blob: a6e42850c5e54431b40f092e5ff701495a87a24d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.vmware.vim25.ArrayOfHostIpRouteEntry;
import com.vmware.vim25.ArrayUpdateOperation;
import com.vmware.vim25.ClusterComputeResourceSummary;
import com.vmware.vim25.ClusterConfigInfoEx;
import com.vmware.vim25.ClusterDasConfigInfo;
import com.vmware.vim25.ClusterDasVmSettingsRestartPriority;
import com.vmware.vim25.ClusterHostRecommendation;
import com.vmware.vim25.ComputeResourceSummary;
import com.vmware.vim25.CustomFieldStringValue;
import com.vmware.vim25.DasVmPriority;
import com.vmware.vim25.DatastoreInfo;
import com.vmware.vim25.DynamicProperty;
import com.vmware.vim25.GuestOsDescriptor;
import com.vmware.vim25.HostHardwareSummary;
import com.vmware.vim25.HostIpRouteEntry;
import com.vmware.vim25.HostRuntimeInfo;
import com.vmware.vim25.HostSystemConnectionState;
import com.vmware.vim25.ManagedObjectReference;
import com.vmware.vim25.NasDatastoreInfo;
import com.vmware.vim25.ObjectContent;
import com.vmware.vim25.ObjectSpec;
import com.vmware.vim25.OptionValue;
import com.vmware.vim25.PropertyFilterSpec;
import com.vmware.vim25.PropertySpec;
import com.vmware.vim25.TraversalSpec;
import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineConfigOption;
import com.vmware.vim25.VirtualMachineConfigSpec;
import com.vmware.vim25.ClusterDasVmConfigInfo;
import com.vmware.vim25.ClusterDasVmConfigSpec;
import com.vmware.vim25.ClusterDasVmSettings;
import com.vmware.vim25.ClusterConfigSpecEx;
// interface. This has changed as ClusterMO no longer works as a special host anymore. Need to refactor accordingly
public class ClusterMO extends BaseMO implements VmwareHypervisorHost {
private static final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(ClusterMO.class);
private ManagedObjectReference _environmentBrowser = null;
public ClusterMO(VmwareContext context, ManagedObjectReference morCluster) {
super(context, morCluster);
public ClusterMO(VmwareContext context, String morType, String morValue) {
super(context, morType, morValue);
public String getHyperHostName() throws Exception {
return getName();
public ClusterDasConfigInfo getDasConfig() throws Exception {
ClusterConfigInfoEx configInfo = getClusterConfigInfo();
if (configInfo != null) {
// Note getDynamicProperty() with "configurationEx.dasConfig" does not work here because of that dasConfig is a property in subclass
return configInfo.getDasConfig();
return null;
private ClusterConfigInfoEx getClusterConfigInfo() throws Exception {
ClusterConfigInfoEx configInfo = (ClusterConfigInfoEx)_context.getVimClient().getDynamicProperty(_mor, "configurationEx");
return configInfo;
public boolean isHAEnabled() throws Exception {
ClusterDasConfigInfo dasConfig = getDasConfig();
if (dasConfig != null && dasConfig.isEnabled() != null && dasConfig.isEnabled().booleanValue()) {
return true;
return false;
private String getRestartPriorityForVM(VirtualMachineMO vmMo) throws Exception {
if (vmMo == null) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to get restart priority for VM, invalid VM object reference");
return null;
ManagedObjectReference vmMor = vmMo.getMor();
if (vmMor == null || !vmMor.getType().equals("VirtualMachine")) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to get restart priority for VM: " + vmMo.getName() + ", invalid VM object reference");
return null;
ClusterConfigInfoEx configInfo = getClusterConfigInfo();
if (configInfo == null) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to get restart priority for VM: " + vmMo.getName() + ", no cluster config information");
return null;
List<ClusterDasVmConfigInfo> dasVmConfig = configInfo.getDasVmConfig();
for (int dasVmConfigIndex = 0; dasVmConfigIndex < dasVmConfig.size(); dasVmConfigIndex++) {
ClusterDasVmConfigInfo dasVmConfigInfo = dasVmConfig.get(dasVmConfigIndex);
if (dasVmConfigInfo != null && dasVmConfigInfo.getKey().getValue().equals(vmMor.getValue())) {
DasVmPriority dasVmPriority = dasVmConfigInfo.getRestartPriority();
if (dasVmPriority != null) {
return dasVmPriority.value();
} else {
//VM uses cluster restart priority when DasVmPriority for the VM is null.
