blob: 37a9ad90d33f2d51c824129ee77c87b1b240118d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.user.firewall.ListPortForwardingRulesCmd;
import org.apache.cloudstack.context.CallContext;
import org.apache.cloudstack.engine.orchestration.service.NetworkOrchestrationService;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
public class RulesManagerImpl extends ManagerBase implements RulesManager, RulesService {
private static final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(RulesManagerImpl.class);
IpAddressManager _ipAddrMgr;
EntityManager _entityMgr;
PortForwardingRulesDao _portForwardingDao;
FirewallRulesCidrsDao _firewallCidrsDao;
FirewallRulesDao _firewallDao;
IPAddressDao _ipAddressDao;
UserVmDao _vmDao;
VMInstanceDao _vmInstanceDao;
AccountManager _accountMgr;
NetworkOrchestrationService _networkMgr;
NetworkModel _networkModel;
EventDao _eventDao;
UsageEventDao _usageEventDao;
DomainDao _domainDao;
FirewallManager _firewallMgr;
DomainManager _domainMgr;
ConfigurationManager _configMgr;
NicDao _nicDao;
ResourceTagDao _resourceTagDao;
VpcManager _vpcMgr;
NicSecondaryIpDao _nicSecondaryDao;
LoadBalancerVMMapDao _loadBalancerVMMapDao;
VpcService _vpcSvc;
protected void checkIpAndUserVm(IpAddress ipAddress, UserVm userVm, Account caller, Boolean ignoreVmState) {
if (ipAddress == null || ipAddress.getAllocatedTime() == null || ipAddress.getAllocatedToAccountId() == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to create ip forwarding rule on address " + ipAddress + ", invalid IP address specified.");
if (userVm == null) {
if (userVm.getState() == VirtualMachine.State.Destroyed || userVm.getState() == VirtualMachine.State.Expunging) {
if (!ignoreVmState) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid user vm: " + userVm.getId());
_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, ipAddress, userVm);
// validate that IP address and userVM belong to the same account
if (ipAddress.getAllocatedToAccountId().longValue() != userVm.getAccountId()) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to create ip forwarding rule, IP address " + ipAddress +
" owner is not the same as owner of virtual machine " + userVm.toString());
// validate that userVM is in the same availability zone as the IP address
if (ipAddress.getDataCenterId() != userVm.getDataCenterId()) {
//make an exception for portable IP
if (!ipAddress.isPortable()) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to create ip forwarding rule, IP address " + ipAddress +
" is not in the same availability zone as virtual machine " + userVm.toString());
public void checkRuleAndUserVm(FirewallRule rule, UserVm userVm, Account caller) {
if (userVm == null || rule == null) {
_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, rule, userVm);
if (userVm.getState() == VirtualMachine.State.Destroyed || userVm.getState() == VirtualMachine.State.Expunging) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid user vm: " + userVm.getId());
// This same owner check is actually not needed, since multiple entities OperateEntry trick guarantee that
if (rule.getAccountId() != userVm.getAccountId()) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("New rule " + rule + " and vm id=" + userVm.getId() + " belong to different accounts");
@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_NET_RULE_ADD, eventDescription = "creating forwarding rule", create = true)
public PortForwardingRule createPortForwardingRule(final PortForwardingRule rule, final Long vmId, Ip vmIp, final boolean openFirewall, final Boolean forDisplay)
throws NetworkRuleConflictException {
CallContext ctx = CallContext.current();
final Account caller = ctx.getCallingAccount();
final Long ipAddrId = rule.getSourceIpAddressId();
IPAddressVO ipAddress = _ipAddressDao.findById(ipAddrId);
// Validate ip address
if (ipAddress == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to create port forwarding rule; ip id=" + ipAddrId + " doesn't exist in the system");
} else if (ipAddress.isOneToOneNat()) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to create port forwarding rule; ip id=" + ipAddrId + " has static nat enabled");
final Long networkId = rule.getNetworkId();
Network network = _networkModel.getNetwork(networkId);
//associate ip address to network (if needed)
boolean performedIpAssoc = false;
Nic guestNic;
if (ipAddress.getAssociatedWithNetworkId() == null) {
boolean assignToVpcNtwk = network.getVpcId() != null && ipAddress.getVpcId() != null && ipAddress.getVpcId().longValue() == network.getVpcId();
if (assignToVpcNtwk) {
_networkModel.checkIpForService(ipAddress, Service.PortForwarding, networkId);
s_logger.debug("The ip is not associated with the VPC network id=" + networkId + ", so assigning");
try {
ipAddress = _ipAddrMgr.associateIPToGuestNetwork(ipAddrId, networkId, false);
performedIpAssoc = true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to associate ip to VPC network as " + "a part of port forwarding rule creation");
} else {
_networkModel.checkIpForService(ipAddress, Service.PortForwarding, null);
if (ipAddress.getAssociatedWithNetworkId() == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Ip address " + ipAddress + " is not assigned to the network " + network);
try {
_firewallMgr.validateFirewallRule(caller, ipAddress, rule.getSourcePortStart(), rule.getSourcePortEnd(), rule.getProtocol(), Purpose.PortForwarding,
FirewallRuleType.User, networkId, rule.getTrafficType());
final Long accountId = ipAddress.getAllocatedToAccountId();
final Long domainId = ipAddress.getAllocatedInDomainId();
// start port can't be bigger than end port
if (rule.getDestinationPortStart() > rule.getDestinationPortEnd()) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Start port can't be bigger than end port");
// check that the port ranges are of equal size
if ((rule.getDestinationPortEnd() - rule.getDestinationPortStart()) != (rule.getSourcePortEnd() - rule.getSourcePortStart())) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Source port and destination port ranges should be of equal sizes.");
// validate user VM exists
UserVm vm = _vmDao.findById(vmId);
if (vm == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to create port forwarding rule on address " + ipAddress + ", invalid virtual machine id specified (" +
vmId + ").");
} else if (vm.getState() == VirtualMachine.State.Destroyed || vm.getState() == VirtualMachine.State.Expunging) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid user vm: " + vm.getId());
// Verify that vm has nic in the network
Ip dstIp = rule.getDestinationIpAddress();
guestNic = _networkModel.getNicInNetwork(vmId, networkId);
if (guestNic == null || guestNic.getIPv4Address() == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Vm doesn't belong to network associated with ipAddress");
} else {
dstIp = new Ip(guestNic.getIPv4Address());
if (vmIp != null) {
//vm ip is passed so it can be primary or secondary ip addreess.
if (!dstIp.equals(vmIp)) {
//the vm ip is secondary ip to the nic.
