blob: 0bd5d734e30e71577718b782001310ddb15dcfbe [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
import org.apache.cloudstack.acl.ControlledEntity;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.Identity;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.InternalIdentity;
public interface ResourceTag extends ControlledEntity, Identity, InternalIdentity {
// FIXME - extract enum to another interface as its used both by resourceTags and resourceMetaData code
public enum ResourceObjectType {
UserVm(true, true),
Template(true, true),
ISO(true, false),
Volume(true, true),
Snapshot(true, false),
Network(true, true),
Nic(false, true),
LoadBalancer(true, true),
PortForwardingRule(true, true),
FirewallRule(true, true),
SecurityGroup(true, false),
SecurityGroupRule(true, false),
PublicIpAddress(true, true),
Project(true, false),
Account(true, false),
Vpc(true, true),
NetworkACL(true, true),
StaticRoute(true, false),
VMSnapshot(true, false),
RemoteAccessVpn(true, true),
Zone(false, true),
ServiceOffering(false, true),
Storage(false, true),
PrivateGateway(false, true),
NetworkACLList(false, true),
VpnGateway(false, true),
CustomerGateway(false, true),
VpnConnection(false, true),
User(true, true),
DiskOffering(false, true),
AutoScaleVmProfile(false, true),
AutoScaleVmGroup(false, true),
LBStickinessPolicy(false, true),
LBHealthCheckPolicy(false, true),
SnapshotPolicy(false, true),
GuestOs(false, true),
NetworkOffering(false, true),
VpcOffering(true, false);
ResourceObjectType(boolean resourceTagsSupport, boolean resourceMetadataSupport) {
this.resourceTagsSupport = resourceTagsSupport;
metadataSupport = resourceMetadataSupport;
private final boolean resourceTagsSupport;
private final boolean metadataSupport;
public boolean resourceTagsSupport() {
return resourceTagsSupport;
public boolean resourceMetadataSupport() {
return metadataSupport;
* @return
String getKey();
* @return
String getValue();
* @return
long getResourceId();
void setResourceId(long resourceId);
* @return
ResourceObjectType getResourceType();
* @return
String getCustomer();
* @return
String getResourceUuid();