blob: c32cfbfe34556b1783fac342c1ead7f7604527b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.cloudstack.framework.config.ConfigKey;
import org.apache.cloudstack.framework.config.Configurable;
public interface CAManager extends CAService, Configurable, PluggableService {
ConfigKey<String> CAProviderPlugin = new ConfigKey<>("Advanced", String.class,
"The CA provider plugin that is used for secure CloudStack management server-agent communication for encryption and authentication. Restart management server(s) when changed.", true);
ConfigKey<Integer> CertKeySize = new ConfigKey<>("Advanced", Integer.class,
"The key size to be used for random certificate keypair generation.", true);
ConfigKey<String> CertSignatureAlgorithm = new ConfigKey<>("Advanced", String.class,
"The default signature algorithm to use for certificate generation.", true);
ConfigKey<Integer> CertValidityPeriod = new ConfigKey<>("Advanced", Integer.class,
"The validity period of a client certificate in number of days. Set the value to be more than the expiry alert period.", true);
ConfigKey<Boolean> AutomaticCertRenewal = new ConfigKey<>("Advanced", Boolean.class,
"Enable automatic renewal and provisioning of certificate to agents as supported by the configured CA plugin.", true, ConfigKey.Scope.Cluster);
ConfigKey<Long> CABackgroundJobDelay = new ConfigKey<>("Advanced", Long.class,
"The CA framework background task delay in seconds. Background task runs expiry checks and renews certificate if auto-renewal is enabled.", true);
ConfigKey<Integer> CertExpiryAlertPeriod = new ConfigKey<>("Advanced", Integer.class,
"The number of days before expiry of a client certificate, the validations are checked. Admins are alerted when auto-renewal is not allowed, otherwise auto-renewal is attempted.", true, ConfigKey.Scope.Cluster);
* Returns a list of available CA provider plugins
* @return returns list of CAProvider
List<CAProvider> getCaProviders();
* Returns a map of active agents/hosts certificates
* @return returns a non-null map
Map<String, X509Certificate> getActiveCertificatesMap();
* Checks whether the configured CA plugin can provision/create certificates
* @return returns certificate creation capability
boolean canProvisionCertificates();
* Returns PEM-encoded chained CA certificate
* @param caProvider
* @return returns CA certificate chain string
String getCaCertificate(final String caProvider) throws IOException;
* Issues client Certificate
* @param csr
* @param ipAddresses
* @param domainNames
* @param validityDays
* @param provider
* @return returns Certificate
Certificate issueCertificate(final String csr, final List<String> domainNames, final List<String> ipAddresses, final Integer validityDays, final String provider);
* Revokes certificate from provided serial and CN
* @param certSerial
* @param certCn
* @return returns success/failure as boolean
boolean revokeCertificate(final BigInteger certSerial, final String certCn, final String provider);
* Provisions certificate for given active and connected agent host
* @param host
* @param provider
* @return returns success/failure as boolean
boolean provisionCertificate(final Host host, final Boolean reconnect, final String provider);
* Setups up a new keystore and generates CSR for a host
* @param host
* @param sshAccessDetails when provided, VirtualRoutingResource uses router proxy to execute commands via SSH in systemvms
* @return
* @throws AgentUnavailableException
* @throws OperationTimedoutException
String generateKeyStoreAndCsr(final Host host, final Map<String, String> sshAccessDetails) throws AgentUnavailableException, OperationTimedoutException;
* Deploys a Certificate payload to a provided host
* @param host
* @param certificate
* @param reconnect when true the host/agent is reconnected on successful deployment of the certificate
* @param sshAccessDetails when provided, VirtualRoutingResource uses router proxy to execute commands via SSH in systemvms
* @return
* @throws AgentUnavailableException
* @throws OperationTimedoutException
boolean deployCertificate(final Host host, final Certificate certificate, final Boolean reconnect, final Map<String, String> sshAccessDetails) throws AgentUnavailableException, OperationTimedoutException;
* Removes the host from an internal active client/certificate map
* @param host
void purgeHostCertificate(final Host host);
* Sends a CA cert event alert to admins with a subject and a message
* @param host
* @param subject
* @param message
void sendAlert(final Host host, final String subject, final String message);