blob: 4f7732b9a3d43b0214cd07b28dc36b75391447b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
public class LibvirtVMDef {
private static final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(LibvirtVMDef.class);
private String _hvsType;
private static long s_libvirtVersion;
private static long s_qemuVersion;
private String _domName;
private String _domUUID;
private String _desc;
private String _platformEmulator;
private final Map<String, Object> components = new HashMap<String, Object>();
public static class GuestDef {
enum GuestType {
enum BootOrder {
HARDISK("hd"), CDROM("cdrom"), FLOPPY("fd"), NETWORK("network");
String _order;
BootOrder(String order) {
_order = order;
public String toString() {
return _order;
private GuestType _type;
private String _arch;
private String _loader;
private String _kernel;
private String _initrd;
private String _root;
private String _cmdline;
private String _uuid;
private final List<BootOrder> _bootdevs = new ArrayList<BootOrder>();
private String _machine;
public void setGuestType(GuestType type) {
_type = type;
public GuestType getGuestType() {
return _type;
public void setGuestArch(String arch) {
_arch = arch;
public void setMachineType(String machine) {
_machine = machine;
public void setLoader(String loader) {
_loader = loader;
public void setBootKernel(String kernel, String initrd, String rootdev, String cmdline) {
_kernel = kernel;
_initrd = initrd;
_root = rootdev;
_cmdline = cmdline;
public void setBootOrder(BootOrder order) {
public void setUuid(String uuid) {
_uuid = uuid;
public String toString() {
if (_type == GuestType.KVM) {
StringBuilder guestDef = new StringBuilder();
guestDef.append("<sysinfo type='smbios'>\n");
guestDef.append("<entry name='manufacturer'>Apache Software Foundation</entry>\n");
guestDef.append("<entry name='product'>CloudStack " + _type.toString() + " Hypervisor</entry>\n");
guestDef.append("<entry name='uuid'>" + _uuid + "</entry>\n");
guestDef.append("<type ");
if (_arch != null) {
guestDef.append(" arch='" + _arch + "'");
if (_machine != null) {
guestDef.append(" machine='" + _machine + "'");
if (!_bootdevs.isEmpty()) {
for (BootOrder bo : _bootdevs) {
guestDef.append("<boot dev='" + bo + "'/>\n");
guestDef.append("<smbios mode='sysinfo'/>\n");
return guestDef.toString();
} else if (_type == GuestType.LXC) {
StringBuilder guestDef = new StringBuilder();
return guestDef.toString();
} else {
return null;
public static class GuestResourceDef {
private long _mem;
private long _currentMem = -1;
private String _memBacking;
private int _vcpu = -1;
private boolean _memBalloning = false;
public void setMemorySize(long mem) {
_mem = mem;
public void setCurrentMem(long currMem) {
_currentMem = currMem;
public void setMemBacking(String memBacking) {
_memBacking = memBacking;
public void setVcpuNum(int vcpu) {
_vcpu = vcpu;
public void setMemBalloning(boolean turnon) {
_memBalloning = turnon;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder resBuidler = new StringBuilder();
resBuidler.append("<memory>" + _mem + "</memory>\n");
if (_currentMem != -1) {
resBuidler.append("<currentMemory>" + _currentMem + "</currentMemory>\n");
if (_memBacking != null) {
resBuidler.append("<memoryBacking>" + "<" + _memBacking + "/>" + "</memoryBacking>\n");
if (_memBalloning) {
resBuidler.append("<devices>\n" + "<memballoon model='virtio'/>\n" + "</devices>\n");
} else {
resBuidler.append("<devices>\n" + "<memballoon model='none'/>\n" + "</devices>\n");
if (_vcpu != -1) {
resBuidler.append("<vcpu>" + _vcpu + "</vcpu>\n");
return resBuidler.toString();
public static class HyperVEnlightenmentFeatureDef {
enum Enlight {
private final String featureName;
Enlight(String featureName) { this.featureName = featureName; }
String getFeatureName() { return featureName; }
static boolean isValidFeature(String featureName) {
Enlight[] enlights = Enlight.values();
for(Enlight e : enlights) {
return true;
return false;
private final Map<String, String> features = new HashMap<String, String>();
private int retries = 4096; // set to sane default
public void setFeature(String feature, boolean on) {
if(on && Enlight.isValidFeature(feature))
private void setFeature(String feature) {
features.put(feature, "on");
public void setRetries(int retry) {
public int getRetries() {
return retries;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder feaBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : features.entrySet()) {
if(e.getKey().equals("spinlocks")) feaBuilder.append(" state='" + e.getValue() + "' retries='" + getRetries() + "'");
else feaBuilder.append(" state='" + e.getValue() + "'");
return feaBuilder.toString();
public static class FeaturesDef {
private final List<String> _features = new ArrayList<String>();
private HyperVEnlightenmentFeatureDef hyperVEnlightenmentFeatureDef = null;
public void addFeatures(String feature) {
public void addHyperVFeature(HyperVEnlightenmentFeatureDef hyperVEnlightenmentFeatureDef) {
this.hyperVEnlightenmentFeatureDef = hyperVEnlightenmentFeatureDef;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder feaBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (String feature : _features) {
feaBuilder.append("<" + feature + "/>\n");
if (hyperVEnlightenmentFeatureDef != null) {
String hpervF = hyperVEnlightenmentFeatureDef.toString();
