blob: fc72e79b074fbb0efb10eb2c6426587bf855bfd3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import static;
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.BooleanUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException;
import com.xensource.xenapi.Connection;
import com.xensource.xenapi.SR;
import com.xensource.xenapi.Types;
import com.xensource.xenapi.Types.BadServerResponse;
import com.xensource.xenapi.Types.VmPowerState;
import com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException;
import com.xensource.xenapi.VBD;
import com.xensource.xenapi.VDI;
import com.xensource.xenapi.VM;
import org.apache.cloudstack.agent.directdownload.DirectDownloadCommand;
public class XenServerStorageProcessor implements StorageProcessor {
private static final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(XenServerStorageProcessor.class);
protected CitrixResourceBase hypervisorResource;
protected String BaseMountPointOnHost = "/var/run/cloud_mount";
public XenServerStorageProcessor(final CitrixResourceBase resource) {
hypervisorResource = resource;
// if the source SR needs to be attached to, do so
// take a snapshot of the source VDI (on the source SR)
// create an iSCSI SR based on the new back-end volume
// copy the snapshot to the new SR
// delete the snapshot
// detach the new SR
// if we needed to perform an attach to the source SR, detach from it
public SnapshotAndCopyAnswer snapshotAndCopy(final SnapshotAndCopyCommand cmd) {
final Connection conn = hypervisorResource.getConnection();
try {
SR sourceSr = null;
final Map<String, String> sourceDetails = cmd.getSourceDetails();
if (sourceDetails != null && sourceDetails.keySet().size() > 0) {
final String iScsiName = sourceDetails.get(DiskTO.IQN);
final String storageHost = sourceDetails.get(DiskTO.STORAGE_HOST);
final String chapInitiatorUsername = sourceDetails.get(DiskTO.CHAP_INITIATOR_USERNAME);
final String chapInitiatorSecret = sourceDetails.get(DiskTO.CHAP_INITIATOR_SECRET);
sourceSr = hypervisorResource.getIscsiSR(conn, iScsiName, storageHost, iScsiName, chapInitiatorUsername, chapInitiatorSecret, false);
final VDI vdiToSnapshot = VDI.getByUuid(conn, cmd.getUuidOfSourceVdi());
final VDI vdiSnapshot = vdiToSnapshot.snapshot(conn, new HashMap<String, String>());
final Map<String, String> destDetails = cmd.getDestDetails();
final String iScsiName = destDetails.get(DiskTO.IQN);
final String storageHost = destDetails.get(DiskTO.STORAGE_HOST);
final String chapInitiatorUsername = destDetails.get(DiskTO.CHAP_INITIATOR_USERNAME);
final String chapInitiatorSecret = destDetails.get(DiskTO.CHAP_INITIATOR_SECRET);
final SR newSr = hypervisorResource.getIscsiSR(conn, iScsiName, storageHost, iScsiName, chapInitiatorUsername, chapInitiatorSecret, false);
final VDI vdiCopy = vdiSnapshot.copy(conn, newSr);
final String vdiUuid = vdiCopy.getUuid(conn);
if (sourceSr != null) {
hypervisorResource.removeSR(conn, sourceSr);
hypervisorResource.removeSR(conn, newSr);
final SnapshotAndCopyAnswer snapshotAndCopyAnswer = new SnapshotAndCopyAnswer();
return snapshotAndCopyAnswer;
catch (final Exception ex) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to take and copy snapshot: " + ex.toString(), ex);
return new SnapshotAndCopyAnswer(ex.getMessage());
public ResignatureAnswer resignature(final ResignatureCommand cmd) {
SR newSr = null;
final Connection conn = hypervisorResource.getConnection();
try {
final Map<String, String> details = cmd.getDetails();
final String iScsiName = details.get(DiskTO.IQN);
final String storageHost = details.get(DiskTO.STORAGE_HOST);
final String chapInitiatorUsername = details.get(DiskTO.CHAP_INITIATOR_USERNAME);
final String chapInitiatorSecret = details.get(DiskTO.CHAP_INITIATOR_SECRET);
newSr = hypervisorResource.getIscsiSR(conn, iScsiName, storageHost, iScsiName, chapInitiatorUsername, chapInitiatorSecret, true, false);
Set<VDI> vdis = newSr.getVDIs(conn);
if (vdis.size() != 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("There were " + vdis.size() + " VDIs in the SR.");
VDI vdi = vdis.iterator().next();
final ResignatureAnswer resignatureAnswer = new ResignatureAnswer();
return resignatureAnswer;
catch (final Exception ex) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to resignature: " + ex.toString(), ex);
return new ResignatureAnswer(ex.getMessage());
finally {
if (newSr != null) {
hypervisorResource.removeSR(conn, newSr);
public Answer handleDownloadTemplateToPrimaryStorage(DirectDownloadCommand cmd) {
//Not implemented for Xen
return null;
public AttachAnswer attachIso(final AttachCommand cmd) {
final DiskTO disk = cmd.getDisk();
final DataTO data = disk.getData();
final DataStoreTO store = data.getDataStore();
String isoURL = null;
if (store == null) {
final TemplateObjectTO iso = (TemplateObjectTO) disk.getData();
isoURL = iso.getName();
} else {
if (!(store instanceof NfsTO)) {
s_logger.debug("Can't attach a iso which is not created on nfs: ");
return new AttachAnswer("Can't attach a iso which is not created on nfs: ");
final NfsTO nfsStore = (NfsTO) store;
isoURL = nfsStore.getUrl() + nfsStore.getPathSeparator() + data.getPath();
final String vmName = cmd.getVmName();
try {
final Connection conn = hypervisorResource.getConnection();
VBD isoVBD = null;
// Find the VM
final VM vm = hypervisorResource.getVM(conn, vmName);
// Find the ISO VDI
final VDI isoVDI = hypervisorResource.getIsoVDIByURL(conn, vmName, isoURL);
// Find the VM's CD-ROM VBD
final Set<VBD> vbds = vm.getVBDs(conn);
for (final VBD vbd : vbds) {
final String userDevice = vbd.getUserdevice(conn);
final Types.VbdType type = vbd.getType(conn);
if (userDevice.equals("3") && type == Types.VbdType.CD) {
isoVBD = vbd;
if (isoVBD == null) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to find CD-ROM VBD for VM: " + vmName);
} else {
// If an ISO is already inserted, eject it
if (!isoVBD.getEmpty(conn)) {
// Insert the new ISO
isoVBD.insert(conn, isoVDI);
return new AttachAnswer(disk);
} catch (final XenAPIException e) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to attach iso" + ": " + e.toString(), e);
return new AttachAnswer(e.toString());
} catch (final Exception e) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to attach iso" + ": " + e.toString(), e);
return new AttachAnswer(e.toString());
public AttachAnswer attachVolume(final AttachCommand cmd) {
final DiskTO disk = cmd.getDisk();
final DataTO data = disk.getData();
try {
final String vmName = cmd.getVmName();
final String vdiNameLabel = vmName + "-DATA";
final Connection conn = hypervisorResource.getConnection();
VM vm = null;
boolean vmNotRunning = true;
try {
vm = hypervisorResource.getVM(conn, vmName);
final VM.Record vmr = vm.getRecord(conn);
vmNotRunning = vmr.powerState != VmPowerState.RUNNING;
} catch (final CloudRuntimeException ex) {
final Map<String, String> details = disk.getDetails();
final boolean isManaged = Boolean.parseBoolean(details.get(DiskTO.MANAGED));
// if the VM is not running and we're not dealing with managed storage, just return success (nothing to do here)
