label.iso": "ISO",
"label.isoid": "ISO",
"label.isolated.networks": "Reti isolate",
"label.isolatedpvlanid": "Secondary Isolated VLAN ID",
"label.isolation.method": "Metodo di isolamento",
"label.isolationmethod": "Metodo di isolamento",
"label.isolationmethods": "Metodo di isolamento",
"label.isolationuri": "URI di isolamento",
"label.isoname": "ISO Collegata",
"label.isos": "ISOs",
"label.ispersistent": "Persistent ",
"label.ispublic": "Public",
"label.isready": "Pronto",
"label.isredundantrouter": "Redundant Router",
"label.isrouting": "Routing",
"label.issourcenat": "Source NAT",
"label.isstaticnat": "Static NAT",
"label.issystem": "Is System",
"label.isvolatile": "Volatile",
"label.japanese.keyboard": "Japanese keyboard",
"label.keep": "Keep",
"label.key": "Key",
"label.keyboard": "Keyboard language",
"label.keyboardtype": "Tipo di tastiera",
"label.keypair": "SSH Key Pair",
"label.kvmnetworklabel": "Etichetta del traffico via KVM",
"label.l2gatewayserviceuuid": "L2 Gateway Service Uuid",
"label.l3gatewayserviceuuid": "L3 Gateway Service Uuid",
"label.label": "Label",
"label.last.updated": "Last Update",
"label.lastname": "Last Name",
"label.lastname.lower": "lastname",
"label.launch": "Avvio",
"label.launch.vm": "Avviare una VM",
"": "Launch zone",
"": "Least connections",
"": "Round-robin",
"": "Sorgente",
"label.lbdevicededicated": "Dedicato",
"label.lbdeviceid": "ID",
"label.lbdevicestate": "Status",
"label.lbtype": "Load Balancer Type",
"label.ldap.configuration": "Configurazione LDAP",
"": "LDAP Group",
"label.level": "Livello",
"label.limitcpuuse": "Limite CPU",
"": "Link Domain to LDAP",
"label.linklocalip": "Link Local IP Address",
"label.load.balancer": "Load Balancer",
"label.loadbalancerinstance": "Assigned VMs",
"label.loadbalancerrule": "Load balancing rule",
"label.loadbalancing": "Bilanciamento di Carico",
"label.loading": "Loading",
"label.local": "Local",
"": "Storage locale",
"": "Enable local storage for User VMs",
"": "Enable local storage for System VMs",
"label.localstorageenabled": "Enable local storage for User VMs",
"label.localstorageenabledforsystemvm": "Enable local storage for System VMs",
"label.login": "Login",
"label.logout": "Logout",
"label.lun": "LUN",
"label.lun.number": "LUN #",
"label.lxcnetworklabel": "LXC Traffic Label",
"label.make.project.owner": "Make account project owner",
"label.makeredundant": "Rendi ridondante",
"label.manage": "Manage",
"": "Gestione",
"": "Indirizzo IP di Management",
"": "Management Server",
"": "Max. primary (GiB)",
"": "Max. secondary (GiB)",
"label.maxcpu": "Max. CPU cores",
"label.maxerrorretry": "Numero massimo di tentativi a seguito di errore",
"label.maxguestslimit": "Limite max di guest",
"label.maximum": "Maximum",
"label.maxinstance": "Max Instances",
"label.maxiops": "Max IOPS",
"label.maxmemory": "Max. memory (MiB)",
"label.maxnetwork": "Numero Max di reti",
"label.maxpublicip": "Numero max di indirizzi IP pubblici",
"label.maxsnapshot": "Numero max di snapshot",
"label.maxtemplate": "Numero max di template",
"label.maxuservm": "Numero max di VM utente",
"label.maxvolume": "Numero max di volumi",
"label.maxvpc": "Numero max di VPC",
"label.may.continue": "E' ora possibile continuare.",
"label.memory": "Memory",
"label.memoryallocated": "Memory Allocated",
"label.memoryallocatedgb": "Allocato",
"label.memorylimit": "Memory limits (MiB)",
"label.memorymaxdeviation": "Deviation",
"label.memorytotal": "Memory Allocated",
"label.memorytotalgb": "Total",
"label.memoryusedgb": "Used",
"": "Security Groups",
"": "Service Offerings",
"label.metrics": "Metrics",
"": "Migrate instance to",
"": "Migrare instance verso un altro host",
"": "Migrare instance verso un altro primary storage",
"": "Migrate System VM to",
"label.migrate.volume": "Migrate Volume",
"label.min.balance": "Min Balance",
"label.min.past.hour": "min past the hr",
"label.minimum": "Minimum",
"label.miniops": "Min IOPS",
"label.minute.past.hour": "minute(s) past the hour",
"label.monday": "Monday",
"label.monthly": "Monthly",
"label.move.down.row": "Sposta gi\u00f9 di una riga",
"": "Sposta gi\u00f9 alla fine",
"": "Sposta in su all'inizio",
"label.move.up.row": "Sposta su di una riga",
"": "I miei template",
"": "N/A",
"": "Name",
"": "Name (Optional)",
"label.nat": "BigSwitch BCF NAT Enabled",
"label.netmask": "Netmask",
"label.netscaler": "NetScaler",
"": "Network",
"": "ACL di rete",
"": "Add network to VM",
"": "Network Desc",
"": "Network Domain",
"": "Utilizzare il default gateway",
"": "Network Name",
"": "Network Offering",
"": "Network Offerings",
"": "Service Provider di Rete",
"label.networkdevicetype": "Type",
"label.networkdomain": "Network Domain",
"label.networkid": "Network",
"label.networkkbsread": "Network Read",
"label.networkkbswrite": "Network Write",
"label.networklimit": "Network limits",
"label.networkname": "Network Name",
"label.networkofferingdisplaytext": "Network Offering",
"label.networkofferingid": "Network Offering",
"label.networkofferingname": "Network Offering",
"label.networkrate": "Network Rate (Mb/s)",
"label.networkread": "Network Read",
"label.networks": "Reti",
"label.networktype": "Network Type",
"label.networkwrite": "Network Write",
"": "Nuovo",
"": "New Password",
"": "Nuovo Progetto",
"": "Nuova VM",
"label.newdiskoffering": "New Offering",
"": "Next",
"label.nfs": "NFS",
"label.nfsserver": "NFS Server",
"label.nicadaptertype": "Tipo di scheda NIC",
"label.nics": "NICs",
"": "No",
"": "Nessun dato da mostrare",
"": "No Recent Errors",
"": "No Available Items",
"label.none": "None",
"label.noselect": "No grazie",
"label.not.found": "Not Found",
"label.notifications": "Notifiche",
"label.num.cpu.cores": "# of CPU Cores",
"label.number": "#Rule",
"label.numretries": "Number of Retries",
"label.nvpdeviceid": "ID",
"label.ocfs2": "OCFS2",
"label.of.month": "of month",
"label.offerha": "Offer HA",
"label.ok": "OK",
"label.opendaylight": "OpenDaylight",
"label.opendaylight.controller": "OpenDaylight Controller",
"label.opendaylight.controllers": "OpenDaylight Controllers",
"label.optional": "Optional",
"label.order": "Ordine",
"label.oscategoryid": "OS Preference",
