blob: c65f8b3ad1f9ca2909a71400fc5a80b9aa608ddd [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.cloudstack.saml;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.auth.PluggableAPIAuthenticator;
import org.apache.cloudstack.framework.config.ConfigKey;
import java.util.Collection;
public interface SAML2AuthManager extends PluggableAPIAuthenticator, PluggableService {
public static final ConfigKey<Boolean> SAMLIsPluginEnabled = new ConfigKey<Boolean>("Advanced", Boolean.class, "saml2.enabled", "false",
"Indicates whether SAML SSO plugin is enabled or not", true);
public static final ConfigKey<String> SAMLServiceProviderID = new ConfigKey<String>("Advanced", String.class, "", "org.apache.cloudstack",
"SAML2 Service Provider Identifier String", true);
public static final ConfigKey<String> SAMLServiceProviderContactPersonName = new ConfigKey<String>("Advanced", String.class, "", "CloudStack Developers",
"SAML2 Service Provider Contact Person Name", true);
public static final ConfigKey<String> SAMLServiceProviderContactEmail = new ConfigKey<String>("Advanced", String.class, "", "",
"SAML2 Service Provider Contact Email Address", true);
public static final ConfigKey<String> SAMLServiceProviderOrgName = new ConfigKey<String>("Advanced", String.class, "", "Apache CloudStack",
"SAML2 Service Provider Organization Name", true);
public static final ConfigKey<String> SAMLServiceProviderOrgUrl = new ConfigKey<String>("Advanced", String.class, "", "",
"SAML2 Service Provider Organization URL", true);
public static final ConfigKey<String> SAMLServiceProviderSingleSignOnURL = new ConfigKey<String>("Advanced", String.class, "saml2.sp.sso.url", "http://localhost:8080/client/api?command=samlSso",
"SAML2 CloudStack Service Provider Single Sign On URL", true);
public static final ConfigKey<String> SAMLServiceProviderSingleLogOutURL = new ConfigKey<String>("Advanced", String.class, "saml2.sp.slo.url", "http://localhost:8080/client/",
"SAML2 CloudStack Service Provider Single Log Out URL", true);
public static final ConfigKey<String> SAMLCloudStackRedirectionUrl = new ConfigKey<String>("Advanced", String.class, "saml2.redirect.url", "http://localhost:8080/client",
"The CloudStack UI url the SSO should redirected to when successful", true);
public static final ConfigKey<String> SAMLUserAttributeName = new ConfigKey<String>("Advanced", String.class, "saml2.user.attribute", "uid",
"Attribute name to be looked for in SAML response that will contain the username", true);
public static final ConfigKey<String> SAMLIdentityProviderMetadataURL = new ConfigKey<String>("Advanced", String.class, "saml2.idp.metadata.url", "",
"SAML2 Identity Provider Metadata XML Url", true);
public static final ConfigKey<String> SAMLDefaultIdentityProviderId = new ConfigKey<String>("Advanced", String.class, "saml2.default.idpid", "",
"The default IdP entity ID to use only in case of multiple IdPs", true);
public static final ConfigKey<String> SAMLSignatureAlgorithm = new ConfigKey<String>("Advanced", String.class, "saml2.sigalg", "SHA1",
"The algorithm to use to when signing a SAML request. Default is SHA1, allowed algorithms: SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512", true);
public static final ConfigKey<Boolean> SAMLAppendDomainSuffix = new ConfigKey<Boolean>("Advanced", Boolean.class, "saml2.append.idpdomain", "false",
"If enabled, create account/user dialog with SAML SSO enabled will append the IdP domain to the user or account name in the UI dialog", true);
public static final ConfigKey<Integer> SAMLTimeout = new ConfigKey<Integer>("Advanced", Integer.class, "saml2.timeout", "1800",
"SAML2 IDP Metadata refresh interval in seconds, minimum value is set to 300", true);
public SAMLProviderMetadata getSPMetadata();
public SAMLProviderMetadata getIdPMetadata(String entityId);
public Collection<SAMLProviderMetadata> getAllIdPMetadata();
public boolean isUserAuthorized(Long userId, String entityId);
public boolean authorizeUser(Long userId, String entityId, boolean enable);
public void saveToken(String authnId, String domain, String entity);
public SAMLTokenVO getToken(String authnId);
public void expireTokens();