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import org.apache.cloudstack.ldap.LdapAuthenticator
import org.apache.cloudstack.ldap.LdapManager
import org.apache.cloudstack.ldap.LdapTrustMapVO
import org.apache.cloudstack.ldap.LdapUser
class LdapAuthenticatorSpec extends spock.lang.Specification {
def "Test a failed authentication due to user not being found within cloudstack"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, userAccountDao and ldapAuthenticator and the user doesn't exist within cloudstack."
LdapManager ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
UserAccountDao userAccountDao = Mock(UserAccountDao)
userAccountDao.getUserAccount(_, _) >> null
def ldapAuthenticator = new LdapAuthenticator(ldapManager, userAccountDao)
when: "A user authentications"
def result = ldapAuthenticator.authenticate("rmurphy", "password", 0, null)
then: "their authentication fails"
result.first() == false
def "Test failed authentication due to ldap bind being unsuccessful"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, LdapConfiguration, userAccountDao and LdapAuthenticator"
def ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
def ldapUser = Mock(LdapUser)
ldapUser.isDisabled() >> false
ldapManager.isLdapEnabled() >> true
ldapManager.getUser("rmurphy", null) >> ldapUser
ldapManager.canAuthenticate(_, _, _) >> false
UserAccountDao userAccountDao = Mock(UserAccountDao)
userAccountDao.getUserAccount(_, _) >> new UserAccountVO()
def ldapAuthenticator = new LdapAuthenticator(ldapManager, userAccountDao)
when: "The user authenticates with an incorrect password"
def result = ldapAuthenticator.authenticate("rmurphy", "password", 0, null)
then: "their authentication fails"
result.first() == false
def "Test failed authentication due to ldap not being configured"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, A configured LDAP server, a userAccountDao and LdapAuthenticator"
def ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
ldapManager.isLdapEnabled() >> false
UserAccountDao userAccountDao = Mock(UserAccountDao)
userAccountDao.getUserAccount(_, _) >> new UserAccountVO()
def ldapAuthenticator = new LdapAuthenticator(ldapManager, userAccountDao)
when: "The user authenticates"
def result = ldapAuthenticator.authenticate("rmurphy", "password", 0, null)
then: "their authentication fails"
result.first() == false
def "Test successful authentication"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, LdapConfiguration, userAccountDao and LdapAuthenticator"
def ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
def ldapUser = Mock(LdapUser)
ldapUser.isDisabled() >> false
ldapManager.isLdapEnabled() >> true
ldapManager.canAuthenticate(_, _, _) >> true
ldapManager.getUser("rmurphy", null) >> ldapUser
UserAccountDao userAccountDao = Mock(UserAccountDao)
userAccountDao.getUserAccount(_, _) >> new UserAccountVO()
def ldapAuthenticator = new LdapAuthenticator(ldapManager, userAccountDao)
when: "The user authenticates with an incorrect password"
def result = ldapAuthenticator.authenticate("rmurphy", "password", 0, null)
then: "their authentication passes"
result.first() == true
def "Test that encode doesn't change the input"() {
given: "We have an LdapManager, userAccountDao and LdapAuthenticator"
LdapManager ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
UserAccountDao userAccountDao = Mock(UserAccountDao)
def ldapAuthenticator = new LdapAuthenticator(ldapManager, userAccountDao)
when: "a users password is encoded"
def result = ldapAuthenticator.encode("password")
then: "it doesn't change"
result == "password"
def "test authentication when ldap is disabled"(){
LdapManager ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
UserAccountDao userAccountDao = Mock(UserAccountDao)
def ldapAuthenticator = new LdapAuthenticator(ldapManager, userAccountDao)
ldapManager.isLdapEnabled() >> false
Pair<Boolean, UserAuthenticator.ActionOnFailedAuthentication> result = ldapAuthenticator.authenticate("rajanik", "password", 1, null)
result.first() == false
result.second() == null
// tests when domain is linked to LDAP
def "test authentication when domain is linked and user disabled in ldap"(){
LdapManager ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
UserAccountDao userAccountDao = Mock(UserAccountDao)
AccountManager accountManager = Mock(AccountManager)
def ldapAuthenticator = new LdapAuthenticator()
ldapAuthenticator._ldapManager = ldapManager
ldapAuthenticator._userAccountDao = userAccountDao
ldapAuthenticator._accountManager = accountManager
long domainId = 1;
String username = "rajanik"
LdapManager.LinkType type = LdapManager.LinkType.GROUP
String name = "CN=test,DC=ccp,DC=citrix,DC=com"
ldapManager.isLdapEnabled() >> true
UserAccount userAccount = Mock(UserAccount)
