blob: 2f34575a058ca9609fb1653f0519dd86f0580d6c [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under
the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS
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governing permissions and limitations under the License. -->
<WixLocalization Culture="en-us" xmlns="">
<String Id="ProductName">Apache Cloud Stack</String>
<String Id="ProductManufacturer">Apache</String>
<String Id="PackageDescription">Apache Cloud Stack Installer</String>
<String Id="PackageComments">ACS is a registered trademark</String>
<String Id="PackageManufacturer">Apache</String>
<String Id="Tomcat6ConditionMessage">Apache tomcat6 is not installed please do install tomcat6 and then try</String>
<String Id="Java7ConditionMessage">Java 7 Is not Installed. Please Install Java 7 and then try</String>
<String Id="Python2ConditionMessage">Python 2.7 is not installed Please do install python and then try</String>
<String Id="SevenZConditionMessage">7Z is not installed please do install 7z and then try</String>
<String Id="FeatureTitle1">Management Server</String>
<String Id="FeatureDescription1">The Main Executable of Cloud Stack.</String>
<String Id="FeatureDescription2">The complete package.</String>
<String Id="DatabaseInformationTitle">Provide Database Information</String>
<String Id="DatabaseInformationDescription">Please provide the database information that host the cloud schemas</String>
<String Id="DbServerIpLabel">Host Name</String>
<String Id="DbUserNameLabel">User Name</String>
<String Id="DbPasswordLabel">Password</String>
<String Id="DbRootPasswordLabel">Root Password</String>
<String Id="DbServerPortLabel">Port</String>
<String Id="CreateDBCheckBoxLabel">Create Cloud Stack Database</String>
<String Id="GenerateSSLKey">Generating SSL Keys which is needed to talk to Management Server.</String>
<String Id="DeployDB">Creating Database and needed Schemas for management server.</String>
<String Id="SetupDatabases">Updating with the given database configuration.</String>
<String Id="DeleteDirectory">Deleting un-necessary directories from installation directory.</String>
<String Id="CopySitePackages">Copying Management Server related python libraries.</String>
<String Id="SetuptoolsInstallation">Installing Setup Tools for Python.</String>
<String Id="DeleteFiles">Deleting un-necessary files from installation directory.</String>
<String Id="UpdateTomcatCatalinaBase">Updating Tomcat Catalina Base with Management Server Home.</String>
<String Id="UpdateTomcatClassPath">Updating Tomcat Classpath with necessary paths.</String>
<String Id="InstallVersion">Version</String>