if (!hpervF.isEmpty()) {
return feaBuilder.toString();
public static class TermPolicy {
private String _reboot;
private String _powerOff;
private String _crash;
public TermPolicy() {
_reboot = _powerOff = _crash = "destroy";
public void setRebootPolicy(String rbPolicy) {
_reboot = rbPolicy;
public void setPowerOffPolicy(String poPolicy) {
_powerOff = poPolicy;
public void setCrashPolicy(String crashPolicy) {
_crash = crashPolicy;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder term = new StringBuilder();
term.append("<on_reboot>" + _reboot + "</on_reboot>\n");
term.append("<on_poweroff>" + _powerOff + "</on_poweroff>\n");
term.append("<on_crash>" + _powerOff + "</on_crash>\n");
return term.toString();
public static class ClockDef {
public enum ClockOffset {
UTC("utc"), LOCALTIME("localtime"), TIMEZONE("timezone"), VARIABLE("variable");
private String _offset;
private ClockOffset(String offset) {
_offset = offset;
public String toString() {
return _offset;
private ClockOffset _offset;
private String _timerName;
private String _tickPolicy;
private String _track;
private boolean _noKvmClock = false;
public ClockDef() {
_offset = ClockOffset.UTC;
public void setClockOffset(ClockOffset offset) {
_offset = offset;
public void setTimer(String timerName, String tickPolicy, String track) {
_timerName = timerName;
_tickPolicy = tickPolicy;
_track = track;
public void setTimer(String timerName, String tickPolicy, String track, boolean noKvmClock) {
_noKvmClock = noKvmClock;
setTimer(timerName, tickPolicy, track);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder clockBuilder = new StringBuilder();
clockBuilder.append("<clock offset='");
if (_timerName != null) {
clockBuilder.append("<timer name='");
clockBuilder.append("' ");
if (_timerName.equals("kvmclock") && _noKvmClock) {
clockBuilder.append("present='no' />");
} else if (_timerName.equals("hypervclock")) {
clockBuilder.append("present='yes' />");
} else {
if (_tickPolicy != null) {
clockBuilder.append("' ");
if (_track != null) {
clockBuilder.append("' ");
return clockBuilder.toString();
public static class DevicesDef {
private String _emulator;
private GuestDef.GuestType _guestType;
private final Map<String, List<?>> devices = new HashMap<String, List<?>>();
public boolean addDevice(Object device) {
Object dev = devices.get(device.getClass().toString());
if (dev == null) {
List<Object> devs = new ArrayList<Object>();
devices.put(device.getClass().toString(), devs);
} else {
List<Object> devs = (List<Object>)dev;
return true;
public void setEmulatorPath(String emulator) {
_emulator = emulator;
public void setGuestType(GuestDef.GuestType guestType) {
_guestType = guestType;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder devicesBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (_emulator != null) {
devicesBuilder.append("<emulator>" + _emulator + "</emulator>\n");
for (List<?> devs : devices.values()) {
for (Object dev : devs) {
if (_guestType == GuestDef.GuestType.LXC) {
if (dev instanceof GraphicDef || dev instanceof InputDef) {
if(dev instanceof DiskDef){
DiskDef disk = (DiskDef)dev;
return devicesBuilder.toString();
public List<DiskDef> getDisks() {
return (List<DiskDef>)devices.get(DiskDef.class.toString());
public List<InterfaceDef> getInterfaces() {
return (List<InterfaceDef>)devices.get(InterfaceDef.class.toString());
public static class DiskDef {
public enum DeviceType {
FLOPPY("floppy"), DISK("disk"), CDROM("cdrom"), LUN("lun");
String _type;
DeviceType(String type) {
_type = type;
public String toString() {
return _type;
enum DiskType {
FILE("file"), BLOCK("block"), DIRECTROY("dir"), NETWORK("network");
String _diskType;
DiskType(String type) {
_diskType = type;
public String toString() {
return _diskType;
public enum DiskProtocol {
RBD("rbd"), SHEEPDOG("sheepdog"), GLUSTER("gluster");
String _diskProtocol;
DiskProtocol(String protocol) {
_diskProtocol = protocol;
public String toString() {
return _diskProtocol;
public enum DiskBus {
IDE("ide"), SCSI("scsi"), VIRTIO("virtio"), XEN("xen"), USB("usb"), UML("uml"), FDC("fdc");
String _bus;
DiskBus(String bus) {
_bus = bus;
public String toString() {
return _bus;
public enum DiskFmtType {
RAW("raw"), QCOW2("qcow2");
String _fmtType;
DiskFmtType(String fmt) {
_fmtType = fmt;
public String toString() {
return _fmtType;
public enum DiskCacheMode {
NONE("none"), WRITEBACK("writeback"), WRITETHROUGH("writethrough");
String _diskCacheMode;
DiskCacheMode(String cacheMode) {
_diskCacheMode = cacheMode;
public String toString() {
if (_diskCacheMode == null) {
return "NONE";
return _diskCacheMode;
public enum DiscardType {
IGNORE("ignore"), UNMAP("unmap");
String _discardType;
DiscardType(String discardType) {
_discardType = discardType;
public String toString() {
if (_discardType == null) {
return "ignore";
return _discardType;
private DeviceType _deviceType; /* floppy, disk, cdrom */
private DiskType _diskType;
private DiskProtocol _diskProtocol;
private String _sourcePath;
private String _sourceHost;
private int _sourcePort;
private String _authUserName;
private String _authSecretUUID;
private String _diskLabel;
private DiskBus _bus;
private DiskFmtType _diskFmtType; /* qcow2, raw etc. */
private boolean _readonly = false;
private boolean _shareable = false;