"label.ostypeid": "OS Type",
"label.ostypename": "OS Type",
"label.other": "Other",
"label.outofbandmanagement": "Out-of-band Management",
"label.outofbandmanagement.action.issue": "Issue Out-of-band Management Power Action",
"label.outofbandmanagement.changepassword": "Change Out-of-band Management Password",
"label.outofbandmanagement.configure": "Configure Out-of-band Management",
"label.outofbandmanagement.disable": "Disable Out-of-band Management",
"label.outofbandmanagement.enable": "Enable Out-of-band Management",
"label.override.guest.traffic": "Override Guest-Traffic",
"label.override.public.traffic": "Override Public-Traffic",
"label.overrideguesttraffic": "Override Guest-Traffic",
"label.overridepublictraffic": "Override Public-Traffic",
"label.ovm3cluster": "Native Clustering",
"label.ovm3networklabel": "OVM3 traffic label",
"label.ovm3pool": "Native Pooling",
"label.ovm3vip": "Primary Vip IP",
"label.ovmnetworklabel": "OVM traffic label",
"label.ovs": "OVS",
"label.owner.account": "Owner Account",
"": "Palo Alto",
"label.palp": "Palo Alto Log Profile",
"label.parentname": "Parent",
"label.passive": "Passive",
"label.password": "Password",
"label.password.reset.confirm": "Password has been reset to ",
"label.passwordenabled": "Password Enabled",
"label.path": "Path",
"label.patp": "Palo Alto Threat Profile",
"label.pavr": "Virtual Router",
"label.pcidevice": "GPU",
"label.perfectforwardsecrecy": "Segretezza di Forward perfetta",
"label.permission": "Permission",
"": "Physical Network",
"label.physicalnetworkid": "Physical Network",
"label.physicalsize": "Physical Size",
"": "Ping Path",
"label.plannermode": "Planner mode",
"": "Si prega di specificare le informazioni per Netscaler",
"label.please.wait": "Please Wait",
"label.plugins": "Plugins",
"label.pod": "Pod",
"label.pod.dedicated": "Pod Dedicated",
"": "Nome del Pod",
"label.podid": "Pod",
"label.podname": "Nome del Pod",
"label.pods": "Pod",
"label.port": "Porta",
"label.port.range": "Port Range",
"label.portforwarding": "Port Forwarding",
"label.powerstate": "Power State",
"label.presetup": "PreSetup",
"label.prev": "Prev",
"label.previous": "Precedente",
"": "Storage Primario",
"": "Primary Storage Allocated",
"": "Primary Storage Used",
"label.primarystoragelimit": "Primary Storage limits (GiB)",
"label.private.gateway": "Gateway Privato",
"label.private.interface": "Private Interface",
"label.privateinterface": "Private Interface",
"label.privateip": "Private IP Address",
"label.privatekey": "PKCS#8 Private Key",
"label.privatenetwork": "Rete privata",
"label.privateport": "Private Port",
"label.profilename": "Profile",
"label.project": "Project",
"": "Nome del progetto",
"label.project.view": "Vista Progetto",
"label.projectid": "Project ID",
"label.projects": "Progetti",
"": "Property",
"label.protocol": "Protocol",
"label.protocol.number": "Protocol Number",
"label.protocolnumber": "#Protocol",
"label.provider": "Provider",
"label.providername": "Provider",
"label.providers": "Fornitori",
"label.provisioningtype": "Tipo di Provisioning",
"label.public.interface": "Public Interface",
"label.public.ip": "Public IP Address",
"label.public.ip.addresses": "Public IP Addresses",
"label.public.ips": "Public IP Addresses",
"": "Public LB",
"label.public.traffic": "Public traffic",
"label.publicinterface": "Public Interface",
"label.publicip": "Indirizzo IP",
"label.publickey": "Public Key",
"label.publicnetwork": "Rete pubblica",
"label.publicport": "Public Port",
"label.purpose": "Scopo",
"label.qostype": "QoS Type",
"label.quickview": "Panoramica rapida",
"label.quiescevm": "Quiesce VM",
"label.quota": "Quota Value",
"label.quota.value": "Quota Value",
"label.quota.add.credits": "Add Credits",
"label.quota.configuration": "Quota Configuration",
"label.quota.credits": "Credits",
"label.quota.enforce": "Enforce Quota",
"label.quota.statement": "Statement",
"label.quota.statement.balance": "Quota Balance",
"label.quota.statement.quota": "Quota Usage",
"label.summary": "Summary",
"label.quota.tariff": "Tariff",
"label.quota.tariff.effectivedate": "Effective Date",
"label.quota.usage": "Quota Consumption",
"label.rbd": "RBD",
"label.rbdid": "Cephx user",
"label.rbdmonitor": "Ceph monitor",
"label.rbdpool": "Ceph pool",
"label.rbdsecret": "Cephx secret",
"label.reason": "Reason",
"label.reboot": "Reboot",
"label.receivedbytes": "Byte Ricevuti",
"label.recover.vm": "Recupera la VM",
"label.redundantrouter": "Redundant Router",
"label.redundantstate": "Redundant state",
"label.redundantvpcrouter": "Redundant VPC",
"label.refresh": "Refresh",
"label.region": "Region",
"label.reinstall.vm": "Reinstalla la VM",
"label.related": "Related",
"label.release.account": "Release from Account",
"label.release.dedicated.cluster": "Release Dedicated Cluster",
"": "Release Dedicated Host",
"label.release.dedicated.pod": "Release Dedicated Pod",
"": "Release Dedicated Zone",
"label.remove.egress.rule": "Rimuovere una regola d'uscita",
"label.remove.ip.range": "Rimuovere intervallo di indirizzi IP",
"label.remove.ldap": "Rimuovi LDAP",
"": "Remove network offering",
"": "Rimuovere regola di port forwarding",
"label.remove.project.account": "Remove account from project",
"label.remove.rule": "Rimuovere regola",
"label.remove.ssh.key.pair": "Remove SSH Key Pair",
"": "Rimuovere una VM da regola di bilanciamento di carico",
"label.remove.vmware.datacenter": "Remove VMware datacenter",
"label.remove.vpc": "Rimuovere VPC",
"label.remove.vpc.offering": "Remove VPC offering",
"label.removing": "Rimozione",
"label.replace.acl": "Replace ACL",
"label.replace.acl.list": "Replace ACL List",
"label.required": "Required",
"label.requireshvm": "HVM",
"label.requiresupgrade": "Requires Upgrade",
"label.reserved.system.gateway": "Gateway di sistema riservato",
"label.reserved.system.ip": "Reserved System IP",
"label.reserved.system.netmask": "Netmask di sistema riservata",
"label.reservediprange": "Reserved IP Range",
"label.reservedsystemendip": "Indirizzo IP finale riservato di sistema",
"label.reservedsystemgateway": "Gateway di sistema riservato",
"label.reservedsystemnetmask": "Netmask di sistema riservata",