// is vmIp is secondary ip or not
NicSecondaryIp secondaryIp = _nicSecondaryDao.findByIp4AddressAndNicId(vmIp.toString(), guestNic.getId());
if (secondaryIp == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("IP Address is not in the VM nic's network ");
dstIp = vmIp;
//if start port and end port are passed in, and they are not equal to each other, perform the validation
boolean validatePortRange = false;
if (rule.getSourcePortStart().intValue() != rule.getSourcePortEnd().intValue() || rule.getDestinationPortStart() != rule.getDestinationPortEnd()) {
validatePortRange = true;
if (validatePortRange) {
//source start port and source dest port should be the same. The same applies to dest ports
if (rule.getSourcePortStart().intValue() != rule.getDestinationPortStart()) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Private port start should be equal to public port start");
if (rule.getSourcePortEnd().intValue() != rule.getDestinationPortEnd()) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Private port end should be equal to public port end");
final Ip dstIpFinal = dstIp;
final IPAddressVO ipAddressFinal = ipAddress;
return Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithException<PortForwardingRuleVO, NetworkRuleConflictException>() {
public PortForwardingRuleVO doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) throws NetworkRuleConflictException {
PortForwardingRuleVO newRule =
new PortForwardingRuleVO(rule.getXid(), rule.getSourceIpAddressId(), rule.getSourcePortStart(), rule.getSourcePortEnd(), dstIpFinal,
rule.getDestinationPortStart(), rule.getDestinationPortEnd(), rule.getProtocol().toLowerCase(), networkId, accountId, domainId, vmId);
if (forDisplay != null) {
newRule = _portForwardingDao.persist(newRule);
// create firewallRule for cidr
if (openFirewall) {
_firewallMgr.createRuleForAllCidrs(ipAddrId, caller, rule.getSourcePortStart(), rule.getSourcePortEnd(), rule.getProtocol(), null, null,
newRule.getId(), networkId);
try {
if (!_firewallDao.setStateToAdd(newRule)) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to update the state to add for " + newRule);
CallContext.current().setEventDetails("Rule Id: " + newRule.getId());
UsageEventUtils.publishUsageEvent(EventTypes.EVENT_NET_RULE_ADD, newRule.getAccountId(), ipAddressFinal.getDataCenterId(), newRule.getId(), null,
PortForwardingRule.class.getName(), newRule.getUuid());
return newRule;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (newRule != null) {
// no need to apply the rule as it wasn't programmed on the backend yet
_firewallMgr.revokeRelatedFirewallRule(newRule.getId(), false);
if (e instanceof NetworkRuleConflictException) {
throw (NetworkRuleConflictException)e;
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to add rule for the ip id=" + ipAddrId, e);
} finally {
// release ip address if ipassoc was perfored
if (performedIpAssoc) {
//if the rule is the last one for the ip address assigned to VPC, unassign it from the network
IpAddress ip = _ipAddressDao.findById(ipAddress.getId());
_vpcMgr.unassignIPFromVpcNetwork(ip.getId(), networkId);
@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_NET_RULE_ADD, eventDescription = "creating static nat rule", create = true)
public StaticNatRule createStaticNatRule(final StaticNatRule rule, final boolean openFirewall) throws NetworkRuleConflictException {
final Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount();
final Long ipAddrId = rule.getSourceIpAddressId();
IPAddressVO ipAddress = _ipAddressDao.findById(ipAddrId);
// Validate ip address
if (ipAddress == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to create static nat rule; ip id=" + ipAddrId + " doesn't exist in the system");
} else if (ipAddress.isSourceNat() || !ipAddress.isOneToOneNat() || ipAddress.getAssociatedWithVmId() == null) {
throw new NetworkRuleConflictException("Can't do static nat on ip address: " + ipAddress.getAddress());
_firewallMgr.validateFirewallRule(caller, ipAddress, rule.getSourcePortStart(), rule.getSourcePortEnd(), rule.getProtocol(), Purpose.StaticNat,
FirewallRuleType.User, null, rule.getTrafficType());
final Long networkId = ipAddress.getAssociatedWithNetworkId();
final Long accountId = ipAddress.getAllocatedToAccountId();
final Long domainId = ipAddress.getAllocatedInDomainId();
_networkModel.checkIpForService(ipAddress, Service.StaticNat, null);
Network network = _networkModel.getNetwork(networkId);
NetworkOffering off = _entityMgr.findById(NetworkOffering.class, network.getNetworkOfferingId());
if (off.getElasticIp()) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't create ip forwarding rules for the network where elasticIP service is enabled");
//String dstIp = _networkModel.getIpInNetwork(ipAddress.getAssociatedWithVmId(), networkId);
final String dstIp = ipAddress.getVmIp();
return Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithException<StaticNatRule, NetworkRuleConflictException>() {
public StaticNatRule doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) throws NetworkRuleConflictException {
FirewallRuleVO newRule =
new FirewallRuleVO(rule.getXid(), rule.getSourceIpAddressId(), rule.getSourcePortStart(), rule.getSourcePortEnd(), rule.getProtocol().toLowerCase(),
networkId, accountId, domainId, rule.getPurpose(), null, null, null, null, null);
newRule = _firewallDao.persist(newRule);
// create firewallRule for cidr
if (openFirewall) {
_firewallMgr.createRuleForAllCidrs(ipAddrId, caller, rule.getSourcePortStart(), rule.getSourcePortEnd(), rule.getProtocol(), null, null,
newRule.getId(), networkId);
try {
if (!_firewallDao.setStateToAdd(newRule)) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to update the state to add for " + newRule);
CallContext.current().setEventDetails("Rule Id: " + newRule.getId());
UsageEventUtils.publishUsageEvent(EventTypes.EVENT_NET_RULE_ADD, newRule.getAccountId(), 0, newRule.getId(), null, FirewallRule.class.getName(),
StaticNatRule staticNatRule = new StaticNatRuleImpl(newRule, dstIp);
return staticNatRule;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (newRule != null) {
// no need to apply the rule as it wasn't programmed on the backend yet
_firewallMgr.revokeRelatedFirewallRule(newRule.getId(), false);
if (e instanceof NetworkRuleConflictException) {
throw (NetworkRuleConflictException)e;
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to add static nat rule for the ip id=" + newRule.getSourceIpAddressId(), e);
@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_ENABLE_STATIC_NAT, eventDescription = "enabling static nat")
public boolean enableStaticNat(long ipId, long vmId, long networkId, String vmGuestIp) throws NetworkRuleConflictException, ResourceUnavailableException {
return enableStaticNat(ipId, vmId, networkId, false, vmGuestIp);
private boolean enableStaticNat(long ipId, long vmId, long networkId, boolean isSystemVm, String vmGuestIp) throws NetworkRuleConflictException,
ResourceUnavailableException {
CallContext ctx = CallContext.current();
Account caller = ctx.getCallingAccount();
CallContext.current().setEventDetails("Ip Id: " + ipId);
// Verify input parameters
IPAddressVO ipAddress = _ipAddressDao.findById(ipId);
if (ipAddress == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find ip address by id " + ipId);
