blob: 0767ec09f9abf82aa1200f9484c94c0b6d78cd6a [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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import com.vmware.vim25.ClusterDasConfigInfo;
import com.vmware.vim25.ComputeResourceSummary;
import com.vmware.vim25.ManagedObjectReference;
import com.vmware.vim25.ObjectContent;
import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineConfigSpec;
* Interface to consolidate ESX(i) hosts and HA/FT clusters into a common interface used by CloudStack Hypervisor resources
public interface VmwareHypervisorHost {
VmwareContext getContext();
ManagedObjectReference getMor();
String getHyperHostName() throws Exception;
ClusterDasConfigInfo getDasConfig() throws Exception;
boolean isHAEnabled() throws Exception;
void setRestartPriorityForVM(VirtualMachineMO vmMo, String priority) throws Exception;
ManagedObjectReference getHyperHostDatacenter() throws Exception;
ManagedObjectReference getHyperHostOwnerResourcePool() throws Exception;
ManagedObjectReference getHyperHostCluster() throws Exception;
boolean isHyperHostConnected() throws Exception;
String getHyperHostDefaultGateway() throws Exception;
VirtualMachineMO findVmOnHyperHost(String name) throws Exception;
VirtualMachineMO findVmOnPeerHyperHost(String name) throws Exception;
boolean createVm(VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmSpec) throws Exception;
boolean createBlankVm(String vmName, String vmInternalCSName, int cpuCount, int cpuSpeedMHz, int cpuReservedMHz, boolean limitCpuUse, int memoryMB,
int memoryReserveMB, String guestOsIdentifier, ManagedObjectReference morDs, boolean snapshotDirToParent,
Pair<String, String> controllerInfo, Boolean systemVm) throws Exception;
void importVmFromOVF(String ovfFilePath, String vmName, DatastoreMO dsMo, String diskOption) throws Exception;
ObjectContent[] getVmPropertiesOnHyperHost(String[] propertyPaths) throws Exception;
ObjectContent[] getDatastorePropertiesOnHyperHost(String[] propertyPaths) throws Exception;
ManagedObjectReference mountDatastore(boolean vmfsDatastore, String poolHostAddress, int poolHostPort, String poolPath, String poolUuid) throws Exception;
void unmountDatastore(String poolUuid) throws Exception;
ManagedObjectReference findDatastore(String poolUuid) throws Exception;
ManagedObjectReference findDatastoreByName(String datastoreName) throws Exception;
ManagedObjectReference findDatastoreByExportPath(String exportPath) throws Exception;
ManagedObjectReference findMigrationTarget(VirtualMachineMO vmMo) throws Exception;
VmwareHypervisorHostResourceSummary getHyperHostResourceSummary() throws Exception;
VmwareHypervisorHostNetworkSummary getHyperHostNetworkSummary(String esxServiceConsolePort) throws Exception;
ComputeResourceSummary getHyperHostHardwareSummary() throws Exception;
LicenseAssignmentManagerMO getLicenseAssignmentManager() throws Exception;
String getRecommendedDiskController(String guestOsId) throws Exception;