return ClusterDasVmSettingsRestartPriority.CLUSTER_RESTART_PRIORITY.value();
s_logger.debug("VM: " + vmMo.getName() + " uses default restart priority in the cluster: " + getName());
return null;
public void setRestartPriorityForVM(VirtualMachineMO vmMo, String priority) throws Exception {
if (vmMo == null || StringUtils.isBlank(priority)) {
if (!isHAEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("Couldn't set restart priority for VM: " + vmMo.getName() + ", HA disabled in the cluster");
ManagedObjectReference vmMor = vmMo.getMor();
if (vmMor == null || !vmMor.getType().equals("VirtualMachine")) {
s_logger.debug("Failed to set restart priority for VM: " + vmMo.getName() + ", invalid VM object reference");
String currentVmRestartPriority = getRestartPriorityForVM(vmMo);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(currentVmRestartPriority) && currentVmRestartPriority.equalsIgnoreCase(priority)) {
ClusterDasVmSettings clusterDasVmSettings = new ClusterDasVmSettings();
ClusterDasVmConfigInfo clusterDasVmConfigInfo = new ClusterDasVmConfigInfo();
ClusterDasVmConfigSpec clusterDasVmConfigSpec = new ClusterDasVmConfigSpec();
clusterDasVmConfigSpec.setOperation((StringUtils.isNotBlank(currentVmRestartPriority)) ? ArrayUpdateOperation.EDIT : ArrayUpdateOperation.ADD);
ClusterConfigSpecEx clusterConfigSpecEx = new ClusterConfigSpecEx();
ClusterDasConfigInfo clusterDasConfigInfo = new ClusterDasConfigInfo();
ManagedObjectReference morTask = _context.getService().reconfigureComputeResourceTask(_mor, clusterConfigSpecEx, true);
boolean result = _context.getVimClient().waitForTask(morTask);
if (result) {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - setRestartPriority done(successfully)");
} else {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - setRestartPriority done(failed)");
s_logger.error("Set restart priority failed for VM: " + vmMo.getName() + " due to " + TaskMO.getTaskFailureInfo(_context, morTask));
public ManagedObjectReference getHyperHostDatacenter() throws Exception {
Pair<DatacenterMO, String> dcPair = DatacenterMO.getOwnerDatacenter(getContext(), getMor());
assert (dcPair != null);
return dcPair.first().getMor();
public ManagedObjectReference getHyperHostOwnerResourcePool() throws Exception {
return (ManagedObjectReference)_context.getVimClient().getDynamicProperty(getMor(), "resourcePool");
public ManagedObjectReference getHyperHostCluster() throws Exception {
return _mor;
public VirtualMachineMO findVmOnHyperHost(String name) throws Exception {
int key = getCustomFieldKey("VirtualMachine", CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_VM_INTERNAL_NAME);
if (key == 0) {
s_logger.warn("Custom field " + CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_VM_INTERNAL_NAME + " is not registered ?!");
String instanceNameCustomField = "value[" + key + "]";
ObjectContent[] ocs = getVmPropertiesOnHyperHost(new String[] {"name", instanceNameCustomField});
return HypervisorHostHelper.findVmFromObjectContent(_context, ocs, name, instanceNameCustomField);
public VirtualMachineMO findVmOnPeerHyperHost(String name) throws Exception {
int key = getCustomFieldKey("VirtualMachine", CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_VM_INTERNAL_NAME);
if (key == 0) {
s_logger.warn("Custom field " + CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_VM_INTERNAL_NAME + " is not registered ?!");
String instanceNameCustomField = "value[" + key + "]";
ObjectContent[] ocs = getVmPropertiesOnHyperHost(new String[] {"name", instanceNameCustomField});
return HypervisorHostHelper.findVmFromObjectContent(_context, ocs, name, instanceNameCustomField);
public ObjectContent[] getVmPropertiesOnHyperHost(String[] propertyPaths) throws Exception {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - retrieveProperties() for VM properties. target MOR: " + _mor.getValue() + ", properties: " + new Gson().toJson(propertyPaths));
PropertySpec pSpec = new PropertySpec();
TraversalSpec host2VmFolderTraversal = new TraversalSpec();