"label.reservedsystemstartip": "Indirizzo IP iniziale riservato di sistema",
"label.reset.ssh.key.pair": "Reset SSH Key Pair",
"label.reset.vpn.connection": "Reset della connessione VPN",
"label.resource": "Resource",
"label.resource.limit.exceeded": "Resource Limit Exceeded",
"": "Resource Name",
"label.resourceid": "Resource ID",
"label.resourcename": "Resource Name",
"label.resources": "Resources",
"label.resourcestate": "Stato della risorsa",
"": "Riavviare il servizio di rete",
"label.restart.vpc": "Riavviare VPC",
"label.restartrequired": "E' necessario un riavvio",
"label.restore": "Restore",
"": "Riesaminare",
"label.role": "Role",
"label.rolename": "Role",
"label.roles": "Ruoli",
"label.roletype": "Role Type",
"label.root.certificate": "Root certificate",
"label.root.disk.size": "Root disk size (GB)",
"label.rootdiskcontrollertype": "Controller del disco root",
"label.routercount": "Total of Virtual Routers",
"label.rule": "Rule",
"label.rule.number": "Rule Number",
"label.rules": "Regole",
"label.running": "Running VMs",
"label.s3.access.key": "Access Key",
"label.s3.bucket": "Bucket",
"label.s3.connection.timeout": "Tempo di scadenza connessione",
"label.s3.endpoint": "Dispositivo",
"label.s3.max.error.retry": "Numero massimo di tentativi a seguito di errore",
"label.s3.nfs.path": "Percorso S3 NFS",
"label.s3.nfs.server": "S3 NFS Server",
"label.s3.secret.key": "Secret Key",
"label.s3.socket.timeout": "Tempo di scadenza del Socket",
"label.s3.use.https": "Utilizzare HTTPS",
"label.samlenable": "Authorize SAML SSO",
"label.samlentity": "Identity Provider",
"label.saturday": "Saturday",
"": "Save",
"label.scope": "Scope",
"": "Search",
"": "Storage Secondario",
"": "VM di Secondary Storage",
"label.secondaryips": "IP Secondari",
"label.secondarystoragelimit": "Secondary Storage limits (GiB)",
"label.secretkey": "Secret Key",
"": "Security Groups",
"label.securitygroup": "Security Group",
"label.securitygroups": "Security Groups",
"": "Selezionare",
"": "Selezionare la vista",
"": "Selezionare una zone",
"": "Selezionare un Progetto",
"": "Selezionare il Livello",
"label.self": "Mine",
"label.sent": "Sent",
"label.sentbytes": "Byte Inviati",
"label.server": "Server",
"label.service.connectivity.distributedroutercapabilitycheckbox": "Distributed Router",
"label.service.connectivity.regionlevelvpccapabilitycheckbox": "Region Level VPC",
"": "Elastic LB",
"": "Modalit\u00e0",
"": "Isolamento di LB",
"label.service.offering": "Service Offering",
"label.service.staticnat.associatepublicip": "Associate Public IP",
"label.service.staticnat.elasticipcheckbox": "Elastic IP",
"label.servicelist": "Services",
"label.serviceofferingid": "Offerta computazionale",
"label.serviceofferingname": "Offerta computazionale",
"label.set.default.nic": "Set default NIC",
"label.set.reservation": "Set reservation",
"label.set.reservation.desc": "(optional) Please specify an account to be associated with this IP range.<br/><br/>System VMs: Enable dedication of public IP range for SSVM and CPVM, account field disabled. Reservation strictness defined on 'system.vm.public.ip.reservation.mode.strictness'",
"label.settings": "Settings",
"label.setup": "Installazione",
"label.shared": "Shared",
"label.sharedexecutable": "Shared",
"label.sharedmountpoint": "SharedMountPoint",
"label.shrinkok": "Shrink OK",
"label.shutdown.provider": "Arresto del provider",
"label.simplified.chinese.keyboard": "Simplified Chinese keyboard",
"": "Site-to-site VPN",
"label.size": "Size",
"label.sizegb": "Size",
"label.smb.domain": "Dominio SMB",
"label.smb.password": "Password SMB",
"label.smb.username": "Username SMB",
"label.smbdomain": "Dominio SMB",
"label.smbpassword": "Password SMB",
"label.smbusername": "Username SMB",
"label.snapshot": "Snapshot",
"": "Snapshot Name",
"label.snapshotlimit": "Snapshot Limits",
"label.snapshotmemory": "Snapshot memory",
"label.snapshots": "Snapshots",
"label.sockettimeout": "Tempo di scadenza del Socket",
"label.sourcecidr": "Source CIDR",
"label.sourceipaddress": "Source IP Address",
"label.sourcenat": "Source NAT",
"label.sourcenattype": "Tipo di Source NAT supportato",
"label.sourceport": "Source Port",
"label.specifyipranges": "Specificare intervallo di indirizzi IP",
"label.specifyvlan": "Specify VLAN",
"": "SR Name-Label",
"label.srx": "SRX",
"label.ssh.key.pairs": "SSH Key Pairs",
"label.sshkeypair": "New SSH Key Pair",
"": "Standard (US) keyboard",
"label.start.ip": "Indirizzo IP iniziale",
"": "Start LB VM",
"label.start.reserved.system.ip": "Indirizzo IP iniziale riservato di sistema",
"label.startdate": "Per data (da)",
"label.startip": "Indirizzo IP iniziale",
"label.startipv4": "IPv4 Start IP",
"label.startipv6": "IPv6 Start IP",
"label.startport": "Start Port",
"label.startquota": "Quota Value",
"label.state": "State",
"label.static.routes": "Static Routes",
"label.statistics": "Statistics",
"label.status": "Status",
"label.step.1": "Step 1",
"label.step.2": "Step 2",
"label.step.3": "Step 3",
"label.step.4": "Step 4",
"label.step.5": "Step 5",
"label.stickiness.method": "Stickiness method",
"label.sticky.cookie-name": "Nome del cookie",
"label.sticky.expire": "Scadenza",
"label.sticky.holdtime": "Hold time",
"label.sticky.indirect": "Indirect",
"label.sticky.length": "Lunghezza",
"": "Sticky Name",
"label.sticky.nocache": "Senza cache",
"label.sticky.postonly": "Post only",
"label.sticky.prefix": "Prefisso",
"label.sticky.request-learn": "Request learn",
"label.sticky.tablesize": "Dimensione della tabella",
"label.stop": "Stop",
"label.stopped": "Stopped VMs",
"": "Storage",
"": "Storage Tags",
"": "Traffico della rete Storage",
"label.storageid": "Storage Primario",
"label.storagepool": "Storage Pool",
"label.storagetags": "Storage Tags",
"label.storagetype": "Storage Type",
"label.subdomainaccess": "Subdomain Access",
"label.submit": "Submit",
"label.succeeded": "Succeeded",
"label.sunday": "Sunday",
"label.supportedservices": "Servizi Supportati",
"label.supportspublicaccess": "Supports Public Access",
"label.supportsstrechedl2subnet": "Supports Streched L2 Subnet",
"label.suspend.project": "Sospendere il Progett",
