blob: 439fd6d2684094d07f914f69ea61e0f00f90a3d6 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-- distributed with this work for additional information
-- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-- specific language governing permissions and limitations
-- under the License.
-- Schema upgrade from 2.2.2 to 2.2.4;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cloud`.`version` (
`version` char(40) NOT NULL UNIQUE COMMENT 'version',
`updated` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT 'Date this version table was updated',
`step` char(32) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Step in the upgrade to this version',
INDEX `i_version__version`(`version`)
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`op_host_capacity` ADD COLUMN `cluster_id` bigint unsigned AFTER `pod_id`;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`op_host_capacity` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_op_host_capacity__cluster_id` FOREIGN KEY `fk_op_host_capacity__cluster_id` (`cluster_id`) REFERENCES `cloud`.`cluster`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`op_host_capacity` ADD INDEX `i_op_host_capacity__cluster_id`(`cluster_id`);
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`usage_event` ADD COLUMN `resource_type` varchar(32);
CREATE TABLE `cloud`.`domain_network_ref` (
`id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'id',
`domain_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'domain id',
`network_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'network id',
CONSTRAINT `fk_domain_network_ref__domain_id` FOREIGN KEY (`domain_id`) REFERENCES `domain`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
CONSTRAINT `fk_domain_network_ref__networks_id` FOREIGN KEY (`network_id`) REFERENCES `networks`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`nics` MODIFY `ip4_address` char(40);
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`op_lock` MODIFY `ip` char(40) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`volumes` MODIFY `host_ip` char(40);
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`op_dc_ip_address_alloc` MODIFY `ip_address` char(40) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`op_dc_link_local_ip_address_alloc` MODIFY `ip_address` char(40) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`host` MODIFY `private_ip_address` char(40) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`host` MODIFY `storage_ip_address` char(40) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`host` MODIFY `storage_ip_address_2` char(40);
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`host` MODIFY `public_ip_address` char(40);
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`mshost` MODIFY `service_ip` char(40) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`user_statistics` MODIFY `public_ip_address` char(40);
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`vm_instance` MODIFY `private_ip_address` char(40);
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`user_vm` MODIFY `guest_ip_address` char(40);
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`domain_router` MODIFY `public_ip_address` char(40);
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`domain_router` MODIFY `guest_ip_address` char(40);
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`console_proxy` MODIFY `public_ip_address` char(40) UNIQUE;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`secondary_storage_vm` MODIFY `public_ip_address` char(40) UNIQUE;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`remote_access_vpn` MODIFY `local_ip` char(40) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`user_ip_address` MODIFY `public_ip_address` char(40) NOT NULL;
#Commented out these lines because they have to be done inside java.;
#ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`networks` DROP FOREIGN KEY `fk_networks__related`;
#ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`networks` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_networks__related` FOREIGN KEY(`related`) REFERENCES `networks`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`cluster` ADD COLUMN `removed` datetime COMMENT 'date removed if not null';
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`cluster` MODIFY `name` varchar(255) COMMENT 'name for the cluster';
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`network_offerings` MODIFY `guest_type` char(32);
UPDATE `cloud`.`network_offerings` SET `nw_rate`=0, `mc_rate`=0 WHERE system_only=1 and guest_type IS NULL;
UPDATE `cloud`.`network_offerings` SET `default`=1 WHERE system_only=1;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`data_center` ADD COLUMN `allocation_state` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Enabled';
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`data_center` ADD INDEX `i_data_center__allocation_state`(`allocation_state`);
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`cluster` ADD COLUMN `allocation_state` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Enabled';
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`cluster` ADD INDEX `i_cluster__allocation_state`(`allocation_state`);
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`host_pod_ref` ADD COLUMN `allocation_state` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Enabled';
