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import org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.LdapImportUsersCmd
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.LdapUserResponse
import org.apache.cloudstack.ldap.LdapManager
import org.apache.cloudstack.ldap.LdapUser
class LdapImportUsersCmdSpec extends spock.lang.Specification {
def "Test successful return of getCommandName"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, DomainService and a LdapImportUsersCmd"
def ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
def domainService = Mock(DomainService)
def accountService = Mock(AccountService)
def ldapImportUsersCmd = new LdapImportUsersCmd(ldapManager, domainService, accountService)
when: "Get command name is called"
String commandName = ldapImportUsersCmd.getCommandName()
then: "ldapuserresponse is returned"
commandName == "ldapuserresponse"
def "Test successful response from execute"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, DomainService, two users and a LdapImportUsersCmd"
def ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
def domainService = Mock(DomainService)
def accountService = Mock(AccountService)
List<LdapUser> users = new ArrayList()
users.add(new LdapUser("rmurphy", "", "Ryan", "Murphy", "cn=rmurphy,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering", false, null))
users.add(new LdapUser("bob", "", "Robert", "Young", "cn=bob,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering", false, null))
ldapManager.getUsers(null) >> users
LdapUserResponse response1 = new LdapUserResponse("rmurphy", "", "Ryan", "Murphy", "cn=rmurphy,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering")
LdapUserResponse response2 = new LdapUserResponse("bob", "", "Robert", "Young", "cn=bob,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering")
ldapManager.createLdapUserResponse(_) >>> [response1, response2]
Domain domain = new DomainVO("engineering", 1L, 1L, "engineering", UUID.randomUUID().toString())
2 * domainService.getDomainByName("engineering", 1L) >>> [null, domain]
1 * domainService.createDomain("engineering", 1L, "engineering", _) >> domain
def ldapImportUsersCmd = new LdapImportUsersCmd(ldapManager, domainService, accountService)
ldapImportUsersCmd.accountType = 2;
when: "LdapListUsersCmd is executed"
then: "a list of size 2 is returned"
ldapImportUsersCmd.responseObject.getResponses().size() == 2
def "Test successful response from execute with group specified"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, DomainService, two users and a LdapImportUsersCmd"
def ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
def domainService = Mock(DomainService)
def accountService = Mock(AccountService)
List<LdapUser> users = new ArrayList()
users.add(new LdapUser("rmurphy", "", "Ryan", "Murphy", "cn=rmurphy,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering", false, null))
users.add(new LdapUser("bob", "", "Robert", "Young", "cn=bob,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering", false, null))
ldapManager.getUsersInGroup("TestGroup", null) >> users
LdapUserResponse response1 = new LdapUserResponse("rmurphy", "", "Ryan", "Murphy", "cn=rmurphy,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering")
LdapUserResponse response2 = new LdapUserResponse("bob", "", "Robert", "Young", "cn=bob,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering")
ldapManager.createLdapUserResponse(_) >>> [response1, response2]
Domain domain = new DomainVO("TestGroup", 1L, 1L, "TestGroup", UUID.randomUUID().toString())
1 * domainService.getDomainByName("TestGroup", 1L) >>> null
1 * domainService.createDomain("TestGroup", 1L, "TestGroup", _) >> domain
def ldapImportUsersCmd = new LdapImportUsersCmd(ldapManager, domainService, accountService)
ldapImportUsersCmd.accountType = 2;
ldapImportUsersCmd.groupName = "TestGroup";
when: "LdapListUsersCmd is executed"
then: "a list of size 2 is returned"
ldapImportUsersCmd.responseObject.getResponses().size() == 2
def "Test successful response from execute with group and domain specified"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, DomainService, two users and a LdapImportUsersCmd"
def ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
def domainService = Mock(DomainService)
def accountService = Mock(AccountService)
List<LdapUser> users = new ArrayList()
users.add(new LdapUser("rmurphy", "", "Ryan", "Murphy", "cn=rmurphy,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering", false, null))