// Verify input parameters
boolean performedIpAssoc = false;
boolean isOneToOneNat = ipAddress.isOneToOneNat();
Long associatedWithVmId = ipAddress.getAssociatedWithVmId();
Nic guestNic;
NicSecondaryIpVO nicSecIp = null;
String dstIp = null;
try {
Network network = _networkModel.getNetwork(networkId);
if (network == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find network by id");
// Check that vm has a nic in the network
guestNic = _networkModel.getNicInNetwork(vmId, networkId);
if (guestNic == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Vm doesn't belong to the network with specified id");
dstIp = guestNic.getIPv4Address();
if (!_networkModel.areServicesSupportedInNetwork(network.getId(), Service.StaticNat)) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to create static nat rule; StaticNat service is not " + "supported in network with specified id");
if (!isSystemVm) {
UserVmVO vm = _vmDao.findById(vmId);
if (vm == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't enable static nat for the address id=" + ipId + ", invalid virtual machine id specified (" + vmId +
//associate ip address to network (if needed)
if (ipAddress.getAssociatedWithNetworkId() == null) {
boolean assignToVpcNtwk = network.getVpcId() != null && ipAddress.getVpcId() != null && ipAddress.getVpcId().longValue() == network.getVpcId();
if (assignToVpcNtwk) {
_networkModel.checkIpForService(ipAddress, Service.StaticNat, networkId);
s_logger.debug("The ip is not associated with the VPC network id=" + networkId + ", so assigning");
try {
ipAddress = _ipAddrMgr.associateIPToGuestNetwork(ipId, networkId, false);
} catch (Exception ex) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to associate ip id=" + ipId + " to VPC network id=" + networkId + " as " + "a part of enable static nat");
return false;
} else if (ipAddress.isPortable()) {"Portable IP " + ipAddress.getUuid() + " is not associated with the network yet " + " so associate IP with the network " +
try {
// check if StaticNat service is enabled in the network
_networkModel.checkIpForService(ipAddress, Service.StaticNat, networkId);
// associate portable IP to vpc, if network is part of VPC
if (network.getVpcId() != null) {
_vpcSvc.associateIPToVpc(ipId, network.getVpcId());
// associate portable IP with guest network
ipAddress = _ipAddrMgr.associatePortableIPToGuestNetwork(ipId, networkId, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to associate portable id=" + ipId + " to network id=" + networkId + " as " + "a part of enable static nat");
return false;
} else if (ipAddress.getAssociatedWithNetworkId() != networkId) {
if (ipAddress.isPortable()) {
// check if destination network has StaticNat service enabled
_networkModel.checkIpForService(ipAddress, Service.StaticNat, networkId);
// check if portable IP can be transferred across the networks
if (_ipAddrMgr.isPortableIpTransferableFromNetwork(ipId, ipAddress.getAssociatedWithNetworkId())) {
try {
// transfer the portable IP and refresh IP details
_ipAddrMgr.transferPortableIP(ipId, ipAddress.getAssociatedWithNetworkId(), networkId);
ipAddress = _ipAddressDao.findById(ipId);
} catch (Exception e) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to associate portable id=" + ipId + " to network id=" + networkId + " as " + "a part of enable static nat");
return false;
} else {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Portable IP: " + ipId + " has associated services " + "in network " +
ipAddress.getAssociatedWithNetworkId() + " so can not be transferred to " + " network " + networkId);
} else {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid network Id=" + networkId + ". IP is associated with" +
" a different network than passed network id");
} else {
_networkModel.checkIpForService(ipAddress, Service.StaticNat, null);
if (ipAddress.getAssociatedWithNetworkId() == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Ip address " + ipAddress + " is not assigned to the network " + network);
// Check permissions
if (ipAddress.getSystem()) {
// when system is enabling static NAT on system IP's (for EIP) ignore VM state
checkIpAndUserVm(ipAddress, vm, caller, true);
} else {
checkIpAndUserVm(ipAddress, vm, caller, false);
//is static nat is for vm secondary ip
//dstIp = guestNic.getIp4Address();
if (vmGuestIp != null) {
//dstIp = guestNic.getIp4Address();
if (!dstIp.equals(vmGuestIp)) {
//check whether the secondary ip set to the vm or not
boolean secondaryIpSet = _networkMgr.isSecondaryIpSetForNic(guestNic.getId());
if (!secondaryIpSet) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("VM ip " + vmGuestIp + " address not belongs to the vm");
//check the ip belongs to the vm or not
nicSecIp = _nicSecondaryDao.findByIp4AddressAndNicId(vmGuestIp, guestNic.getId());
if (nicSecIp == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("VM ip " + vmGuestIp + " address not belongs to the vm");
dstIp = nicSecIp.getIp4Address();
// Set public ip column with the vm ip
// Verify ip address parameter
// checking vm id is not sufficient, check for the vm ip
isIpReadyForStaticNat(vmId, ipAddress, dstIp, caller, ctx.getCallingUserId());
if (_ipAddressDao.update(ipAddress.getId(), ipAddress)) {
// enable static nat on the backend
s_logger.trace("Enabling static nat for ip address " + ipAddress + " and vm id=" + vmId + " on the backend");
if (applyStaticNatForIp(ipId, false, caller, false)) {
performedIpAssoc = false; // ignor unassignIPFromVpcNetwork in finally block
return true;
} else {
s_logger.warn("Failed to enable static nat rule for ip address " + ipId + " on the backend");
_ipAddressDao.update(ipAddress.getId(), ipAddress);
} else {
s_logger.warn("Failed to update ip address " + ipAddress + " in the DB as a part of enableStaticNat");
} finally {
if (performedIpAssoc) {
//if the rule is the last one for the ip address assigned to VPC, unassign it from the network
IpAddress ip = _ipAddressDao.findById(ipAddress.getId());
_vpcMgr.unassignIPFromVpcNetwork(ip.getId(), networkId);
return false;
protected void isIpReadyForStaticNat(long vmId, IPAddressVO ipAddress, String vmIp, Account caller, long callerUserId) throws NetworkRuleConflictException,
ResourceUnavailableException {
if (ipAddress.isSourceNat()) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't enable static, ip address " + ipAddress + " is a sourceNat ip address");
if (!ipAddress.isOneToOneNat()) { // Dont allow to enable static nat if PF/LB rules exist for the IP
List<FirewallRuleVO> portForwardingRules = _firewallDao.listByIpAndPurposeAndNotRevoked(ipAddress.getId(), Purpose.PortForwarding);
if (portForwardingRules != null && !portForwardingRules.isEmpty()) {
throw new NetworkRuleConflictException("Failed to enable static nat for the ip address " + ipAddress + " as it already has PortForwarding rules assigned");
List<FirewallRuleVO> loadBalancingRules = _firewallDao.listByIpAndPurposeAndNotRevoked(ipAddress.getId(), Purpose.LoadBalancing);
if (loadBalancingRules != null && !loadBalancingRules.isEmpty()) {
throw new NetworkRuleConflictException("Failed to enable static nat for the ip address " + ipAddress + " as it already has LoadBalancing rules assigned");
} else if (ipAddress.getAssociatedWithVmId() != null && ipAddress.getAssociatedWithVmId().longValue() != vmId) {
