blob: db188e0db9e80506d5edb394149a5f5ebfec336a [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
<a-alert type="error" v-if="['vm', 'systemvm', 'router', 'ilbvm'].includes($ && 'hostcontrolstate' in resource && resource.hostcontrolstate !== 'Enabled'">
<template #message>
<div class="title">
{{ $t('') }} {{ resource.hostcontrolstate }}. {{ $t('') }}
<a-alert v-if="ip6routes" type="info" :showIcon="true" :message="$t('label.add.upstream.ipv6.routes')">
<template #description>
<p v-html="ip6routes" />
<a-alert v-if="vnfAccessMethods" type="info" :showIcon="true" :message="$t('label.vnf.appliance.access.methods')">
<template #description>
<p v-html="vnfAccessMethods" />
<template #renderItem="{item}">
<a-list-item v-if="(item in dataResource && !customDisplayItems.includes(item)) || (offeringDetails.includes(item) && dataResource.serviceofferingdetails)">
<strong>{{ item === 'service' ? $t('label.supportedservices') : $t('label.' + String(item).toLowerCase()) }}</strong>
<div v-if="Array.isArray(dataResource[item]) && item === 'service'">
<div v-for="(service, idx) in dataResource[item]" :key="idx">
{{ }} : {{ service.provider?.[0]?.name }}
<div v-else-if="$ === 'backup' && item === 'volumes'">
<div v-for="(volume, idx) in JSON.parse(dataResource[item])" :key="idx">
<router-link :to="{ path: '/volume/' + volume.uuid }">{{ volume.type }} - {{ volume.path }}</router-link> ({{ parseFloat(volume.size / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0)).toFixed(1) }} GB)
<div v-else-if="$ === 'computeoffering' && item === 'rootdisksize'">
{{ dataResource.rootdisksize }} GB
<div v-else-if="['template', 'iso'].includes($ && item === 'size'">
{{ parseFloat(dataResource.size / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0)).toFixed(2) }} GiB
<div v-else-if="['volume', 'snapshot', 'template', 'iso'].includes($ && item === 'physicalsize'">
{{ parseFloat(dataResource.physicalsize / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0)).toFixed(2) }} GiB
<div v-else-if="['volume', 'snapshot', 'template', 'iso'].includes($ && item === 'virtualsize'">
{{ parseFloat(dataResource.virtualsize / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0)).toFixed(2) }} GiB
<div v-else-if="['name', 'type'].includes(item)">
<span v-if="['USER.LOGIN', 'USER.LOGOUT', 'ROUTER.HEALTH.CHECKS', 'FIREWALL.CLOSE', 'ALERT.SERVICE.DOMAINROUTER'].includes(dataResource[item])">{{ $t(dataResource[item].toLowerCase()) }}</span>
<span v-else>{{ dataResource[item] }}</span>
<div v-else-if="['created', 'sent', 'lastannotated', 'collectiontime', 'lastboottime', 'lastserverstart', 'lastserverstop'].includes(item)">
{{ $toLocaleDate(dataResource[item]) }}
<div v-else-if="$ === 'userdata' && item === 'userdata'">
<div style="white-space: pre-wrap;"> {{ decodeUserData(dataResource.userdata)}} </div>
<div v-else-if="$ === 'guestnetwork' && item === 'egressdefaultpolicy'">
{{ dataResource[item]? $t('message.egress.rules.allow') : $t('message.egress.rules.deny') }}
<div v-else-if="item === 'securitygroup'">
<div v-if="dataResource[item] && dataResource[item].length > 0">
<span v-for="(securityGroup, idx) in dataResource[item]" :key="idx">
{{ }} &nbsp;
<div v-else-if="$ === 'computeoffering' && offeringDetails.includes(item)">
{{ dataResource.serviceofferingdetails[item] }}
<div v-else>{{ dataResource[item] }}</div>
<a-list-item v-else-if="item === 'ip6address' && ipV6Address && ipV6Address.length > 0">
<strong>{{ $t('label.' + String(item).toLowerCase()) }}</strong>
<div>{{ ipV6Address }}</div>
<a-list-item v-else-if="(item === 'privatemtu' && !['L2', 'Shared'].includes(dataResource['type'])) || (item === 'publicmtu' && dataResource['type'] !== 'L2')">
<strong>{{ $t('label.' + String(item).toLowerCase()) }}</strong>
<div>{{ dataResource[item] }}</div>
<HostInfo :resource="dataResource" v-if="$ === 'host' && 'listHosts' in $store.getters.apis" />
<DedicateData :resource="dataResource" v-if="dedicatedSectionActive" />
<VmwareData :resource="dataResource" v-if="$ === 'zone' && 'listVmwareDcs' in $store.getters.apis" />
import DedicateData from './DedicateData'
import HostInfo from '@/views/infra/HostInfo'
import VmwareData from './VmwareData'
export default {
name: 'DetailsTab',
components: {
props: {
resource: {
type: Object,
required: true
items: {
type: Object,
default: () => {}
loading: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
bordered: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
tab: {
type: String,
default: ''
data () {
return {
dedicatedRoutes: ['zone', 'pod', 'cluster', 'host'],
dedicatedSectionActive: false,
projectname: '',
dataResource: {}
mounted () {
this.dedicatedSectionActive = this.dedicatedRoutes.includes(this.$
computed: {
customDisplayItems () {
return ['ip6routes', 'privatemtu', 'publicmtu', 'provider']
vnfAccessMethods () {