TraversalSpec cluster2HostFolderTraversal = new TraversalSpec();
ObjectSpec oSpec = new ObjectSpec();
PropertyFilterSpec pfSpec = new PropertyFilterSpec();
List<PropertyFilterSpec> pfSpecArr = new ArrayList<PropertyFilterSpec>();
List<ObjectContent> properties = _context.getService().retrieveProperties(_context.getPropertyCollector(), pfSpecArr);
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - retrieveProperties() done");
return properties.toArray(new ObjectContent[properties.size()]);
public ObjectContent[] getDatastorePropertiesOnHyperHost(String[] propertyPaths) throws Exception {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - retrieveProperties() on Datastore properties. target MOR: " + _mor.getValue() + ", properties: " + new Gson().toJson(propertyPaths));
PropertySpec pSpec = new PropertySpec();
TraversalSpec cluster2DatastoreTraversal = new TraversalSpec();
ObjectSpec oSpec = new ObjectSpec();
PropertyFilterSpec pfSpec = new PropertyFilterSpec();
List<PropertyFilterSpec> pfSpecArr = new ArrayList<PropertyFilterSpec>();
List<ObjectContent> properties = _context.getService().retrieveProperties(_context.getPropertyCollector(), pfSpecArr);
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - retrieveProperties() done");
return properties.toArray(new ObjectContent[properties.size()]);
public ObjectContent[] getHostPropertiesOnCluster(String[] propertyPaths) throws Exception {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - retrieveProperties() on Host properties. target MOR: " + _mor.getValue() + ", properties: " + new Gson().toJson(propertyPaths));
PropertySpec pSpec = new PropertySpec();
TraversalSpec cluster2HostTraversal = new TraversalSpec();
ObjectSpec oSpec = new ObjectSpec();
PropertyFilterSpec pfSpec = new PropertyFilterSpec();
List<PropertyFilterSpec> pfSpecArr = new ArrayList<PropertyFilterSpec>();
List<ObjectContent> properties = _context.getService().retrieveProperties(_context.getPropertyCollector(), pfSpecArr);
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - retrieveProperties() done");
return properties.toArray(new ObjectContent[properties.size()]);
public boolean createVm(VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmSpec) throws Exception {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - createVM_Task(). target MOR: " + _mor.getValue() + ", VirtualMachineConfigSpec: " + new Gson().toJson(vmSpec));
assert (vmSpec != null);
DatacenterMO dcMo = new DatacenterMO(_context, getHyperHostDatacenter());
ManagedObjectReference morPool = getHyperHostOwnerResourcePool();
ManagedObjectReference morTask = _context.getService().createVMTask(dcMo.getVmFolder(), vmSpec, morPool, null);
boolean result = _context.getVimClient().waitForTask(morTask);
if (result) {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - createVM_Task() done(successfully)");
return true;
} else {
s_logger.error("VMware createVM_Task failed due to " + TaskMO.getTaskFailureInfo(_context, morTask));
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - createVM_Task() done(failed)");
return false;
public void importVmFromOVF(String ovfFilePath, String vmName, DatastoreMO dsMo, String diskOption) throws Exception {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - importVmFromOVF(). target MOR: " + _mor.getValue() + ", ovfFilePath: " + ovfFilePath + ", vmName: " + vmName +
", datastore: " + dsMo.getMor().getValue() + ", diskOption: " + diskOption);
ManagedObjectReference morRp = getHyperHostOwnerResourcePool();
assert (morRp != null);
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - importVmFromOVF(). resource pool: " + morRp.getValue());
HypervisorHostHelper.importVmFromOVF(this, ovfFilePath, vmName, dsMo, diskOption, morRp, null);
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - importVmFromOVF() done");
public boolean createBlankVm(String vmName, String vmInternalCSName, int cpuCount, int cpuSpeedMHz, int cpuReservedMHz, boolean limitCpuUse, int memoryMB,
