blob: c0ba99a82333d125a72b8188d7aa210cb0f51999 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
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// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.admin.vlan;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.APICommand;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.ApiConstants;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.ApiErrorCode;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.BaseCmd;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.Parameter;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.ServerApiException;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.DomainResponse;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.NetworkResponse;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.PhysicalNetworkResponse;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.PodResponse;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.ProjectResponse;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.VlanIpRangeResponse;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.ZoneResponse;
import java.util.Objects;
@APICommand(name = "createVlanIpRange", description = "Creates a VLAN IP range.", responseObject = VlanIpRangeResponse.class,
requestHasSensitiveInfo = false, responseHasSensitiveInfo = false)
public class CreateVlanIpRangeCmd extends BaseCmd {
//////////////// API parameters /////////////////////
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.ACCOUNT,
type = CommandType.STRING,
description = "account who will own the VLAN. If VLAN is Zone wide, this parameter should be omitted")
private String accountName;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.PROJECT_ID,
type = CommandType.UUID,
entityType = ProjectResponse.class,
description = "project who will own the VLAN. If VLAN is Zone wide, this parameter should be omitted")
private Long projectId;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.DOMAIN_ID, type = CommandType.UUID, entityType = DomainResponse.class, description = "domain ID of the account owning a VLAN")
private Long domainId;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.END_IP, type = CommandType.STRING, description = "the ending IP address in the VLAN IP range")
private String endIp;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.FOR_VIRTUAL_NETWORK, type = CommandType.BOOLEAN, description = "true if VLAN is of Virtual type, false if Direct")
private Boolean forVirtualNetwork;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.GATEWAY, type = CommandType.STRING, description = "the gateway of the VLAN IP range")
private String gateway;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.NETMASK, type = CommandType.STRING, description = "the netmask of the VLAN IP range")
private String netmask;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.POD_ID,
type = CommandType.UUID,
entityType = PodResponse.class,
description = "optional parameter. Have to be specified for Direct Untagged vlan only.")
private Long podId;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.START_IP, type = CommandType.STRING, description = "the beginning IP address in the VLAN IP range")
private String startIp;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.VLAN, type = CommandType.STRING, description = "the ID or VID of the VLAN. If not specified,"
+ " will be defaulted to the vlan of the network or if vlan of the network is null - to Untagged")
private String vlan;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.ZONE_ID, type = CommandType.UUID, entityType = ZoneResponse.class, description = "the Zone ID of the VLAN IP range")
private Long zoneId;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.NETWORK_ID, type = CommandType.UUID, entityType = NetworkResponse.class, description = "the network id")
private Long networkID;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.PHYSICAL_NETWORK_ID, type = CommandType.UUID, entityType = PhysicalNetworkResponse.class, description = "the physical network id")
private Long physicalNetworkId;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.START_IPV6, type = CommandType.STRING, description = "the beginning IPv6 address in the IPv6 network range")
private String startIpv6;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.END_IPV6, type = CommandType.STRING, description = "the ending IPv6 address in the IPv6 network range")
private String endIpv6;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.IP6_GATEWAY, type = CommandType.STRING, description = "the gateway of the IPv6 network. Required "
+ "for Shared networks and Isolated networks when it belongs to VPC")
private String ip6Gateway;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.IP6_CIDR, type = CommandType.STRING, description = "the CIDR of IPv6 network, must be at least /64")
private String ip6Cidr;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.FOR_SYSTEM_VMS, type = CommandType.BOOLEAN, description = "true if IP range is set to system vms, false if not")
private Boolean forSystemVms;
@Parameter(name = ApiConstants.FOR_NSX, type = CommandType.BOOLEAN, description = "true if the IP range is used for NSX resource", since = "4.20.0")
private boolean forNsx;
/////////////////// Accessors ///////////////////////
public String getAccountName() {
return accountName;
public Long getDomainId() {
return domainId;
public String getEndIp() {
return endIp;
public Boolean isForVirtualNetwork() {
return forVirtualNetwork == null ? Boolean.TRUE : forVirtualNetwork;
public String getGateway() {
return gateway;
public Boolean isForSystemVms() {
return forSystemVms == null ? Boolean.FALSE : forSystemVms;
public String getNetmask() {
return netmask;
public Long getPodId() {
return podId;
public String getStartIp() {
return startIp;
public boolean isForNsx() {
return !Objects.isNull(forNsx) && forNsx;
public String getVlan() {
if ((vlan == null || vlan.isEmpty()) && !isForNsx()) {
vlan = "untagged";
return vlan;
public Long getZoneId() {
return zoneId;
public Long getProjectId() {
return projectId;
public String getStartIpv6() {
if (startIpv6 == null) {
return null;
return NetUtils.standardizeIp6Address(startIpv6);
public String getEndIpv6() {
if (endIpv6 == null) {
return null;
return NetUtils.standardizeIp6Address(endIpv6);
public String getIp6Gateway() {
if (ip6Gateway == null) {
return null;
return NetUtils.standardizeIp6Address(ip6Gateway);
public String getIp6Cidr() {
if (ip6Cidr == null) {
return null;
return NetUtils.standardizeIp6Cidr(ip6Cidr);
/////////////// API Implementation///////////////////
public Long getNetworkID() {
return networkID;
public Long getPhysicalNetworkId() {
return physicalNetworkId;
public long getEntityOwnerId() {
return Account.ACCOUNT_ID_SYSTEM;
public void execute() throws ResourceUnavailableException, ResourceAllocationException {
try {
Vlan result = _configService.createVlanAndPublicIpRange(this);
if (result != null) {
VlanIpRangeResponse response = _responseGenerator.createVlanIpRangeResponse(result);
} else {
throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to create vlan ip range");
} catch (ConcurrentOperationException ex) {
logger.warn("Exception: ", ex);
throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR, ex.getMessage());
} catch (InsufficientCapacityException ex) {;
throw new ServerApiException(ApiErrorCode.INSUFFICIENT_CAPACITY_ERROR, ex.getMessage());