// this should probably never actually happen
if (vmNotRunning && !isManaged) {
return new AttachAnswer(disk);
VDI vdi;
if (isManaged) {
vdi = hypervisorResource.prepareManagedStorage(conn, details, data.getPath(), vdiNameLabel);
if (vmNotRunning) {
final DiskTO newDisk = new DiskTO(disk.getData(), disk.getDiskSeq(), vdi.getUuid(conn), disk.getType());
return new AttachAnswer(newDisk);
} else {
vdi = hypervisorResource.mount(conn, null, null, data.getPath());
hypervisorResource.destroyUnattachedVBD(conn, vm);
final VBD.Record vbdr = new VBD.Record();
vbdr.VM = vm;
vbdr.VDI = vdi;
vbdr.bootable = false;
vbdr.userdevice = "autodetect";
final Long deviceId = disk.getDiskSeq();
if (deviceId != null && !hypervisorResource.isDeviceUsed(conn, vm, deviceId)) {
vbdr.userdevice = deviceId.toString();
vbdr.mode = Types.VbdMode.RW;
vbdr.type = Types.VbdType.DISK;
vbdr.unpluggable = true;
final VBD vbd = VBD.create(conn, vbdr);
// Attach the VBD to the VM
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw e;
// Update the VDI's label to include the VM name
vdi.setNameLabel(conn, vdiNameLabel);
final DiskTO newDisk = new DiskTO(disk.getData(), Long.parseLong(vbd.getUserdevice(conn)), vdi.getUuid(conn), disk.getType());
return new AttachAnswer(newDisk);
} catch (final Exception e) {
final String msg = "Failed to attach volume for uuid: " + data.getPath() + " due to " + e.toString();
s_logger.warn(msg, e);
return new AttachAnswer(msg);
public Answer dettachIso(final DettachCommand cmd) {
final DiskTO disk = cmd.getDisk();
final DataTO data = disk.getData();
final DataStoreTO store = data.getDataStore();
String isoURL = null;
if (store == null) {
final TemplateObjectTO iso = (TemplateObjectTO) disk.getData();
isoURL = iso.getName();
} else {
if (!(store instanceof NfsTO)) {
s_logger.debug("Can't detach a iso which is not created on nfs: ");
return new AttachAnswer("Can't detach a iso which is not created on nfs: ");
final NfsTO nfsStore = (NfsTO) store;
isoURL = nfsStore.getUrl() + nfsStore.getPathSeparator() + data.getPath();
try {
final Connection conn = hypervisorResource.getConnection();
// Find the VM
final VM vm = hypervisorResource.getVM(conn, cmd.getVmName());
final String vmUUID = vm.getUuid(conn);
// Find the ISO VDI
final VDI isoVDI = hypervisorResource.getIsoVDIByURL(conn, cmd.getVmName(), isoURL);
final SR sr = isoVDI.getSR(conn);
// Look up all VBDs for this VDI
final Set<VBD> vbds = isoVDI.getVBDs(conn);
// Iterate through VBDs, and if the VBD belongs the VM, eject
// the ISO from it
for (final VBD vbd : vbds) {
final VM vbdVM = vbd.getVM(conn);
final String vbdVmUUID = vbdVM.getUuid(conn);
if (vbdVmUUID.equals(vmUUID)) {
// If an ISO is already inserted, eject it
if (!vbd.getEmpty(conn)) {
if (!XenServerUtilitiesHelper.isXenServerToolsSR(sr.getNameLabel(conn))) {
hypervisorResource.removeSR(conn, sr);
return new DettachAnswer(disk);
} catch (final XenAPIException e) {
final String msg = "Failed to detach volume" + " for uuid: " + data.getPath() + " due to " + e.toString();
s_logger.warn(msg, e);
return new DettachAnswer(msg);
} catch (final Exception e) {
final String msg = "Failed to detach volume" + " for uuid: " + data.getPath() + " due to " + e.getMessage();
s_logger.warn(msg, e);
return new DettachAnswer(msg);
public Answer dettachVolume(final DettachCommand cmd) {
final DiskTO disk = cmd.getDisk();
final DataTO data = disk.getData();
try {
final Connection conn = hypervisorResource.getConnection();
final String vmName = cmd.getVmName();
VM vm = null;
boolean vmNotRunning = true;
try {
vm = hypervisorResource.getVM(conn, vmName);
final VM.Record vmr = vm.getRecord(conn);
vmNotRunning = vmr.powerState != VmPowerState.RUNNING;
} catch (final CloudRuntimeException ex) {
// if the VM is not running and we're not dealing with managed storage, just return success (nothing to do here)
// this should probably never actually happen
if (vmNotRunning && !cmd.isManaged()) {
return new DettachAnswer(disk);
if (!vmNotRunning) {
final VDI vdi = hypervisorResource.mount(conn, null, null, data.getPath());
// Look up all VBDs for this VDI
final Set<VBD> vbds = vdi.getVBDs(conn);
// Detach each VBD from its VM, and then destroy it
for (final VBD vbd : vbds) {
final VBD.Record vbdr = vbd.getRecord(conn);
if (vbdr.currentlyAttached) {
hypervisorResource.umount(conn, vdi);
if (cmd.isManaged()) {
hypervisorResource.handleSrAndVdiDetach(cmd.get_iScsiName(), conn);
return new DettachAnswer(disk);
} catch (final Exception e) {
s_logger.warn("Failed dettach volume: " + data.getPath());
return new DettachAnswer("Failed dettach volume: " + data.getPath() + ", due to " + e.toString());
protected VDI createVdi(final Connection conn, final String vdiName, final SR sr, final long size) throws BadServerResponse, XenAPIException, XmlRpcException {
final VDI.Record vdir = new VDI.Record();
vdir.nameLabel = vdiName;
vdir.SR = sr;
vdir.type = Types.VdiType.USER;
vdir.virtualSize = size;
final VDI vdi = VDI.create(conn, vdir);
return vdi;
protected void deleteVDI(final Connection conn, final VDI vdi) throws BadServerResponse, XenAPIException, XmlRpcException {
public Answer createSnapshot(final CreateObjectCommand cmd) {
final Connection conn = hypervisorResource.getConnection();
final SnapshotObjectTO snapshotTO = (SnapshotObjectTO) cmd.getData();
final long snapshotId = snapshotTO.getId();
final String snapshotName = snapshotTO.getName();
String details = "create snapshot operation Failed for snapshotId: " + snapshotId;
String snapshotUUID = null;
try {
final String volumeUUID = snapshotTO.getVolume().getPath();
final VDI volume = VDI.getByUuid(conn, volumeUUID);
final VDI snapshot = volume.snapshot(conn, new HashMap<String, String>());
if (snapshotName != null) {
snapshot.setNameLabel(conn, snapshotName);
snapshotUUID = snapshot.getUuid(conn);
final String preSnapshotUUID = snapshotTO.getParentSnapshotPath();
//check if it is a empty snapshot
if (preSnapshotUUID != null) {
final SR sr = volume.getSR(conn);
final String srUUID = sr.getUuid(conn);
final String type = sr.getType(conn);
final Boolean isISCSI = IsISCSI(type);
final String snapshotParentUUID = getVhdParent(conn, srUUID, snapshotUUID, isISCSI);
try {
final String preSnapshotParentUUID = getVhdParent(conn, srUUID, preSnapshotUUID, isISCSI);
if (snapshotParentUUID != null && snapshotParentUUID.equals(preSnapshotParentUUID)) {
// this is empty snapshot, remove it
snapshotUUID = preSnapshotUUID;
} catch (final Exception e) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to get parent snapshot", e);
final SnapshotObjectTO newSnapshot = new SnapshotObjectTO();
return new CreateObjectAnswer(newSnapshot);
} catch (final XenAPIException e) {
details += ", reason: " + e.toString();
s_logger.warn(details, e);
} catch (final Exception e) {
details += ", reason: " + e.toString();
s_logger.warn(details, e);
return new CreateObjectAnswer(details);
public Answer deleteVolume(final DeleteCommand cmd) {
final DataTO volume = cmd.getData();
final Connection conn = hypervisorResource.getConnection();
String errorMsg = null;
try {