"label.switch.type": "Switch Type",
"label.system.offering": "Offerta del sistema",
"label.system.offerings": "Offerte di Sistema",
"label.system.service.offering": "System Service Offering",
"label.system.vm": "System VM",
"label.system.vms": "System VMs",
"label.systemvmtype": "System VM Type",
"label.tag.key": "Tag Key",
"label.tag.value": "Tag Value",
"label.tagged": "Tagged",
"label.tags": "Tags",
"": "Target IQN",
"label.tariffvalue": "Tariff Value",
"label.template": "Template",
"label.templatebody": "Body",
"label.templatefileupload": "Local file",
"label.templatelimit": "Template Limits",
"label.templatename": "Template",
"label.templates": "Template",
"label.templatesubject": "Subject",
"label.templatetype": "Email Template",
"label.tftpdir": "Tftp root directory",
"label.threshold": "Threshold",
"label.thursday": "Thursday",
"label.time": "Time",
"label.timeout": "Timeout",
" ": " Timeout (seconds)",
"label.timezone": "Timezone",
"label.token": "Token",
"": "Total VMs",
"label.totalcpu": "CPU Totali",
"label.traffic.label": "Etichetta del traffico",
"label.traffic.types": "Tipi di Traffico",
"label.traffictype": "Traffic Type",
"label.transportzoneuuid": "Transport Zone Uuid",
"label.tuesday": "Tuesday",
"label.type": "Type",
"": "Type ID",
"label.ucs": "UCS",
"": "UK keyboard",
"label.unavailable": "Unavailable",
"label.unit": "Usage Unit",
"label.unlimited": "Unlimited",
"label.untagged": "Untagged",
"label.update.ssl": " SSL Certificate",
"label.updating": "Updating",
"label.upgrade.router.newer.template": "Upgrade Router to Use Newer Template",
"label.upload": "Upload",
"label.upload.template.from.local": "Upload Template from Local",
"label.upload.volume": "Volume di upload",
"label.upload.volume.from.local": "Upload Volume from Local",
"label.upload.volume.from.url": "Upload volume from URL",
"label.url": "URL",
"label.usageinterface": "Usage Interface",
"label.usagename": "Usage Type",
"label.usageunit": "Unit",
"label.usehttps": "Utilizzare HTTPS",
"label.usenewdiskoffering": "Replace disk offering?",
"label.user": "User",
"label.userdata": "Userdata",
"label.userdatal2": "User Data",
"label.username": "Username",
"label.users": "Users",
"label.utilization": "Utilisation",
"label.uuid": "ID",
"label.value": "Value",
"label.vcenter": "vcenter",
"label.vcenter.datacenter": "vCenter Datacenter",
"label.vcenter.datastore": "vCenter Datastore",
"": "vCenter Host",
"label.vcenter.password": "vCenter Password",
"label.vcenter.username": "vCenter Username",
"label.vcenterdatacenter": "vCenter Datacenter",
"label.vcenterdatastore": "vCenter Datastore",
"": "ESX/ESXi Host",
"label.vcenterpassword": "vCenter Password",
"label.vcenterusername": "vCenter Username",
"label.vcsdeviceid": "ID",
"label.version": "Version",
"label.vgpu": "VGPU",
"label.vgputype": "vGPU type",
"label.view": "Vista",
"label.view.all": "View all",
"label.view.console": "View console",
"label.viewing": "Visualizzazione",
"label.virtual.machine": "Virtual Machine",
"label.virtual.machines": "Virtual Machines",
"": "Virtual Network",
"label.virtual.networking": "Virtual Networking",
"label.virtual.routers": "Router Virtuali",
"label.virtualmachineid": "VM ID",
"label.virtualsize": "Virtual Size",
"label.vlan": "VLAN",
"label.vlan.range": "VLAN/VNI Range",
"label.vlan.vni.ranges": "VLAN/VNI Range(s)",
"label.vlanid": "VLAN/VNI ID",
"label.vlanrange": "VLAN/VNI Range",
"label.vm.add": "Add Instance",
"label.vm.password": "Password of the VM is",
"label.vm.snapshots": "VM Snapshots",
"label.vm.start": "Start",
"label.vmfs": "VMFS",
"label.vmipaddress": "Indirizzo IP della VM",
"label.vmlimit": "Limiti dell'Istanza",
"label.vmname": "VM Name",
"label.vms": "VMs",
"label.vmstate": "Stato VM",
"label.vmtotal": "Total of VMs",
"label.vmwaredcid": "VMware datacenter ID",
"label.vmwaredcname": "VMware datacenter Name",
"label.vmwaredcvcenter": "VMware datacenter vcenter",
"label.vmwarenetworklabel": "Etichetta del traffico via VMware",
"label.vnmc": "VNMC",
"label.volgroup": "Volume Group",
"label.volume": "Volume",
"label.volumechecksum": "Checksum MD5",
"label.volumefileupload": "Local file",
"label.volumegroup": "Volume Group",
"label.volumelimit": "Volume Limits",
"label.volumename": "Volume Name",
"label.volumes": "Volumes",
"label.volumetotal": "Volume",
"label.vpc": "VPC",
"": "ID del VPC",
"label.vpc.offerings": "VPC Offerings",
"label.vpc.virtual.router": "VPC Virtual Router",
"label.vpcid": "VPC",
"label.vpclimit": "VPC limits",
"label.vpcname": "VPC",
"label.vpcoffering": "VPC Offering",
"label.vpn": "VPN",
"label.vpn.connection": "Connessione VPN",
"label.vpn.gateway": "Gateway VPN",
"label.vpncustomergatewayid": "Gateway VPN del Cliente",
"label.vsmipaddress": "Nexus 1000v IP Address",
"label.vsmpassword": "Nexus 1000v Password",
"label.vsmusername": "Nexus 1000v Username",
"": "vSwitch Name",
"label.vswitch.type": "vSwitch Type",
"label.vxlan": "VXLAN",
"label.waiting": "Waiting",
"label.warn": "Warn",
"label.warn.upper": "WARN",
"label.warning": "Warning",
"label.wednesday": "Wednesday",
"label.weekly": "Weekly",
"label.welcome": "Welcome",
"": "Che cosa \u00e8 CloudStack&#8482?",
"label.writecachetype": "Write-cache Type",
"label.xennetworklabel": "Etichetta del traffico via XenServer",
"label.xenservertoolsversion61plus": "Original XS Version is 6.1+",
"label.yes": "S\u00ec",
"": "Zone",
"": "Zone Dedicated",
"": "Dettagli della Zona",
"": "Zone ID",
"": "Tipo di Zona",
"": "Zone-Wide",
"label.zoneid": "Zone",
"label.zonename": "Zone",
"label.zonenamelabel": "Zone Name",
"label.zones": "Zone",
"": "Storage: Traffico di rete tra i server di primary e secondary storage, come ad esempio i template delle VM e le operazioni di snapshot",
"message.action.cancel.maintenance": "Your host has been successfully canceled for maintenance. This process can take up to several minutes.",
"message.action.cancel.maintenance.mode": "Please confirm that you want to cancel this maintenance.",
"message.action.delete.cluster": "Please confirm that you want to delete this cluster.",
"message.action.delete.disk.offering": "Please confirm that you want to delete this disk offering.",
