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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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import org.apache.cloudstack.api.ServerApiException
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.LdapListConfigurationCmd
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.LdapConfigurationResponse
import org.apache.cloudstack.ldap.LdapConfigurationVO
import org.apache.cloudstack.ldap.LdapManager
class LdapListConfigurationCmdSpec extends spock.lang.Specification {
def "Test failed response from execute"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager and a LdapListConfigurationsCmd"
def ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
List<LdapConfigurationVO> ldapConfigurationList = new ArrayList()
Pair<List<LdapConfigurationVO>, Integer> ldapConfigurations = new Pair<List<LdapConfigurationVO>, Integer>();
ldapConfigurations.set(ldapConfigurationList, ldapConfigurationList.size())
ldapManager.listConfigurations(_) >> ldapConfigurations
def ldapListConfigurationCmd = new LdapListConfigurationCmd(ldapManager)
when: "LdapListConfigurationCmd is executed"
then: "Its response object contains an array that is 0"
ldapListConfigurationCmd.getResponseObject().getResponses().size() == 0
def "Test getEntityOwnerId is 1"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager and ListLdapConfigurationCmd"
def ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
def ldapListConfigurationCmd = new LdapListConfigurationCmd(ldapManager)
when: "Get entity owner id is called"
long ownerId = ldapListConfigurationCmd.getEntityOwnerId()
then: "a 1 is returned"
ownerId == 1
def "Test successful response from execute"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager with a configuration and a LdapListConfigurationsCmd"
def ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
List<LdapConfigurationVO> ldapConfigurationList = new ArrayList()
ldapConfigurationList.add(new LdapConfigurationVO("localhost", 389))
Pair<List<LdapConfigurationVO>, Integer> ldapConfigurations = new Pair<List<LdapConfigurationVO>, Integer>();
ldapConfigurations.set(ldapConfigurationList, ldapConfigurationList.size())
ldapManager.listConfigurations(_) >> ldapConfigurations
ldapManager.createLdapConfigurationResponse(_) >> new LdapConfigurationResponse("localhost", 389)
def ldapListConfigurationCmd = new LdapListConfigurationCmd(ldapManager)
when: "LdapListConfigurationsCmd is executed"
then: "Its response object contains an array that is not 0 in size"
ldapListConfigurationCmd.getResponseObject().getResponses().size() != 0
def "Test successful return of getCommandName"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager and LdapListConfigurationCmd"
def ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
def ldapListConfigurationCmd = new LdapListConfigurationCmd(ldapManager)
when: "Get command name is called"
String commandName = ldapListConfigurationCmd.getCommandName()
then: "ldapconfigurationresponse is returned"
commandName == "ldapconfigurationresponse"
def "Test successful setting of hostname"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager and LdapListConfigurationCmd"
def ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
def ldapListConfigurationCmd = new LdapListConfigurationCmd(ldapManager)
when: "The hostname is set"
then: "Get hostname returns the set value"
ldapListConfigurationCmd.getHostname() == "localhost"
def "Test successful setting of Port"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager and LdapListConfigurationCmd"
def ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
def ldapListConfigurationCmd = new LdapListConfigurationCmd(ldapManager)
when: "The port is set"
then: "Get port returns the set value"
ldapListConfigurationCmd.getPort() == 389