blob: 86224ba0f5834214216a9e5a324eeed603f72199 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-- distributed with this work for additional information
-- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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-- under the License.
-- Schema upgrade from 2.2.9 to 2.2.10;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`account` ADD COLUMN `network_domain` varchar(255);
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`domain` ADD COLUMN `network_domain` varchar(255);
INSERT IGNORE INTO configuration VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'NetworkManager', 'use.external.dns', 'false', 'Bypass internal dns, use exetrnal dns1 and dns2');
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`domain_router` ADD COLUMN `is_redundant_router` int(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'if in redundant router mode';
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`domain_router` ADD COLUMN `priority` int(4) unsigned COMMENT 'priority of router in the redundant router mode';
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`domain_router` ADD COLUMN `redundant_state` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN' COMMENT 'the state of redundant virtual router';
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`cluster` ADD COLUMN `managed_state` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Managed' COMMENT 'Is this cluster managed by cloudstack';
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`host` MODIFY `storage_ip_address` char(40);
INSERT IGNORE INTO configuration VALUES ('Network', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server', 'network.redundantrouter', 'false', 'enable/disable redundant virtual router');
INSERT IGNORE INTO configuration VALUES ('Storage', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server', 'storage.pool.max.waitseconds', '3600', 'Timeout (in seconds) to synchronize storage pool operations.');
INSERT IGNORE INTO configuration VALUES ('Storage', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server', 'storage.template.cleanup.enabled', 'true', 'Enable/disable template cleanup activity, only take effect when overall storage cleanup is enabled');
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`firewall_rules` ADD COLUMN `icmp_code` int(10) COMMENT 'The ICMP code (if protocol=ICMP). A value of -1 means all codes for the given ICMP type.';
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`firewall_rules` ADD COLUMN `icmp_type` int(10) COMMENT 'The ICMP type (if protocol=ICMP). A value of -1 means all types.';
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`firewall_rules` ADD COLUMN `related` bigint unsigned COMMENT 'related to what other firewall rule';
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`firewall_rules` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_firewall_rules__related` FOREIGN KEY(`related`) REFERENCES `firewall_rules`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`firewall_rules` MODIFY `start_port` int(10) COMMENT 'starting port of a port range';
ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`firewall_rules` MODIFY `end_port` int(10) COMMENT 'end port of a port range';
INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`configuration` (category, instance, name, value, description) VALUES ('Network', 'DEFAULT', 'firewall.rule.ui.enabled', 'false', 'enable/disable UI that separates firewall rules from NAT/LB rules');
INSERT IGNORE INTO configuration VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server', 'agent.load.threshold', '0.70', 'Percentage (as a value between 0 and 1) of connected agents after which agent load balancing will start happening');
INSERT IGNORE INTO configuration VALUES ('Network', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server', 'network.loadbalancer.haproxy.stats.visibility', 'global', 'Load Balancer(haproxy) stats visibilty, it can take the following four parameters : global,guest-network,link-local,disabled');
INSERT IGNORE INTO configuration VALUES ('Network', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server', 'network.loadbalancer.haproxy.stats.uri','/admin?stats','Load Balancer(haproxy) uri.');
INSERT IGNORE INTO configuration VALUES ('Network', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server', 'network.loadbalancer.haproxy.stats.auth','admin1:AdMiN123','Load Balancer(haproxy) authetication string in the format username:password');
INSERT IGNORE INTO configuration VALUES ('Network', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server', 'network.loadbalancer.haproxy.stats.port','8081','Load Balancer(haproxy) stats port number.');
INSERT IGNORE INTO configuration VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'NetworkManager', 'use.external.dns', 'false', 'Bypass the cloudstack DHCP/DNS server vm name service, use zone external dns1 and dns2');
INSERT IGNORE INTO configuration VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server', 'network.loadbalancer.basiczone.elb.enabled', 'false', 'Whether the load balancing service is enabled for basic zones');
INSERT IGNORE INTO configuration VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server', 'network.loadbalancer.basiczone.elb.gc.interval.minutes', '120', 'Garbage collection interval to destroy unused ELB vms in minutes. Minimum of 5');
INSERT IGNORE INTO configuration VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server', '', 'guest', 'Whether the elastic load balancing service public ips are taken from the public or guest network');
INSERT IGNORE INTO configuration VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server', 'network.loadbalancer.basiczone.elb.vm.cpu.mhz', '128', 'CPU speed for the elastic load balancer vm');
INSERT IGNORE INTO configuration VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server', 'network.loadbalancer.basiczone.elb.vm.ram.size', '128', 'Memory in MB for the elastic load balancer vm');
INSERT IGNORE INTO configuration VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server', 'network.loadbalancer.basiczone.elb.vm.vcpu.num', '1', 'Number of VCPU for the elastic load balancer vm');
INSERT IGNORE INTO configuration VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server', 'vmware.reserve.mem', 'false', 'Specify whether or not to reserve memory based on memory overprovisioning factor');
INSERT IGNORE INTO configuration VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server', 'mem.overprovisioning.factor', '1', 'Used for memory overprovisioning calculation');
INSERT IGNORE INTO configuration VALUES ('Network', 'DEFAULT', 'AgentManager', 'remote.access.vpn.psk.length', '24', 'The length of the ipsec preshared key (minimum 8, maximum 256)');
INSERT IGNORE INTO configuration VALUES ('Network', 'DEFAULT', 'AgentManager', 'remote.access.vpn.client.iprange', '', 'The range of ips to be allocated to remote access vpn clients. The first ip in the range is used by the VPN server');
INSERT IGNORE INTO configuration VALUES ('Network', 'DEFAULT', 'AgentManager', 'remote.access.vpn.user.limit', '8', 'The maximum number of VPN users that can be created per account');
CREATE TABLE IF NOT exists `cloud`.`elastic_lb_vm_map` (
`id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`ip_addr_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
`elb_vm_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
`lb_id` bigint unsigned,
CONSTRAINT `fk_elastic_lb_vm_map__ip_id` FOREIGN KEY `fk_elastic_lb_vm_map__ip_id` (`ip_addr_id`) REFERENCES `user_ip_address` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
CONSTRAINT `fk_elastic_lb_vm_map__elb_vm_id` FOREIGN KEY `fk_elastic_lb_vm_map__elb_vm_id` (`elb_vm_id`) REFERENCES `vm_instance` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
CONSTRAINT `fk_elastic_lb_vm_map__lb_id` FOREIGN KEY `fk_elastic_lb_vm_map__lb_id` (`lb_id`) REFERENCES `load_balancing_rules` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE
UPDATE `cloud`.`network_offerings` SET lb_service=1 where unique_name='System-Guest-Network';