"message.action.delete.iso": "Please confirm that you want to delete this ISO.",
"": "Please confirm that you want to delete this network.",
"": "Si prega di confermare di voler cancellare questa rete fisica",
"message.action.delete.pod": "Please confirm that you want to delete this pod.",
"": "Please confirm that you want to delete this secondary storage.",
"": "Please confirm that you want to delete this security group.",
"message.action.delete.service.offering": "Please confirm that you want to delete this service offering.",
"message.action.delete.snapshot": "Please confirm that you want to delete this snapshot.",
"message.action.delete.system.service.offering": "Si prega di confermare di voler cancellare questa offerta di servizio di sistema.",
"message.action.delete.template": "Please confirm that you want to delete this template.",
"message.action.delete.volume": "Please confirm that you want to delete this volume.",
"": "Please confirm that you want to delete this zone.",
"message.action.destroy.instance": "Please confirm that you want to destroy this instance.",
"message.action.destroy.systemvm": "Please confirm that you want to destroy this System VM.",
"message.action.destroy.volume": "Please confirm that you want to destroy this volume.",
"message.action.disable.cluster": "Please confirm that you want to disable this cluster.",
"": "Si prega di confermare di voler disabilitare questa rete fisica.",
"message.action.disable.pod": "Please confirm that you want to disable this pod.",
"message.action.disable.static.nat": "Please confirm that you want to disable static NAT.",
"": "Please confirm that you want to disable this zone.",
"": "Si prega di confermare di voler scaricare questa immagine ISO.",
"": "Si prega di confermare di voler scaricare questo template.",
"message.action.enable.cluster": "Please confirm that you want to enable this cluster.",
"": "Si prega di confermare l'intenzione di abilitare questa rete fisica.",
"message.action.enable.pod": "Please confirm that you want to enable this pod.",
"": "Please confirm that you want to enable this zone.",
"message.action.expunge.instance": "Please confirm that you want to expunge this instance.",
"": "Enabling maintenance mode will cause a live migration of all running instances on this host to any available host.",
"message.action.instance.reset.password": "Please confirm that you want to change the ROOT password for this virtual machine.",
"message.action.manage.cluster": "Please confirm that you want to manage the cluster.",
"message.action.primarystorage.enable.maintenance.mode": "Warning: placing the primary storage into maintenance mode will cause all VMs using volumes from it to be stopped. Do you want to continue?",
"message.action.reboot.instance": "Please confirm that you want to reboot this instance.",
"message.action.reboot.router": "Tutti i servizi forniti da questo router virtuale saranno interrotti. Si prega di confermare di voler riavviare questo router.",
"message.action.reboot.systemvm": "Please confirm that you want to reboot this system VM.",
"message.action.recover.volume": "Please confirm that you would like to recover this volume.",
"message.action.release.ip": "Please confirm that you want to release this IP.",
"message.action.revert.snapshot": "Please confirm that you want to revert the owning volume to this snapshot.",
"message.action.start.instance": "Please confirm that you want to start this instance.",
"message.action.start.router": "Please confirm that you want to start this router.",
"message.action.start.systemvm": "Please confirm that you want to start this system VM.",
"message.action.stop.instance": "Please confirm that you want to stop this instance.",
"message.action.stop.router": "Tutti i servizi forniti da questo router virtuale saranno interrotti. Si prega di confermare di voler arrestare questo router.",
"message.action.stop.systemvm": "Please confirm that you want to stop this system VM.",
"message.action.unmanage.cluster": "Please confirm that you want to unmanage the cluster.",
"message.action.vmsnapshot.delete": "Please confirm that you want to delete this VM snapshot.",
"message.activate.project": "Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler attivare questo progetto?",
"message.add.firewall": "Add a firewall to zone",
"": "Please specify the following parameters to add a new host",
"": "Add a new network for zone: <b><span id=\"zone_name\"></span></b>",
"": "Si prega di specificare le informazioni per aggiungere un nuovo gateway a questo VPC.",
"message.add.pod": "Add a new pod for zone <b><span id=\"add_pod_zone_name\"></span></b>",
"": "Each zone must contain in one or more pods, and we will add the first pod now. A pod contains hosts and primary storage servers, which you will add in a later step. First, configure a range of reserved IP addresses for CloudStack's internal management traffic. The reserved IP range must be unique for each zone in the cloud.",
"message.add.vpn.gateway": "Si prega di confermare di voler aggiungere un Gateway VPN",
"": "Aggiunta host",
"message.adding.netscaler.device": "Aggiunta di dispositivo Netscaler",
"message.adding.netscaler.provider": "Aggiunta di un provider Netscaler",
"": "Choose this if you wish to use security groups to provide guest VM isolation.",
"message.assign.instance.another": "Please specify the account type, domain, account name and network (optional) of the new account. <br> If the default nic of the vm is on a shared network, CloudStack will check if the network can be used by the new account if you do not specify one network. <br> If the default nic of the vm is on a isolated network, and the new account has more one isolated networks, you should specify one.",
"message.attach.volume": "Please fill in the following data to attach a new volume. If you are attaching a disk volume to a Windows based virtual machine, you will need to reboot the instance to see the attached disk.",
"message.change.offering.confirm": "Please confirm that you wish to change the service offering of this virtual instance.",
