blob: 9190510c7a72905e79a14f7f432722245c3fa836 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.apache.cloudstack.utils.cryptsetup.CryptSetup;
import org.apache.cloudstack.utils.cryptsetup.CryptSetupException;
import org.apache.cloudstack.utils.cryptsetup.KeyFile;
import org.apache.cloudstack.utils.qemu.QemuImageOptions;
import org.apache.cloudstack.utils.qemu.QemuImg;
import org.apache.cloudstack.utils.qemu.QemuImgException;
import org.apache.cloudstack.utils.qemu.QemuImgFile;
import org.apache.cloudstack.utils.qemu.QemuObject;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.libvirt.LibvirtException;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
public class ScaleIOStorageAdaptor implements StorageAdaptor {
protected Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(getClass());
private static final Map<String, KVMStoragePool> MapStorageUuidToStoragePool = new HashMap<>();
private static final int DEFAULT_DISK_WAIT_TIME_IN_SECS = 60;
public ScaleIOStorageAdaptor() {
public KVMStoragePool getStoragePool(String uuid) {
KVMStoragePool pool = MapStorageUuidToStoragePool.get(uuid);
if (pool == null) {
logger.error("Pool: " + uuid + " not found, probably sdc not connected on agent start");
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Pool: " + uuid + " not found, reconnect sdc and restart agent if sdc not connected on agent start");
return pool;
public Storage.StoragePoolType getStoragePoolType() {
return Storage.StoragePoolType.PowerFlex;
public KVMStoragePool getStoragePool(String uuid, boolean refreshInfo) {
return getStoragePool(uuid);
public KVMPhysicalDisk getPhysicalDisk(String volumePath, KVMStoragePool pool) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(volumePath) || pool == null) {
logger.error("Unable to get physical disk, volume path or pool not specified");
return null;
String volumeId = ScaleIOUtil.getVolumePath(volumePath);
try {
String diskFilePath = null;
String systemId = ScaleIOUtil.getSystemIdForVolume(volumeId);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(systemId) && systemId.length() == ScaleIOUtil.IDENTIFIER_LENGTH) {
// Disk path format: /dev/disk/by-id/emc-vol-<SystemID>-<VolumeID>
final String diskFileName = ScaleIOUtil.DISK_NAME_PREFIX + systemId + "-" + volumeId;
diskFilePath = ScaleIOUtil.DISK_PATH + File.separator + diskFileName;
final File diskFile = new File(diskFilePath);
if (!diskFile.exists()) {
logger.debug("Physical disk file: " + diskFilePath + " doesn't exists on the storage pool: " + pool.getUuid());
return null;
} else {
logger.debug("Try with wildcard filter to get the physical disk: " + volumeId + " on the storage pool: " + pool.getUuid());
final File dir = new File(ScaleIOUtil.DISK_PATH);
final FileFilter fileFilter = new WildcardFileFilter(ScaleIOUtil.DISK_NAME_PREFIX_FILTER + volumeId);
final File[] files = dir.listFiles(fileFilter);
if (files != null && files.length == 1) {
diskFilePath = files[0].getAbsolutePath();
} else {
logger.debug("Unable to find the physical disk: " + volumeId + " on the storage pool: " + pool.getUuid());
return null;
KVMPhysicalDisk disk = new KVMPhysicalDisk(diskFilePath, volumePath, pool);
// try to discover format as written to disk, rather than assuming raw.
// We support qcow2 for stored primary templates, disks seen as other should be treated as raw.
QemuImg qemu = new QemuImg(0);
QemuImgFile qemuFile = new QemuImgFile(diskFilePath);
Map<String, String> details =;
String detectedFormat = details.getOrDefault(QemuImg.FILE_FORMAT, "none");
if (detectedFormat.equalsIgnoreCase(QemuImg.PhysicalDiskFormat.QCOW2.toString())) {
} else {
long diskSize = getPhysicalDiskSize(diskFilePath);
if (details.containsKey(QemuImg.VIRTUAL_SIZE)) {
} else {
return disk;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to get the physical disk: " + volumePath + " on the storage pool: " + pool.getUuid() + " due to " + e.getMessage());
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to get the physical disk: " + volumePath + " on the storage pool: " + pool.getUuid());
public KVMStoragePool createStoragePool(String uuid, String host, int port, String path, String userInfo, Storage.StoragePoolType type, Map<String, String> details) {
ScaleIOStoragePool storagePool = new ScaleIOStoragePool(uuid, host, port, path, type, details, this);
MapStorageUuidToStoragePool.put(uuid, storagePool);
return storagePool;
public boolean deleteStoragePool(String uuid) {
return MapStorageUuidToStoragePool.remove(uuid) != null;
* ScaleIO doesn't need to communicate with the hypervisor normally to create a volume. This is used only to prepare a ScaleIO data disk for encryption.