int memoryReserveMB, String guestOsIdentifier, ManagedObjectReference morDs, boolean snapshotDirToParent, Pair<String, String> controllerInfo, Boolean systemVm) throws Exception {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - createBlankVm(). target MOR: " + _mor.getValue() + ", vmName: " + vmName + ", cpuCount: " + cpuCount + ", cpuSpeedMhz: " +
cpuSpeedMHz + ", cpuReservedMHz: " + cpuReservedMHz + ", limitCpu: " + limitCpuUse + ", memoryMB: " + memoryMB + ", guestOS: " + guestOsIdentifier +
", datastore: " + morDs.getValue() + ", snapshotDirToParent: " + snapshotDirToParent);
boolean result =
HypervisorHostHelper.createBlankVm(this, vmName, vmInternalCSName, cpuCount, cpuSpeedMHz, cpuReservedMHz, limitCpuUse, memoryMB, memoryReserveMB,
guestOsIdentifier, morDs, snapshotDirToParent, controllerInfo, systemVm);
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - createBlankVm() done");
return result;
public ManagedObjectReference mountDatastore(boolean vmfsDatastore, String poolHostAddress, int poolHostPort, String poolPath, String poolUuid) throws Exception {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - mountDatastore(). target MOR: " + _mor.getValue() + ", vmfs: " + vmfsDatastore + ", poolHost: " + poolHostAddress +
", poolHostPort: " + poolHostPort + ", poolPath: " + poolPath + ", poolUuid: " + poolUuid);
ManagedObjectReference morDs = null;
ManagedObjectReference morDsFirst = null;
List<ManagedObjectReference> hosts = _context.getVimClient().getDynamicProperty(_mor, "host");
if (hosts != null && hosts.size() > 0) {
for (ManagedObjectReference morHost : hosts) {
HostMO hostMo = new HostMO(_context, morHost);
morDs = hostMo.mountDatastore(vmfsDatastore, poolHostAddress, poolHostPort, poolPath, poolUuid);
if (morDsFirst == null)
morDsFirst = morDs;
// assume datastore is in scope of datacenter
assert (morDsFirst.getValue().equals(morDs.getValue()));
if (morDs == null) {
String msg = "Failed to mount datastore in all hosts within the cluster";
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - mountDatastore() done(failed)");
throw new Exception(msg);
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - mountDatastore() done(successfully)");
return morDs;
public void unmountDatastore(String poolUuid) throws Exception {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - unmountDatastore(). target MOR: " + _mor.getValue() + ", poolUuid: " + poolUuid);
List<ManagedObjectReference> hosts = _context.getVimClient().getDynamicProperty(_mor, "host");
if (hosts != null && hosts.size() > 0) {
for (ManagedObjectReference morHost : hosts) {
HostMO hostMo = new HostMO(_context, morHost);
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - unmountDatastore() done");
public ManagedObjectReference findDatastore(String poolUuid) throws Exception {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - findDatastore(). target MOR: " + _mor.getValue() + ", poolUuid: " + poolUuid);
CustomFieldsManagerMO cfmMo = new CustomFieldsManagerMO(_context, _context.getServiceContent().getCustomFieldsManager());
int key = cfmMo.getCustomFieldKey("Datastore", CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_UUID);
assert (key != 0);
ObjectContent[] ocs = getDatastorePropertiesOnHyperHost(new String[] {"name", String.format("value[%d]", key)});
if (ocs != null) {
for (ObjectContent oc : ocs) {
if (oc.getPropSet().get(0).getVal().equals(poolUuid))
return oc.getObj();
if (oc.getPropSet().size() > 1) {
DynamicProperty prop = oc.getPropSet().get(1);
if (prop != null && prop.getVal() != null) {
if (prop.getVal() instanceof CustomFieldStringValue) {
String val = ((CustomFieldStringValue)prop.getVal()).getValue();
if (val.equalsIgnoreCase(poolUuid)) {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - findDatastore() done(successfully)");
return oc.getObj();
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - findDatastore() done(failed)");
return null;