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`host_pod_ref` ADD INDEX `i_host_pod_ref__allocation_state`(`allocation_state`);
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`host` ADD COLUMN `allocation_state` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Enabled';
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`host` ADD INDEX `i_host__allocation_state`(`allocation_state`);
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`domain` ADD INDEX `i_domain__path`(`path`);
CREATE TABLE `cloud`.`data_center_details` (
`id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`dc_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'dc id',
`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`value` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT `fk_dc_details__dc_id` FOREIGN KEY (`dc_id`) REFERENCES `data_center`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`op_host_capacity` MODIFY `used_capacity` bigint signed NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`op_host_capacity` MODIFY `reserved_capacity` bigint signed NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`op_host_capacity` MODIFY `total_capacity` bigint signed NOT NULL;
INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`configuration` VALUES
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','control.cidr','','Changes the cidr for the control network traffic. Defaults to using link local. Must be unique within pods'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','control.gateway','','gateway for the control network traffic'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','AgentManager','cmd.wait','7200','Time (in seconds) to wait for some heavy time-consuming commands'),
('Console Proxy','DEFAULT','AgentManager','consoleproxy.cpu.mhz','500','CPU speed (in MHz) used to create new console proxy VMs'),
('Console Proxy','DEFAULT','AgentManager','consoleproxy.disable.rpfilter','true','disable rp_filter on console proxy VM public interface'),
('Console Proxy','DEFAULT','AgentManager','consoleproxy.launch.max','10','maximum number of console proxy instances per zone can be launched'),
('Console Proxy','DEFAULT','AgentManager','consoleproxy.restart','true','Console proxy restart flag, defaulted to true'),
('Console Proxy','DEFAULT','AgentManager','consoleproxy.url.domain','','Console proxy url domain'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','extract.url.cleanup.interval','120','The interval (in seconds) to wait before cleaning up the extract URL\'s '),
('Network','DEFAULT','AgentManager','','','The network address of the guest virtual network. Virtual machines will be assigned an IP in this subnet.'),
('Network','DEFAULT','AgentManager','guest.netmask','','The netmask of the guest virtual network.'),
('Network','DEFAULT','management-server','guest.vlan.bits','12','The number of bits to reserve for the VLAN identifier in the guest subnet.'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','host.capacity.checker.interval','3600','Time (in seconds) to wait before recalculating host\'s capacity'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','host.capacity.checker.wait','3600','Time (in seconds) to wait before starting host capacity background checker'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','','CPU','The host capacity type (CPU or RAM) is used by deployment planner to order clusters during VM resource allocation'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','job.cancel.threshold.minutes','60','Time (in minutes) for async-jobs to be forcely cancelled if it has been in process for long'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','',NULL,'Specify the private bridge on host for private network'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','',NULL,'Specify the public bridge on host for public network'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','network.gc.interval','600','Seconds to wait before checking for networks to shutdown'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','network.gc.wait','600','Time (in seconds) to wait before shutting down a network that\'s not in used'),
('Network','DEFAULT','management-server','','false','enable/disable open vswitch tunnel network(no vlan)'),
('Network','DEFAULT','management-server','','false','enable/disable vlan remapping of open vswitch network'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','none','router.cpu.mhz','500','Default CPU speed (MHz) for router VM.'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','none','','1','Default ID for template.'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','AgentManager','secstorage.vm.cpu.mhz','500','CPU speed (in MHz) used to create new secondary storage vms'),