private boolean _deferAttach = false;
private Long _bytesReadRate;
private Long _bytesReadRateMax;
private Long _bytesReadRateMaxLength;
private Long _bytesWriteRate;
private Long _bytesWriteRateMax;
private Long _bytesWriteRateMaxLength;
private Long _iopsReadRate;
private Long _iopsReadRateMax;
private Long _iopsReadRateMaxLength;
private Long _iopsWriteRate;
private Long _iopsWriteRateMax;
private Long _iopsWriteRateMaxLength;
private DiskCacheMode _diskCacheMode;
private String _serial;
private boolean qemuDriver = true;
private DiscardType _discard = DiscardType.IGNORE;
public DiscardType getDiscard() {
return _discard;
public void setDiscard(DiscardType discard) {
this._discard = discard;
public void setDeviceType(DeviceType deviceType) {
_deviceType = deviceType;
public void defFileBasedDisk(String filePath, String diskLabel, DiskBus bus, DiskFmtType diskFmtType) {
_diskType = DiskType.FILE;
_deviceType = DeviceType.DISK;
_diskCacheMode = DiskCacheMode.NONE;
_sourcePath = filePath;
_diskLabel = diskLabel;
_diskFmtType = diskFmtType;
_bus = bus;
/* skip iso labels */
private String getDevLabel(int devId, DiskBus bus, boolean forIso) {
if (devId < 0) {
return "";
if (bus == DiskBus.SCSI) {
return "sd" + getDevLabelSuffix(devId);
} else if (bus == DiskBus.VIRTIO) {
return "vd" + getDevLabelSuffix(devId);
if (forIso) {
devId --;
} else if(devId >= 2) {
devId += 2;
return "hd" + getDevLabelSuffix(devId);
private String getDevLabelSuffix(int deviceIndex) {
if (deviceIndex < 0) {
return "";
int base = 'z' - 'a' + 1;
String labelSuffix = "";
do {
char suffix = (char)('a' + (deviceIndex % base));
labelSuffix = suffix + labelSuffix;
deviceIndex = (deviceIndex / base) - 1;
} while (deviceIndex >= 0);
return labelSuffix;
public void defFileBasedDisk(String filePath, int devId, DiskBus bus, DiskFmtType diskFmtType) {
_diskType = DiskType.FILE;
_deviceType = DeviceType.DISK;
_diskCacheMode = DiskCacheMode.NONE;
_sourcePath = filePath;
_diskLabel = getDevLabel(devId, bus, false);
_diskFmtType = diskFmtType;
_bus = bus;
public void defISODisk(String volPath) {
_diskType = DiskType.FILE;
_deviceType = DeviceType.CDROM;
_sourcePath = volPath;
_diskLabel = getDevLabel(3, DiskBus.IDE, true);
_diskFmtType = DiskFmtType.RAW;
_diskCacheMode = DiskCacheMode.NONE;
_bus = DiskBus.IDE;
public void defISODisk(String volPath, Integer devId) {
if (devId == null) {
} else {
_diskType = DiskType.FILE;
_deviceType = DeviceType.CDROM;
_sourcePath = volPath;
_diskLabel = getDevLabel(devId, DiskBus.IDE, true);
_diskFmtType = DiskFmtType.RAW;
_diskCacheMode = DiskCacheMode.NONE;
_bus = DiskBus.IDE;
public void defBlockBasedDisk(String diskName, int devId, DiskBus bus) {
_diskType = DiskType.BLOCK;
_deviceType = DeviceType.DISK;
_diskFmtType = DiskFmtType.RAW;
_diskCacheMode = DiskCacheMode.NONE;
_sourcePath = diskName;
_diskLabel = getDevLabel(devId, bus, false);
_bus = bus;
public void defBlockBasedDisk(String diskName, String diskLabel, DiskBus bus) {
_diskType = DiskType.BLOCK;
_deviceType = DeviceType.DISK;
_diskFmtType = DiskFmtType.RAW;
_diskCacheMode = DiskCacheMode.NONE;
_sourcePath = diskName;
_diskLabel = diskLabel;
_bus = bus;
public void defNetworkBasedDisk(String diskName, String sourceHost, int sourcePort, String authUserName, String authSecretUUID, int devId, DiskBus bus,
DiskProtocol protocol, DiskFmtType diskFmtType) {
_diskType = DiskType.NETWORK;
_deviceType = DeviceType.DISK;
_diskFmtType = diskFmtType;
_diskCacheMode = DiskCacheMode.NONE;
_sourcePath = diskName;
_sourceHost = sourceHost;
_sourcePort = sourcePort;
_authUserName = authUserName;
_authSecretUUID = authSecretUUID;
_diskLabel = getDevLabel(devId, bus, false);
_bus = bus;
_diskProtocol = protocol;
public void defNetworkBasedDisk(String diskName, String sourceHost, int sourcePort, String authUserName, String authSecretUUID, String diskLabel, DiskBus bus,
DiskProtocol protocol, DiskFmtType diskFmtType) {
_diskType = DiskType.NETWORK;
_deviceType = DeviceType.DISK;
_diskFmtType = diskFmtType;
_diskCacheMode = DiskCacheMode.NONE;
_sourcePath = diskName;
_sourceHost = sourceHost;
_sourcePort = sourcePort;
_authUserName = authUserName;
_authSecretUUID = authSecretUUID;
_diskLabel = diskLabel;
_bus = bus;
_diskProtocol = protocol;
public void setReadonly() {
_readonly = true;
public void setSharable() {
_shareable = true;
public void setAttachDeferred(boolean deferAttach) {
_deferAttach = deferAttach;
public boolean isAttachDeferred() {
return _deferAttach;
public String getDiskPath() {
return _sourcePath;
public String getDiskLabel() {
return _diskLabel;
public DiskType getDiskType() {
return _diskType;
public DeviceType getDeviceType() {
return _deviceType;
public void setDiskPath(String volPath) {
_sourcePath = volPath;
public DiskBus getBusType() {
return _bus;
public DiskFmtType getDiskFormatType() {
return _diskFmtType;
public void setBytesReadRate(Long bytesReadRate) {
_bytesReadRate = bytesReadRate;
public void setBytesReadRateMax(Long bytesReadRateMax) {
_bytesReadRateMax = bytesReadRateMax;
public void setBytesReadRateMaxLength(Long bytesReadRateLength) {
_bytesReadRateMaxLength = bytesReadRateLength;
public void setBytesWriteRate(Long bytesWriteRate) {
_bytesWriteRate = bytesWriteRate;
public void setBytesWriteRateMax(Long bytesWriteRateMax) {