final VDI vdi = VDI.getByUuid(conn, volume.getPath());
for(VDI svdi : vdi.getSnapshots(conn)) {
deleteVDI(conn, svdi);
deleteVDI(conn, vdi);
return new Answer(null);
} catch (final BadServerResponse e) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to delete volume", e);
errorMsg = e.toString();
} catch (final XenAPIException e) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to delete volume", e);
errorMsg = e.toString();
} catch (final XmlRpcException e) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to delete volume", e);
errorMsg = e.toString();
return new Answer(null, false, errorMsg);
protected boolean IsISCSI(final String type) {
return SRType.LVMOHBA.equals(type) || SRType.LVMOISCSI.equals(type) || SRType.LVM.equals(type);
private String copy_vhd_from_secondarystorage(final Connection conn, final String mountpoint, final String sruuid, final int wait) {
final String nameLabel = "cloud-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();
final String results =
hypervisorResource.callHostPluginAsync(conn, "vmopspremium", "copy_vhd_from_secondarystorage", wait, "mountpoint", mountpoint, "sruuid", sruuid, "namelabel",
String errMsg = null;
if (results == null || results.isEmpty()) {
errMsg = "copy_vhd_from_secondarystorage return null";
} else {
final String[] tmp = results.split("#");
final String status = tmp[0];
if (status.equals("0")) {
return tmp[1];
} else {
errMsg = tmp[1];
final String source = mountpoint.substring(mountpoint.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
if (hypervisorResource.killCopyProcess(conn, source)) {
destroyVDIbyNameLabel(conn, nameLabel);
throw new CloudRuntimeException(errMsg);
private void destroyVDIbyNameLabel(final Connection conn, final String nameLabel) {
try {
final Set<VDI> vdis = VDI.getByNameLabel(conn, nameLabel);
if (vdis.size() != 1) {
s_logger.warn("destoryVDIbyNameLabel failed due to there are " + vdis.size() + " VDIs with name " + nameLabel);
for (final VDI vdi : vdis) {
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
} catch (final Exception e) {
protected VDI getVDIbyUuid(final Connection conn, final String uuid) {
try {
return VDI.getByUuid(conn, uuid);
} catch (final Exception e) {
final String msg = "Catch Exception " + e.getClass().getName() + " :VDI getByUuid for uuid: " + uuid + " failed due to " + e.toString();
throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg, e);
protected String getVhdParent(final Connection conn, final String primaryStorageSRUuid, final String snapshotUuid, final Boolean isISCSI) {
final String parentUuid =
hypervisorResource.callHostPlugin(conn, "vmopsSnapshot", "getVhdParent", "primaryStorageSRUuid", primaryStorageSRUuid, "snapshotUuid", snapshotUuid,
"isISCSI", isISCSI.toString());
if (parentUuid == null || parentUuid.isEmpty() || parentUuid.equalsIgnoreCase("None")) {
s_logger.debug("Unable to get parent of VHD " + snapshotUuid + " in SR " + primaryStorageSRUuid);
// errString is already logged.
return null;
return parentUuid;
public Answer copyTemplateToPrimaryStorage(final CopyCommand cmd) {
final DataTO srcDataTo = cmd.getSrcTO();
final DataTO destDataTo = cmd.getDestTO();
final int wait = cmd.getWait();
final DataStoreTO srcDataStoreTo = srcDataTo.getDataStore();
final Connection conn = hypervisorResource.getConnection();
SR sr = null;
boolean removeSrAfterCopy = false;
try {
if (srcDataStoreTo instanceof NfsTO && srcDataTo.getObjectType() == DataObjectType.TEMPLATE) {
final NfsTO srcImageStore = (NfsTO) srcDataStoreTo;
final TemplateObjectTO srcTemplateObjectTo = (TemplateObjectTO) srcDataTo;
final String storeUrl = srcImageStore.getUrl();
final URI uri = new URI(storeUrl);
final String tmplPath = uri.getHost() + ":" + uri.getPath() + "/" + srcDataTo.getPath();
final DataStoreTO destDataStoreTo = destDataTo.getDataStore();
boolean managed = false;
String storageHost = null;
String managedStoragePoolName = null;
String managedStoragePoolRootVolumeName = null;
String managedStoragePoolRootVolumeSize = null;
String chapInitiatorUsername = null;
String chapInitiatorSecret = null;
if (destDataStoreTo instanceof PrimaryDataStoreTO) {
final PrimaryDataStoreTO destPrimaryDataStoreTo = (PrimaryDataStoreTO)destDataStoreTo;
final Map<String, String> details = destPrimaryDataStoreTo.getDetails();
if (details != null) {
managed = Boolean.parseBoolean(details.get(PrimaryDataStoreTO.MANAGED));
if (managed) {
storageHost = details.get(PrimaryDataStoreTO.STORAGE_HOST);
managedStoragePoolName = details.get(PrimaryDataStoreTO.MANAGED_STORE_TARGET);
managedStoragePoolRootVolumeName = details.get(PrimaryDataStoreTO.MANAGED_STORE_TARGET_ROOT_VOLUME);
managedStoragePoolRootVolumeSize = details.get(PrimaryDataStoreTO.VOLUME_SIZE);
chapInitiatorUsername = details.get(PrimaryDataStoreTO.CHAP_INITIATOR_USERNAME);
chapInitiatorSecret = details.get(PrimaryDataStoreTO.CHAP_INITIATOR_SECRET);
removeSrAfterCopy = Boolean.parseBoolean(details.get(PrimaryDataStoreTO.REMOVE_AFTER_COPY));
if (managed) {
final Map<String, String> details = new HashMap<String, String>();
details.put(DiskTO.STORAGE_HOST, storageHost);
details.put(DiskTO.IQN, managedStoragePoolName);
details.put(DiskTO.VOLUME_SIZE, managedStoragePoolRootVolumeSize);
details.put(DiskTO.CHAP_INITIATOR_USERNAME, chapInitiatorUsername);
details.put(DiskTO.CHAP_INITIATOR_SECRET, chapInitiatorSecret);
sr = hypervisorResource.prepareManagedSr(conn, details);
} else {
final String srName = destDataStoreTo.getUuid();
final Set<SR> srs = SR.getByNameLabel(conn, srName);
if (srs.size() != 1) {
final String msg = "There are " + srs.size() + " SRs with same name: " + srName;
return new CopyCmdAnswer(msg);
} else {
sr = srs.iterator().next();
final String srUuid = sr.getUuid(conn);
final String tmplUuid = copy_vhd_from_secondarystorage(conn, tmplPath, srUuid, wait);
final VDI tmplVdi = getVDIbyUuid(conn, tmplUuid);
final String uuidToReturn;
final Long physicalSize = tmplVdi.getPhysicalUtilisation(conn);
if (managed) {
uuidToReturn = tmplUuid;
tmplVdi.setNameLabel(conn, managedStoragePoolRootVolumeName);
} else {
final VDI snapshotVdi = tmplVdi.snapshot(conn, new HashMap<String, String>());
uuidToReturn = snapshotVdi.getUuid(conn);
snapshotVdi.setNameLabel(conn, "Template " + srcTemplateObjectTo.getName());
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
final TemplateObjectTO newVol = new TemplateObjectTO();
if (physicalSize != null) {
return new CopyCmdAnswer(newVol);
} catch (final Exception e) {
final String msg = "Catch Exception " + e.getClass().getName() + " for template + " + " due to " + e.toString();
s_logger.warn(msg, e);
return new CopyCmdAnswer(msg);
finally {
if (removeSrAfterCopy && sr != null) {
hypervisorResource.removeSR(conn, sr);
return new CopyCmdAnswer("not implemented yet");
public Answer createVolume(final CreateObjectCommand cmd) {
final DataTO data = cmd.getData();
final VolumeObjectTO volume = (VolumeObjectTO) data;
try {
final Connection conn = hypervisorResource.getConnection();
final SR poolSr = hypervisorResource.getStorageRepository(conn, data.getDataStore().getUuid());