public ManagedObjectReference findDatastoreByName(String datastoreName) throws Exception {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public ManagedObjectReference findDatastoreByExportPath(String exportPath) throws Exception {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - findDatastoreByExportPath(). target MOR: " + _mor.getValue() + ", exportPath: " + exportPath);
ObjectContent[] ocs = getDatastorePropertiesOnHyperHost(new String[] {"info"});
if (ocs != null && ocs.length > 0) {
for (ObjectContent oc : ocs) {
DatastoreInfo dsInfo = (DatastoreInfo)oc.getPropSet().get(0).getVal();
if (dsInfo != null && dsInfo instanceof NasDatastoreInfo) {
NasDatastoreInfo info = (NasDatastoreInfo)dsInfo;
if (info != null) {
String vmwareUrl = info.getUrl();
if (vmwareUrl.charAt(vmwareUrl.length() - 1) == '/')
vmwareUrl = vmwareUrl.substring(0, vmwareUrl.length() - 1);
URI uri = new URI(vmwareUrl);
if (uri.getPath().equals("/" + exportPath)) {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - findDatastoreByExportPath() done(successfully)");
return oc.getObj();
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - findDatastoreByExportPath() done(failed)");
return null;
public ManagedObjectReference findMigrationTarget(VirtualMachineMO vmMo) throws Exception {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - findMigrationTarget(). target MOR: " + _mor.getValue() + ", vm: " + vmMo.getName());
List<ClusterHostRecommendation> candidates = recommendHostsForVm(vmMo);
if (candidates != null && candidates.size() > 0) {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - findMigrationTarget() done(successfully)");
return candidates.get(0).getHost();
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - findMigrationTarget() done(failed)");
return null;
public boolean isHyperHostConnected() throws Exception {
ObjectContent[] ocs = getHostPropertiesOnCluster(new String[] {"runtime"});
if (ocs != null && ocs.length > 0) {
for (ObjectContent oc : ocs) {
HostRuntimeInfo runtimeInfo = (HostRuntimeInfo)oc.getPropSet().get(0).getVal();
// as long as we have one host connected, we assume the cluster is up
if (runtimeInfo.getConnectionState() == HostSystemConnectionState.CONNECTED)
return true;
return false;
public String getHyperHostDefaultGateway() throws Exception {
ObjectContent[] ocs = getHostPropertiesOnCluster(new String[] {""});
if (ocs != null && ocs.length > 0) {
for (ObjectContent oc : ocs) {
ArrayOfHostIpRouteEntry entries = (ArrayOfHostIpRouteEntry)oc.getPropSet().get(0).getVal();
if (entries != null) {
for (HostIpRouteEntry entry : entries.getHostIpRouteEntry()) {
if (entry.getNetwork().equalsIgnoreCase(""))
return entry.getGateway();
throw new Exception("Could not find host default gateway, host is not properly configured?");
public VmwareHypervisorHostResourceSummary getHyperHostResourceSummary() throws Exception {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - getHyperHostResourceSummary(). target MOR: " + _mor.getValue());
VmwareHypervisorHostResourceSummary summary = new VmwareHypervisorHostResourceSummary();
ComputeResourceSummary vmwareSummary = (ComputeResourceSummary)_context.getVimClient().getDynamicProperty(_mor, "summary");
// TODO, need to use traversal to optimize retrieve of
int cpuNumInCpuThreads = 1;
List<ManagedObjectReference> hosts = _context.getVimClient().getDynamicProperty(_mor, "host");
if (hosts != null && hosts.size() > 0) {
for (ManagedObjectReference morHost : hosts) {
HostMO hostMo = new HostMO(_context, morHost);
HostHardwareSummary hardwareSummary = hostMo.getHostHardwareSummary();
if (hardwareSummary.getNumCpuCores() * hardwareSummary.getNumCpuThreads() > cpuNumInCpuThreads)
cpuNumInCpuThreads = hardwareSummary.getNumCpuCores() * hardwareSummary.getNumCpuThreads();
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - getHyperHostResourceSummary() done");
return summary;
public VmwareHypervisorHostNetworkSummary getHyperHostNetworkSummary(String esxServiceConsolePort) throws Exception {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - getHyperHostNetworkSummary(). target MOR: " + _mor.getValue() + ", mgmtPortgroup: " + esxServiceConsolePort);