_bytesWriteRateMax = bytesWriteRateMax;
public void setBytesWriteRateMaxLength(Long bytesWriteRateMaxLength) {
_bytesWriteRateMaxLength = bytesWriteRateMaxLength;
public void setIopsReadRate(Long iopsReadRate) {
_iopsReadRate = iopsReadRate;
public void setIopsReadRateMax(Long iopsReadRateMax) {
_iopsReadRateMax = iopsReadRateMax;
public void setIopsReadRateMaxLength(Long iopsReadRateMaxLength) {
_iopsReadRateMaxLength = iopsReadRateMaxLength;
public void setIopsWriteRate(Long iopsWriteRate) {
_iopsWriteRate = iopsWriteRate;
public void setIopsWriteRateMax(Long iopsWriteRateMax) {
_iopsWriteRateMax = iopsWriteRateMax;
public void setIopsWriteRateMaxLength(Long iopsWriteRateMaxLength) {
_iopsWriteRateMaxLength = iopsWriteRateMaxLength;
public void setCacheMode(DiskCacheMode cacheMode) {
_diskCacheMode = cacheMode;
public DiskCacheMode getCacheMode() {
return _diskCacheMode;
public void setQemuDriver(boolean qemuDriver){
this.qemuDriver = qemuDriver;
public void setSerial(String serial) {
this._serial = serial;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder diskBuilder = new StringBuilder();
diskBuilder.append("<disk ");
if (_deviceType != null) {
diskBuilder.append(" device='" + _deviceType + "'");
diskBuilder.append(" type='" + _diskType + "'");
if(qemuDriver) {
diskBuilder.append("<driver name='qemu'" + " type='" + _diskFmtType + "' ");
if (_deviceType != DeviceType.CDROM) {
diskBuilder.append("cache='" + _diskCacheMode + "' ");
if(_discard != null && _discard != DiscardType.IGNORE) {
diskBuilder.append("discard='" + _discard.toString() + "' ");
if (_diskType == DiskType.FILE) {
diskBuilder.append("<source ");
if (_sourcePath != null) {
diskBuilder.append("file='" + _sourcePath + "'");
} else if (_deviceType == DeviceType.CDROM) {
} else if (_diskType == DiskType.BLOCK) {
if (_sourcePath != null) {
diskBuilder.append(" dev='" + _sourcePath + "'");
} else if (_diskType == DiskType.NETWORK) {
diskBuilder.append("<source ");
diskBuilder.append(" protocol='" + _diskProtocol + "'");
diskBuilder.append(" name='" + _sourcePath + "'");
diskBuilder.append("<host name='");
if (_sourcePort != 0) {
diskBuilder.append("' port='");
if (_authUserName != null) {
diskBuilder.append("<auth username='" + _authUserName + "'>\n");
diskBuilder.append("<secret type='ceph' uuid='" + _authSecretUUID + "'/>\n");
diskBuilder.append("<target dev='" + _diskLabel + "'");
if (_bus != null) {
diskBuilder.append(" bus='" + _bus + "'");
if (_serial != null && !_serial.isEmpty() && _deviceType != DeviceType.LUN) {
diskBuilder.append("<serial>" + _serial + "</serial>");
if ((_deviceType != DeviceType.CDROM) &&
(s_libvirtVersion >= 9008) &&
(s_qemuVersion >= 1001000) &&
(((_bytesReadRate != null) && (_bytesReadRate > 0)) || ((_bytesWriteRate != null) && (_bytesWriteRate > 0)) ||
((_iopsReadRate != null) && (_iopsReadRate > 0)) || ((_iopsWriteRate != null) && (_iopsWriteRate > 0)))) { // not CDROM, from libvirt 0.9.8 and QEMU 1.1.0
if ((_bytesReadRate != null) && (_bytesReadRate > 0))
diskBuilder.append("<read_bytes_sec>" + _bytesReadRate + "</read_bytes_sec>\n");
if ((_bytesWriteRate != null) && (_bytesWriteRate > 0))
diskBuilder.append("<write_bytes_sec>" + _bytesWriteRate + "</write_bytes_sec>\n");
if ((_iopsReadRate != null) && (_iopsReadRate > 0))
diskBuilder.append("<read_iops_sec>" + _iopsReadRate + "</read_iops_sec>\n");
if ((_iopsWriteRate != null) && (_iopsWriteRate > 0))
diskBuilder.append("<write_iops_sec>" + _iopsWriteRate + "</write_iops_sec>\n");
if (s_qemuVersion >= 2004000) {
if (_bytesReadRateMax != null && _bytesReadRateMax > 0 ) {
diskBuilder.append("<read_bytes_sec_max>" + _bytesReadRateMax + "</read_bytes_sec_max>\n");
if (_bytesWriteRateMax != null && _bytesWriteRateMax > 0) {
diskBuilder.append("<write_bytes_sec_max>" + _bytesWriteRateMax + "</write_bytes_sec_max>\n");
if (_iopsReadRateMax != null && _iopsReadRateMax > 0)
diskBuilder.append("<read_iops_sec_max>" + _iopsReadRateMax + "</read_iops_sec_max>\n");
if (_iopsWriteRateMax != null && _iopsWriteRateMax > 0)
diskBuilder.append("<write_iops_sec_max>" + _iopsWriteRateMax + "</write_iops_sec_max>\n");
if (s_qemuVersion >= 2006000) {
if (_bytesReadRateMaxLength != null && _bytesReadRateMaxLength > 0) {
diskBuilder.append("<read_bytes_sec_max_length>" + _bytesReadRateMaxLength + "</read_bytes_sec_max_length>\n");
if (_bytesWriteRateMaxLength != null && _bytesWriteRateMaxLength > 0) {
diskBuilder.append("<write_bytes_sec_max_length>" + _bytesWriteRateMaxLength + "</write_bytes_sec_max_length>\n");
if (_iopsReadRateMaxLength != null && _iopsReadRateMaxLength > 0)
diskBuilder.append("<read_iops_sec_max_length>" + _iopsReadRateMaxLength + "</read_iops_sec_max_length>\n");
if (_iopsWriteRateMaxLength != null && _iopsWriteRateMaxLength > 0)
diskBuilder.append("<write_iops_sec_max_length>" + _iopsWriteRateMaxLength + "</write_iops_sec_max_length>\n");
return diskBuilder.toString();
public static class InterfaceDef {
enum GuestNetType {
BRIDGE("bridge"), DIRECT("direct"), NETWORK("network"), USER("user"), ETHERNET("ethernet"), INTERNAL("internal"), VHOSTUSER("vhostuser");
String _type;
GuestNetType(String type) {
_type = type;
public String toString() {
return _type;
public enum NicModel {