"message.change.password": "Si prega di modificare la propria password.",
"message.cluster.dedicated": "Cluster Dedicated",
"message.cluster.dedication.released": "Cluster dedication released",
"message.configuring.guest.traffic": "Configurazione del traffico guest",
"message.configuring.physical.networks": "Configurazione di reti fisiche",
"message.configuring.public.traffic": "Configurazione del traffico pubblico",
"": "Configurazione del traffico storage",
"message.confirm.action.force.reconnect": "Si prega di confermare di voler forzare la riconnessione a questo host.",
"message.confirm.archive.selected.alerts": "Please confirm you would like to archive the selected alerts",
"": "Please confirm you would like to archive the selected events",
"message.confirm.attach.disk": "Are you sure you want to attach disk?",
"message.confirm.delete.acl.list": "Are you sure you want to delete this ACL list?",
"message.confirm.delete.bigswitchbcf": "Please confirm that you would like to delete this BigSwitch BCF Controller",
"message.confirm.delete.brocadevcs": "Please confirm that you would like to delete Brocade Vcs Switch",
"message.confirm.delete.ciscoasa1000v": "Please confirm you want to delete CiscoASA1000v",
"message.confirm.delete.ciscovnmc.resource": "Please confirm you want to delete CiscoVNMC resource",
"message.confirm.delete.f5": "Si prega di confermare di voler rimuovere F5",
"": "Please confirm you want to delete Internal LB",
"message.confirm.delete.netscaler": "Si prega di confermare di voler rimuovere NetScaler",
"": "Please confirm that you would like to delete Palo Alto",
"message.confirm.delete.srx": "Si prega di confermare di voler rimuovere SRX",
"message.confirm.destroy.router": "Si prega di confermare di voler rimuovere questo router",
"": "Please confirm that you want to disable the host",
"": "Are you sure you want to disable this network offering?",
"message.confirm.disable.provider": "Si prega di confermare di voler disabilitare questo provider",
"message.confirm.disable.vpc.offering": "Are you sure you want to disable this VPC offering?",
"": "Please confirm that you want to enable the host",
"": "Are you sure you want to enable this network offering?",
"message.confirm.enable.provider": "Si prega di confermare di voler abilitare questo provider",
"message.confirm.enable.vpc.offering": "Are you sure you want to enable this VPC offering?",
"message.confirm.remove.ip.range": "Si prega di confermare di voler rimuovere questo intervallo di indirizzi IP.",
"": "Are you sure you want to remove this network offering?",
"message.confirm.remove.selected.alerts": "Please confirm you would like to remove the selected alerts",
"": "Please confirm you would like to remove the selected events",
"message.confirm.remove.vmware.datacenter": "Please confirm you want to remove VMware datacenter",
"message.confirm.remove.vpc.offering": "Are you sure you want to remove this VPC offering?",
"": "Do you want to replace the ACL with a new one?",
"message.confirm.scale.up.router.vm": "Do you really want to scale up the Router VM ?",
"message.confirm.scale.up.system.vm": "Do you really want to scale up the system VM ?",
"": "Please confirm you want to start LB VM",
"message.confirm.upgrade.router.newer.template": "Please confirm that you want to upgrade router to use newer template",
"message.creating.cluster": "Creazione cluster",
"": "Creazione di una rete guest",
"message.creating.physical.networks": "Creazione di reti fisiche",
"message.creating.pod": "Creazione pod",
"": "Creazione storage primario",
"": "Creazione storage secondario",
"": "Creazione della zona in corso",
"": "Dedicating zone",
"": "Zone dedication released",
"message.delete.account": "Please confirm that you want to delete this account.",
"": "Please confirm that you would like to remove this affinity group.",
"message.delete.gateway": "Si prega di confermare di voler cancellare il gateway",
"message.delete.project": "Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler cancellare questo progetto?",
"message.delete.user": "Si prega di confermare di voler cancellare questo utente.",
"message.delete.vpn.connection": "Si prega di confermare di voler cancellare la connessione VPN",
"message.delete.vpn.customer.gateway": "Si prega di confermare di voler cancellare questo Gateway VPN del Cliente",
"message.delete.vpn.gateway": "Si prega di confermare di voler cancellare questo Gateway VPN",
"": "Per topologie di rete pi\u00f9 sofisticate. Queto modello di rete fornisce la maggior flessibilit\u00e0 nel definire reti guest e offrendo funzionalit\u00e0 di rete personalizzate come per esempio firewall, VPN, o supporto per bilanciamento di carico.",
"": "Indicare una rete singola in cui ogni instanza VM ricever\u00e0 un indirizzo IP assegnato. L'isolamento di istanze guest viene effettuato attraverso funzioni di tipo layer-3 come ad esempio i security group (filtraggio dell'indirizzo IP sorgente).",
"message.desc.cluster": "Each pod must contain one or more clusters, and we will add the first cluster now. A cluster provides a way to group hosts. The hosts in a cluster all have identical hardware, run the same hypervisor, are on the same subnet, and access the same shared storage. Each cluster consists of one or more hosts and one or more primary storage servers.",
"message.desc.create.ssh.key.pair": "Please fill in the following data to create or register a ssh key pair.<br><br>(1) If public key is set, CloudStack will register the public key. You can use it through your private key.<br><br>(2) If public key is not set, CloudStack will create a new SSH Key pair. In this case, please copy and save the private key. CloudStack will not keep it.<br>",
"message.desc.created.ssh.key.pair": "Created a SSH Key Pair.",
"": "Each cluster must contain at least one host (computer) for guest VMs to run on, and we will add the first host now. For a host to function in CloudStack, you must install hypervisor software on the host, assign an IP address to the host, and ensure the host is connected to the CloudStack management server.<br/><br/>Give the host's DNS or IP address, the user name (usually root) and password, and any labels you use to categorize hosts.",