users.add(new LdapUser("bob", "", "Robert", "Young", "cn=bob,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering", false, null))
ldapManager.getUsersInGroup("TestGroup", null) >> users
LdapUserResponse response1 = new LdapUserResponse("rmurphy", "", "Ryan", "Murphy", "cn=rmurphy,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering")
LdapUserResponse response2 = new LdapUserResponse("bob", "", "Robert", "Young", "cn=bob,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering")
ldapManager.createLdapUserResponse(_) >>> [response1, response2]
Domain domain = new DomainVO("TestDomain", 1L, 1L, "TestDomain", UUID.randomUUID().toString())
1 * domainService.getDomain(1L) >> domain;
def ldapImportUsersCmd = new LdapImportUsersCmd(ldapManager, domainService, accountService)
ldapImportUsersCmd.accountType = 2;
ldapImportUsersCmd.groupName = "TestGroup";
ldapImportUsersCmd.domainId = 1L;
when: "LdapListUsersCmd is executed"
then: "a list of size 2 is returned"
ldapImportUsersCmd.responseObject.getResponses().size() == 2
def "Test successful response from execute with domain specified"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, DomainService, two users and a LdapImportUsersCmd"
def ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
def domainService = Mock(DomainService)
def accountService = Mock(AccountService)
List<LdapUser> users = new ArrayList()
users.add(new LdapUser("rmurphy", "", "Ryan", "Murphy", "cn=rmurphy,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering", false, null))
users.add(new LdapUser("bob", "", "Robert", "Young", "cn=bob,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering", false, null))
ldapManager.getUsers(null) >> users
LdapUserResponse response1 = new LdapUserResponse("rmurphy", "", "Ryan", "Murphy", "cn=rmurphy,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering")
LdapUserResponse response2 = new LdapUserResponse("bob", "", "Robert", "Young", "cn=bob,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering")
ldapManager.createLdapUserResponse(_) >>> [response1, response2]
Domain domain = new DomainVO("TestDomain", 1L, 1L, "TestDomain", UUID.randomUUID().toString())
1 * domainService.getDomain(1L) >> domain;
def ldapImportUsersCmd = new LdapImportUsersCmd(ldapManager, domainService, accountService)
ldapImportUsersCmd.accountType = 2;
ldapImportUsersCmd.domainId = 1L;
when: "LdapListUsersCmd is executed"
then: "a list of size 2 is returned"
ldapImportUsersCmd.responseObject.getResponses().size() == 2
def "Test getDomain"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, DomainService, two users and a LdapImportUsersCmd"
def ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
def domainService = Mock(DomainService)
def accountService = Mock(AccountService)
def ldapImportUsersCmd = new LdapImportUsersCmd(ldapManager, domainService, accountService)
ldapImportUsersCmd.domainId = varDomainId
ldapImportUsersCmd.groupName = varGroupName
def ldapUser1 = new LdapUser("rmurphy", "", "Ryan", "Murphy", "cn=rmurphy,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering", false, null)
def ldapUser2 = new LdapUser("bob", "", "Robert", "Young", "cn=bob,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering", false, null);
Domain domain = new DomainVO(expectedDomainName, 1L, 1L, expectedDomainName, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
if (varDomainId != null) {
1 * domainService.getDomain(varDomainId) >> domain;
} else {
if(varGroupName != null) {
1 * domainService.getDomainByName(expectedDomainName, 1L) >> null
} else {
domainService.getDomainByName(expectedDomainName, 1L) >>> [null, domain]
1 * domainService.createDomain(expectedDomainName, 1L, expectedDomainName, _) >> domain
def result1 = ldapImportUsersCmd.getDomain(ldapUser1)
def result2 = ldapImportUsersCmd.getDomain(ldapUser2)
expect: "engineering domain is returned"
result1 == domain
result2 == domain
where: "The domain and group are set to the following values"
varDomainId | varGroupName | expectedDomainName
null | null | "engineering"
1L | null | "TestDomain"
1L | "TestGroup" | "TestDomain"
null | "TestGroup" | "TestGroup"
null | "Test Group" | "TestGroup"
def "Test create ldap import account for an already existing cloudstack account"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, DomainService, two users and a LdapImportUsersCmd"
def ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
List<LdapUser> users = new ArrayList()