E1000("e1000"), VIRTIO("virtio"), RTL8139("rtl8139"), NE2KPCI("ne2k_pci"), VMXNET3("vmxnet3");
String _model;
NicModel(String model) {
_model = model;
public String toString() {
return _model;
enum HostNicType {
private GuestNetType _netType; /*
* bridge, ethernet, network, user,
* internal, vhostuser
private HostNicType _hostNetType; /* Only used by agent java code */
private String _netSourceMode;
private String _sourceName;
private String _networkName;
private String _macAddr;
private String _ipAddr;
private String _scriptPath;
private NicModel _model;
private Integer _networkRateKBps;
private String _virtualPortType;
private String _virtualPortInterfaceId;
private int _vlanTag = -1;
private boolean _pxeDisable = false;
private boolean _linkStateUp = true;
private Integer _slot;
private String _dpdkSourcePath;
private String _dpdkSourcePort;
private String _dpdkExtraLines;
public void defBridgeNet(String brName, String targetBrName, String macAddr, NicModel model) {
defBridgeNet(brName, targetBrName, macAddr, model, 0);
public void defBridgeNet(String brName, String targetBrName, String macAddr, NicModel model, Integer networkRateKBps) {
_netType = GuestNetType.BRIDGE;
_sourceName = brName;
_networkName = targetBrName;
_macAddr = macAddr;
_model = model;
_networkRateKBps = networkRateKBps;
public void defDpdkNet(String dpdkSourcePath, String dpdkPort, String macAddress, NicModel model, Integer networkRateKBps, String extra) {
_netType = GuestNetType.VHOSTUSER;
_dpdkSourcePath = dpdkSourcePath;
_dpdkSourcePort = dpdkPort;
_macAddr = macAddress;
_model = model;
_networkRateKBps = networkRateKBps;
_dpdkExtraLines = extra;
public void defDirectNet(String sourceName, String targetName, String macAddr, NicModel model, String sourceMode) {
defDirectNet(sourceName, targetName, macAddr, model, sourceMode, 0);
public void defDirectNet(String sourceName, String targetName, String macAddr, NicModel model, String sourceMode, Integer networkRateKBps) {
_netType = GuestNetType.DIRECT;
_netSourceMode = sourceMode;
_sourceName = sourceName;
_networkName = targetName;
_macAddr = macAddr;
_model = model;
_networkRateKBps = networkRateKBps;
public void defPrivateNet(String networkName, String targetName, String macAddr, NicModel model) {
defPrivateNet(networkName, targetName, macAddr, model, 0);
public void defPrivateNet(String networkName, String targetName, String macAddr, NicModel model, Integer networkRateKBps) {
_netType = GuestNetType.NETWORK;
_sourceName = networkName;
_networkName = targetName;
_macAddr = macAddr;
_model = model;
_networkRateKBps = networkRateKBps;
public void defEthernet(String targetName, String macAddr, NicModel model, String scriptPath) {
defEthernet(targetName, macAddr, model, scriptPath, 0);
public void defEthernet(String targetName, String macAddr, NicModel model, String scriptPath, Integer networkRateKBps) {
_netType = GuestNetType.ETHERNET;
_networkName = targetName;
_sourceName = targetName;
_macAddr = macAddr;
_model = model;
_scriptPath = scriptPath;
_networkRateKBps = networkRateKBps;
public void defEthernet(String targetName, String macAddr, NicModel model) {
defEthernet(targetName, macAddr, model, null);
public void setHostNetType(HostNicType hostNetType) {
_hostNetType = hostNetType;
public HostNicType getHostNetType() {
return _hostNetType;
public void setPxeDisable(boolean pxeDisable) {
_pxeDisable = pxeDisable;
public String getBrName() {
return _sourceName;
public GuestNetType getNetType() {
return _netType;
public String getNetSourceMode() {
return _netSourceMode;
public String getDevName() {
return _networkName;
public void setDevName(String networkName) {
_networkName = networkName;
public String getMacAddress() {
return _macAddr;
public NicModel getModel() {
return _model;
public void setVirtualPortType(String virtualPortType) {
_virtualPortType = virtualPortType;
public String getVirtualPortType() {
return _virtualPortType;
public void setVirtualPortInterfaceId(String virtualPortInterfaceId) {
_virtualPortInterfaceId = virtualPortInterfaceId;
public String getVirtualPortInterfaceId() {
return _virtualPortInterfaceId;
public void setVlanTag(int vlanTag) {
_vlanTag = vlanTag;
public int getVlanTag() {
return _vlanTag;
public void setSlot(Integer slot) {
_slot = slot;
public Integer getSlot() {
return _slot;
public void setLinkStateUp(boolean linkStateUp) {
_linkStateUp = linkStateUp;
public boolean isLinkStateUp() {
return _linkStateUp;
public String getDpdkSourcePort() {
return _dpdkSourcePort;
public void setDpdkSourcePort(String port) {
_dpdkSourcePort = port;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder netBuilder = new StringBuilder();
netBuilder.append("<interface type='" + _netType + "'>\n");
if (_netType == GuestNetType.BRIDGE) {
netBuilder.append("<source bridge='" + _sourceName + "'/>\n");
} else if (_netType == GuestNetType.NETWORK) {
netBuilder.append("<source network='" + _sourceName + "'/>\n");
} else if (_netType == GuestNetType.DIRECT) {
netBuilder.append("<source dev='" + _sourceName + "' mode='" + _netSourceMode + "'/>\n");
} else if (_netType == GuestNetType.VHOSTUSER) {
netBuilder.append("<source type='unix' path='"+ _dpdkSourcePath + _dpdkSourcePort + "' mode='client'/>\n");
if (_networkName != null) {
netBuilder.append("<target dev='" + _networkName + "'/>\n");
