blob: f0b3260be0e1e58d8ce44c401811399cfe6429fa [file] [log] [blame]
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"""Example of using paramiko and envassert for systemvm tests."""
# from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
from envassert import file, package, user
from cuisine import file_write
from . import SystemVMTestCase, has_line, print_doc
except (ImportError, ValueError):
from systemvm import SystemVMTestCase, has_line, print_doc
class HelloSystemVMTestCase(SystemVMTestCase):
# @attr(tags=["systemvm"], required_hardware="true")
def disabled_hello_systemvm_paramiko(self):
"""Test we can connect to the systemvm over ssh, low-level with paramiko"""
stdin, stdout, stderr = self.sshClient.exec_command('echo hello')
result =
self.assertEqual('hello', result)
# @attr(tags=["systemvm"], required_hardware="true")
def disabled_test_hello_systemvm_envassert(self):
"""Test we can run envassert assertions on the systemvm"""
assert file.exists('/etc/hosts')
for packageName in ['dnsmasq', 'haproxy', 'keepalived', 'curl']:
assert package.installed(packageName), 'package %s should be installed' % packageName
assert user.exists('cloud'), 'user cloud should exist'
# @attr(tags=["systemvm"], required_hardware="true")
def disabled_hello_systemvm_cuisine(self):
"""Test we can run cuisine on the systemvm"""
file_write('/tmp/run_cuisine', '\n\nsuccess!\n')
found, context = has_line('/tmp/run_cuisine', 'success!')
if not found:
print_doc('/tmp/cuisine', context)
assert found, '/tmp/run_cuisine should contain "success!"'