VDI.Record vdir = new VDI.Record();
vdir.nameLabel = volume.getName();
vdir.SR = poolSr;
vdir.type = Types.VdiType.USER;
vdir.virtualSize = volume.getSize();
VDI vdi;
vdi = VDI.create(conn, vdir);
vdir = vdi.getRecord(conn);
final VolumeObjectTO newVol = new VolumeObjectTO();
return new CreateObjectAnswer(newVol);
} catch (final Exception e) {
s_logger.debug("create volume failed: " + e.toString());
return new CreateObjectAnswer(e.toString());
public Answer cloneVolumeFromBaseTemplate(final CopyCommand cmd) {
final Connection conn = hypervisorResource.getConnection();
final DataTO srcData = cmd.getSrcTO();
final DataTO destData = cmd.getDestTO();
final VolumeObjectTO volume = (VolumeObjectTO) destData;
VDI vdi = null;
try {
VDI tmpltvdi = null;
tmpltvdi = getVDIbyUuid(conn, srcData.getPath());
vdi = tmpltvdi.createClone(conn, new HashMap<String, String>());
Long virtualSize = vdi.getVirtualSize(conn);
if (volume.getSize() > virtualSize) {
s_logger.debug("Overriding provided template's size with new size " + volume.getSize() + " for volume: " + volume.getName());
vdi.resize(conn, volume.getSize());
} else {
s_logger.debug("Using templates disk size of " + virtualSize + " for volume: " + volume.getName() + " since size passed was " + volume.getSize());
vdi.setNameLabel(conn, volume.getName());
VDI.Record vdir;
vdir = vdi.getRecord(conn);
s_logger.debug("Succesfully created VDI: Uuid = " + vdir.uuid);
final VolumeObjectTO newVol = new VolumeObjectTO();
return new CopyCmdAnswer(newVol);
} catch (final Exception e) {
s_logger.warn("Unable to create volume; Pool=" + destData + "; Disk: ", e);
return new CopyCmdAnswer(e.toString());
public Answer copyVolumeFromImageCacheToPrimary(final CopyCommand cmd) {
final Connection conn = hypervisorResource.getConnection();
final DataTO srcData = cmd.getSrcTO();
final DataTO destData = cmd.getDestTO();
final int wait = cmd.getWait();
final VolumeObjectTO srcVolume = (VolumeObjectTO) srcData;
final VolumeObjectTO destVolume = (VolumeObjectTO) destData;
final DataStoreTO srcStore = srcVolume.getDataStore();
if (srcStore instanceof NfsTO) {
final NfsTO nfsStore = (NfsTO) srcStore;
try {
final SR primaryStoragePool = hypervisorResource.getStorageRepository(conn, destVolume.getDataStore().getUuid());
final String srUuid = primaryStoragePool.getUuid(conn);
final URI uri = new URI(nfsStore.getUrl());
final String volumePath = uri.getHost() + ":" + uri.getPath() + nfsStore.getPathSeparator() + srcVolume.getPath();
final String uuid = copy_vhd_from_secondarystorage(conn, volumePath, srUuid, wait);
final VolumeObjectTO newVol = new VolumeObjectTO();
return new CopyCmdAnswer(newVol);
} catch (final Exception e) {
final String msg = "Catch Exception " + e.getClass().getName() + " due to " + e.toString();
s_logger.warn(msg, e);
return new CopyCmdAnswer(e.toString());
s_logger.debug("unsupported protocol");
return new CopyCmdAnswer("unsupported protocol");
public Answer copyVolumeFromPrimaryToSecondary(final CopyCommand cmd) {
final Connection conn = hypervisorResource.getConnection();
final VolumeObjectTO srcVolume = (VolumeObjectTO) cmd.getSrcTO();
final VolumeObjectTO destVolume = (VolumeObjectTO) cmd.getDestTO();
final int wait = cmd.getWait();
final DataStoreTO destStore = destVolume.getDataStore();
if (destStore instanceof NfsTO) {
SR secondaryStorage = null;
try {
final NfsTO nfsStore = (NfsTO) destStore;
final URI uri = new URI(nfsStore.getUrl());
// Create the volume folder
if (!hypervisorResource.createSecondaryStorageFolder(conn, uri.getHost() + ":" + uri.getPath(), destVolume.getPath())) {
throw new InternalErrorException("Failed to create the volume folder.");
// Create a SR for the volume UUID folder
secondaryStorage = hypervisorResource.createNfsSRbyURI(conn, new URI(nfsStore.getUrl() + nfsStore.getPathSeparator() + destVolume.getPath()), false);
// Look up the volume on the source primary storage pool
final VDI srcVdi = getVDIbyUuid(conn, srcVolume.getPath());
// Copy the volume to secondary storage
final VDI destVdi = hypervisorResource.cloudVDIcopy(conn, srcVdi, secondaryStorage, wait);
final String destVolumeUUID = destVdi.getUuid(conn);
final VolumeObjectTO newVol = new VolumeObjectTO();
newVol.setPath(destVolume.getPath() + nfsStore.getPathSeparator() + destVolumeUUID + ".vhd");
return new CopyCmdAnswer(newVol);
} catch (final Exception e) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to copy volume to secondary: " + e.toString());
return new CopyCmdAnswer("Failed to copy volume to secondary: " + e.toString());
} finally {
hypervisorResource.removeSR(conn, secondaryStorage);
return new CopyCmdAnswer("unsupported protocol");
private boolean swiftUpload(final Connection conn, final SwiftTO swift, final String container, final String ldir, final String lfilename, final Boolean isISCSI,
final int wait) {
List<String> params = getSwiftParams(swift, container, ldir, lfilename, isISCSI);
try {
String result = hypervisorResource.callHostPluginAsync(conn, "swiftxenserver", "swift", wait, params.toArray(new String[params.size()]));
return BooleanUtils.toBoolean(result);
} catch (final Exception e) {
s_logger.warn("swift upload failed due to " + e.toString(), e);
return false;
List<String> getSwiftParams(SwiftTO swift, String container, String ldir, String lfilename, Boolean isISCSI) {
List<String> params = new ArrayList<>();
// object info
if (swift.getStoragePolicy() != null) {
return params;
protected String deleteSnapshotBackup(final Connection conn, final String localMountPoint, final String path, final String secondaryStorageMountPath, final String backupUUID) {
// If anybody modifies the formatting below again, I'll skin them
final String result =
hypervisorResource.callHostPlugin(conn, "vmopsSnapshot", "deleteSnapshotBackup", "backupUUID", backupUUID, "path", path, "secondaryStorageMountPath",
secondaryStorageMountPath, "localMountPoint", localMountPoint);
return result;
protected String swiftBackupSnapshot(final Connection conn, final SwiftTO swift, final String srUuid, final String snapshotUuid, final String container, final Boolean isISCSI,
final int wait) {
String lfilename;
String ldir;
if (isISCSI) {
ldir = "/dev/VG_XenStorage-" + srUuid;
lfilename = "VHD-" + snapshotUuid;
} else {
ldir = "/var/run/sr-mount/" + srUuid;
lfilename = snapshotUuid + ".vhd";
swiftUpload(conn, swift, container, ldir, lfilename, isISCSI, wait);
return lfilename;
protected String backupSnapshotToS3(final Connection connection, final S3TO s3, final String srUuid, final String folder, final String snapshotUuid,
final Boolean iSCSIFlag, final int wait) {
final String filename = iSCSIFlag ? "VHD-" + snapshotUuid : snapshotUuid + ".vhd";
final String dir = (iSCSIFlag ? "/dev/VG_XenStorage-" : "/var/run/sr-mount/") + srUuid;
final String key = folder + "/" + filename; // String.format("/snapshots/%1$s", snapshotUuid);
try {
final List<String> parameters = newArrayList(flattenProperties(s3, ClientOptions.class));
// https workaround for Introspector bug that does not
// recognize Boolean accessor methods ...