if (_macAddr != null) {
netBuilder.append("<mac address='" + _macAddr + "'/>\n");
if (_model != null) {
netBuilder.append("<model type='" + _model + "'/>\n");
if ((s_libvirtVersion >= 9004) && (_networkRateKBps > 0)) { // supported from libvirt 0.9.4
netBuilder.append("<inbound average='" + _networkRateKBps + "' peak='" + _networkRateKBps + "'/>\n");
netBuilder.append("<outbound average='" + _networkRateKBps + "' peak='" + _networkRateKBps + "'/>\n");
if (_scriptPath != null) {
netBuilder.append("<script path='" + _scriptPath + "'/>\n");
if (_pxeDisable) {
netBuilder.append("<rom bar='off' file=''/>");
if (_virtualPortType != null) {
netBuilder.append("<virtualport type='" + _virtualPortType + "'>\n");
if (_virtualPortInterfaceId != null) {
netBuilder.append("<parameters interfaceid='" + _virtualPortInterfaceId + "'/>\n");
if (_vlanTag > 0 && _vlanTag < 4095) {
netBuilder.append("<vlan trunk='no'>\n<tag id='" + _vlanTag + "'/>\n</vlan>");
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(_dpdkExtraLines)) {
if (_netType != GuestNetType.VHOSTUSER) {
netBuilder.append("<link state='" + (_linkStateUp ? "up" : "down") +"'/>\n");
if (_slot != null) {
netBuilder.append(String.format("<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x%02x' function='0x0'/>\n", _slot));
return netBuilder.toString();
public static class ConsoleDef {
private final String _ttyPath;
private final String _type;
private final String _source;
private short _port = -1;
public ConsoleDef(String type, String path, String source, short port) {
_type = type;
_ttyPath = path;
_source = source;
_port = port;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder consoleBuilder = new StringBuilder();
consoleBuilder.append("<console ");
consoleBuilder.append("type='" + _type + "'");
if (_ttyPath != null) {
consoleBuilder.append("tty='" + _ttyPath + "'");
if (_source != null) {
consoleBuilder.append("<source path='" + _source + "'/>\n");
if (_port != -1) {
consoleBuilder.append("<target port='" + _port + "'/>\n");
return consoleBuilder.toString();
public static class CpuTuneDef {
private int _shares = 0;
private int quota = 0;
private int period = 0;
static final int DEFAULT_PERIOD = 10000;
static final int MIN_QUOTA = 1000;
static final int MAX_PERIOD = 1000000;
public void setShares(int shares) {
_shares = shares;
public int getShares() {
return _shares;
public int getQuota() {
return quota;
public void setQuota(int quota) {
this.quota = quota;
public int getPeriod() {
return period;
public void setPeriod(int period) {
this.period = period;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder cpuTuneBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (_shares > 0) {
cpuTuneBuilder.append("<shares>" + _shares + "</shares>\n");
if (quota > 0) {
cpuTuneBuilder.append("<quota>" + quota + "</quota>\n");
if (period > 0) {
cpuTuneBuilder.append("<period>" + period + "</period>\n");
return cpuTuneBuilder.toString();
public static class CpuModeDef {
private String _mode;
private String _model;
private List<String> _features;
private int _coresPerSocket = -1;
private int _sockets = -1;
public void setMode(String mode) {
_mode = mode;
public void setFeatures(List<String> features) {
if (features != null) {
_features = features;
public void setModel(String model) {
_model = model;
public void setTopology(int coresPerSocket, int sockets) {
_coresPerSocket = coresPerSocket;
_sockets = sockets;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder modeBuilder = new StringBuilder();
// start cpu def, adding mode, model
if ("custom".equalsIgnoreCase(_mode) && _model != null){
modeBuilder.append("<cpu mode='custom' match='exact'><model fallback='allow'>" + _model + "</model>");
} else if ("host-model".equals(_mode)) {
modeBuilder.append("<cpu mode='host-model'><model fallback='allow'></model>");
} else if ("host-passthrough".equals(_mode)) {
modeBuilder.append("<cpu mode='host-passthrough'>");
} else {
if (_features != null) {
for (String feature : _features) {
modeBuilder.append("<feature policy='require' name='" + feature + "'/>");
// add topology
if (_sockets > 0 && _coresPerSocket > 0) {
modeBuilder.append("<topology sockets='" + _sockets + "' cores='" + _coresPerSocket + "' threads='1' />");
// close cpu def
return modeBuilder.toString();
public static class SerialDef {
private final String _type;
private final String _source;
private short _port = -1;
public SerialDef(String type, String source, short port) {
_type = type;
_source = source;
_port = port;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder serialBuidler = new StringBuilder();
serialBuidler.append("<serial type='" + _type + "'>\n");
if (_source != null) {
serialBuidler.append("<source path='" + _source + "'/>\n");
if (_port != -1) {
serialBuidler.append("<target port='" + _port + "'/>\n");
return serialBuidler.toString();
public static class VideoDef {
private String _videoModel;
private int _videoRam;
public VideoDef(String videoModel, int videoRam) {
_videoModel = videoModel;
_videoRam = videoRam;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder videoBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (_videoModel != null && !_videoModel.isEmpty() && _videoRam != 0){
videoBuilder.append("<model type='" + _videoModel + "' vram='" + _videoRam + "'/>\n");