"": "Each cluster must contain one or more primary storage servers, and we will add the first one now. Primary storage contains the disk volumes for all the VMs running on hosts in the cluster. Use any standards-compliant protocol that is supported by the underlying hypervisor.",
"message.desc.reset.ssh.key.pair": "Please specify a ssh key pair that you would like to add to this VM.",
"": "Each zone must have at least one NFS or secondary storage server, and we will add the first one now. Secondary storage stores VM templates, ISO images, and VM disk volume snapshots. This server must be available to all hosts in the zone.<br/><br/>Provide the IP address and exported path.",
"": "Una zona \u00e8 l'unit\u00e0 organizzativa pi\u00f9 grandi in CloudStack, e corrisponde tipicamente ad un datacenter singolo. Le zono offrono isolamento fisico e ridondanza. Una zona \u00e8 costituita da uno o pi\u00f9 pod (ognuno dei quali contiene pi\u00f9 host e server di storage primario) ed un server di storage secondario condiviso da tutti i pod appartenenti alla zona.",
"message.detach.disk": "Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler sganciare questo disco?",
"message.detach.iso.confirm": "Please confirm that you want to detach the ISO from this virtual instance.",
"message.disable.account": "Please confirm that you want to disable this account. By disabling the account, all users for this account will no longer have access to their cloud resources. All running virtual machines will be immediately shut down.",
"message.disable.user": "Si prega di confermare di voler disabilitare questo utente.",
"message.disable.vpn": "Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler disabilitare la VPN?",
"": "Please click <a href=\"#\">00000</a> to download volume",
"": "Please confirm that you want to download this volume.",
"message.edit.traffic.type": "Si prega si specificare la label del traffico che si vuole associare a questo tipo di traffico.",
"message.enable.account": "Please confirm that you want to enable this account.",
"message.enable.user": "Si prega di confermare di voler abilitare questo utente.",
"message.enable.vpn": "Si prega di confermare di voler abilitare l'accesso VPN per questo indirizzo IP.",
"message.enabled.vpn": "Your Remote Access VPN is currently enabled and can be accessed via the IP",
"message.enabled.vpn.ip.sec": "Your IPSec pre-shared key is",
"": "Abilitazione di un provider di Security Group",
"message.generate.keys": "Si prega di confermare di voler generare nuove chiavi per questo utente.",
"": "Guest network traffic is communication between end-user virtual machines. Specify a range of VLAN IDs or VXLAN network identifiers (VNIs) to carry guest traffic for each physical network.",
"": "Guest network traffic is communication between end-user virtual machines. Specify a range of IP addresses that CloudStack can assign to guest VMs. Make sure this range does not overlap the reserved system IP range.",
"": "Host Dedicated",
"": "Host dedication released",
"message.installwizard.copy.whatiscloudstack": "CloudStack&#8482 is a software platform that pools computing resources to build public, private, and hybrid Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) clouds. CloudStack&#8482 manages the network, storage, and compute nodes that make up a cloud infrastructure. Use CloudStack&#8482 to deploy, manage, and configure cloud computing environments.<br/><br/>Extending beyond individual virtual machine images running on commodity hardware, CloudStack&#8482 provides a turnkey cloud infrastructure software stack for delivering virtual datacenters as a service - delivering all of the essential components to build, deploy, and manage multi-tier and multi-tenant cloud applications. Both open-source and Premium versions are available, with the open-source version offering nearly identical features.",
"": "Un nome per il pod",
"message.installwizard.tooltip.addpod.reservedsystemendip": "Questo \u00e8 l'intervallo di indirizzi IP nella rete privata che CloudStack utilizza per la gestione delle VM del Secondary Storage e le VM della Console Proxy. Questi indirizzi IP sono ricavati dalla stessa subnet dei server computazionali.",
"message.installwizard.tooltip.addpod.reservedsystemgateway": "Il gateway per gli host appartenenti al pod.",
"message.installwizard.tooltip.addpod.reservedsystemstartip": "Questo \u00e8 l'intervallo di indirizzi IP nella rete privata che CloudStack utilizza per la gestione delle VM del Secondary Storage e le VM della Console Proxy. Questi indirizzi IP sono ricavati dalla stessa subnet dei server computazionali.",
"message.installwizard.tooltip.configureguesttraffic.guestendip": "L'intervallo degli indirizzi IP che saranno disponibili per l'allocazione alle VM guest in questa zona. Se viene usata una NIC, questi indirizzi IP dovrebbero appartenere allo stesso CIDR a cui appartiene il pod.",
"message.installwizard.tooltip.configureguesttraffic.guestgateway": "Il gateway da assegnare alle VM guest",
"message.installwizard.tooltip.configureguesttraffic.guestnetmask": "La netmask in uso nella subnet utilizzata dalle VM guest",
"message.installwizard.tooltip.configureguesttraffic.gueststartip": "L'intervallo degli indirizzi IP che saranno disponibili per l'allocazione alle VM guest in questa zona. Se viene usata una NIC, questi indirizzi IP dovrebbero appartenere allo stesso CIDR a cui appartiene il pod.",
"message.iso.desc": "Immagine disco contenente dati o supporto avviabile di boot per il SO",
"": "La Zona \u00e8 pronta per l'avvio; si prega di procedere al passo successivo.",
"message.lock.account": "Please confirm that you want to lock this account. By locking the account, all users for this account will no longer be able to manage their cloud resources. Existing resources can still be accessed.",
"": "Si prega di confermare di voler migrare instance verso un altro host.",
"": "Si prega di confermare di voler migrare instance verso un altro primary storage.",
"message.migrate.router.confirm": "Si prega di confermare l'host a cui si intende migrare il router:",