parameters.addAll(Arrays.asList("operation", "put", "filename", dir + "/" + filename, "iSCSIFlag", iSCSIFlag.toString(), "bucket", s3.getBucketName(), "key",
key, "https", s3.isHttps() != null ? s3.isHttps().toString() : "null", "maxSingleUploadSizeInBytes", String.valueOf(s3.getMaxSingleUploadSizeInBytes())));
final String result = hypervisorResource.callHostPluginAsync(connection, "s3xenserver", "s3", wait, parameters.toArray(new String[parameters.size()]));
if (result != null && result.equals("true")) {
return key;
return null;
} catch (final Exception e) {
s_logger.error(String.format("S3 upload failed of snapshot %1$s due to %2$s.", snapshotUuid, e.toString()), e);
return null;
private Long getSnapshotSize(final Connection conn, final String primaryStorageSRUuid, final String snapshotUuid, final Boolean isISCSI, final int wait) {
final String physicalSize = hypervisorResource.callHostPluginAsync(conn, "vmopsSnapshot", "getSnapshotSize", wait,
"primaryStorageSRUuid", primaryStorageSRUuid, "snapshotUuid", snapshotUuid, "isISCSI", isISCSI.toString());
if (physicalSize == null || physicalSize.isEmpty()) {
return (long) 0;
} else {
return Long.parseLong(physicalSize);
private String backupSnapshot(final Connection conn, final String primaryStorageSRUuid, final String localMountPoint, final String path, final String secondaryStorageMountPath,
final String snapshotUuid, String prevBackupUuid, final Boolean isISCSI, final int wait) {
String backupSnapshotUuid = null;
if (prevBackupUuid == null) {
prevBackupUuid = "";
// Each argument is put in a separate line for readability.
// Using more lines does not harm the environment.
final String backupUuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
final String results =
hypervisorResource.callHostPluginAsync(conn, "vmopsSnapshot", "backupSnapshot", wait, "primaryStorageSRUuid", primaryStorageSRUuid, "path", path,
"secondaryStorageMountPath", secondaryStorageMountPath, "snapshotUuid", snapshotUuid, "prevBackupUuid", prevBackupUuid, "backupUuid", backupUuid,
"isISCSI", isISCSI.toString(), "localMountPoint", localMountPoint);
String errMsg = null;
if (results == null || results.isEmpty()) {
errMsg =
"Could not copy backupUuid: " + backupSnapshotUuid + " from primary storage " + primaryStorageSRUuid + " to secondary storage " +
secondaryStorageMountPath + " due to null";
} else {
final String[] tmp = results.split("#");
final String status = tmp[0];
backupSnapshotUuid = tmp[1];
// status == "1" if and only if backupSnapshotUuid != null
// So we don't rely on status value but return backupSnapshotUuid as an
// indicator of success.
if (status != null && status.equalsIgnoreCase("1") && backupSnapshotUuid != null) {
s_logger.debug("Successfully copied backupUuid: " + backupSnapshotUuid + " to secondary storage");
return results;
} else {
errMsg =
"Could not copy backupUuid: " + backupSnapshotUuid + " from primary storage " + primaryStorageSRUuid + " to secondary storage " +
secondaryStorageMountPath + " due to " + tmp[1];
final String source = backupUuid + ".vhd";
hypervisorResource.killCopyProcess(conn, source);
throw new CloudRuntimeException(errMsg);
protected boolean destroySnapshotOnPrimaryStorageExceptThis(final Connection conn, final String volumeUuid, final String avoidSnapshotUuid) {
try {
final VDI volume = getVDIbyUuid(conn, volumeUuid);
if (volume == null) {
throw new InternalErrorException("Could not destroy snapshot on volume " + volumeUuid + " due to can not find it");
// To avoid deleting snapshots which are still waiting in queue to get backed up.
VDI avoidSnapshot = getVDIbyUuid(conn, avoidSnapshotUuid);
if (avoidSnapshot == null) {
throw new InternalErrorException("Could not find current snapshot " + avoidSnapshotUuid);
final Set<VDI> snapshots = volume.getSnapshots(conn);
for (final VDI snapshot : snapshots) {
try {
if (!snapshot.getUuid(conn).equals(avoidSnapshotUuid) && snapshot.getSnapshotTime(conn).before(avoidSnapshot.getSnapshotTime(conn)) && snapshot.getVBDs(conn).isEmpty()) {
} catch (final Exception e) {
final String msg = "Destroying snapshot: " + snapshot + " on primary storage failed due to " + e.toString();
s_logger.warn(msg, e);
s_logger.debug("Successfully destroyed snapshot on volume: " + volumeUuid + " execept this current snapshot " + avoidSnapshotUuid);
return true;
} catch (final XenAPIException e) {
final String msg = "Destroying snapshot on volume: " + volumeUuid + " execept this current snapshot " + avoidSnapshotUuid + " failed due to " + e.toString();
s_logger.error(msg, e);
} catch (final Exception e) {
final String msg = "Destroying snapshot on volume: " + volumeUuid + " execept this current snapshot " + avoidSnapshotUuid + " failed due to " + e.toString();
s_logger.warn(msg, e);
return false;
protected boolean destroySnapshotOnPrimaryStorage(final Connection conn, final String lastSnapshotUuid) {
try {
final VDI snapshot = getVDIbyUuid(conn, lastSnapshotUuid);
if (snapshot == null) {
// since this is just used to cleanup leftover bad snapshots, no need to throw exception
s_logger.warn("Could not destroy snapshot " + lastSnapshotUuid + " due to can not find it");
return false;
return true;
} catch (final XenAPIException e) {
final String msg = "Destroying snapshot: " + lastSnapshotUuid + " failed due to " + e.toString();
s_logger.error(msg, e);
} catch (final Exception e) {
final String msg = "Destroying snapshot: " + lastSnapshotUuid + " failed due to " + e.toString();
s_logger.warn(msg, e);
return false;
public Answer backupSnapshot(final CopyCommand cmd) {
final Connection conn = hypervisorResource.getConnection();
final DataTO srcData = cmd.getSrcTO();
final DataTO cacheData = cmd.getCacheTO();
final DataTO destData = cmd.getDestTO();
final int wait = cmd.getWait();
final String primaryStorageNameLabel = srcData.getDataStore().getUuid();
String secondaryStorageUrl = null;
NfsTO cacheStore = null;
String destPath = null;
if (cacheData != null) {
cacheStore = (NfsTO) cacheData.getDataStore();
secondaryStorageUrl = cacheStore.getUrl();
destPath = cacheData.getPath();
} else {
cacheStore = (NfsTO) destData.getDataStore();
secondaryStorageUrl = cacheStore.getUrl();
destPath = destData.getPath();
final SnapshotObjectTO snapshotTO = (SnapshotObjectTO) srcData;
final SnapshotObjectTO snapshotOnImage = (SnapshotObjectTO) destData;
final String snapshotUuid = snapshotTO.getPath();
final String volumeUuid = snapshotTO.getVolume().getPath();
final String prevBackupUuid = snapshotOnImage.getParentSnapshotPath();
final String prevSnapshotUuid = snapshotTO.getParentSnapshotPath();
// By default assume failure
String details = null;
String snapshotBackupUuid = null;