throw new NetworkRuleConflictException("Failed to enable static for the ip address " + ipAddress + " and vm id=" + vmId +
" as it's already assigned to antoher vm");
//check wether the vm ip is alreday associated with any public ip address
IPAddressVO oldIP = _ipAddressDao.findByAssociatedVmIdAndVmIp(vmId, vmIp);
if (oldIP != null) {
// If elasticIP functionality is supported in the network, we always have to disable static nat on the old
// ip in order to re-enable it on the new one
Long networkId = oldIP.getAssociatedWithNetworkId();
VMInstanceVO vm = _vmInstanceDao.findById(vmId);
boolean reassignStaticNat = false;
if (networkId != null) {
Network guestNetwork = _networkModel.getNetwork(networkId);
NetworkOffering offering = _entityMgr.findById(NetworkOffering.class, guestNetwork.getNetworkOfferingId());
if (offering.getElasticIp()) {
reassignStaticNat = true;
// If there is public ip address already associated with the vm, throw an exception
if (!reassignStaticNat) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Failed to enable static nat on the ip " +
ipAddress.getAddress()+" with Id " +ipAddress.getUuid()+" as the vm " +vm.getInstanceName() + " with Id " +
vm.getUuid() +" is already associated with another public ip " + oldIP.getAddress() +" with id "+
// unassign old static nat rule
s_logger.debug("Disassociating static nat for ip " + oldIP);
if (!disableStaticNat(oldIP.getId(), caller, callerUserId, true)) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to disable old static nat rule for vm "+ vm.getInstanceName() +
" with id "+vm.getUuid() +" and public ip " + oldIP);
@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_NET_RULE_DELETE, eventDescription = "revoking forwarding rule", async = true)
public boolean revokePortForwardingRule(long ruleId, boolean apply) {
CallContext ctx = CallContext.current();
Account caller = ctx.getCallingAccount();
PortForwardingRuleVO rule = _portForwardingDao.findById(ruleId);
if (rule == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find " + ruleId);
_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, rule);
if (!revokePortForwardingRuleInternal(ruleId, caller, ctx.getCallingUserId(), apply)) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to delete port forwarding rule");
return true;
private boolean revokePortForwardingRuleInternal(long ruleId, Account caller, long userId, boolean apply) {
PortForwardingRuleVO rule = _portForwardingDao.findById(ruleId);
_firewallMgr.revokeRule(rule, caller, userId, true);
boolean success = false;
if (apply) {
success = applyPortForwardingRules(rule.getSourceIpAddressId(), _ipAddrMgr.RulesContinueOnError.value(), caller);
} else {
success = true;
return success;
@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_NET_RULE_DELETE, eventDescription = "revoking forwarding rule", async = true)
public boolean revokeStaticNatRule(long ruleId, boolean apply) {
CallContext ctx = CallContext.current();
Account caller = ctx.getCallingAccount();
FirewallRuleVO rule = _firewallDao.findById(ruleId);
if (rule == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find " + ruleId);
_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, rule);
if (!revokeStaticNatRuleInternal(ruleId, caller, ctx.getCallingUserId(), apply)) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to revoke forwarding rule");
return true;
private boolean revokeStaticNatRuleInternal(long ruleId, Account caller, long userId, boolean apply) {
FirewallRuleVO rule = _firewallDao.findById(ruleId);
_firewallMgr.revokeRule(rule, caller, userId, true);
boolean success = false;
if (apply) {
success = applyStaticNatRulesForIp(rule.getSourceIpAddressId(), _ipAddrMgr.RulesContinueOnError.value(), caller, true);
} else {
success = true;
return success;
public boolean revokePortForwardingRulesForVm(long vmId) {
boolean success = true;
UserVmVO vm = _vmDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(vmId);
if (vm == null) {
return false;
List<PortForwardingRuleVO> rules = _portForwardingDao.listByVm(vmId);
Set<Long> ipsToReprogram = new HashSet<Long>();
if (rules == null || rules.isEmpty()) {
s_logger.debug("No port forwarding rules are found for vm id=" + vmId);
return true;
for (PortForwardingRuleVO rule : rules) {
// Mark port forwarding rule as Revoked, but don't revoke it yet (apply=false)
revokePortForwardingRuleInternal(rule.getId(), _accountMgr.getSystemAccount(), Account.ACCOUNT_ID_SYSTEM, false);
// apply rules for all ip addresses
for (Long ipId : ipsToReprogram) {
s_logger.debug("Applying port forwarding rules for ip address id=" + ipId + " as a part of vm expunge");
if (!applyPortForwardingRules(ipId, _ipAddrMgr.RulesContinueOnError.value(), _accountMgr.getSystemAccount())) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to apply port forwarding rules for ip id=" + ipId);
success = false;
return success;
public Pair<List<? extends PortForwardingRule>, Integer> listPortForwardingRules(ListPortForwardingRulesCmd cmd) {
Long ipId = cmd.getIpAddressId();
Long id = cmd.getId();
Map<String, String> tags = cmd.getTags();
Long networkId = cmd.getNetworkId();
Boolean display = cmd.getDisplay();
Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount();
List<Long> permittedAccounts = new ArrayList<Long>();
if (ipId != null) {
IPAddressVO ipAddressVO = _ipAddressDao.findById(ipId);
if (ipAddressVO == null || !ipAddressVO.readyToUse()) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Ip address id=" + ipId + " not ready for port forwarding rules yet");
_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, ipAddressVO);
Ternary<Long, Boolean, ListProjectResourcesCriteria> domainIdRecursiveListProject = new Ternary<Long, Boolean, ListProjectResourcesCriteria>(cmd.getDomainId(), cmd.isRecursive(), null);
_accountMgr.buildACLSearchParameters(caller, id, cmd.getAccountName(), cmd.getProjectId(), permittedAccounts, domainIdRecursiveListProject, cmd.listAll(), false);
Long domainId = domainIdRecursiveListProject.first();
Boolean isRecursive = domainIdRecursiveListProject.second();
ListProjectResourcesCriteria listProjectResourcesCriteria = domainIdRecursiveListProject.third();
Filter filter = new Filter(PortForwardingRuleVO.class, "id", false, cmd.getStartIndex(), cmd.getPageSizeVal());
SearchBuilder<PortForwardingRuleVO> sb = _portForwardingDao.createSearchBuilder();
_accountMgr.buildACLSearchBuilder(sb, domainId, isRecursive, permittedAccounts, listProjectResourcesCriteria);
sb.and("id", sb.entity().getId(), Op.EQ);
sb.and("ip", sb.entity().getSourceIpAddressId(), Op.EQ);
sb.and("purpose", sb.entity().getPurpose(), Op.EQ);
sb.and("networkId", sb.entity().getNetworkId(), Op.EQ);
sb.and("display", sb.entity().isDisplay(), Op.EQ);
if (tags != null && !tags.isEmpty()) {
SearchBuilder<ResourceTagVO> tagSearch = _resourceTagDao.createSearchBuilder();
for (int count = 0; count < tags.size(); count++) {
tagSearch.or().op("key" + String.valueOf(count), tagSearch.entity().getKey(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ);
tagSearch.and("value" + String.valueOf(count), tagSearch.entity().getValue(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ);
tagSearch.and("resourceType", tagSearch.entity().getResourceType(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ);
