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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.cloudstack.acl;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.cloudstack.acl.RolePermissionEntity.Permission;
import org.apache.cloudstack.framework.config.ConfigKey;
public interface RoleService {
ConfigKey<Boolean> EnableDynamicApiChecker = new ConfigKey<>("Advanced", Boolean.class, "dynamic.apichecker.enabled", "false",
"If set to true, this enables the dynamic role-based api access checker and disables the default static role-based api access checker.", true);
boolean isEnabled();
* Searches for a role with the given ID. If the ID is null or less than zero, this method will return null.
* This method will also return null if no role is found with the provided ID.
* Moreover, we will check if the requested role is of 'Admin' type; roles with 'Admin' type should only be visible to 'root admins'.
* Therefore, if a non-'root admin' user tries to search for an 'Admin' role, this method will return null.
Role findRole(Long id);
Role createRole(String name, RoleType roleType, String description);
Role createRole(String name, Role role, String description);
Role importRole(String name, RoleType roleType, String description, List<Map<String, Object>> rules, boolean forced);
Role updateRole(Role role, String name, RoleType roleType, String description);
boolean deleteRole(Role role);
RolePermission findRolePermission(Long id);
RolePermission findRolePermissionByRoleIdAndRule(Long roleId, String rule);
RolePermission createRolePermission(Role role, Rule rule, Permission permission, String description);
* updateRolePermission updates the order/position of an role permission
* @param role The role whose permissions needs to be re-ordered
* @param newOrder The new list of ordered role permissions
boolean updateRolePermission(Role role, List<RolePermission> newOrder);
boolean updateRolePermission(Role role, RolePermission rolePermission, Permission permission);
boolean deleteRolePermission(RolePermission rolePermission);
* List all roles configured in the database. Roles that have the type {@link RoleType#Admin} will not be shown for users that are not 'root admin'.
List<Role> listRoles();
Pair<List<Role>, Integer> listRoles(Long startIndex, Long limit);
* Find all roles that have the giving {@link String} as part of their name.
* If the user calling the method is not a 'root admin', roles of type {@link RoleType#Admin} wil lbe removed of the returned list.
List<Role> findRolesByName(String name);
Pair<List<Role>, Integer> findRolesByName(String name, String keyword, Long startIndex, Long limit);
* Find all roles by {@link RoleType}. If the role type is {@link RoleType#Admin}, the calling account must be a root admin, otherwise we return an empty list.
List<Role> findRolesByType(RoleType roleType);
Pair<List<Role>, Integer> findRolesByType(RoleType roleType, Long startIndex, Long limit);
List<RolePermission> findAllPermissionsBy(Long roleId);
Permission getRolePermission(String permission);