* Thin encrypted volumes are provisioned in QCOW2 format, which insulates the guest from zeroes/unallocated blocks in the block device that would
* otherwise show up as garbage data through the encryption layer. As a bonus, encrypted QCOW2 format handles discard.
* @param name disk path
* @param pool pool
* @param format disk format
* @param provisioningType provisioning type
* @param size disk size
* @param passphrase passphrase
* @return the disk object
public KVMPhysicalDisk createPhysicalDisk(String name, KVMStoragePool pool, QemuImg.PhysicalDiskFormat format, Storage.ProvisioningType provisioningType, long size, byte[] passphrase) {
if (passphrase == null || passphrase.length == 0) {
return null;
if(!connectPhysicalDisk(name, pool, null)) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException(String.format("Failed to ensure disk %s was present", name));
KVMPhysicalDisk disk = getPhysicalDisk(name, pool);
if (provisioningType.equals(Storage.ProvisioningType.THIN)) {
try (KeyFile keyFile = new KeyFile(passphrase)){
QemuImg qemuImg = new QemuImg(0, true, false);
Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>();
List<QemuObject> qemuObjects = new ArrayList<>();
long formattedSize = getUsableBytesFromRawBytes(disk.getSize());
options.put("preallocation", QemuImg.PreallocationType.Metadata.toString());
qemuObjects.add(QemuObject.prepareSecretForQemuImg(disk.getFormat(), disk.getQemuEncryptFormat(), keyFile.toString(), "sec0", options));
QemuImgFile file = new QemuImgFile(disk.getPath(), formattedSize, disk.getFormat());
qemuImg.create(file, null, options, qemuObjects);
logger.debug(String.format("Successfully formatted %s as encrypted QCOW2", file.getFileName()));
} catch (QemuImgException | LibvirtException | IOException ex) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to set up encrypted QCOW on block device " + disk.getPath(), ex);
} else {
try {
CryptSetup crypt = new CryptSetup();
crypt.luksFormat(passphrase, CryptSetup.LuksType.LUKS, disk.getPath());
} catch (CryptSetupException ex) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to set up encryption for block device " + disk.getPath(), ex);
return disk;
public boolean connectPhysicalDisk(String volumePath, KVMStoragePool pool, Map<String, String> details) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(volumePath) || pool == null) {
logger.error("Unable to connect physical disk due to insufficient data");
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to connect physical disk due to insufficient data");
volumePath = ScaleIOUtil.getVolumePath(volumePath);
if (details != null && details.containsKey(StorageManager.STORAGE_POOL_DISK_WAIT.toString())) {
String waitTime = details.get(StorageManager.STORAGE_POOL_DISK_WAIT.toString());
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(waitTime)) {
waitTimeInSec = Integer.valueOf(waitTime).intValue();
return waitForDiskToBecomeAvailable(volumePath, pool, waitTimeInSec);
private boolean waitForDiskToBecomeAvailable(String volumePath, KVMStoragePool pool, int waitTimeInSec) {
logger.debug("Waiting for the volume with id: " + volumePath + " of the storage pool: " + pool.getUuid() + " to become available for " + waitTimeInSec + " secs");
int timeBetweenTries = 1000; // Try more frequently (every sec) and return early if disk is found
KVMPhysicalDisk physicalDisk = null;
// Rescan before checking for the physical disk
while (waitTimeInSec > 0) {
physicalDisk = getPhysicalDisk(volumePath, pool);
if (physicalDisk != null && physicalDisk.getSize() > 0) {
logger.debug("Found the volume with id: " + volumePath + " of the storage pool: " + pool.getUuid());
return true;
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
// don't do anything
physicalDisk = getPhysicalDisk(volumePath, pool);
if (physicalDisk != null && physicalDisk.getSize() > 0) {