users.add(new LdapUser("rmurphy", "", "Ryan", "Murphy", "cn=rmurphy,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering", false, null))
ldapManager.getUsers(null) >> users
LdapUserResponse response1 = new LdapUserResponse("rmurphy", "", "Ryan", "Murphy", "cn=rmurphy,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering")
ldapManager.createLdapUserResponse(_) >>> response1
def domainService = Mock(DomainService)
1 * domainService.getDomain(1L) >> new DomainVO("DOMAIN", 1L, 1L, "DOMAIN", UUID.randomUUID().toString());;
def accountService = Mock(AccountService)
1 * accountService.getActiveAccountByName('ACCOUNT', 0) >> Mock(AccountVO)
1 * accountService.createUser('rmurphy', _ , 'Ryan', 'Murphy', '', null, 'ACCOUNT', 0, _, User.Source.LDAP) >> Mock(UserVO)
0 * accountService.createUserAccount('rmurphy', _, 'Ryan', 'Murphy', '', null, 'ACCOUNT', 2, 0, 'DOMAIN', null, _, _, User.Source.LDAP)
0 * accountService.updateUser(_,'Ryan', 'Murphy', '', null, null, null, null, null);
def ldapImportUsersCmd = new LdapImportUsersCmd(ldapManager, domainService, accountService)
ldapImportUsersCmd.accountName = "ACCOUNT"
ldapImportUsersCmd.accountType = 2;
ldapImportUsersCmd.domainId = 1L;
when: "create account is called"
then: "expect 1 call on accountService createUser and 0 on account service create user account"
def "Test create ldap import account for an already existing cloudstack user"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, DomainService, two users and a LdapImportUsersCmd"
def ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
List<LdapUser> users = new ArrayList()
users.add(new LdapUser("rmurphy", "", "Ryan", "Murphy", "cn=rmurphy,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering", false, null))
ldapManager.getUsers(null) >> users
LdapUserResponse response1 = new LdapUserResponse("rmurphy", "", "Ryan", "Murphy", "cn=rmurphy,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering")
ldapManager.createLdapUserResponse(_) >>> response1
def domainService = Mock(DomainService)
1 * domainService.getDomain(1L) >> new DomainVO("DOMAIN", 1L, 1L, "DOMAIN", UUID.randomUUID().toString());;
def accountService = Mock(AccountService)
1 * accountService.getActiveAccountByName('ACCOUNT', 0) >> Mock(AccountVO)
1 * accountService.getActiveUserAccount('rmurphy',0) >> Mock(UserAccountVO)
0 * accountService.createUser('rmurphy', _ , 'Ryan', 'Murphy', '', null, 'ACCOUNT', 0, _) >> Mock(UserVO)
0 * accountService.createUserAccount('rmurphy', _, 'Ryan', 'Murphy', '', null, 'ACCOUNT', 2, null, 0, 'DOMAIN', null, _, _)
1 * accountService.updateUser(_,'Ryan', 'Murphy', '', null, null, null, null, null);
def ldapImportUsersCmd = new LdapImportUsersCmd(ldapManager, domainService, accountService)
ldapImportUsersCmd.accountName = "ACCOUNT"
ldapImportUsersCmd.accountType = 2;
ldapImportUsersCmd.domainId = 1L;
when: "create account is called"
then: "expect 1 call on accountService updateUser and 0 on account service create user and create user account"
def "Test create ldap import account for a new cloudstack account"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, DomainService, two users and a LdapImportUsersCmd"
def ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
List<LdapUser> users = new ArrayList()
users.add(new LdapUser("rmurphy", "", "Ryan", "Murphy", "cn=rmurphy,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering", false, null))
ldapManager.getUsers(null) >> users
LdapUserResponse response1 = new LdapUserResponse("rmurphy", "", "Ryan", "Murphy", "cn=rmurphy,ou=engineering,dc=cloudstack,dc=org", "engineering")
ldapManager.createLdapUserResponse(_) >>> response1
def domainService = Mock(DomainService)
1 * domainService.getDomain(1L) >> new DomainVO("DOMAIN", 1L, 1L, "DOMAIN", UUID.randomUUID().toString());;
def accountService = Mock(AccountService)
1 * accountService.getActiveAccountByName('ACCOUNT', 0) >> null
0 * accountService.createUser('rmurphy', _ , 'Ryan', 'Murphy', '', null, 'ACCOUNT', 0, _, User.Source.LDAP)
1 * accountService.createUserAccount('rmurphy', _, 'Ryan', 'Murphy', '', null, 'ACCOUNT', 2, 0, 'DOMAIN', null, _, _, User.Source.LDAP)
0 * accountService.updateUser(_,'Ryan', 'Murphy', '', null, null, null, null, null);
def ldapImportUsersCmd = new LdapImportUsersCmd(ldapManager, domainService, accountService)
ldapImportUsersCmd.accountName = "ACCOUNT"
ldapImportUsersCmd.accountType = 2;
ldapImportUsersCmd.domainId = 1L;
when: "create account is called"
then: "expect 1 call on accountService createUser and 0 on account service create user account"