sb.join("tagSearch", tagSearch, sb.entity().getId(), tagSearch.entity().getResourceId(), JoinBuilder.JoinType.INNER);
SearchCriteria<PortForwardingRuleVO> sc = sb.create();
_accountMgr.buildACLSearchCriteria(sc, domainId, isRecursive, permittedAccounts, listProjectResourcesCriteria);
if (id != null) {
sc.setParameters("id", id);
if (display != null) {
sc.setParameters("display", display);
if (tags != null && !tags.isEmpty()) {
int count = 0;
sc.setJoinParameters("tagSearch", "resourceType", ResourceObjectType.PortForwardingRule.toString());
for (String key : tags.keySet()) {
sc.setJoinParameters("tagSearch", "key" + String.valueOf(count), key);
sc.setJoinParameters("tagSearch", "value" + String.valueOf(count), tags.get(key));
if (ipId != null) {
sc.setParameters("ip", ipId);
if (networkId != null) {
sc.setParameters("networkId", networkId);
sc.setParameters("purpose", Purpose.PortForwarding);
Pair<List<PortForwardingRuleVO>, Integer> result = _portForwardingDao.searchAndCount(sc, filter);
return new Pair<List<? extends PortForwardingRule>, Integer>(result.first(), result.second());
protected boolean applyPortForwardingRules(long ipId, boolean continueOnError, Account caller) {
List<PortForwardingRuleVO> rules = _portForwardingDao.listForApplication(ipId);
if (rules.size() == 0) {
s_logger.debug("There are no port forwarding rules to apply for ip id=" + ipId);
return true;
if (caller != null) {
_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, rules.toArray(new PortForwardingRuleVO[rules.size()]));
try {
if (!_firewallMgr.applyRules(rules, continueOnError, true)) {
return false;
} catch (ResourceUnavailableException ex) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to apply port forwarding rules for ip due to ", ex);
return false;
return true;
protected boolean applyStaticNatRulesForIp(long sourceIpId, boolean continueOnError, Account caller, boolean forRevoke) {
List<? extends FirewallRule> rules = _firewallDao.listByIpAndPurpose(sourceIpId, Purpose.StaticNat);
List<StaticNatRule> staticNatRules = new ArrayList<StaticNatRule>();
if (rules.size() == 0) {
s_logger.debug("There are no static nat rules to apply for ip id=" + sourceIpId);
return true;
for (FirewallRule rule : rules) {
staticNatRules.add(buildStaticNatRule(rule, forRevoke));
if (caller != null) {
_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, staticNatRules.toArray(new StaticNatRule[staticNatRules.size()]));
try {
if (!_firewallMgr.applyRules(staticNatRules, continueOnError, true)) {
return false;
} catch (ResourceUnavailableException ex) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to apply static nat rules for ip due to ", ex);
return false;
return true;
public boolean applyPortForwardingRulesForNetwork(long networkId, boolean continueOnError, Account caller) {
List<PortForwardingRuleVO> rules = listByNetworkId(networkId);
if (rules.size() == 0) {
s_logger.debug("There are no port forwarding rules to apply for network id=" + networkId);
return true;
if (caller != null) {
_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, rules.toArray(new PortForwardingRuleVO[rules.size()]));
try {
if (!_firewallMgr.applyRules(rules, continueOnError, true)) {
return false;
} catch (ResourceUnavailableException ex) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to apply port forwarding rules for network due to ", ex);
return false;
return true;
public boolean applyStaticNatRulesForNetwork(long networkId, boolean continueOnError, Account caller) {
List<FirewallRuleVO> rules = _firewallDao.listByNetworkAndPurpose(networkId, Purpose.StaticNat);
List<StaticNatRule> staticNatRules = new ArrayList<StaticNatRule>();
if (rules.size() == 0) {
s_logger.debug("There are no static nat rules to apply for network id=" + networkId);
return true;
if (caller != null) {
_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, rules.toArray(new FirewallRule[rules.size()]));
for (FirewallRuleVO rule : rules) {
staticNatRules.add(buildStaticNatRule(rule, false));
try {
if (!_firewallMgr.applyRules(staticNatRules, continueOnError, true)) {
return false;
} catch (ResourceUnavailableException ex) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to apply static nat rules for network due to ", ex);
return false;
return true;
public boolean applyStaticNatsForNetwork(long networkId, boolean continueOnError, Account caller) {
List<IPAddressVO> ips = _ipAddressDao.listStaticNatPublicIps(networkId);
if (ips.isEmpty()) {
s_logger.debug("There are no static nat to apply for network id=" + networkId);
return true;
if (caller != null) {
_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, ips.toArray(new IPAddressVO[ips.size()]));
List<StaticNat> staticNats = new ArrayList<StaticNat>();
for (IPAddressVO ip : ips) {
// Get nic IP4 address
//String dstIp = _networkModel.getIpInNetwork(ip.getAssociatedWithVmId(), networkId);
StaticNatImpl staticNat = new StaticNatImpl(ip.getAllocatedToAccountId(), ip.getAllocatedInDomainId(), networkId, ip.getId(), ip.getVmIp(), false);
try {
if (!_ipAddrMgr.applyStaticNats(staticNats, continueOnError, false)) {
return false;
} catch (ResourceUnavailableException ex) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to create static nat for network due to ", ex);
return false;
return true;
public Pair<List<? extends FirewallRule>, Integer> searchStaticNatRules(Long ipId, Long id, Long vmId, Long start, Long size, String accountName, Long domainId,
Long projectId, boolean isRecursive, boolean listAll) {
Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount();
List<Long> permittedAccounts = new ArrayList<Long>();
if (ipId != null) {
IPAddressVO ipAddressVO = _ipAddressDao.findById(ipId);
if (ipAddressVO == null || !ipAddressVO.readyToUse()) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Ip address id=" + ipId + " not ready for port forwarding rules yet");
_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, ipAddressVO);
Ternary<Long, Boolean, ListProjectResourcesCriteria> domainIdRecursiveListProject = new Ternary<Long, Boolean, ListProjectResourcesCriteria>(domainId, isRecursive, null);
_accountMgr.buildACLSearchParameters(caller, id, accountName, projectId, permittedAccounts, domainIdRecursiveListProject, listAll, false);
domainId = domainIdRecursiveListProject.first();
isRecursive = domainIdRecursiveListProject.second();
ListProjectResourcesCriteria listProjectResourcesCriteria = domainIdRecursiveListProject.third();
Filter filter = new Filter(PortForwardingRuleVO.class, "id", false, start, size);
SearchBuilder<FirewallRuleVO> sb = _firewallDao.createSearchBuilder();
_accountMgr.buildACLSearchBuilder(sb, domainId, isRecursive, permittedAccounts, listProjectResourcesCriteria);
sb.and("ip", sb.entity().getSourceIpAddressId(), Op.EQ);
sb.and("purpose", sb.entity().getPurpose(), Op.EQ);
sb.and("id", sb.entity().getId(), Op.EQ);
if (vmId != null) {
SearchBuilder<IPAddressVO> ipSearch = _ipAddressDao.createSearchBuilder();
ipSearch.and("associatedWithVmId", ipSearch.entity().getAssociatedWithVmId(), Op.EQ);
sb.join("ipSearch", ipSearch, sb.entity().getSourceIpAddressId(), ipSearch.entity().getId(), JoinBuilder.JoinType.INNER);
SearchCriteria<FirewallRuleVO> sc = sb.create();
_accountMgr.buildACLSearchCriteria(sc, domainId, isRecursive, permittedAccounts, listProjectResourcesCriteria);