List<ManagedObjectReference> hosts = _context.getVimClient().getDynamicProperty(_mor, "host");
if (hosts != null && hosts.size() > 0) {
VmwareHypervisorHostNetworkSummary summary = new HostMO(_context, hosts.get(0)).getHyperHostNetworkSummary(esxServiceConsolePort);
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - getHyperHostResourceSummary() done(successfully)");
return summary;
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - getHyperHostResourceSummary() done(failed)");
return null;
public ComputeResourceSummary getHyperHostHardwareSummary() throws Exception {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - getHyperHostHardwareSummary(). target MOR: " + _mor.getValue());
ClusterComputeResourceSummary hardwareSummary = (ClusterComputeResourceSummary)_context.getVimClient().getDynamicProperty(_mor, "summary");
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("vCenter API trace - getHyperHostHardwareSummary() done");
return hardwareSummary;
public List<ClusterHostRecommendation> recommendHostsForVm(VirtualMachineMO vmMo) throws Exception {
return _context.getService().recommendHostsForVm(_mor, vmMo.getMor(), getHyperHostOwnerResourcePool());
public List<Pair<ManagedObjectReference, String>> getClusterHosts() throws Exception {
List<Pair<ManagedObjectReference, String>> hosts = new ArrayList<Pair<ManagedObjectReference, String>>();
ObjectContent[] ocs = getHostPropertiesOnCluster(new String[] {"name"});
if (ocs != null) {
for (ObjectContent oc : ocs) {
ManagedObjectReference morHost = oc.getObj();
String name = (String)oc.getPropSet().get(0).getVal();
hosts.add(new Pair<ManagedObjectReference, String>(morHost, name));
return hosts;
public HashMap<String, Integer> getVmVncPortsOnCluster() throws Exception {
ObjectContent[] ocs = getVmPropertiesOnHyperHost(new String[] {"name", "config.extraConfig[\"RemoteDisplay.vnc.port\"]"});
HashMap<String, Integer> portInfo = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
if (ocs != null && ocs.length > 0) {
for (ObjectContent oc : ocs) {
List<DynamicProperty> objProps = oc.getPropSet();
if (objProps != null) {
String name = null;
String value = null;
for (DynamicProperty objProp : objProps) {
if (objProp.getName().equals("name")) {
name = (String)objProp.getVal();
} else {
OptionValue optValue = (OptionValue)objProp.getVal();
value = (String)optValue.getValue();
if (name != null && value != null) {
portInfo.put(name, Integer.parseInt(value));
return portInfo;
public LicenseAssignmentManagerMO getLicenseAssignmentManager() throws Exception {
// LicenseAssignmentManager deals with only host/vcenter licenses only. Has nothing todo with cluster
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to get LicenseAssignmentManager at cluster level");
private ManagedObjectReference getEnvironmentBrowser() throws Exception {
if (_environmentBrowser == null) {
_environmentBrowser = _context.getVimClient().getMoRefProp(_mor, "environmentBrowser");
return _environmentBrowser;
public String getRecommendedDiskController(String guestOsId) throws Exception {
VirtualMachineConfigOption vmConfigOption = _context.getService().queryConfigOption(getEnvironmentBrowser(), null, null);
GuestOsDescriptor guestOsDescriptor = null;
String diskController = null;
List<GuestOsDescriptor> guestDescriptors = vmConfigOption.getGuestOSDescriptor();
for (GuestOsDescriptor descriptor : guestDescriptors) {
if (guestOsId != null && guestOsId.equalsIgnoreCase(descriptor.getId())) {
guestOsDescriptor = descriptor;
if (guestOsDescriptor != null) {
diskController = VmwareHelper.getRecommendedDiskControllerFromDescriptor(guestOsDescriptor);
s_logger.debug("Retrieved recommended disk controller for guest OS : " + guestOsId + " in cluster " + getHyperHostName() + " : " + diskController);
return diskController;
} else {
String msg = "Unable to retrieve recommended disk controller for guest OS : " + guestOsId + " in cluster " + getHyperHostName();
throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);