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import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Data Access Object for storage_pool table
public interface PrimaryDataStoreDao extends GenericDao<StoragePoolVO, Long> {
* @param datacenterId -- the id of the datacenter (availability zone)
List<StoragePoolVO> listByDataCenterId(long datacenterId);
* @param datacenterId -- the id of the datacenter (availability zone)
List<StoragePoolVO> listBy(long datacenterId, Long podId, Long clusterId, ScopeType scope);
* Set capacity of storage pool in bytes
* @param id pool id.
* @param capacityBytes capacity in bytes
void updateCapacityBytes(long id, long capacityBytes);
* Set iops capacity of storage pool
* @param id pool id.
* @param capacityIops iops capacity
void updateCapacityIops(long id, long capacityIops);
StoragePoolVO persist(StoragePoolVO pool, Map<String, String> details, List<String> tags);
* Find pool by name.
* @param name
* name of pool.
* @return the single StoragePoolVO
List<StoragePoolVO> findPoolByName(String name);
List<StoragePoolVO> findPoolsByProvider(String provider);
* Find pools by the pod that matches the details.
* @param podId
* pod id to find the pools in.
* @param details
* details to match. All must match for the pool to be returned.
* @return List of StoragePoolVO
List<StoragePoolVO> findPoolsByDetails(long dcId, long podId, Long clusterId, Map<String, String> details, ScopeType scope);
List<StoragePoolVO> findPoolsByTags(long dcId, long podId, Long clusterId, String[] tags);
List<StoragePoolVO> findDisabledPoolsByScope(long dcId, Long podId, Long clusterId, ScopeType scope);
* Find pool by UUID.
* @param uuid
* uuid of pool.
* @return the single StoragePoolVO
StoragePoolVO findPoolByUUID(String uuid);
List<StoragePoolVO> listByStorageHost(String hostFqdnOrIp);
StoragePoolVO findPoolByHostPath(long dcId, Long podId, String host, String path, String uuid);
List<StoragePoolVO> listPoolByHostPath(String host, String path);
void updateDetails(long poolId, Map<String, String> details);
Map<String, String> getDetails(long poolId);
List<String> searchForStoragePoolTags(long poolId);
List<StoragePoolVO> findIfDuplicatePoolsExistByUUID(String uuid);
List<StoragePoolVO> listByStatus(StoragePoolStatus status);
long countPoolsByStatus(StoragePoolStatus... statuses);
List<StoragePoolVO> listByStatusInZone(long dcId, StoragePoolStatus status);
List<StoragePoolVO> listPoolsByCluster(long clusterId);
List<StoragePoolVO> findLocalStoragePoolsByTags(long dcId, long podId, Long clusterId, String[] tags);
List<StoragePoolVO> findZoneWideStoragePoolsByTags(long dcId, String[] tags);
List<StoragePoolVO> findZoneWideStoragePoolsByHypervisor(long dataCenterId, HypervisorType hypervisorType);
List<StoragePoolVO> findLocalStoragePoolsByHostAndTags(long hostId, String[] tags);
List<StoragePoolVO> listLocalStoragePoolByPath(long datacenterId, String path);
void deletePoolTags(long poolId);