sc.setParameters("purpose", Purpose.StaticNat);
if (id != null) {
sc.setParameters("id", id);
if (ipId != null) {
sc.setParameters("ip", ipId);
if (vmId != null) {
sc.setJoinParameters("ipSearch", "associatedWithVmId", vmId);
Pair<List<FirewallRuleVO>, Integer> result = _firewallDao.searchAndCount(sc, filter);
return new Pair<List<? extends FirewallRule>, Integer>(result.first(), result.second());
@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_NET_RULE_ADD, eventDescription = "applying port forwarding rule", async = true)
public boolean applyPortForwardingRules(long ipId, Account caller) throws ResourceUnavailableException {
if (!applyPortForwardingRules(ipId, false, caller)) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to apply port forwarding rule");
return true;
@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_NET_RULE_ADD, eventDescription = "applying static nat rule", async = true)
public boolean applyStaticNatRules(long ipId, Account caller) throws ResourceUnavailableException {
if (!applyStaticNatRulesForIp(ipId, false, caller, false)) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to apply static nat rule");
return true;
public boolean revokeAllPFAndStaticNatRulesForIp(long ipId, long userId, Account caller) throws ResourceUnavailableException {
List<FirewallRule> rules = new ArrayList<FirewallRule>();
List<PortForwardingRuleVO> pfRules = _portForwardingDao.listByIpAndNotRevoked(ipId);
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("Releasing " + pfRules.size() + " port forwarding rules for ip id=" + ipId);
for (PortForwardingRuleVO rule : pfRules) {
// Mark all PF rules as Revoke, but don't revoke them yet
revokePortForwardingRuleInternal(rule.getId(), caller, userId, false);
List<FirewallRuleVO> staticNatRules = _firewallDao.listByIpAndPurposeAndNotRevoked(ipId, Purpose.StaticNat);
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("Releasing " + staticNatRules.size() + " static nat rules for ip id=" + ipId);
for (FirewallRuleVO rule : staticNatRules) {
// Mark all static nat rules as Revoke, but don't revoke them yet
revokeStaticNatRuleInternal(rule.getId(), caller, userId, false);
boolean success = true;
// revoke all port forwarding rules
success = success && applyPortForwardingRules(ipId, _ipAddrMgr.RulesContinueOnError.value(), caller);
// revoke all all static nat rules
success = success && applyStaticNatRulesForIp(ipId, _ipAddrMgr.RulesContinueOnError.value(), caller, true);
// revoke static nat for the ip address
success = success && applyStaticNatForIp(ipId, false, caller, true);
// Now we check again in case more rules have been inserted.
rules.addAll(_firewallDao.listByIpAndPurposeAndNotRevoked(ipId, Purpose.StaticNat));
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled() && success) {
s_logger.debug("Successfully released rules for ip id=" + ipId + " and # of rules now = " + rules.size());
return (rules.size() == 0 && success);
public boolean revokeAllPFStaticNatRulesForNetwork(long networkId, long userId, Account caller) throws ResourceUnavailableException {
List<FirewallRule> rules = new ArrayList<FirewallRule>();
List<PortForwardingRuleVO> pfRules = _portForwardingDao.listByNetwork(networkId);
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("Releasing " + pfRules.size() + " port forwarding rules for network id=" + networkId);
List<FirewallRuleVO> staticNatRules = _firewallDao.listByNetworkAndPurpose(networkId, Purpose.StaticNat);
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("Releasing " + staticNatRules.size() + " static nat rules for network id=" + networkId);
// Mark all pf rules (Active and non-Active) to be revoked, but don't revoke it yet - pass apply=false
for (PortForwardingRuleVO rule : pfRules) {
revokePortForwardingRuleInternal(rule.getId(), caller, userId, false);
// Mark all static nat rules (Active and non-Active) to be revoked, but don't revoke it yet - pass apply=false
for (FirewallRuleVO rule : staticNatRules) {
revokeStaticNatRuleInternal(rule.getId(), caller, userId, false);
boolean success = true;
// revoke all PF rules for the network
success = success && applyPortForwardingRulesForNetwork(networkId, true, caller);
success = success && applyPortForwardingRulesForNetwork(networkId, _ipAddrMgr.RulesContinueOnError.value(), caller);
// revoke all all static nat rules for the network
success = success && applyStaticNatRulesForNetwork(networkId, true, caller);
success = success && applyStaticNatRulesForNetwork(networkId, _ipAddrMgr.RulesContinueOnError.value(), caller);
// Now we check again in case more rules have been inserted.
rules.addAll(_firewallDao.listByNetworkAndPurposeAndNotRevoked(networkId, Purpose.StaticNat));
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("Successfully released rules for network id=" + networkId + " and # of rules now = " + rules.size());
return success && rules.size() == 0;
public FirewallRuleVO[] reservePorts(final IpAddress ip, final String protocol, final FirewallRule.Purpose purpose, final boolean openFirewall, final Account caller,
final int... ports) throws NetworkRuleConflictException {
final FirewallRuleVO[] rules = new FirewallRuleVO[ports.length];
Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithExceptionNoReturn<NetworkRuleConflictException>() {
public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) throws NetworkRuleConflictException {
for (int i = 0; i < ports.length; i++) {
rules[i] =
new FirewallRuleVO(null, ip.getId(), ports[i], protocol, ip.getAssociatedWithNetworkId(), ip.getAllocatedToAccountId(),
ip.getAllocatedInDomainId(), purpose, null, null, null, null);
rules[i] = _firewallDao.persist(rules[i]);
if (openFirewall) {
_firewallMgr.createRuleForAllCidrs(ip.getId(), caller, ports[i], ports[i], protocol, null, null, rules[i].getId(),
boolean success = false;
try {
for (FirewallRuleVO newRule : rules) {
success = true;
return rules;
} finally {
if (!success) {
Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() {
public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) {
for (FirewallRuleVO newRule : rules) {
private List<PortForwardingRuleVO> listByNetworkId(long networkId) {
return _portForwardingDao.listByNetwork(networkId);
@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_DISABLE_STATIC_NAT, eventDescription = "disabling static nat", async = true)
public boolean disableStaticNat(long ipId) throws ResourceUnavailableException, NetworkRuleConflictException, InsufficientAddressCapacityException {
CallContext ctx = CallContext.current();
Account caller = ctx.getCallingAccount();
IPAddressVO ipAddress = _ipAddressDao.findById(ipId);
checkIpAndUserVm(ipAddress, null, caller, false);
if (ipAddress.getSystem()) {
InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't disable static nat for system IP address with specified id");
ex.addProxyObject(ipAddress.getUuid(), "ipId");
throw ex;
Long vmId = ipAddress.getAssociatedWithVmId();
if (vmId == null) {
InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Specified IP address id is not associated with any vm Id");
ex.addProxyObject(ipAddress.getUuid(), "ipId");
throw ex;
// if network has elastic IP functionality supported, we first have to disable static nat on old ip in order to
// re-enable it on the new one enable static nat takes care of that