logger.debug("Found the volume using id: " + volumePath + " of the storage pool: " + pool.getUuid());
return true;
logger.debug("Unable to find the volume with id: " + volumePath + " of the storage pool: " + pool.getUuid());
return false;
private long getPhysicalDiskSize(String diskPath) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(diskPath)) {
return 0;
Script diskCmd = new Script("blockdev", logger);
diskCmd.add("--getsize64", diskPath);
OutputInterpreter.OneLineParser parser = new OutputInterpreter.OneLineParser();
String result = diskCmd.execute(parser);
if (result != null) {
logger.warn("Unable to get the disk size at path: " + diskPath);
return 0;
} else {"Able to retrieve the disk size at path:" + diskPath);
return Long.parseLong(parser.getLine());
public boolean disconnectPhysicalDisk(String volumePath, KVMStoragePool pool) {
return true;
public boolean disconnectPhysicalDisk(Map<String, String> volumeToDisconnect) {
return false;
public boolean disconnectPhysicalDiskByPath(String localPath) {
return false;
public boolean deletePhysicalDisk(String uuid, KVMStoragePool pool, Storage.ImageFormat format) {
return true;
public KVMPhysicalDisk createDiskFromTemplate(KVMPhysicalDisk template, String name, QemuImg.PhysicalDiskFormat format, Storage.ProvisioningType provisioningType, long size, KVMStoragePool destPool, int timeout, byte[] passphrase) {
return null;
public KVMPhysicalDisk createTemplateFromDisk(KVMPhysicalDisk disk, String name, QemuImg.PhysicalDiskFormat format, long size, KVMStoragePool destPool) {
return null;
public List<KVMPhysicalDisk> listPhysicalDisks(String storagePoolUuid, KVMStoragePool pool) {
return null;
public KVMPhysicalDisk copyPhysicalDisk(KVMPhysicalDisk disk, String name, KVMStoragePool destPool, int timeout) {
return copyPhysicalDisk(disk, name, destPool, timeout, null, null, Storage.ProvisioningType.THIN);
public KVMPhysicalDisk copyPhysicalDisk(KVMPhysicalDisk disk, String name, KVMStoragePool destPool, int timeout, byte[] srcPassphrase, byte[]dstPassphrase, Storage.ProvisioningType provisioningType) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name) || disk == null || destPool == null) {
logger.error("Unable to copy physical disk due to insufficient data");
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to copy physical disk due to insufficient data");
if (provisioningType == null) {
provisioningType = Storage.ProvisioningType.THIN;
logger.debug("Copy physical disk with size: " + disk.getSize() + ", virtualsize: " + disk.getVirtualSize()+ ", format: " + disk.getFormat());
KVMPhysicalDisk destDisk = destPool.getPhysicalDisk(name);
if (destDisk == null) {
logger.error("Failed to find the disk: " + name + " of the storage pool: " + destPool.getUuid());
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to find the disk: " + name + " of the storage pool: " + destPool.getUuid());
QemuImg qemu = null;
QemuImgFile srcQemuFile = null;
QemuImgFile destQemuFile = null;
String srcKeyName = "sec0";
String destKeyName = "sec1";
List<QemuObject> qemuObjects = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<String, String>();
CryptSetup cryptSetup = null;
try (KeyFile srcKey = new KeyFile(srcPassphrase); KeyFile dstKey = new KeyFile(dstPassphrase)){
qemu = new QemuImg(timeout, provisioningType.equals(Storage.ProvisioningType.FAT), false);
String srcPath = disk.getPath();
String destPath = destDisk.getPath();
QemuImageOptions qemuImageOpts = new QemuImageOptions(srcPath);
srcQemuFile = new QemuImgFile(srcPath, disk.getFormat());
destQemuFile = new QemuImgFile(destPath);
if (disk.useAsTemplate()) {
if (srcKey.isSet()) {
qemuObjects.add(QemuObject.prepareSecretForQemuImg(disk.getFormat(), disk.getQemuEncryptFormat(), srcKey.toString(), srcKeyName, options));
qemuImageOpts = new QemuImageOptions(disk.getFormat(), srcPath, srcKeyName);
if (dstKey.isSet()) {
if (!provisioningType.equals(Storage.ProvisioningType.FAT)) {
