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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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import org.apache.cloudstack.ldap.LdapConfiguration
import org.apache.cloudstack.ldap.LdapContextFactory
import spock.lang.Shared
import javax.naming.NamingException
class LdapContextFactorySpec extends spock.lang.Specification {
private def ldapConfiguration
private def username
private def principal
private def password
def setupSpec() {
ldapConfiguration = Mock(LdapConfiguration)
ldapConfiguration.getFactory() >> "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"
ldapConfiguration.getProviderUrl(_) >> "ldap://localhost:389"
ldapConfiguration.getAuthentication() >> "none"
ldapConfiguration.getScope() >> SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE
ldapConfiguration.getReturnAttributes() >> ["uid", "mail", "cn"]
ldapConfiguration.getUsernameAttribute() >> "uid"
ldapConfiguration.getEmailAttribute() >> "mail"
ldapConfiguration.getFirstnameAttribute() >> "givenname"
ldapConfiguration.getLastnameAttribute() >> "sn"
ldapConfiguration.getBaseDn(_) >> "dc=cloudstack,dc=org"
ldapConfiguration.getSSLStatus() >> true
ldapConfiguration.getTrustStore() >> "/tmp/ldap.ts"
ldapConfiguration.getTrustStorePassword() >> "password"
ldapConfiguration.getReadTimeout(_) >> 1000
ldapConfiguration.getLdapPageSize() >> 1
username = "rmurphy"
principal = "cn=" + username + "," + ldapConfiguration.getBaseDn()
password = "password"
def "Test successfully creating a initial context"() {
given: "We have a LdapContextFactory"
def ldapContextFactory = new LdapContextFactory(ldapConfiguration)
when: "A context attempts to bind and no Ldap server is avaiable"
ldapContextFactory.createInitialDirContext(null, null, true)
then: "An expection is thrown"
thrown NamingException
def "Test successfully binding as a user"() {
given: "We have a LdapContextFactory"
def ldapContextFactory = new LdapContextFactory(ldapConfiguration)
when: "A user attempts to bind and no LDAP server is avaiable"
ldapContextFactory.createUserContext(principal, password)
then: "An exception is thrown"
thrown NamingException
def "Test successfully creating a environment with username and password"() {
given: "We have an LdapContextFactory"
def ldapContextFactory = new LdapContextFactory(ldapConfiguration)
when: "A request for an environment is made"
def result = ldapContextFactory.getEnvironment(null, null, null, true)
then: "The resulting values should be set"
result['java.naming.provider.url'] == ldapConfiguration.getProviderUrl(null)
result['java.naming.factory.initial'] == ldapConfiguration.getFactory()
result[''] == null
result[''] == ldapConfiguration.getAuthentication()
result[''] == null
def "Test successfully creating a system environment with anon bind"() {
given: "We have an LdapContext Factory"
def ldapContextFactory = new LdapContextFactory(ldapConfiguration)
when: "A request for an environment is made"
def result = ldapContextFactory.getEnvironment(principal, password, null, false)
then: "The resulting values should be set"
result['java.naming.provider.url'] == ldapConfiguration.getProviderUrl(null)
result['java.naming.factory.initial'] == ldapConfiguration.getFactory()
result[''] == principal
result[''] == "simple"
result[''] == password
def "Test successully binding as system"() {
given: "We have a LdapContextFactory"
def ldapContextFactory = new LdapContextFactory(ldapConfiguration)
when: "A bind context attempts to bind and no Ldap server is avaiable"
then: "An exception is thrown"
thrown NamingException