if (this.resource.templatetype === 'VNF' && ['vm', 'vnfapp'].includes(this.$ {
const accessMethodsDescription = []
const accessMethods = this.resource.vnfdetails?.access_methods || null
const username = this.resource.vnfdetails?.username || null
const password = this.resource.vnfdetails?.password || null
const sshPort = this.resource.vnfdetails?.ssh_port || 22
const sshUsername = this.resource.vnfdetails?.ssh_user || null
const sshPassword = this.resource.vnfdetails?.ssh_password || null
let httpPath = this.resource.vnfdetails?.http_path || ''
if (!httpPath.startsWith('/')) {
httpPath = '/' + httpPath
const httpPort = this.resource.vnfdetails?.http_port || null
let httpsPath = this.resource.vnfdetails?.https_path || ''
if (!httpsPath.startsWith('/')) {
httpsPath = '/' + httpsPath
const httpsPort = this.resource.vnfdetails?.https_port || null
const webUsername = this.resource.vnfdetails?.web_user || null
const webPassword = this.resource.vnfdetails?.web_password || null
const credentials = []
if (username) {
credentials.push(this.$t('label.username') + ' : ' + username)
if (password) {
credentials.push(this.$t('label.password.default') + ' : ' + password)
if (webUsername) {
credentials.push('Web ' + this.$t('label.username') + ' : ' + webUsername)
if (webPassword) {
credentials.push('Web ' + this.$t('label.password.default') + ' : ' + webPassword)
if (sshUsername) {
credentials.push('SSH ' + this.$t('label.username') + ' : ' + sshUsername)
if (sshPassword) {
credentials.push('SSH ' + this.$t('label.password.default') + ' : ' + sshPassword)
const managementDeviceIds = []
if (this.resource.vnfnics) {
for (const vnfnic of this.resource.vnfnics) {
if ( {
const managementIps = []
for (const nic of this.resource.nic) {
if (managementDeviceIds.includes(parseInt(nic.deviceid)) && nic.ipaddress) {
if (nic.publicip) {
if (accessMethods) {
const accessMethodsArray = accessMethods.split(',')
for (const accessMethod of accessMethodsArray) {
if (accessMethod === 'console') {
accessMethodsDescription.push('- VM Console.')
} else if (accessMethod === 'ssh-password') {
accessMethodsDescription.push('- SSH with password' + (sshPort ? ' (SSH port is ' + sshPort + ').' : '.'))
} else if (accessMethod === 'ssh-key') {
accessMethodsDescription.push('- SSH with key' + (sshPort ? ' (SSH port is ' + sshPort + ').' : '.'))
} else if (accessMethod === 'http') {
for (const managementIp of managementIps) {
const url = 'http://' + managementIp + (httpPort ? ':' + httpPort : '') + httpPath
accessMethodsDescription.push('- Webpage: <a href="' + url + '" target="_blank>">' + url + '</a>')
} else if (accessMethod === 'https') {
for (const managementIp of managementIps) {
const url = 'https://' + managementIp + (httpsPort ? ':' + httpsPort : '') + httpsPath
accessMethodsDescription.push('- Webpage: <a href="' + url + '" target="_blank">' + url + '</a>')
} else {
accessMethodsDescription.push('- VM Console.')
if (credentials) {
accessMethodsDescription.push('<br>' + this.$t(''))
return accessMethodsDescription.join('<br>')
return null
offeringDetails () {
return ['maxcpunumber', 'mincpunumber', 'minmemory', 'maxmemory']
ipV6Address () {
if (this.dataResource.nic && this.dataResource.nic.length > 0) {
return this.dataResource.nic.filter(e => { return e.ip6address }).map(e => { return e.ip6address }).join(', ')
return null
ip6routes () {
if (this.resource.ip6routes && this.resource.ip6routes.length > 0) {
var routes = []
for (var route of this.resource.ip6routes) {
routes.push(route.subnet + ' via ' + route.gateway)
return routes.join('<br>')
return null
created () {
this.dataResource = this.resource
this.dedicatedSectionActive = this.dedicatedRoutes.includes(this.$
watch: {
resource: {
deep: true,
handler () {
this.dataResource = this.resource
if ('account' in this.dataResource && this.dataResource.account.startsWith('PrjAcct-')) {
this.projectname = this.dataResource.account.substring(this.dataResource.account.indexOf('-') + 1, this.dataResource.account.lastIndexOf('-'))
this.dataResource.projectname = this.projectname
$route () {
this.dedicatedSectionActive = this.dedicatedRoutes.includes(this.$
methods: {
decodeUserData (userdata) {
const decodedData = Buffer.from(userdata, 'base64')
return decodedData.toString('utf-8')
fetchProjectAdmins () {
if (!this.dataResource.owner) {
return false
var owners = this.dataResource.owner
var projectAdmins = []
for (var owner of owners) {
projectAdmins.push(Object.keys(owner).includes('user') ? owner.account + '(' + owner.user + ')' : owner.account)
this.dataResource.account = projectAdmins.join()
fetchDetails () {
var details = this.$route.meta.details
if (typeof details === 'function') {
details = details()
details = this.projectname ? [...details.filter(x => x !== 'account'), 'projectname'] : details
return details