"message.migrate.systemvm.confirm": "Please confirm the host you wish to migrate the system VM to:",
"message.migrate.volume": "Si prega di confermare di voler migrare il volume verso un altro primary storage.",
"": "Please specify the network that you would like to add this VM to. A new NIC will be added for this network.",
"": "Prego conferma che si vuole rimuovere questa NIC, questo rimuover\u00e0 anche le reti associate dalla VM.",
"": "Please confirm that you would like to change the IP address for this NIC on VM.",
"message.please.confirm.remove.ssh.key.pair": "Please confirm that you want to remove this SSH Key Pair",
"": "Si prega di attendere la creazione della zona; pu\u00f2 richiedere tempo...",
"message.pod.dedication.released": "Pod dedication released",
"": "Public traffic is generated when VMs in the cloud access the internet. Publicly-accessible IPs must be allocated for this purpose. End users can use the CloudStack UI to acquire these IPs to implement NAT between their guest network and their public network.<br/><br/>Provide at least one range of IP addresses for internet traffic.",
"": "Public traffic is generated when VMs in the cloud access the Internet or provide services to clients over the Internet. Publicly accessible IPs must be allocated for this purpose. When a instance is created, an IP from this set of Public IPs will be allocated to the instance in addition to the guest IP address. Static 1-1 NAT will be set up automatically between the public IP and the guest IP. End users can also use the CloudStack UI to acquire additional IPs to implement static NAT between their instances and the public IP.",
"": "Please read the dynamic scaling section in the admin guide before scaling up.",
"message.recover.vm": "Prego confermare che si vuole recuperare questa VM.",
"message.reinstall.vm": "NOTA: Attenzione. Questo causer\u00e0 la reinstallazione della VM partendo dal template; i dati nel disco principale verranno persi. I dati nei volumi aggiuntivi, se esistenti, non verranno toccati.",
"message.remove.ldap": "Are you sure you want to delete the LDAP configuration?",
"message.remove.vpc": "Si prega di confermare di voler rimuovere VPC",
"message.reset.vpn.connection": "Si prega di confermare di voler effettuare il reset della connessione VPN",
"message.restart.mgmt.server": "Please restart your management server(s) for your new settings to take effect.",
"": "Tutti i servizi forniti da questa rete saranno interrotti. Si prega di confermare di voler riavviare questa rete.",
"message.restart.vpc": "Si prega di confermare di voler riavviare VPC",
"message.restart.vpc.remark": "Please confirm that you want to restart the VPC <p><small><i>Remark: making a non-redundant VPC redundant will force a clean up. The networks will not be available for a couple of minutes</i>.</small></p>",
"": "Una zona corrisponde tipicamente ad un singolo datacenter. Zone multiple consentono di aumentare l'affidabilit\u00e0 creando isolamento fisico e ridondanza.",
"": "Prego selezionare un gruppo di affinit\u00e0 a cui si vuole far appartenere questa VM:",
"": "Si prega di selezionare i security group per la nuova VM",
"message.set.default.nic": "Please confirm that you would like to make this NIC the default for this VM.",
"message.set.default.nic.manual": "Please manually update the default NIC on the VM now.",
"": "When adding an advanced zone, you need to set up one or more physical networks. Each network corresponds to a NIC on the hypervisor. Each physical network can carry one or more types of traffic, with certain restrictions on how they may be combined.<br/><br/><strong>Drag and drop one or more traffic types</strong> onto each physical network.",
"": "Quando si aggiunge una zona di base, si pu\u00f2 configurare una rete fisica, che corrisponde ad una NIC sul sistema host di virtualizzazione. La rete consente il trasporto di vari tipi di traffico di comunicazione.<br/><br/>E' possibile anche spostare altri tipi di traffico sulla rete fisica in modalit\u00e0 <strong>drag and drop</strong>.",
"message.step.2.continue": "Please select a service offering to continue",
"message.step.3.continue": "Please select a disk offering to continue",
"message.step.4.continue": "Please select at least one network to continue",
"message.suspend.project": "Si \u00e8 sicuri di voler sospendere questo progetto?",
"message.template.desc": "Immagine SO utilizzabile per eseguire il boot delle VM",
"message.template.iso": "Please select a template or ISO to continue",
"message.tooltip.reserved.system.netmask": "Il prefisso di rete che definisce la subnet del pod. Utilizza la notazione CIDR.",
"message.update.resource.count": "Si prega di confermare di voler aggiornare il valore delle risorse per questo account.",
"message.update.ssl": "Please submit a new X.509 compliant SSL certificate chain to be updated to each console proxy and secondary storage virtual instance:",
"message.validate.equalto": "Please enter the same value again.",
"message.validate.max": "Please enter a value less than or equal to {0}.",
"message.validate.maxlength": "Please enter no more than {0} characters.",
"message.validate.minlength": "Please enter at least {0} characters.",
"message.validate.number": "Please enter a valid number.",
"message.validate.range": "Please enter a value between {0} and {1}.",
"message.validate.range.length": "Please enter a value between {0} and {1} characters long.",
"": "Si prega di riesaminare le informazioni e confermare l'instance virtuale scelta sia corretta prima di avviarla.",
"": "Creazione zona completata",
"message.validate.min": "Please enter a value greater than or equal to {0}.",
"": "Side by Side",
"state.completed": "Completato",
"state.declined": "Declinato",
"state.disabled": "Disabilitato",
"state.enabled": "Abilitato",
"state.error": "Errore",
"state.expunging": "Expunging",
"state.migrating": "Migrazione in corso",
"state.pending": "Pending",
"state.running": "In esecuzione",
"state.starting": "Avvio in corso",
"state.stopped": "Arrestato",
"state.stopping": "Arresto in corso",
"state.suspended": "Sospeso"