Long physicalSize = null;
final Map<String, String> options = cmd.getOptions();
boolean fullbackup = Boolean.parseBoolean(options.get("fullSnapshot"));
boolean result = false;
try {
final SR primaryStorageSR = hypervisorResource.getSRByNameLabelandHost(conn, primaryStorageNameLabel);
if (primaryStorageSR == null) {
throw new InternalErrorException("Could not backup snapshot because the primary Storage SR could not be created from the name label: " +
final String psUuid = primaryStorageSR.getUuid(conn);
final Boolean isISCSI = IsISCSI(primaryStorageSR.getType(conn));
final VDI snapshotVdi = getVDIbyUuid(conn, snapshotUuid);
String snapshotPaUuid = null;
if (prevSnapshotUuid != null && !fullbackup) {
try {
snapshotPaUuid = getVhdParent(conn, psUuid, snapshotUuid, isISCSI);
if (snapshotPaUuid != null) {
final String snashotPaPaPaUuid = getVhdParent(conn, psUuid, snapshotPaUuid, isISCSI);
final String prevSnashotPaUuid = getVhdParent(conn, psUuid, prevSnapshotUuid, isISCSI);
if (snashotPaPaPaUuid != null && prevSnashotPaUuid != null && prevSnashotPaUuid.equals(snashotPaPaPaUuid)) {
fullbackup = false;
} else {
fullbackup = true;
} catch (final Exception e) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to get parent snapshots, take full snapshot", e);
fullbackup = true;
final URI uri = new URI(secondaryStorageUrl);
final String secondaryStorageMountPath = uri.getHost() + ":" + uri.getPath();
final DataStoreTO destStore = destData.getDataStore();
final String folder = destPath;
String finalPath = null;
final String localMountPoint = BaseMountPointOnHost + File.separator + UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(secondaryStorageUrl.getBytes()).toString();
if (fullbackup) {
// the first snapshot is always a full snapshot
if (!hypervisorResource.createSecondaryStorageFolder(conn, secondaryStorageMountPath, folder)) {
details = " Filed to create folder " + folder + " in secondary storage";
return new CopyCmdAnswer(details);
final String snapshotMountpoint = secondaryStorageUrl + "/" + folder;
SR snapshotSr = null;
try {
snapshotSr = hypervisorResource.createNfsSRbyURI(conn, new URI(snapshotMountpoint), false);
final VDI backedVdi = hypervisorResource.cloudVDIcopy(conn, snapshotVdi, snapshotSr, wait);
snapshotBackupUuid = backedVdi.getUuid(conn);
final String primarySRuuid = snapshotSr.getUuid(conn);
physicalSize = getSnapshotSize(conn, primarySRuuid, snapshotBackupUuid, isISCSI, wait);
if (destStore instanceof SwiftTO) {
try {
final String container = "S-" + snapshotTO.getVolume().getVolumeId().toString();
final String destSnapshotName = swiftBackupSnapshot(conn, (SwiftTO) destStore, snapshotSr.getUuid(conn), snapshotBackupUuid, container, false, wait);
final String swiftPath = container + File.separator + destSnapshotName;
finalPath = swiftPath;
} finally {
try {
deleteSnapshotBackup(conn, localMountPoint, folder, secondaryStorageMountPath, snapshotBackupUuid);
} catch (final Exception e) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to delete snapshot on cache storages", e);
} else if (destStore instanceof S3TO) {
try {
finalPath = backupSnapshotToS3(conn, (S3TO) destStore, snapshotSr.getUuid(conn), folder, snapshotBackupUuid, isISCSI, wait);
if (finalPath == null) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("S3 upload of snapshots " + snapshotBackupUuid + " failed");
} finally {
try {
deleteSnapshotBackup(conn, localMountPoint, folder, secondaryStorageMountPath, snapshotBackupUuid);
} catch (final Exception e) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to delete snapshot on cache storages", e);
// finalPath = folder + File.separator + snapshotBackupUuid;
} else {
finalPath = folder + cacheStore.getPathSeparator() + snapshotBackupUuid;
} finally {
if (snapshotSr != null) {
hypervisorResource.removeSR(conn, snapshotSr);
} else {
final String primaryStorageSRUuid = primaryStorageSR.getUuid(conn);
if (destStore instanceof SwiftTO) {
final String container = "S-" + snapshotTO.getVolume().getVolumeId().toString();
snapshotBackupUuid =
swiftBackupSnapshot(conn, (SwiftTO) destStore, primaryStorageSRUuid, snapshotPaUuid, "S-" + snapshotTO.getVolume().getVolumeId().toString(),
isISCSI, wait);
finalPath = container + File.separator + snapshotBackupUuid;
} else if (destStore instanceof S3TO) {
finalPath = backupSnapshotToS3(conn, (S3TO) destStore, primaryStorageSRUuid, folder, snapshotPaUuid, isISCSI, wait);
if (finalPath == null) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("S3 upload of snapshots " + snapshotPaUuid + " failed");
} else {
final String results =
backupSnapshot(conn, primaryStorageSRUuid, localMountPoint, folder, secondaryStorageMountPath, snapshotUuid, prevBackupUuid, isISCSI, wait);
final String[] tmp = results.split("#");
snapshotBackupUuid = tmp[1];
physicalSize = Long.parseLong(tmp[2]);
finalPath = folder + cacheStore.getPathSeparator() + snapshotBackupUuid;
// delete primary snapshots with only the last one left
destroySnapshotOnPrimaryStorageExceptThis(conn, volumeUuid, snapshotUuid);
final SnapshotObjectTO newSnapshot = new SnapshotObjectTO();
if (fullbackup) {
} else {
result = true;
return new CopyCmdAnswer(newSnapshot);
} catch (final XenAPIException e) {
details = "BackupSnapshot Failed due to " + e.toString();
s_logger.warn(details, e);
} catch (final Exception e) {
details = "BackupSnapshot Failed due to " + e.getMessage();
s_logger.warn(details, e);
} finally {
if (!result) {
// remove last bad primary snapshot when exception happens
try {
destroySnapshotOnPrimaryStorage(conn, snapshotUuid);
} catch (final Exception e) {
s_logger.debug("clean up snapshot failed", e);
return new CopyCmdAnswer(details);
public Answer createTemplateFromVolume(final CopyCommand cmd) {
final Connection conn = hypervisorResource.getConnection();
final VolumeObjectTO volume = (VolumeObjectTO) cmd.getSrcTO();
final TemplateObjectTO template = (TemplateObjectTO) cmd.getDestTO();
final NfsTO destStore = (NfsTO) cmd.getDestTO().getDataStore();
final int wait = cmd.getWait();
final String secondaryStoragePoolURL = destStore.getUrl();
final String volumeUUID = volume.getPath();
final String userSpecifiedName = template.getName();
String details = null;
SR tmpltSR = null;
boolean result = false;
String secondaryStorageMountPath = null;
String installPath = null;
try {
final URI uri = new URI(secondaryStoragePoolURL);
secondaryStorageMountPath = uri.getHost() + ":" + uri.getPath();
installPath = template.getPath();
if (!hypervisorResource.createSecondaryStorageFolder(conn, secondaryStorageMountPath, installPath)) {
details = " Filed to create folder " + installPath + " in secondary storage";
return new CopyCmdAnswer(details);