options.put("preallocation", QemuImg.PreallocationType.Metadata.toString());
} else {
// qemu-img wants to treat RAW + encrypt formatting as LUKS
qemuObjects.add(QemuObject.prepareSecretForQemuImg(destDisk.getFormat(), QemuObject.EncryptFormat.LUKS, dstKey.toString(), destKeyName, options));
boolean forceSourceFormat = srcQemuFile.getFormat() == QemuImg.PhysicalDiskFormat.RAW;
logger.debug(String.format("Starting copy from source disk %s(%s) to PowerFlex volume %s(%s), forcing source format is %b", srcQemuFile.getFileName(), srcQemuFile.getFormat(), destQemuFile.getFileName(), destQemuFile.getFormat(), forceSourceFormat));
qemu.convert(srcQemuFile, destQemuFile, options, qemuObjects, qemuImageOpts,null, forceSourceFormat);
logger.debug("Successfully converted source disk image " + srcQemuFile.getFileName() + " to PowerFlex volume: " + destDisk.getPath());
if (destQemuFile.getFormat() == QemuImg.PhysicalDiskFormat.QCOW2 && !disk.useAsTemplate()) {
QemuImageOptions resizeOptions = new QemuImageOptions(destQemuFile.getFormat(), destPath, destKeyName);
resizeQcow2ToVolume(destPath, resizeOptions, qemuObjects, timeout);
logger.debug("Resized volume at " + destPath);
} catch (QemuImgException | LibvirtException | IOException e) {
try {
Map<String, String> srcInfo =;
logger.debug("Source disk info: " + Arrays.asList(srcInfo));
} catch (Exception ignored) {
logger.warn("Unable to get info from source disk: " + disk.getName());
String errMsg = String.format("Unable to convert/copy from %s to %s, due to: %s", disk.getName(), name, ((StringUtils.isEmpty(e.getMessage())) ? "an unknown error" : e.getMessage()));
throw new CloudRuntimeException(errMsg, e);
} finally {
if (cryptSetup != null) {
try {
} catch (CryptSetupException ex) {
logger.warn("Failed to clean up LUKS disk after copying disk", ex);
return destDisk;
public boolean refresh(KVMStoragePool pool) {
return true;
public boolean deleteStoragePool(KVMStoragePool pool) {
return deleteStoragePool(pool.getUuid());
public boolean createFolder(String uuid, String path) {
return createFolder(uuid, path, null);
public boolean createFolder(String uuid, String path, String localPath) {
return true;
public KVMPhysicalDisk createDiskFromTemplateBacking(KVMPhysicalDisk template, String name, QemuImg.PhysicalDiskFormat format, long size, KVMStoragePool destPool, int timeout, byte[] passphrase) {
return null;
public KVMPhysicalDisk createTemplateFromDirectDownloadFile(String templateFilePath, String destTemplatePath, KVMStoragePool destPool, Storage.ImageFormat format, int timeout) {
if (StringUtils.isAnyEmpty(templateFilePath, destTemplatePath) || destPool == null) {
logger.error("Unable to create template from direct download template file due to insufficient data");
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to create template from direct download template file due to insufficient data");
logger.debug("Create template from direct download template - file path: " + templateFilePath + ", dest path: " + destTemplatePath + ", format: " + format.toString());
File sourceFile = new File(templateFilePath);
if (!sourceFile.exists()) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Direct download template file " + templateFilePath + " does not exist on this host");
if (destTemplatePath == null || destTemplatePath.isEmpty()) {
logger.error("Failed to create template, target template disk path not provided");
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Target template disk path not provided");
if (destPool.getType() != Storage.StoragePoolType.PowerFlex) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unsupported storage pool type: " + destPool.getType().toString());
if (Storage.ImageFormat.RAW.equals(format) && Storage.ImageFormat.QCOW2.equals(format)) {
logger.error("Failed to create template, unsupported template format: " + format.toString());