Network guestNetwork = _networkModel.getNetwork(ipAddress.getAssociatedWithNetworkId());
NetworkOffering offering = _entityMgr.findById(NetworkOffering.class, guestNetwork.getNetworkOfferingId());
if (offering.getElasticIp()) {
if (offering.getAssociatePublicIP()) {
getSystemIpAndEnableStaticNatForVm(_vmDao.findById(vmId), true);
return true;
return disableStaticNat(ipId, caller, ctx.getCallingUserId(), false);
public boolean disableStaticNat(long ipId, Account caller, long callerUserId, boolean releaseIpIfElastic) throws ResourceUnavailableException {
boolean success = true;
IPAddressVO ipAddress = _ipAddressDao.findById(ipId);
checkIpAndUserVm(ipAddress, null, caller, false);
long networkId = ipAddress.getAssociatedWithNetworkId();
if (!ipAddress.isOneToOneNat()) {
InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("One to one nat is not enabled for the specified ip id");
ex.addProxyObject(ipAddress.getUuid(), "ipId");
throw ex;
_ipAddressDao.update(ipAddress.getId(), ipAddress);
ipAddress = _ipAddressDao.findById(ipId);
// Revoke all firewall rules for the ip
try {
s_logger.debug("Revoking all " + Purpose.Firewall + "rules as a part of disabling static nat for public IP id=" + ipId);
if (!_firewallMgr.revokeFirewallRulesForIp(ipId, callerUserId, caller)) {
s_logger.warn("Unable to revoke all the firewall rules for ip id=" + ipId + " as a part of disable statis nat");
success = false;
} catch (ResourceUnavailableException e) {
s_logger.warn("Unable to revoke all firewall rules for ip id=" + ipId + " as a part of ip release", e);
success = false;
if (!revokeAllPFAndStaticNatRulesForIp(ipId, callerUserId, caller)) {
s_logger.warn("Unable to revoke all static nat rules for ip " + ipAddress);
success = false;
if (success) {
boolean isIpSystem = ipAddress.getSystem();
if (isIpSystem && !releaseIpIfElastic) {
_ipAddressDao.update(ipAddress.getId(), ipAddress);
_vpcMgr.unassignIPFromVpcNetwork(ipAddress.getId(), networkId);
if (isIpSystem && releaseIpIfElastic && !_ipAddrMgr.handleSystemIpRelease(ipAddress)) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to release system ip address " + ipAddress);
success = false;
return true;
} else {
s_logger.warn("Failed to disable one to one nat for the ip address id" + ipId);
ipAddress = _ipAddressDao.findById(ipId);
_ipAddressDao.update(ipAddress.getId(), ipAddress);
return false;
public StaticNatRule buildStaticNatRule(FirewallRule rule, boolean forRevoke) {
IpAddress ip = _ipAddressDao.findById(rule.getSourceIpAddressId());
FirewallRuleVO ruleVO = _firewallDao.findById(rule.getId());
if (ip == null || !ip.isOneToOneNat() || ip.getAssociatedWithVmId() == null) {
InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Source ip address of the specified firewall rule id is not static nat enabled");
ex.addProxyObject(ruleVO.getUuid(), "ruleId");
throw ex;
String dstIp = ip.getVmIp();
if (dstIp == null) {
InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("VM ip address of the specified public ip is not set ");
ex.addProxyObject(ruleVO.getUuid(), "ruleId");
throw ex;
return new StaticNatRuleImpl(ruleVO, dstIp);
protected boolean applyStaticNatForIp(long sourceIpId, boolean continueOnError, Account caller, boolean forRevoke) {
IpAddress sourceIp = _ipAddressDao.findById(sourceIpId);
List<StaticNat> staticNats = createStaticNatForIp(sourceIp, caller, forRevoke);
if (staticNats != null && !staticNats.isEmpty()) {
try {
if (!_ipAddrMgr.applyStaticNats(staticNats, continueOnError, forRevoke)) {
return false;
} catch (ResourceUnavailableException ex) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to create static nat rule due to ", ex);
return false;
return true;
public boolean applyStaticNatForNetwork(long networkId, boolean continueOnError, Account caller, boolean forRevoke) {
List<? extends IpAddress> staticNatIps = _ipAddressDao.listStaticNatPublicIps(networkId);
List<StaticNat> staticNats = new ArrayList<StaticNat>();
for (IpAddress staticNatIp : staticNatIps) {
staticNats.addAll(createStaticNatForIp(staticNatIp, caller, forRevoke));
if (staticNats != null && !staticNats.isEmpty()) {
if (forRevoke) {
s_logger.debug("Found " + staticNats.size() + " static nats to disable for network id " + networkId);
try {
if (!_ipAddrMgr.applyStaticNats(staticNats, continueOnError, forRevoke)) {
return false;
} catch (ResourceUnavailableException ex) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to create static nat rule due to ", ex);
return false;
} else {
s_logger.debug("Found 0 static nat rules to apply for network id " + networkId);
return true;
protected List<StaticNat> createStaticNatForIp(IpAddress sourceIp, Account caller, boolean forRevoke) {
List<StaticNat> staticNats = new ArrayList<StaticNat>();
if (!sourceIp.isOneToOneNat()) {
s_logger.debug("Source ip id=" + sourceIp + " is not one to one nat");
return staticNats;
Long networkId = sourceIp.getAssociatedWithNetworkId();
if (networkId == null) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Ip address is not associated with any network");
VMInstanceVO vm = _vmInstanceDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(sourceIp.getAssociatedWithVmId());
Network network = _networkModel.getNetwork(networkId);
if (network == null) {
CloudRuntimeException ex = new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to find an ip address to map to specified vm id");
ex.addProxyObject(vm.getUuid(), "vmId");
throw ex;
if (caller != null) {
_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, sourceIp);
// create new static nat rule
// Get nic IP4 address
Nic guestNic = _networkModel.getNicInNetworkIncludingRemoved(vm.getId(), networkId);
if (guestNic == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Vm doesn't belong to the network with specified id");
String dstIp;
dstIp = sourceIp.getVmIp();
if (dstIp == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Vm ip is not set as dnat ip for this public ip");
String srcMac = null;
try {
srcMac = _networkModel.getNextAvailableMacAddressInNetwork(networkId);
} catch (InsufficientAddressCapacityException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Insufficient MAC address for static NAT instantiation.");
StaticNatImpl staticNat = new StaticNatImpl(sourceIp.getAllocatedToAccountId(), sourceIp.getAllocatedInDomainId(), networkId, sourceIp.getId(), dstIp, srcMac, forRevoke);
return staticNats;
public void getSystemIpAndEnableStaticNatForVm(VirtualMachine vm, boolean getNewIp) throws InsufficientAddressCapacityException {
boolean success = true;
// enable static nat if eIp capability is supported
List<? extends Nic> nics = _nicDao.listByVmId(vm.getId());
for (Nic nic : nics) {
Network guestNetwork = _networkModel.getNetwork(nic.getNetworkId());
NetworkOffering offering = _entityMgr.findById(NetworkOffering.class, guestNetwork.getNetworkOfferingId());
if (offering.getElasticIp()) {
boolean isSystemVM = (vm.getType() == Type.ConsoleProxy || vm.getType() == Type.SecondaryStorageVm);
// for user VM's associate public IP only if offering is marked to associate a public IP by default on start of VM
if (!isSystemVM && !offering.getAssociatePublicIP()) {
// check if there is already static nat enabled
if (_ipAddressDao.findByAssociatedVmId(vm.getId()) != null && !getNewIp) {