final VDI vol = getVDIbyUuid(conn, volumeUUID);
// create template SR
final URI tmpltURI = new URI(secondaryStoragePoolURL + "/" + installPath);
tmpltSR = hypervisorResource.createNfsSRbyURI(conn, tmpltURI, false);
// copy volume to template SR
final VDI tmpltVDI = hypervisorResource.cloudVDIcopy(conn, vol, tmpltSR, wait);
// scan makes XenServer pick up VDI physicalSize
if (userSpecifiedName != null) {
tmpltVDI.setNameLabel(conn, userSpecifiedName);
final String tmpltUUID = tmpltVDI.getUuid(conn);
final String tmpltFilename = tmpltUUID + ".vhd";
final long virtualSize = tmpltVDI.getVirtualSize(conn);
final long physicalSize = tmpltVDI.getPhysicalUtilisation(conn);
// create the file
final String templatePath = secondaryStorageMountPath + "/" + installPath;
result =
hypervisorResource.postCreatePrivateTemplate(conn, templatePath, tmpltFilename, tmpltUUID, userSpecifiedName, null, physicalSize, virtualSize,
if (!result) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Could not create the file on secondary storage dir: " + tmpltURI);
installPath = installPath + "/" + tmpltFilename;
hypervisorResource.removeSR(conn, tmpltSR);
tmpltSR = null;
final TemplateObjectTO newTemplate = new TemplateObjectTO();
final CopyCmdAnswer answer = new CopyCmdAnswer(newTemplate);
return answer;
} catch (final Exception e) {
if (tmpltSR != null) {
hypervisorResource.removeSR(conn, tmpltSR);
if (secondaryStorageMountPath != null) {
hypervisorResource.deleteSecondaryStorageFolder(conn, secondaryStorageMountPath, installPath);
details = "Creating template from volume " + volumeUUID + " failed due to " + e.toString();
s_logger.error(details, e);
return new CopyCmdAnswer(details);
public Answer createTemplateFromSnapshot(final CopyCommand cmd) {
final Connection conn = hypervisorResource.getConnection();
final SnapshotObjectTO snapshotObjTO = (SnapshotObjectTO)cmd.getSrcTO();
final TemplateObjectTO templateObjTO = (TemplateObjectTO)cmd.getDestTO();
if (!(snapshotObjTO.getDataStore() instanceof PrimaryDataStoreTO) || !(templateObjTO.getDataStore() instanceof NfsTO)) {
return null;
final String userSpecifiedTemplateName = templateObjTO.getName();
NfsTO destStore = null;
URI destUri = null;
try {
destStore = (NfsTO)templateObjTO.getDataStore();
destUri = new URI(destStore.getUrl());
} catch (final Exception ex) {
s_logger.debug("Invalid URI", ex);
return new CopyCmdAnswer("Invalid URI: " + ex.toString());
SR srcSr = null;
SR destSr = null;
final String destDir = templateObjTO.getPath();
VDI destVdi = null;
boolean result = false;
try {
final Map<String, String> srcDetails = cmd.getOptions();
final String iScsiName = srcDetails.get(DiskTO.IQN);
final String storageHost = srcDetails.get(DiskTO.STORAGE_HOST);
final String chapInitiatorUsername = srcDetails.get(DiskTO.CHAP_INITIATOR_USERNAME);
final String chapInitiatorSecret = srcDetails.get(DiskTO.CHAP_INITIATOR_SECRET);
srcSr = hypervisorResource.getIscsiSR(conn, iScsiName, storageHost, iScsiName, chapInitiatorUsername, chapInitiatorSecret, true);
final String destNfsPath = destUri.getHost() + ":" + destUri.getPath();
if (!hypervisorResource.createSecondaryStorageFolder(conn, destNfsPath, destDir)) {
final String details = " Failed to create folder " + destDir + " in secondary storage";
return new CopyCmdAnswer(details);
final URI templateUri = new URI(destStore.getUrl() + "/" + destDir);
destSr = hypervisorResource.createNfsSRbyURI(conn, templateUri, false);
// there should only be one VDI in this SR
final VDI srcVdi = srcSr.getVDIs(conn).iterator().next();
destVdi = srcVdi.copy(conn, destSr);
// scan makes XenServer pick up VDI physicalSize
if (userSpecifiedTemplateName != null) {
destVdi.setNameLabel(conn, userSpecifiedTemplateName);
final String templateUuid = destVdi.getUuid(conn);
final String templateFilename = templateUuid + ".vhd";
final long virtualSize = destVdi.getVirtualSize(conn);
final long physicalSize = destVdi.getPhysicalUtilisation(conn);
// create the file
String templatePath = destNfsPath + "/" + destDir;
templatePath = templatePath.replaceAll("//", "/");
result = hypervisorResource.postCreatePrivateTemplate(conn, templatePath, templateFilename, templateUuid, userSpecifiedTemplateName, null,
physicalSize, virtualSize, templateObjTO.getId());
if (!result) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Could not create the file on secondary storage dir: " + templateUri);
final TemplateObjectTO newTemplate = new TemplateObjectTO();
newTemplate.setPath(destDir + "/" + templateFilename);
result = true;
return new CopyCmdAnswer(newTemplate);
} catch (final Exception ex) {
s_logger.error("Failed to create a template from a snapshot", ex);
return new CopyCmdAnswer("Failed to create a template from a snapshot: " + ex.toString());
} finally {
if (!result) {
if (destVdi != null) {
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
s_logger.debug("Cleaned up leftover VDI on destination storage due to failure: ", e);
if (srcSr != null) {
hypervisorResource.removeSR(conn, srcSr);
if (destSr != null) {
hypervisorResource.removeSR(conn, destSr);
private boolean isManaged(Map<String, String> options) {
if (options == null) {
return false;
String iqn = options.get(DiskTO.IQN);
if (iqn == null || iqn.trim().length() == 0) {
return false;
String storageHost = options.get(DiskTO.STORAGE_HOST);
if (storageHost == null || storageHost.trim().length() == 0) {
return false;
return true;
boolean isCreateManagedVolumeFromManagedSnapshot(Map<String, String> volumeOptions, Map<String, String> snapshotOptions) {
return isManaged(volumeOptions) && isManaged(snapshotOptions);
boolean isCreateNonManagedVolumeFromManagedSnapshot(Map<String, String> volumeOptions, Map<String, String> snapshotOptions) {
return !isManaged(volumeOptions) && isManaged(snapshotOptions);
public Answer createVolumeFromSnapshot(final CopyCommand cmd) {
Connection conn = hypervisorResource.getConnection();
DataTO srcData = cmd.getSrcTO();
SnapshotObjectTO snapshot = (SnapshotObjectTO)srcData;
DataStoreTO imageStore = srcData.getDataStore();
DataTO destData = cmd.getDestTO();
if (isCreateManagedVolumeFromManagedSnapshot(cmd.getOptions2(), cmd.getOptions())) {
return createManagedVolumeFromManagedSnapshot(cmd);
if (isCreateNonManagedVolumeFromManagedSnapshot(cmd.getOptions2(), cmd.getOptions())) {
return createNonManagedVolumeFromManagedSnapshot(cmd);
if (!(imageStore instanceof NfsTO)) {
return new CopyCmdAnswer("unsupported protocol");
NfsTO nfsImageStore = (NfsTO)imageStore;
String primaryStorageNameLabel = destData.getDataStore().getUuid();
String secondaryStorageUrl = nfsImageStore.getUrl();
int wait = cmd.getWait();
boolean result = false;
// Generic error message.