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unsupported template format: " + format.toString());
String srcTemplateFilePath = templateFilePath;
KVMPhysicalDisk destDisk = null;
QemuImgFile srcFile = null;
QemuImgFile destFile = null;
try {
QemuImg qemu = new QemuImg(timeout, true, false);
destDisk = destPool.getPhysicalDisk(destTemplatePath);
if (destDisk == null) {
logger.error("Failed to find the disk: " + destTemplatePath + " of the storage pool: " + destPool.getUuid());
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to find the disk: " + destTemplatePath + " of the storage pool: " + destPool.getUuid());
if (isTemplateExtractable(templateFilePath)) {
srcTemplateFilePath = sourceFile.getParent() + "/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();
logger.debug("Extract the downloaded template " + templateFilePath + " to " + srcTemplateFilePath);
String extractCommand = getExtractCommandForDownloadedFile(templateFilePath, srcTemplateFilePath);
Script.runSimpleBashScript("rm -f " + templateFilePath);
QemuImg.PhysicalDiskFormat srcFileFormat = QemuImg.PhysicalDiskFormat.RAW;
if (format == Storage.ImageFormat.RAW) {
srcFileFormat = QemuImg.PhysicalDiskFormat.RAW;
} else if (format == Storage.ImageFormat.QCOW2) {
srcFileFormat = QemuImg.PhysicalDiskFormat.QCOW2;
srcFile = new QemuImgFile(srcTemplateFilePath, srcFileFormat);;
* Even though the disk itself is raw, we store templates on ScaleIO in qcow2 format.
* This improves performance by reading/writing less data to volume, saves the unused space for encryption header, and
* nicely encapsulates VM images that might contain LUKS data (as opposed to converting to raw which would look like a LUKS volume).
destFile = new QemuImgFile(destDisk.getPath(), QemuImg.PhysicalDiskFormat.QCOW2);
logger.debug("Starting copy from source downloaded template " + srcFile.getFileName() + " to PowerFlex template volume: " + destDisk.getPath());
qemu.convert(srcFile, destFile);
logger.debug("Successfully converted source downloaded template " + srcFile.getFileName() + " to PowerFlex template volume: " + destDisk.getPath());
} catch (QemuImgException | LibvirtException e) {
logger.error("Failed to convert. The error was: " + e.getMessage(), e);
destDisk = null;
} finally {
Script.runSimpleBashScript("rm -f " + srcTemplateFilePath);
return destDisk;
private boolean isTemplateExtractable(String templatePath) {
String type = Script.runSimpleBashScript("file " + templatePath + " | awk -F' ' '{print $2}'");
return type.equalsIgnoreCase("bzip2") || type.equalsIgnoreCase("gzip") || type.equalsIgnoreCase("zip");
private String getExtractCommandForDownloadedFile(String downloadedTemplateFile, String templateFile) {
if (downloadedTemplateFile.endsWith(".zip")) {
return "unzip -p " + downloadedTemplateFile + " | cat > " + templateFile;
} else if (downloadedTemplateFile.endsWith(".bz2")) {
return "bunzip2 -c " + downloadedTemplateFile + " > " + templateFile;
} else if (downloadedTemplateFile.endsWith(".gz")) {
return "gunzip -c " + downloadedTemplateFile + " > " + templateFile;
} else {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to extract template " + downloadedTemplateFile);
public void resizeQcow2ToVolume(String volumePath, QemuImageOptions options, List<QemuObject> objects, Integer timeout) throws QemuImgException, LibvirtException {
long rawSizeBytes = getPhysicalDiskSize(volumePath);
long usableSizeBytes = getUsableBytesFromRawBytes(rawSizeBytes);
QemuImg qemu = new QemuImg(timeout);
qemu.resize(options, objects, usableSizeBytes);
* Calculates usable size from raw size, assuming qcow2 requires 192k/1GB for metadata
* We also remove 128MiB for encryption/fragmentation/safety factor.
* @param raw size in bytes
* @return usable size in bytesbytes
public static long getUsableBytesFromRawBytes(Long raw) {
long usable = raw - (128 << 20) - ((raw >> 30) * 200704);
if (usable < 0) {
usable = 0L;
return usable;