s_logger.debug("Vm " + vm + " already has ip associated with it in guest network " + guestNetwork);
s_logger.debug("Allocating system ip and enabling static nat for it for the vm " + vm + " in guest network " + guestNetwork);
IpAddress ip = _ipAddrMgr.assignSystemIp(guestNetwork.getId(), _accountMgr.getAccount(vm.getAccountId()), false, true);
if (ip == null) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to allocate system ip for vm " + vm + " in guest network " + guestNetwork);
s_logger.debug("Allocated system ip " + ip + ", now enabling static nat on it for vm " + vm);
try {
success = enableStaticNat(ip.getId(), vm.getId(), guestNetwork.getId(), isSystemVM, null);
} catch (NetworkRuleConflictException ex) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to enable static nat as a part of enabling elasticIp and staticNat for vm " + vm + " in guest network " + guestNetwork +
" due to exception ", ex);
success = false;
} catch (ResourceUnavailableException ex) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to enable static nat as a part of enabling elasticIp and staticNat for vm " + vm + " in guest network " + guestNetwork +
" due to exception ", ex);
success = false;
if (!success) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to enable static nat on system ip " + ip + " for the vm " + vm + ", releasing the ip...");
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to enable static nat on system ip for the vm " + vm);
} else {
s_logger.warn("Succesfully enabled static nat on system ip " + ip + " for the vm " + vm);
protected void removePFRule(PortForwardingRuleVO rule) {
public List<FirewallRuleVO> listAssociatedRulesForGuestNic(Nic nic) {
s_logger.debug("Checking if PF/StaticNat/LoadBalancer rules are configured for nic " + nic.getId());
List<FirewallRuleVO> result = new ArrayList<FirewallRuleVO>();
// add PF rules
result.addAll(_portForwardingDao.listByNetworkAndDestIpAddr(nic.getIPv4Address(), nic.getNetworkId()));
if(result.size() > 0) {
s_logger.debug("Found " + result.size() + " portforwarding rule configured for the nic in the network " + nic.getNetworkId());
// add static NAT rules
List<FirewallRuleVO> staticNatRules = _firewallDao.listStaticNatByVmId(nic.getInstanceId());
for (FirewallRuleVO rule : staticNatRules) {
if (rule.getNetworkId() == nic.getNetworkId()) {
s_logger.debug("Found rule " + rule.getId() + " " + rule.getPurpose() + " configured");
List<? extends IpAddress> staticNatIps = _ipAddressDao.listStaticNatPublicIps(nic.getNetworkId());
for (IpAddress ip : staticNatIps) {
if (ip.getVmIp() != null && ip.getVmIp().equals(nic.getIPv4Address())) {
VMInstanceVO vm = _vmInstanceDao.findById(nic.getInstanceId());
// generate a static Nat rule on the fly because staticNATrule does not persist into db anymore
FirewallRuleVO staticNatRule =
new FirewallRuleVO(null, ip.getId(), 0, 65535, NetUtils.ALL_PROTO.toString(), nic.getNetworkId(), vm.getAccountId(), vm.getDomainId(),
Purpose.StaticNat, null, null, null, null, null);
s_logger.debug("Found rule " + staticNatRule.getId() + " " + staticNatRule.getPurpose() + " configured");
// add LB rules
List<LoadBalancerVMMapVO> lbMapList = _loadBalancerVMMapDao.listByInstanceId(nic.getInstanceId());
for (LoadBalancerVMMapVO lb : lbMapList) {
FirewallRuleVO lbRule = _firewallDao.findById(lb.getLoadBalancerId());
if (lbRule.getNetworkId() == nic.getNetworkId()) {
s_logger.debug("Found rule " + lbRule.getId() + " " + lbRule.getPurpose() + " configured");
return result;
@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_NET_RULE_MODIFY, eventDescription = "updating forwarding rule", async = true)
public PortForwardingRule updatePortForwardingRule(long id, Integer privatePort, Integer privateEndPort, Long virtualMachineId, Ip vmGuestIp, String customId, Boolean forDisplay) {
Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount();
PortForwardingRuleVO rule = _portForwardingDao.findById(id);
if (rule == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find " + id);
_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, rule);
if (customId != null) {
if (forDisplay != null) {
if (privatePort != null && !NetUtils.isValidPort(privatePort)) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("privatePort is an invalid value: " + privatePort);
if (privateEndPort != null && !NetUtils.isValidPort(privateEndPort)) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("PrivateEndPort has an invalid value: " + privateEndPort);
if (privatePort != null && privateEndPort != null && ((privateEndPort - privatePort) != (rule.getSourcePortEnd() - rule.getSourcePortStart())))
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to update the private port range of port forwarding rule as " +
"the provided port range is not consistent with the port range : " + rule.getSourcePortStart() + " to " + rule.getSourcePortEnd());
//in case of port range
if (!rule.getSourcePortStart().equals(rule.getSourcePortEnd())) {
if ((privatePort == null || privateEndPort == null) && !(privatePort == null && privateEndPort == null)) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to update the private port range of port forwarding rule as " +
"the provided port range is not consistent with the port range : " + rule.getSourcePortStart() + " to " + rule.getSourcePortEnd());
if (virtualMachineId == null && vmGuestIp != null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("vmguestip should be set along with virtualmachineid");
Ip dstIp = rule.getDestinationIpAddress();
if (virtualMachineId != null) {
// Verify that vm has nic in the network
Nic guestNic = _networkModel.getNicInNetwork(virtualMachineId, rule.getNetworkId());
if (guestNic == null || guestNic.getIPv4Address() == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Vm doesn't belong to network associated with ipAddress");
} else {
dstIp = new Ip(guestNic.getIPv4Address());
if (vmGuestIp != null) {
//vm ip is passed so it can be primary or secondary ip addreess.
if (!dstIp.equals(vmGuestIp)) {
//the vm ip is secondary ip to the nic.
// is vmIp is secondary ip or not
NicSecondaryIp secondaryIp = _nicSecondaryDao.findByIp4AddressAndNicId(vmGuestIp.toString(), guestNic.getId());
if (secondaryIp == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("IP Address is not in the VM nic's network ");
dstIp = vmGuestIp;
// revoke old rules at first
List<PortForwardingRuleVO> rules = new ArrayList<PortForwardingRuleVO>();
_portForwardingDao.update(id, rule);
try {
if (!_firewallMgr.applyRules(rules, true, false)) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to revoke the existing port forwarding rule:" + id);
} catch (ResourceUnavailableException ex) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to revoke the existing port forwarding rule:" + id + " due to ", ex);
rule = _portForwardingDao.findById(id);
if (privatePort != null) {
rule.setDestinationPortEnd((privateEndPort == null) ? privatePort.intValue() : privateEndPort.intValue());
} else if (privateEndPort != null) {
if (virtualMachineId != null) {
_portForwardingDao.update(id, rule);
//apply new rules
if (!applyPortForwardingRules(rule.getSourceIpAddressId(), false, caller)) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to apply the new port forwarding rule:" + id);
return _portForwardingDao.findById(id);