('Snapshots','DEFAULT','none','','16','max delta snapshots between two full snapshots.'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','','true','Indicates whether or not to automatically reserver system VM standby capacity.'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','use.user.concentrated.pod.allocation','true','If true, deployment planner applies the user concentration heuristic during VM resource allocation'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','vm.op.cancel.interval','3600','Time (in seconds) to wait before cancelling a operation'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','vm.op.cleanup.interval','86400','Interval to run the thread that cleans up the vm operations (in seconds)'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','vm.op.cleanup.wait','3600','Time (in seconds) to wait before cleanuping up any vm work items'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','vm.op.lock.state.retry','5','Times to retry locking the state of a VM for operations'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','vm.op.wait.interval','120','Time (in seconds) to wait before checking if a previous operation has succeeded'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','vm.stats.interval','60000','The interval (in milliseconds) when vm stats are retrieved from agents.'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','vm.tranisition.wait.interval','3600','Time (in seconds) to wait before taking over a VM in transition state'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','vmware.guest.vswitch',NULL,'Specify the vSwitch on host for guest network'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','vmware.private.vswitch',NULL,'Specify the vSwitch on host for private network'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','vmware.public.vswitch',NULL,'Specify the vSwitch on host for public network'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','management-server','vmware.service.console','Service Console','Specify the service console network name (ESX host only)'),
('Advanced','DEFAULT','AgentManager','xapiwait','600','Time (in seconds) to wait for XAPI to return'),
('Account Defaults','DEFAULT','management-server','max.account.user.vms','20','The default maximum number of user VMs that can be deployed for an account'),
('Account Defaults','DEFAULT','management-server','max.account.public.ips','20','The default maximum number of public IPs that can be consumed by an account'),
('Account Defaults','DEFAULT','management-server','max.account.templates','20','The default maximum number of templates that can be deployed for an account'),
('Account Defaults','DEFAULT','management-server','max.account.snapshots','20','The default maximum number of snapshots that can be created for an account'),
('Account Defaults','DEFAULT','management-server','max.account.volumes','20','The default maximum number of volumes that can be created for an account');
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`op_dc_ip_address_alloc` CHANGE COLUMN `instance_id` `nic_id` bigint unsigned DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`op_dc_link_local_ip_address_alloc` CHANGE COLUMN `instance_id` `nic_id` bigint unsigned DEFAULT NULL;
DELETE FROM `cloud`.`sequence` WHERE name='snapshots_seq';
UPDATE `cloud`.`service_offering` s, `cloud`.`disk_offering` d SET s.ha_enabled=1 where and d.system_use=1;
UPDATE `cloud`.`data_center` SET is_security_group_enabled=1 WHERE networktype='Basic';
UPDATE `cloud`.`networks` SET is_security_group_enabled=1 WHERE guru_name='DirectPodBasedNetworkGuru';
UPDATE `cloud`.`nics` SET ip_type='Ip4';
UPDATE `cloud`.`nics` SET broadcast_uri='vlan://untagged', isolation_uri='ec2://untagged', strategy='Create' where reserver_name='DirectPodBasedNetworkGuru';
DELETE FROM `cloud`.`configuration` where name='schema.level';
DELETE FROM `cloud`.`configuration` where name='';
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`domain` MODIFY COLUMN `path` varchar(255) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`network_offerings` ADD INDEX `i_network_offerings__removed`(`removed`);
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`nics` ADD INDEX `i_nics__removed`(`removed`);
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`snapshot_schedule` DROP KEY `volume_id`;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`snapshot_schedule` ADD UNIQUE KEY `volume_id` (`volume_id`,`policy_id`);
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`storage_pool` MODIFY COLUMN `uuid` varchar(255) UNIQUE;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`user_statistics` DROP KEY `account_id`;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`user_statistics` ADD UNIQUE KEY `account_id` (`account_id`,`data_center_id`, `public_ip_address`, `device_id`,`device_type`);
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`usage_event` ADD INDEX `i_usage_event__created`(`created`);
UPDATE `cloud`.`vm_instance` SET ha_enabled=0 WHERE type='ConsoleProxy';
UPDATE service_offering SET ha_enabled=0 WHERE id=(SELECT id FROM disk_offering WHERE name LIKE '%console proxy%' AND system_use=1);
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`storage_pool_details` DROP KEY `i_storage_pool_details__name__value`;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`storage_pool_details` ADD INDEX `i_storage_pool_details__name__value`(`name`(128), `value`(128));
DROP TABLE `cloud`.`load_balancer`;
UPDATE `cloud`.`nics` SET strategy='Create' where reserver_name='DirectNetworkGuru';
UPDATE storage_pool SET cluster_id=(SELECT cluster_id FROM host INNER JOIN storage_pool_host_ref WHERE AND WHERE pool_type='LVM';
UPDATE `cloud`.`host` SET resource='' WHERE resource='';