return videoBuilder.toString();
return "";
public final static class ChannelDef {
enum ChannelType {
UNIX("unix"), SERIAL("serial");
String type;
ChannelType(String type) {
this.type = type;
public String toString() {
return this.type;
enum ChannelState {
DISCONNECTED("disconnected"), CONNECTED("connected");
String type;
ChannelState(String type) {
this.type = type;
public String toString() {
return type;
private final String name;
private File path = new File("");
private final ChannelType type;
private ChannelState state;
public ChannelDef(String name, ChannelType type) { = name;
this.type = type;
public ChannelDef(String name, ChannelType type, File path) { = name;
this.path = path;
this.type = type;
public ChannelDef(String name, ChannelType type, ChannelState state) { = name;
this.state = state;
this.type = type;
public ChannelDef(String name, ChannelType type, ChannelState state, File path) { = name;
this.path = path;
this.state = state;
this.type = type;
public ChannelType getChannelType() {
return type;
public ChannelState getChannelState() {
return state;
public String getName() {
return name;
public File getPath() {
return path;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder virtioSerialBuilder = new StringBuilder();
virtioSerialBuilder.append("<channel type='" + type.toString() + "'>\n");
if (path == null) {
virtioSerialBuilder.append("<source mode='bind'/>\n");
} else {
virtioSerialBuilder.append("<source mode='bind' path='" + path.toString() + "'/>\n");
virtioSerialBuilder.append("<address type='virtio-serial'/>\n");
if (state == null) {
virtioSerialBuilder.append("<target type='virtio' name='" + name + "'/>\n");
} else {
virtioSerialBuilder.append("<target type='virtio' name='" + name + "' state='" + state.toString() + "'/>\n");
return virtioSerialBuilder.toString();
public static class GraphicDef {
private final String _type;
private short _port = -2;
private boolean _autoPort = false;
private final String _listenAddr;
private final String _passwd;
private final String _keyMap;
public GraphicDef(String type, short port, boolean autoPort, String listenAddr, String passwd, String keyMap) {
_type = type;
_port = port;
_autoPort = autoPort;
_listenAddr = listenAddr;
_passwd = StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(passwd);
_keyMap = keyMap;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder graphicBuilder = new StringBuilder();
graphicBuilder.append("<graphics type='" + _type + "'");
if (_autoPort) {
graphicBuilder.append(" autoport='yes'");
} else if (_port != -2) {
graphicBuilder.append(" port='" + _port + "'");
if (_listenAddr != null) {
graphicBuilder.append(" listen='" + _listenAddr + "'");
} else {
graphicBuilder.append(" listen=''");
if (_passwd != null) {
graphicBuilder.append(" passwd='" + _passwd + "'");
} else if (_keyMap != null) {
graphicBuilder.append(" _keymap='" + _keyMap + "'");
return graphicBuilder.toString();
public static class SCSIDef {
private short index = 0;
private int domain = 0;
private int bus = 0;
private int slot = 9;
private int function = 0;
private int queues = 0;
public SCSIDef(short index, int domain, int bus, int slot, int function, int queues) {
this.index = index;
this.domain = domain;
this.bus = bus;
this.slot = slot;
this.function = function;
this.queues = queues;
public SCSIDef() {
public String toString() {
StringBuilder scsiBuilder = new StringBuilder();
scsiBuilder.append(String.format("<controller type='scsi' index='%d' model='virtio-scsi'>\n", this.index));
scsiBuilder.append(String.format("<address type='pci' domain='0x%04X' bus='0x%02X' slot='0x%02X' function='0x%01X'/>\n",
this.domain, this.bus, this.slot, this.function ) );
if (this.queues > 0) {
scsiBuilder.append(String.format("<driver queues='%d'/>\n", this.queues));
return scsiBuilder.toString();
public static class InputDef {
private final String _type; /* tablet, mouse */
private final String _bus; /* ps2, usb, xen */
public InputDef(String type, String bus) {
_type = type;
_bus = bus;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder inputBuilder = new StringBuilder();
inputBuilder.append("<input type='" + _type + "'");
if (_bus != null) {
inputBuilder.append(" bus='" + _bus + "'");
return inputBuilder.toString();
public static class FilesystemDef {
private final String _sourcePath;
private final String _targetPath;
public FilesystemDef(String sourcePath, String targetPath) {
_sourcePath = sourcePath;
_targetPath = targetPath;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder fsBuilder = new StringBuilder();
fsBuilder.append("<filesystem type='mount'>\n");
fsBuilder.append(" <source dir='" + _sourcePath + "'/>\n");
fsBuilder.append(" <target dir='" + _targetPath + "'/>\n");
return fsBuilder.toString();
public static class MetadataDef {
Map<String, Object> customNodes = new HashMap<>();
public <T> T getMetadataNode(Class<T> fieldClass) {
T field = (T) customNodes.get(fieldClass.getName());
if (field == null) {
try {
field = fieldClass.newInstance();
customNodes.put(field.getClass().getName(), field);
} catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
s_logger.debug("No default constructor available in class " + fieldClass.getName() + ", ignoring exception", e);
