blob: 9cccb5bf2c2855591ee3ffd232e605f00e8147a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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package streamer;
* One time switch for handshake and initialization stages.
* At beginning, element handles data internally, sending output to "otout" pad.
* After switchOff() method is called, element drops its links, so packets from
* "stdin" pad are forwarded directly to "stdout" pad, without processing.
* Event STREAM_START is captured by this element and not propagated further.
* When switchOff() method is called, event STREAM_START is generated and sent
* to "stdout".
public abstract class OneTimeSwitch extends BaseElement {
* One-time out - name of output pad for one time logic. By default, output
* directly to socket.
public static final String OTOUT = "otout";
private boolean switched = false;
public OneTimeSwitch(String id) {
protected void declarePads() {
inputPads.put(STDIN, null);
outputPads.put(OTOUT, null);
outputPads.put(STDOUT, null);
public void handleData(ByteBuffer buf, Link link) {
if (switched)
throw new RuntimeException(this + " element is switched off and must not receive any data or events anymore.");
if (buf == null)
handleOneTimeData(buf, link);
public void pushDataToOTOut(ByteBuffer buf) {
if (verbose)
System.out.println("[" + this + "] INFO: Sending data: " + buf + ".");
* Switch this element off. Pass data directly to main output(s).
public void switchOff() {
if (verbose)
System.out.println("[" + this + "] INFO: Switching OFF.");
switched = true;
verbose = false;
// Rewire links: drop otout link, replace stdout link by stdin to send data
// directly to stdout
Link stdout = (Link)outputPads.get(STDOUT);
Link stdin = (Link)inputPads.get(STDIN);
Link otout = (Link)outputPads.get(OTOUT);
// Wake up next peer(s)
sendEventToAllPads(Event.STREAM_START, Direction.OUT);
// Disconnect our stdin from this element
// Replace next peer stdin (our stdout) by our stdin
Element nextPeer = stdout.getSink();
nextPeer.replaceLink(stdout, stdin);
// Drop all other links
for (Object link : inputPads.values().toArray())
for (Object link : outputPads.values().toArray())
public void switchOn() {
if (verbose)
System.out.println("[" + this + "] INFO: Switching ON.");
switched = false;
* Override this method to handle one-time packet(s) at handshake or
* initialization stages. Execute method @see switchRoute() when this method
* is no longer necessary.
protected abstract void handleOneTimeData(ByteBuffer buf, Link link);
public void handleEvent(Event event, Direction direction) {
if (event == Event.STREAM_START) {
if (verbose)
System.out.println("[" + this + "] INFO: Event " + event + " is received.");
// Execute this element onStart(), but do not propagate event further,
// to not wake up next elements too early
} else
super.handleEvent(event, direction);