userAccountDao.getUserAccount(username, domainId) >> userAccount
userAccount.getId() >> 1
ldapManager.getDomainLinkedToLdap(domainId) >> new LdapTrustMapVO(domainId, type, name, (short)2)
ldapManager.getUser(username, type.toString(), name) >> new LdapUser(username, "email", "firstname", "lastname", "principal", "domain", true, null)
//user should be disabled in cloudstack
accountManager.disableUser(1) >> userAccount
Pair<Boolean, UserAuthenticator.ActionOnFailedAuthentication> result = ldapAuthenticator.authenticate(username, "password", domainId, null)
result.first() == false
result.second() == UserAuthenticator.ActionOnFailedAuthentication.INCREMENT_INCORRECT_LOGIN_ATTEMPT_COUNT
def "test authentication when domain is linked and first time user can authenticate in ldap"(){
LdapManager ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
UserAccountDao userAccountDao = Mock(UserAccountDao)
AccountManager accountManager = Mock(AccountManager)
def ldapAuthenticator = new LdapAuthenticator()
ldapAuthenticator._ldapManager = ldapManager
ldapAuthenticator._userAccountDao = userAccountDao
ldapAuthenticator._accountManager = accountManager
long domainId = 1;
String username = "rajanik"
LdapManager.LinkType type = LdapManager.LinkType.GROUP
String name = "CN=test,DC=ccp,DC=citrix,DC=com"
ldapManager.isLdapEnabled() >> true
userAccountDao.getUserAccount(username, domainId) >> null
ldapManager.getDomainLinkedToLdap(domainId) >> new LdapTrustMapVO(domainId, type, name, (short)0)
ldapManager.getUser(username, type.toString(), name) >> new LdapUser(username, "email", "firstname", "lastname", "principal", "domain", false, null)
ldapManager.canAuthenticate(_, _, _) >> true
//user should be created in cloudstack
accountManager.createUserAccount(username, "", "firstname", "lastname", "email", null, username, (short) 2, domainId, username, null, _, _, User.Source.LDAP) >> Mock(UserAccount)
Pair<Boolean, UserAuthenticator.ActionOnFailedAuthentication> result = ldapAuthenticator.authenticate(username, "password", domainId, null)
result.first() == true
result.second() == null
def "test authentication when domain is linked and existing user can authenticate in ldap"(){
LdapManager ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
UserAccountDao userAccountDao = Mock(UserAccountDao)
AccountManager accountManager = Mock(AccountManager)
def ldapAuthenticator = new LdapAuthenticator()
ldapAuthenticator._ldapManager = ldapManager
ldapAuthenticator._userAccountDao = userAccountDao
ldapAuthenticator._accountManager = accountManager
long domainId = 1;
String username = "rajanik"
LdapManager.LinkType type = LdapManager.LinkType.GROUP
String name = "CN=test,DC=ccp,DC=citrix,DC=com"
ldapManager.isLdapEnabled() >> true
UserAccount userAccount = Mock(UserAccount)
userAccountDao.getUserAccount(username, domainId) >> userAccount
userAccount.getId() >> 1
userAccount.getState() >> Account.State.disabled.toString()
ldapManager.getDomainLinkedToLdap(domainId) >> new LdapTrustMapVO(domainId, type, name, (short)2)
ldapManager.getUser(username, type.toString(), name) >> new LdapUser(username, "email", "firstname", "lastname", "principal", "domain", false, null)
ldapManager.canAuthenticate(_, _, _) >> true
//user should be enabled in cloudstack if disabled
accountManager.enableUser(1) >> userAccount
Pair<Boolean, UserAuthenticator.ActionOnFailedAuthentication> result = ldapAuthenticator.authenticate(username, "password", domainId, null)
result.first() == true
result.second() == null
def "test authentication when domain is linked and user cannot authenticate in ldap"(){
LdapManager ldapManager = Mock(LdapManager)
UserAccountDao userAccountDao = Mock(UserAccountDao)
AccountManager accountManager = Mock(AccountManager)
def ldapAuthenticator = new LdapAuthenticator()
ldapAuthenticator._ldapManager = ldapManager
ldapAuthenticator._userAccountDao = userAccountDao
ldapAuthenticator._accountManager = accountManager
long domainId = 1;
String username = "rajanik"
LdapManager.LinkType type = LdapManager.LinkType.GROUP
String name = "CN=test,DC=ccp,DC=citrix,DC=com"
ldapManager.isLdapEnabled() >> true
UserAccount userAccount = Mock(UserAccount)
userAccountDao.getUserAccount(username, domainId) >> userAccount
ldapManager.getDomainLinkedToLdap(domainId) >> new LdapTrustMapVO(domainId, type, name, (short)2)
ldapManager.getUser(username, type.toString(), name) >> new LdapUser(username, "email", "firstname", "lastname", "principal", "domain", false, null)
ldapManager.canAuthenticate(_, _, _) >> false
Pair<Boolean, UserAuthenticator.ActionOnFailedAuthentication> result = ldapAuthenticator.authenticate(username, "password", domainId, null)
result.first() == false
result.second() == UserAuthenticator.ActionOnFailedAuthentication.INCREMENT_INCORRECT_LOGIN_ATTEMPT_COUNT