String details;
String volumeUUID;
if (secondaryStorageUrl == null) {
details = "The URL passed in 'null'.";
return new CopyCmdAnswer(details);
try {
SR primaryStorageSR = hypervisorResource.getSRByNameLabelandHost(conn, primaryStorageNameLabel);
if (primaryStorageSR == null) {
throw new InternalErrorException("Could not create volume from snapshot because the primary storage SR could not be " +
"created from the name label: " + primaryStorageNameLabel);
// Get the absolute path of the snapshot on the secondary storage.
String snapshotInstallPath = snapshot.getPath();
int index = snapshotInstallPath.lastIndexOf(nfsImageStore.getPathSeparator());
String snapshotName = snapshotInstallPath.substring(index + 1);
if (!snapshotName.startsWith("VHD-") && !snapshotName.endsWith(".vhd")) {
snapshotInstallPath = snapshotInstallPath + ".vhd";
URI snapshotURI = new URI(secondaryStorageUrl + nfsImageStore.getPathSeparator() + snapshotInstallPath);
String snapshotPath = snapshotURI.getHost() + ":" + snapshotURI.getPath();
String srUuid = primaryStorageSR.getUuid(conn);
volumeUUID = copy_vhd_from_secondarystorage(conn, snapshotPath, srUuid, wait);
result = true;
VDI volume = VDI.getByUuid(conn, volumeUUID);
VDI.Record vdir = volume.getRecord(conn);
VolumeObjectTO newVol = new VolumeObjectTO();
return new CopyCmdAnswer(newVol);
} catch (final XenAPIException e) {
details = "Exception due to " + e.toString();
s_logger.warn(details, e);
} catch (final Exception e) {
details = "Exception due to " + e.getMessage();
s_logger.warn(details, e);
if (!result) {
// Is this logged at a higher level?
// In all cases return something.
return new CopyCmdAnswer(details);
Answer createManagedVolumeFromManagedSnapshot(final CopyCommand cmd) {
try {
final Connection conn = hypervisorResource.getConnection();
final Map<String, String> srcOptions = cmd.getOptions();
final String src_iScsiName = srcOptions.get(DiskTO.IQN);
final String srcStorageHost = srcOptions.get(DiskTO.STORAGE_HOST);
final String srcChapInitiatorUsername = srcOptions.get(DiskTO.CHAP_INITIATOR_USERNAME);
final String srcChapInitiatorSecret = srcOptions.get(DiskTO.CHAP_INITIATOR_SECRET);
final SR srcSr = hypervisorResource.getIscsiSR(conn, src_iScsiName, srcStorageHost, src_iScsiName, srcChapInitiatorUsername, srcChapInitiatorSecret, false);
final Map<String, String> destOptions = cmd.getOptions2();
final String dest_iScsiName = destOptions.get(DiskTO.IQN);
final String destStorageHost = destOptions.get(DiskTO.STORAGE_HOST);
final String destChapInitiatorUsername = destOptions.get(DiskTO.CHAP_INITIATOR_USERNAME);
final String destChapInitiatorSecret = destOptions.get(DiskTO.CHAP_INITIATOR_SECRET);
final SR destSr = hypervisorResource.getIscsiSR(conn, dest_iScsiName, destStorageHost, dest_iScsiName, destChapInitiatorUsername, destChapInitiatorSecret, false);
// there should only be one VDI in this SR
final VDI srcVdi = srcSr.getVDIs(conn).iterator().next();
final VDI vdiCopy = srcVdi.copy(conn, destSr);
final VolumeObjectTO newVol = new VolumeObjectTO();
hypervisorResource.removeSR(conn, srcSr);
hypervisorResource.removeSR(conn, destSr);
return new CopyCmdAnswer(newVol);
catch (final Exception ex) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to copy snapshot to volume: " + ex.toString(), ex);
return new CopyCmdAnswer(ex.getMessage());
Answer createNonManagedVolumeFromManagedSnapshot(final CopyCommand cmd) {
Connection conn = hypervisorResource.getConnection();
SR srcSr = null;
try {
Map<String, String> srcOptions = cmd.getOptions();
String src_iScsiName = srcOptions.get(DiskTO.IQN);
String srcStorageHost = srcOptions.get(DiskTO.STORAGE_HOST);
String srcChapInitiatorUsername = srcOptions.get(DiskTO.CHAP_INITIATOR_USERNAME);
String srcChapInitiatorSecret = srcOptions.get(DiskTO.CHAP_INITIATOR_SECRET);
srcSr = hypervisorResource.getIscsiSR(conn, src_iScsiName, srcStorageHost, src_iScsiName,
srcChapInitiatorUsername, srcChapInitiatorSecret, false);
// there should only be one VDI in this SR
VDI srcVdi = srcSr.getVDIs(conn).iterator().next();
DataTO destData = cmd.getDestTO();
String primaryStorageNameLabel = destData.getDataStore().getUuid();
SR destSr = hypervisorResource.getSRByNameLabelandHost(conn, primaryStorageNameLabel);
VDI vdiCopy = srcVdi.copy(conn, destSr);
VolumeObjectTO newVol = new VolumeObjectTO();
return new CopyCmdAnswer(newVol);
catch (Exception ex) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to copy snapshot to volume: " + ex.toString(), ex);
return new CopyCmdAnswer(ex.getMessage());
finally {
if (srcSr != null) {
hypervisorResource.removeSR(conn, srcSr);
public Answer deleteSnapshot(final DeleteCommand cmd) {
final SnapshotObjectTO snapshot = (SnapshotObjectTO) cmd.getData();
final DataStoreTO store = snapshot.getDataStore();
if (store.getRole() == DataStoreRole.Primary) {
final Connection conn = hypervisorResource.getConnection();
final VDI snapshotVdi = getVDIbyUuid(conn, snapshot.getPath());
if (snapshotVdi == null) {
return new Answer(null);
String errMsg = null;
try {
deleteVDI(conn, snapshotVdi);
} catch (final BadServerResponse e) {
s_logger.debug("delete snapshot failed:" + e.toString());
errMsg = e.toString();
} catch (final XenAPIException e) {
s_logger.debug("delete snapshot failed:" + e.toString());
errMsg = e.toString();
} catch (final XmlRpcException e) {
s_logger.debug("delete snapshot failed:" + e.toString());
errMsg = e.toString();
return new Answer(cmd, false, errMsg);
return new Answer(cmd, false, "unsupported storage type");
public Answer introduceObject(final IntroduceObjectCmd cmd) {
try {
final Connection conn = hypervisorResource.getConnection();
final DataStoreTO store = cmd.getDataTO().getDataStore();
final SR poolSr = hypervisorResource.getStorageRepository(conn, store.getUuid());
return new IntroduceObjectAnswer(cmd.getDataTO());
} catch (final Exception e) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to introduce object", e);
return new Answer(cmd, false, e.toString());
public Answer forgetObject(final ForgetObjectCmd cmd) {
try {
final Connection conn = hypervisorResource.getConnection();
final DataTO data = cmd.getDataTO();
final VDI vdi = VDI.getByUuid(conn, data.getPath());
return new IntroduceObjectAnswer(cmd.getDataTO());
} catch (final Exception e) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to forget object", e);
return new Answer(cmd, false, e.toString());