return field;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder fsBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (Object field : customNodes.values()) {
return fsBuilder.toString();
public static class NuageExtensionDef {
private Map<String, String> addresses = Maps.newHashMap();
public void addNuageExtension(String macAddress, String vrIp) {
addresses.put(macAddress, vrIp);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder fsBuilder = new StringBuilder();
fsBuilder.append("<nuage-extension xmlns=''>\n");
for (Map.Entry<String, String> address : addresses.entrySet()) {
fsBuilder.append(" <interface mac='")
.append("' vsp-vr-ip='")
return fsBuilder.append("</nuage-extension>\n").toString();
public static class RngDef {
enum RngModel {
String model;
RngModel(String model) {
this.model = model;
public String toString() {
return model;
enum RngBackendModel {
RANDOM("random"), EGD("egd");
String model;
RngBackendModel(String model) {
this.model = model;
public String toString() {
return model;
private String path = "/dev/random";
private RngModel rngModel = RngModel.VIRTIO;
private RngBackendModel rngBackendModel = RngBackendModel.RANDOM;
private int rngRateBytes = 2048;
private int rngRatePeriod = 1000;
public RngDef(String path) {
this.path = path;
public RngDef(String path, int rngRateBytes, int rngRatePeriod) {
this.path = path;
this.rngRateBytes = rngRateBytes;
this.rngRatePeriod = rngRatePeriod;
public RngDef(RngModel rngModel) {
this.rngModel = rngModel;
public RngDef(RngBackendModel rngBackendModel) {
this.rngBackendModel = rngBackendModel;
public RngDef(String path, RngBackendModel rngBackendModel) {
this.path = path;
this.rngBackendModel = rngBackendModel;
public RngDef(String path, RngBackendModel rngBackendModel, int rngRateBytes, int rngRatePeriod) {
this.path = path;
this.rngBackendModel = rngBackendModel;
this.rngRateBytes = rngRateBytes;
this.rngRatePeriod = rngRatePeriod;
public RngDef(String path, RngModel rngModel) {
this.path = path;
this.rngModel = rngModel;
public String getPath() {
return path;
public RngBackendModel getRngBackendModel() {
return rngBackendModel;
public RngModel getRngModel() {
return rngModel;
public int getRngRateBytes() {
return rngRateBytes;
public int getRngRatePeriod() {
return rngRatePeriod;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder rngBuilder = new StringBuilder();
rngBuilder.append("<rng model='" + rngModel + "'>\n");
rngBuilder.append("<rate period='" + rngRatePeriod + "' bytes='" + rngRateBytes + "' />\n");
rngBuilder.append("<backend model='" + rngBackendModel + "'>" + path + "</backend>");
return rngBuilder.toString();
public static class WatchDogDef {
enum WatchDogModel {
I6300ESB("i6300esb"), IB700("ib700"), DIAG288("diag288");
String model;
WatchDogModel(String model) {
this.model = model;
public String toString() {
return model;
enum WatchDogAction {
RESET("reset"), SHUTDOWN("shutdown"), POWEROFF("poweroff"), PAUSE("pause"), NONE("none"), DUMP("dump");
String action;
WatchDogAction(String action) {
this.action = action;
public String toString() {
return action;
WatchDogModel model = WatchDogModel.I6300ESB;
WatchDogAction action = WatchDogAction.NONE;
public WatchDogDef(WatchDogAction action) {
this.action = action;
public WatchDogDef(WatchDogModel model) {
this.model = model;
public WatchDogDef(WatchDogAction action, WatchDogModel model) {
this.action = action;
this.model = model;
public WatchDogAction getAction() {
return action;
public WatchDogModel getModel() {
return model;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder wacthDogBuilder = new StringBuilder();
wacthDogBuilder.append("<watchdog model='" + model + "' action='" + action + "'/>\n");
return wacthDogBuilder.toString();
public void setHvsType(String hvs) {
_hvsType = hvs;
public String getHvsType() {
return _hvsType;
public static void setGlobalLibvirtVersion(long libvirtVersion) {
s_libvirtVersion = libvirtVersion;
public void setLibvirtVersion(long libvirtVersion) {
public static void setGlobalQemuVersion(long qemuVersion) {
s_qemuVersion = qemuVersion;
public void setQemuVersion(long qemuVersion) {
public void setDomainName(String domainName) {
_domName = domainName;
public void setDomUUID(String uuid) {
_domUUID = uuid;
public void setDomDescription(String desc) {
_desc = desc;
public String getGuestOSType() {
return _desc;
public void setPlatformEmulator(String platformEmulator) {
_platformEmulator = platformEmulator;
public String getPlatformEmulator() {
return _platformEmulator;
public void addComp(Object comp) {
components.put(comp.getClass().toString(), comp);
public DevicesDef getDevices() {
Object o = components.get(DevicesDef.class.toString());
if (o != null) {
return (DevicesDef)o;
return null;
public MetadataDef getMetaData() {
MetadataDef o = (MetadataDef) components.get(MetadataDef.class.toString());
if (o == null) {
o = new MetadataDef();
return o;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder vmBuilder = new StringBuilder();
vmBuilder.append("<domain type='" + _hvsType + "'>\n");
vmBuilder.append("<name>" + _domName + "</name>\n");
if (_domUUID != null) {
vmBuilder.append("<uuid>" + _domUUID + "</uuid>\n");
if (_desc != null) {
vmBuilder.append("<description>" + _desc + "</description>\n");
for (Object o : components.values()) {
return vmBuilder.toString();